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European research
Ключевые слова
nasal breathing / homeostatic function / reflex influence / upper respiratory tracts. / носовое дыхание / гомеостатическая функция / рефлекторные влияния / верхние дыхательные пути.

Аннотация научной статьи по фундаментальной медицине, автор научной работы — Eliava Georgi Grigorievich, Gabunia Darejan Davydovna, Kasradze Pavel Alexandrovich, Tsintsadze Tamar Givievna, Topuria Lela Sergeevna

the study of linkage between upper respiratory tracts dysfunction and internal diseases is of great importance, since the upper respiratory tracts malfunctions may be manifested prior to their morphological changes. Early detection of functional disturbance of upper respiratory tracts will promote timely diagnosis and treatment of internal diseases. Many factors of natural and industrial environment through different physical and chemical features induce significant injuries of respiratory airways and therefore, reflex influences derived from here on conditions of different organs and functional systems, including breathing and cardiovascular systems, that is reflected on the general physical working capacity. The carried out analysis evidences that nasal breathing disorder influenced by the factors of natural and industrial environment is one of the important triggers of pathogenesis of different diseases. Nasal breathing by means of reflexes of wide-spread nature secures adequate physical capacity of the organism and preservation of its homeostatic function.

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Похожие темы научных работ по фундаментальной медицине , автор научной работы — Eliava Georgi Grigorievich, Gabunia Darejan Davydovna, Kasradze Pavel Alexandrovich, Tsintsadze Tamar Givievna, Topuria Lela Sergeevna

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изучение связей нарушений функции верхних дыхательных путей с внутренними заболеваниями имеет важное значение, так как нарушения функций верхних дыхательных путей могут проявляться раньше, чем морфологические изменения в них. Раннее выявление функциональных расстройств верхних дыхательных путей будет способствовать своевременной диагностике и лечению внутренних болезней. Многие факторы окружающей и производственной среды посредством различных физических и химических особенностей вызывают значительные поражения дыхательных путей и, соответственно, осуществляемых отсюда рефлекторных влияний на состояние различных органов и функциональных систем, в том числе дыхательной и сердечно-сосудистой систем, что отражается на общей физической работоспособности. Проведенный анализ свидетельствует о том, что нарушение носового дыхания под действием факторов окружающей и производственной среды является одним из важных факторов в патогенезе различных заболеваний. Носовое дыхание посредством рефлексов распространенного характера обеспечивает адекватную работоспособность организма и сохранение его гомеостатической функции.



FUNCTION PRESERVATION Eliava G.G.1, Gabunia D.D.2, Kasradze PA.3, Tsintsadze G.G.4, Topuria L.S.5, Topuria Е-S.6


1Eliava Georgi Grigorievich - Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor, DEPARTMENT OF PHARMACY, GEORGIAN TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY; 2Gabunia Darejan Davydovna - Doctor of Medicine, Assistant Professor, DEPARTMENT OF INTERNAL DISEASES №2, TBILISI STATE MEDICAL UNIVERSITY; 3Kasradze Pavel Alexandrovich - Doctor of Medicine, Professor, Head of the Department, DEPARTMENT OF MEDICAL REHABILITATION AND SPORTS MEDICINE, CENTRAL UNIVERSITY CLINIC. ACADEMICIAN N. KIPSHIDZE 4Tsintsadze Tamar Givievna - Doctor of Medicine, Professor, Head of Department, DEPARTMENT OF PHARMACY, GEORGIAN TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY; 5Topuria Lela Sergeevna - Doctor of Biology, Professor, DEPARTMENT OF CHEMICAL AND BIOLOGICAL TECHNOLOGY, GEORGIAN TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY; 6Topuria Ekaterina Sergeevna - Doctor of Chemistry, Associate Professor, DEPARTMENT OF CHEMISTRY, GEORGIAN TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY, TBILISI, GEORGIA

Abstract: the study of linkage between upper respiratory tracts dysfunction and internal diseases is of great importance, since the upper respiratory tracts malfunctions may be manifested prior to their morphological changes. Early detection of functional disturbance of upper respiratory tracts will promote timely diagnosis and treatment of internal diseases.

Many factors of natural and industrial environment through different physical and chemical features induce significant injuries of respiratory airways and therefore, reflex influences derived from here on conditions of different organs and functional systems, including breathing and cardiovascular systems, that is reflected on the general physical working capacity.

The carried out analysis evidences that nasal breathing disorder influenced by the factors of natural and industrial environment is one of the important triggers ofpathogenesis of different diseases.

Nasal breathing by means of reflexes of wide-spread nature secures adequate physical capacity of the organism and preservation of its homeostatic function.

Keywords: nasal breathing, homeostatic function, reflex influence, upper respiratory tracts.


Топурия Е.С.6 (Грузия)

1Элиава Георгий Григорьевич - доктор биологических наук, профессор, кафедра фармации, Грузинский технический университет; 2Габуния Дареджан Давыдовна - доктор медицины, ассистент-профессор, кафедра внутренних болезней №2, Тбилисского государственного медицинского университета; 3Касрадзе Павел Александрович - доктор медицины, профессор, руководитель департамента, кафедра медицинской реабилитации и спортивной медицины, Центральная университетская клиника им. академика Н. Кипшидзе; 4Цинцадзе Тамар Гивиевна - доктор медицины, профессор, руководитель департамента, кафедра фармации, Грузинский технический университет; 5Топурия Лела Сергеевна - доктор биологии, профессор, кафедра химической и биологической технологии, Грузинский технический университет; 6Топурия Екатерина Сергеевна - доктор химии, ассоциированный профессор, кафедра химии, Грузинский технический университет, г. Тбилиси, Грузия

Аннотация: изучение связей нарушений функции верхних дыхательных путей с внутренними заболеваниями имеет важное значение, так как нарушения функций верхних дыхательных путей могут проявляться раньше, чем морфологические изменения в них.

Раннее выявление функциональных расстройств верхних дыхательных путей будет способствовать своевременной диагностике и лечению внутренних болезней.

Многие факторы окружающей и производственной среды посредством различных физических и химических особенностей вызывают значительные поражения дыхательных путей и, соответственно, осуществляемых отсюда рефлекторных влияний на состояние различных органов и функциональных систем, в том числе дыхательной и сердечно-сосудистой систем, что отражается на общей физической работоспособности.

Проведенный анализ свидетельствует о том, что нарушение носового дыхания под действием факторов окружающей и производственной среды является одним из важных факторов в патогенезе различных заболеваний.

Носовое дыхание посредством рефлексов распространенного характера обеспечивает адекватную работоспособность организма и сохранение его гомеостатической функции.

Ключевые слова: носовое дыхание, гомеостатическая функция, рефлекторные влияния, верхние дыхательные пути.

At the modern stage of medical science development, the study of ear, nose and throat (ENT) disorders, detection of their early stages and establishment of linkage with different vital organs and functional system aimed to carrying out of preventive and health-promoting measures is of substantial significance.

Taking into account of harmful effect of industrial environment on the ear, nose and throat organs is of great importance, as well.

The diversity of etiological factors of the industrial environment, their different combination, polytropism, established regularities, underlaying their action mechanism, determine the features of professional diseases development and progression as well as some methods of specific etiological and pathogenetic therapy.

Professional ENT diseases may be caused by action of chemical factors, dust influence, physical factors (noise, vibration, ultrasound etc.), as well as by acoustic apparatus athletic overextension and traumatism.

According to the literature data and information acquired by us there has been determined that air passage through a nose causes reflex reactions from nasal cavity receptors [1-6, 11-25]. Nasal breathing deprivation (disorder) immediately induces weakening of vibrations of brain sinuses and spinal cord liquid [6]; lung ventilation reduces 15-16% in average [6, 9].

Sercer (1960) established that chest expansion during nasal breathing is larger than in case of oral breathing [25]. Prolonged deprivation of nasal breathing causes serious disorders of organism vital activity. Children with a long-term disordered nasal breathing are retarded in mental and physical development.

Volfkovich (1963) mentioned that during heavy dust (silt) action, a nasal cavity is injured as a rule, while in case of light dust - throat, larynx, trachea are usually damaged and takes place disorders of mucous membrane penetration, excretion and absorption functions, smelling, electrophysiological activity etc..

Dust particles in some cases may accumulate in nose and cover with a mineral mass with formation of rhinolithes and concrements.

Injurious exposure of dust is caused by its physical properties. There is observed a severe damage of mucous membrane of upper respiratory tracts with metal dust liberated during metal cleaning and lathing.

Among mineral substances an especial injurious exposure is peculiar for silicon compounds appearing in the form of sand, pebble, and rock. These particles having pointed serrated edges cause expressed pathological changes in the mucous coat of the upper respiratory airways among workers of different productions [7-11].

Severe damages are inflicted by a cement dust, which promotes nose bleeding, atrophic processes, nasal septum cartilaginous department perforation, epithelial lining metaplasia, formation of polyps and development of inflammatory processes, formation of concrements and rhinolhites in paranasal sinuses of the nasal cavity [11].

Along with mechanical action, dust particles have a chemical effect on the mucous membranes of upper respiratory tracts, as well [7, 8]. They cause irritation and sometimes necrosis and damage of nerve cells of a tissue. Copper dust, lead compounds etc. have a general resorption and local effect. Tobacco has a slight chemical impact along with mechanical action.

Some types of dust (oat, flax dust etc.) promote allergic reactions associated with allergen action.

The nature of gaseous substances effect on the upper respiratory airways depends on gas solubility degree in a liquid, on its affinity with cell membrane lipoids and on partial pressure. The more is the gas solubility, the more significant is the degree of upper respiratory airways damage. In case of low solubility, a gas penetrates into lungs, where it makes contact with alveolar epithelium and may cause general intoxication.

Gas impact on the mucous membrane of upper respiratory tracts is determined through its direct chemical effect, acute inflammatory reaction and infection afterwards. There are especially expressed cauterizing effect and necrotic effect, which cause deep fulguration (ablation of tissue). Due to this fact, necrotic areas then need a long time for cicatrization. Mucous coat of upper respiratory tracts damaged with gases easily exposes to infection. Alkalis have less intensive cauterizing effect.

Smoke, soot and smut have some impact on the mucous membrane of upper respiratory airways, as well. This effect depends on chemical and physical features of particles. Black coal smoke is the most harmful.

In case of pulmonary diseases, upper respiratory tracts illnesses induced by industrial factors make situation even worse.

For instance, the study of nasal breathing of pit workers showed that in 55,86% of cases air freely passes through a nose, while in 43,22% air passing is labored.

Nasal breathing function has been studied in the control group of pit workers, who were not worked in coal-mining industry and on pit workers, who were diseased by pneumoconiosis.

It has been established via Goldstein method that nasal breathing of workers operating under the surface is much worse that in the control group, both during inspiration and expiration, while among patients with pneumoconiosis nasal

breathing is worse by far, than that of workers operating under the surface, who didn't have any pathological pulmonary changes.

Nasal breathing disorder among patients with pneumoconiosis could be explained not only by more expressed changes in the mucous coat of a nose, but also by disorder of unconditioned respiratory reflexes [1, 21-15]. This fact affirms the opinion of some researchers, who believe that nasal breathing disorder among pit workers is one of the most important factors of pneumoconiosis pathogenesis [7, 8, 12].

Our studies established that nasal breathing has a significant impact on the general physical working capacity. It has been determined via PWC170 test. We have simultaneously recorded bicycle ergogram, which enables us to discuss the fatigue of a person under test at the given load and to determine activity duration at the given rotation frequency.

The obtained result points at the fact that a general physical working capacity is higher during nasal breathing only, than in case of oral breathing. Persons being tested during oral breathing only, have noticed faster muscle fatigue.

So, one can conclude that nasal breathing disorder suppresses the action of systems (central nervous system, cardiovascular system, breathing system etc.) vitally important for organism.

Nasal breathing by means of reflexes of widespread nature provides preservation of adequate working capacity and homeostatic (maintenance) function of organism, in general.

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