THE ROLE OF TOURISM IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF MOUNTAIN REGIONS ABSTRACT Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Ключевые слова
tourism / mountain / socio-economic / economic development / issues / role / increasing / туризм / горный / социально-экономический / экономическое развитие / проблемы / роль / повышение.

Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Ulviyya Zakir Aliyeva

Tourism is not a type of first-class need for life, it is solved within certain boundaries and limitations of human development and his lifestyle. Tourism is formed at a certain level of income of the population, the level of planning and provision for it is measured by the budget and the level of income. Tourism in Azerbaijan is formed and expanded along with overall economic development. Its material and financial base, state economy and management are necessary. Therefore, tourism is an integral part of the economic system, the economy and its distribution system. Along with tourism economy being an integral part of the general economic and social life, its economic basis is the gross domestic product, budget revenues and the entrepreneurial activity of the population. Tourism development in Azerbaijan was developed at the expense of centralized resources in the planned economic system and had the status of a site as a planning object.

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Туризм не является видом первоклассной жизненной потребности, он решается в определенных гра-ницах и ограничениях развития человека и его образа жизни. Туризм формируется при определенном уровне доходов населения, уровень планирования и обеспечения его измеряется бюджетом и уровнем доходов. Туризм в Азербайджане формируется и расширяется вместе с общим экономическим развити-ем. Необходимы его материальная и финансовая база, государственное хозяйство и управление. Поэто-му туризм является составной частью экономической системы, экономики и системы ее распределения. Наряду с тем, что туристская экономика является неотъемлемой частью общей экономической и обще-ственной жизни, ее экономической основой являются валовой внутренний продукт, доходы бюджета и предпринимательская активность населения. Развитие туризма в Азербайджане развивалось за счет централизованных ресурсов в системе планового хозяйства и имело статус участка как объекта плани-рования.





Ulviyya Zakir Aliyeva Ph.D- student, Azerbaijan Corporation University DOI: 10.24412/2520-6990-2022-27150-26-29 THE ROLE OF TOURISM IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF MOUNTAIN REGIONS


Ульвия Закир Алиева

Аспирант, Азербайджанский Корпоративный Университет



Tourism is not a type of first-class needfor life, it is solved within certain boundaries and limitations of human development and his lifestyle. Tourism is formed at a certain level of income of the population, the level ofplanning and provision for it is measured by the budget and the level of income. Tourism in Azerbaijan is formed and expanded along with overall economic development. Its material and financial base, state economy and management are necessary. Therefore, tourism is an integral part of the economic system, the economy and its distribution system. Along with tourism economy being an integral part of the general economic and social life, its economic basis is the gross domestic product, budget revenues and the entrepreneurial activity of the population. Tourism development in Azerbaijan was developed at the expense of centralized resources in the planned economic system and had the status of a site as a planning object.


Туризм не является видом первоклассной жизненной потребности, он решается в определенных границах и ограничениях развития человека и его образа жизни. Туризм формируется при определенном уровне доходов населения, уровень планирования и обеспечения его измеряется бюджетом и уровнем доходов. Туризм в Азербайджане формируется и расширяется вместе с общим экономическим развитием. Необходимы его материальная и финансовая база, государственное хозяйство и управление. Поэтому туризм является составной частью экономической системы, экономики и системы ее распределения. Наряду с тем, что туристская экономика является неотъемлемой частью общей экономической и общественной жизни, ее экономической основой являются валовой внутренний продукт, доходы бюджета и предпринимательская активность населения. Развитие туризма в Азербайджане развивалось за счет централизованных ресурсов в системе планового хозяйства и имело статус участка как объекта планирования.

Key words: tourism, mountain, socio-economic, economic development, issues, role, increasing,

Ключевые слова: туризм, горный, социально-экономический, экономическое развитие, проблемы, роль, повышение.


In determining tourism, its economic meaning the following characteristics can be accepted in the opening of the review:

- Tourism is the placement of people on different routes;

- tourism is always at its last resort and somewhere else represents the day;

- The traveler indicates that he is from the country where he lives permanently;

- Tourism is a temporary trip, it means returning to the previous activity after a certain period of time;

- Tourism shines and reflects its activity.

The main directions of tourism development and the structure of the economic potential of Azerbaijan are determined by the main directions of its involvement in the economic cycle, as well as the socio-demo-graphic characteristics of the consumer segments.

The approach to the model of circulation in tourism is determined by the socio-demographic and standard of living of the population and its further development. The secularity of tourism development is determined by the fact that its consumers are the entire world

population and the characteristics of diverse consumer segments.

It is no secret that tourism is one of the dynamically developing areas of the world economy. As the high rate of development has a large amount of foreign exchange earnings, and affects other sectors of the economy, the tourism industry (internationally) is expanding year by year.

Since tourism development is more a field of strategic planning and management in accordance with dynamic structural changes, its reproduction structure is a component of general economic efficiency and specific efficiency indicators. If tourism plays a decisive role in the formation of gross domestic product and the growth of state income in any country, then tourism is a more efficient sphere in this country.

The main indicators of the tourism service are observed by the intensity of the tourist flow. Of course, the current situation affects this dynamic. Thus, the occurrence of any disease in a certain country or the spread of distorted information about world competition can reduce the flow of tourists to that country. The

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motive of tourism is determined by its choice. Including the financial well-being of the population, sanatoriums, resorts and health care conditions in the country, the displacement of the population, concern, cultural demand, the change of the environment in order to maintain forms the motive of tourism.

With the market economy, limited resources, development of entrepreneurship, new directions and regulatory mechanisms of tourism are emerging. Therefore, tourism is a field of business activity with the purpose of obtaining commercial profit, and it has its own business management characteristics. Global macro-level and micro-level problems of tourism development appear in this aspect.

Although there is a special approach in each aspect, in the development of tourism as a single system, inter-sectoral problems and systematic management principles should be considered.

The prospective role of tourism for the economy of Azerbaijan is possible by changing its current situation. Today, the population of Azerbaijan prefers to use the tourist services of foreign countries. As a result of the current state of the tourism infrastructure and its low level of compliance with the demand, the specific weight of the tourist product in the population consumption is at a non-existent level for poor families.

Therefore, it is necessary to look at the development of tourism as territorial interests rather than field interests. Thus, tourism, being the most effective field for integration and economic cooperation, is becoming a more priority direction due to the fertility of geographical conditions. As Azerbaijan is at the hubs of air, water and rail transport, its territory is important for one-stop and transit tourist connections.

Since the exit from Azerbaijan to Europe takes place by air, water and railway, the options of choosing an alternative transport route and choosing an economically efficient route and transport route shape the tourist countries of the republic.

The main directions of tourism development are carried out according to the main directions of economic and social development. These directions can be grouped as follows:

> Assessment of financial resources taken from and brought to the republic in the development of tourism, measurement of its special weight in economic circulation, money supply and market exchange. Of course, for a country at a high level of development, the total volume of these funds increases the exchange of money, changes in bank interest rates and the country's income from tourism.

> Since the development of tourism is a field and functional structure of economic activity, that field is also formed as a progressive field as a component and perspective of entrepreneurship development, attracting additional capital flow to the opening of new jobs, and the complex development of each region.

> Tourism and business activity affects the formation of the first production and service sphere necessary for tourism demand, the development of competitive production and infrastructure, and also the increase of people working in the field of tourism among the

population, the formation of tourism-related education, healthcare, household and transport infrastructure.

> The inclusion of tourism in the system of cultural values determines the ways of using world civilization and the efforts to enter the world tourist system about the development of the socio-economic social cultural areas of the republic.

> The development of tourism as an economic and social factor can lead to the transformation of the banking system in the republic, the rate of insurance for the insurance of non-cash foreign citizens, and the transit service sphere according to world standards.

> The development of tourism in the regions of Absheron, Guba, Khachmaz, Ganja, Zakatala and Na-khchivan in the republic creates conditions for the complex development of the internal regions of the republic, the expansion of their social infrastructure areas and the change of services according to new market-type requirements.

> In accordance with the socio-economic essence of tourism, it has led to the development of education, healthcare and other service areas, and creates conditions for the expansion of the sphere of paid services.

Alternative decision-making in the development of tourism through a targeted program determines the intensity and spectrum of attracting the necessary resources and potential. Natural growth in tourism development takes into account changes in population and ecological environment.

Natural growth exists in each republic with qualitative changes in the economy that occur along with the economic factor. Including forest, mountain and climate change is a common factor that causes any type of tourism to increase and decrease in the current year. Therefore, in the aspect of organizing tourism, personnel potential, advertising and also the public opinion of those who came to the republic as tourists play a key role.

In Azerbaijan, in 1995-2003, dynamic development trend and high growth were observed in all areas of the economy, but the growth of the product as a result of the tourism turnover lags behind the general economic growth.

The specific weight of the territory of Azerbaijan in terms of its foreign trade turnover shapes its impact on tourism potential. Today, due to the special result in the motive of tourism, business tourism and short-term tourism determine the growth of tourists for commercial purposes.

In the study of tourism, cause and effect relationships are formed based on the principles of adaptation of suitable options. Thus, the natural growth of the population, its age structure and the average monthly level of the pension, the state's one-time allowance for tourists, or free shipping form the activity of its contingents in each republic. which does not change, is 0.8%.

Natural population growth is 8.0-10 people per 1000 people in 2002-2003. This means a 2.2 times decrease compared to 1990. The potential of the population is made possible not only by the demand for tourism, but also by raising their standard of living, increasing the role of moral demand in the way of life, and also



by spreading information about the advantages of tourism in Azerbaijan among the countries of the world and their adequacy.

The richness of natural resources and its evaluation as tourism potential can be the main direction of the complex development of the regions. The natural resources of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic are its tourism base as an economic zone, and the natural economic potential of Sheki, Zakatala, Guba-Khach-maz and Absheron economic regions is a potential base for the development of urban and rural tourism.

Achieving the desired results in managed tourism includes impacts for Tourism management is improved by the site, management principles and favorable options for the reconciliation of the interests of tourism subjects. The Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the Republic of Azerbaijan, local government bodies and tourism departments organize the management subject of tourism.

Management objects to tourist companies, tourism services process and sub-systems that serve tourism. Tourism management is possible by finding forms of mutually beneficial relations and mutual interests between its subjects and objects.

Sports, culture and tourism relations in Azerbaijan are managed by government and coordinating councils. For this purpose, government programs are created, which in turn solve the following:

1. Forms the policy of the state in the field of tourism;

2. Creates a system of laws and legal norms.

3. Prepares measures and programs for the current state of national tourism and its prospects.

Tourism strategy in Azerbaijan and its perspective it reflects the ways of determining the directions and attracting the national resource potential to tourism. The national strategy of tourism and the corresponding implementation mechanisms combine the following issues.

S To mobilize all material and financial resources of banking and commercial structures in the implementation of tourism programs;

S To create a national hotel industry and create competitive conditions in the world market;

S Hotel construction for tourist complexes, attracting financial resources for their modernization;

S Preparing and implementing investment programs to develop foreign and domestic tourism in the regions;

S To attract foreign investments to the tourism sector in Azerbaijan;

S To create a management mechanism related between the state and the ministries in increasing the national tourist product and bringing it to the market.

Ministry of Tourism, Sports and the Republic of Azerbaijan, a tourism committee was established under the Ministry of Culture. It may also perform the following duties in turn:

1. Implementation of tourism policy, organization of hotel and resort business problems;

2. Forecasting in the regions, planning of hotels and resorts in the regions;

3. Justification of resort projects and application of investment programs.

In order to achieve sustainable tourism in our country, it is necessary to create a winter tourism base and eliminate the concept of seasonality. To achieve this goal, the "Shahdag" Summer-Winter Tourism Complex in the Republic of Azerbaijan differs from other complexes of this type in the world with its modernity and universality.

The complex is the first mountain-ski resort in the history of Azerbaijan. Until a few years ago, citizens of Azerbaijan used to go to other countries for the purpose of tourism in the winter season.

However, two winter tourism enterprises are already operating in Azerbaijan: "Shahdag" SummerWinter Recreation Complex in Gusar and "Tufan" Mountain-Ski Center, which was opened in January 2014 in Gabala region.

The construction of these large complexes shows that Azerbaijan pays special attention to the development of alternative types of tourism to summer tourism and the creation of infrastructure in this field.

In the last few years, certain steps have been taken for the development of the tourism sector in Azerbaijan. For this purpose, new hotels and recreation centers have been built, the visa regime is simplified to attract foreign tourists to the country, as well as forms, summits and sports games are held.

There is full provision for foreign tourists to have a comfortable and safe vacation in Azerbaijan. Unique nature, mineral water sources, the only healing Nafta-lan oil in the world, rare ancient architectural monuments, unique culture, national cuisine and many other factors make all types of tourism in Azerbaijan:

- Business;

- Sports;

- Sealing;

- Dating;

- Hunting;

- Exotic;

- Beach;

- Gastronomic;

- Winter tourism.

Khinalig village - located 57 km southwest of the city of Guba, 225 km from the capital, this village stands out for its ethnographic uniqueness. It resembles an amphitheater on a high peak of the Caucasus Mountains. The village

The name Khinalig was born from the charm of its nature. This name refers to the color of the mountain after sunrise. 2350 meters above sea level, surrounded by the 5000-year-old Golden Rock, Shah, Tufan and Khinalig mountains, this village is one of the highest settlements in the world. Villagers speak the Khinalyk language, which has a complex morphological structure. There is no other tribe or nation in the world that speaks this language. Since 2007, Khinalig State Historical Architectural Ethnographic Reserve has been declared.

Gabala - The ancient city of Gabala, located 225 km from Baku, was the capital of the Caucasian Albania state for 600 years. Chestnut forest located 1000 m above sea level is the wealth of this region. The age of



trees protected by the state here is more than 500 years. Mineral water springs and clean water

The city of Gabala, which brings coolness to the heart on hot summer days with its fountains, is also a meeting place for classical music lovers.

An internationally important classical music festival is held in Gabala every summer. Musicians from different continents of the world share their artistic achievements under the open sky in this charming place.

The ancient castles, mausoleums, the ancient tower of the 9th-11th centuries, the Museum of History and Local Studies in Gabala are among the must-visit places for those who want to learn about history. Many monuments were discovered in Nic village of Gabala district. The Albanian church in the village, the historical fountain called "Stone spring" are among these monuments. Also, a number of residential houses built in the original style attract the attention of tourists coming to Nice.

On the right slope of Tugchay, as you move towards the town of Gilazi-Altiagac, you can find one of the wonders created by nature, which is an art "work" formed by the alternation of whitish-gray bentonite type clays and reddish ordinary clays. One of the objects that attract attention along the road is the city of Khizi, whose relief, water, air, socio-economic status renewal and development are noticeable.

As you move towards the mountains, Altyagac National Park becomes more interesting, because the park area literally comes alive. Here, it is not difficult to see that every small bush is so proud. When entering the park territory, the restoration of the ecological balance is felt here, and the denseness of the forest, greenness, and the sound of birds call people to live by giving these places a special beauty.

One of the most beautiful recreational facilities of the Gilazi -Altiagac tourist route is the "Jennat Bagi" recreation complex built near the village of Altiagac. The complex is located in a quiet corner at the foot of the forest. All conditions are created here for recreation in all seasons of the year. Thus, there is a tastefully built hotel, cottages, restaurants, a summer cinema-concert venue, an open-air swimming pool with clean water, a

zoo, various entertainment facilities for children, a tea house built in the forest area, etc.


1. Socio-demographic and economic characteristics of the village base and place tourism segments in consideration;

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2. To justify by increasing the employment and income of the population of the village and to determine the directions of processing and selling agricultural products;

3. Development of entrepreneurship in the village, organization of small and medium entrepreneur-ship activities and creation of mechanisms for their stimulation;

4. Takes into account the natural-geographical and economic potential of the village, actively participates in attracting tourism activities and budgeting tourism revenues;

5. The village itself as an economic mechanism, the relationship with foreign countries and the role of migration problems for the socio-economic development of the village are strengthened.


/Recommended bibliography for the tourism opportunities of our country/ Republican Children's Libraries/ Baku-2019

/A. Alirzayev/ Economics and management of tourism /Baku- 2010

/A. Alirzayev, S. Aslanova/Socio -economic

problems of tourism development

/Gurbanzadeh A. A. /Regional development model of agrarian structure, economic geographical concept/ Baku- 2004.

/Regional features of tourism market formation and management in Azerbaijan: [monography] /E.G. Mammadov/ Baku, 2013.

/The Republic of Azerbaijan in the system of international sports and tourism relations /( in the years of 1991-2005) /Y. Hasanov/ Baku, 2015.

/Basics of tourism: a textbook for undergraduate students of higher schools / Bakiu, 2015.

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