Научная статья на тему 'The role of the Internet in the globalisation of small to medium-sized enterprises in Ukraine'

The role of the Internet in the globalisation of small to medium-sized enterprises in Ukraine Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Brendan D’cruz, Zamir Hussain

This paper looks at the development of SMEs in Ukraine and outlines the factors that have affected their growth. The paper then focuses on the role of the Internet in the globalisation of SMEs, and considers the opportunities and potential limitations created by the Internet. This is then related to how the Internet can transform SMEs specifically in Ukraine, thereby addressing some of the current obstacles to their development.

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Текст научной работы на тему «The role of the Internet in the globalisation of small to medium-sized enterprises in Ukraine»


UDC 681.324.01



The development of the small business sector in Ukraine is believed to be central to economic reforms and to the creation of wealth and employment (Isakova, 1997). Given the inherent instability and general weakness of the U krainian economy, there have been many internal and external obstacles to the development of small enterprises in a variety of business sectors. However, the recent growth and development of the Internet as a vehicle for business transformation has provided opportunities for small to medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Ukraine to enter global markets. The extent to which this is the case for Ukraine and similar developing economies is an emerging research issue, given that various studies have already identified tangible benefits for the growth of SMEs in developed economies (e.g. McWilliams, 1995; Daniel & Myers, 2000; Warren, 2000). This paper looks at the development of SMEs in Ukraine and outlines the factors that have affected their growth. The paper then focuses on the role of the Internet in the globalisation of SMEs, and considers the opportunities and potential limitations created by the Internet. This is then related to how the Internet can transform SMEs specifically in Ukraine, thereby addressing some of the current obstacles to their development. Examples of Ukrainian SMEs using Internet globalisation strategies are provided, and the opportunity for further research in this area is discussed.


It is widely accepted that two main types of small business exist in the republics of the former Soviet Union: small enterprises and cooperatives (Isakova, 1997). Cooperatives were first established from 1986 onwards during the early stages of Perestroika, and they had significant privileges enabling them to operate successfully within the framework of the Soviet Union prior to collapse in 1991. Small enterprises effectively started in 1990 following a resolution affecting the development of small enterprises by the Soviet of Ministers of the Ukrainian SSR. This resolution stated that during their first two years of operation small enterprises were not required to pay any taxes, and Ukraine immediately experienced a twenty-fold increase in the number of registered small enterprises. The owners of large state-owned enterprises were initially very active in launching small enterprises because this was particularly profitable at the time. Then in 1992, a law governing private property was introduced, and the

number of small businesses began to grow mostly on the basis of private capital gradually replacing cooperatives. By 1994 both were still in existence, but many cooperatives attempted to equate themselves legally with the status of small enterprises. Following the introduction in 1994 of the law on enterprises, profit tax levels were set at 30% for small enterprises. Ukraine subsequently saw a rapid decrease in the number of new small enterprises, worsened by the fact that by 1997 these enterprises had to pay 13 different taxes amounting to between 70 and 90% of their profit. This forced many of them to consider either bankruptcy or operating in the shadow economy. In total over 90,000 small enterprises were registered, but only 45,000 ofthem had reported as operating (figures cited in Isakova, 1997). According to official data for 1995 provided by the Ministry of Statistics in Ukraine, the level of small business growth in Ukraine not only lagged behind the developed economies, but also the transition economies. The slowdown of the small business sector from a high growth rate of 52% in 1991 to 0.8% in 1994 is important, given that by 1995 this sector still accounted for approximately 60% of Ukraine’s GDP. Statistical data suggested that the majority of these small enterprises operated primarily in ‘retail and catering’ or ‘transport’, followed by ‘industrial enterprises’ and ‘construction firms’. This data does not include investment companies and funds as these are considered business infrastructure institutions by the Ministry of Statistics in Ukraine. However, based on the number of employees in these firms, they can be considered small to medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) that have a major role to play in the economic reforms in Ukraine. This is consistent with the definition adopted by the European Commission that describes SMEs as companies that typically have less than 250 employees. Globally, SMEs contribute greatly to national economies e.g. the USA has more than 23 million SMEs that generate more than half of all employment (Baldwin et al., 2001). It is clear that the health and development of SMEs in Ukraine will have an influence on the development of the Ukrainian economy in general.

Growth of the Small Business Sector in Ukraine

The majority of employees in the small business sector in Ukraine predominantly work in ‘retail and catering’ or in ‘services to the population’, and these have traditionally been considered the easiest for small business start-ups. In recent years, the ‘research and development’ sector (in other words technology infrastructure firms) has been an entry resistant sector for small businesses in Ukraine for various reasons. Although Ukraine has high research potential, the reduction of R&D allocation in the state budget combined with factors affecting the gradual transformation of scientific research has meant that the demand for intellectual products in Ukraine is less than the supply. This means that technology-based enterprises have faced greater constraints to their development than firms involved in other activities. This is not to say that such firms do not operate in Ukraine as they are arguably a major presence in the shadow economy. No reliable data is available for the shadow sectors, but some Ukrainian


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experts evaluate the ‘legal to illegal’ small business ratio in different sectors as follows: retail trade - 30:70, services - 40:60, manufacturing - 50:50 (Isakova, 1997). There are various opportunities and threats for firms in these sectors, and these have influenced the development of SMEs. The purpose of this paper is to consider the role of the Internet in the development, and indeed globalisation, of such SMEs in Ukraine. The main opportunities for these firms have traditionally been as follows (Isakova, 1997):

— Greater opportunities resulting from the legitimisation of private small business

— Until recently, a shortage in the marketplace of consumer goods and foodstuffs

— Great demand for business and professional services

— Abundance of qualified and well educated labour force

— Low internal competition and niches in manufacturing and services

— Comparative independence from the former Soviet Union market

— High availability of natural and technological resources

It can be assumed that most of these opportunities are applicable to all sectors, but the availability of a highly qualified labour force and the availability of technological resources is particularly relevant for the development of technology-based enterprises. The main threats for small businesses have been described as follows (Klochko & Isakova, 1996):

— An absence of small enterprise legislation, with inconsistent and ineffective regulations

— Restrictive currency controls

— Burdensome taxation policies

— Low access to equity and loan capital due to lack of sources of capital, and an inadequate banking system

— Poverty of the population as a whole

— High cost of commercial space/equipment

— Shortages of some necessary suppliers and raw materials

— Underdeveloped business and legal infrastructure

— Crime, corruption, bribery, racketeering

— Problematic relationships with large state enterprises

— Lack of government S ME support programmes

The technology sector has been particularly susceptible to these threats, thereby limiting the growth of technology-based enterprises. Isakova (1997) argues that one of the best ways to facilitate the transition to market and restore economic health in Ukraine would be to use technology to create value-added jobs and fosterworldwide exports, achievable by generating innovation and diffusing new technologies. This aspect has not been possible because of the absence of customers, long-term loans, adequate banking and business infrastructure, and a lack of venture capitalists seeking involvement with Ukraine.

This situation has been worsened by the lack of support organisations and foundations seeking to assist business innovation, and when coupled with uncertainty about intellectual property and the cost of patents has acted as a deterrent for many entrepreneurs. This however has not been the case in the developed countries where major technological growth and entrepreneurial activity has occurred, particularly during the emergence of Internet-mediated opportunities in the “New Economy” as described in the next section.

Electronic Business and the New Economy

One of the biggest challenges facing large and small enterprises in the developed world is the need to find ways to increase the value from their customers rather than from their products, to gain revenue growth that is continued instead ofpurely short-term (Vandermerwe, 2000). The main aim is to make customers want the services of a particular company as their sole or dominant choice because they provide superior value at low cost, from which the company benefits by obtaining a deeper and broader share of customer purchases for longer periods of time. This economic transformation has been driven by Electronic Business, and more specifically electronic commerce (E-Commerce), that has provided a powerful way for many organisations to achieve tangible benefits based on web-enabled transactions and use of the Internet. It is worth considering a few of the many definitions of E-Commerce. Kalakota and Whinston (1997) describe E-Commerce as “the capability of buying and selling products on the Internet and other online services. ” Similarly, Chaffey et al. (1999) define E-Commerce as “transactions of goods or services for which payment occurs over the Internet or other wide area networks ”. The definition adopted by Treese & Stewart (1998) takes a more strategic and managerial perspective: “ Top line: the ability to reach new customers and create more intimate relationships with all customers. Bottom line: drastic cost reductions for distribution and customer service can be made.” It is clear from these that E-Commerce has opportunities in terms of improving the efficiency and effectiveness of the organisation, but also has a more strategic and competitive aspect: the need to attract customers, fulfill their expectations with good customer service, and continue that relationship with them. This has meant that Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is an area that has received much recent attention, and many firms are currently striving to develop effective CRM systems (see Whittle, 1999; Phillips, 2000).

This paper focuses on the growth of small to mediumsized enterprises (SMEs) and the role of E-Commerce in providing opportunities for business transformation, particularly the global dimension provided by these opportunities. The argument is that E-Commerce could help SME’s located in Ukraine to grow and compete with similar organisations throughout the world, a view supported by the experiences of SMEs in developed countries (McWilliams, 1995). There are various guidelines and indicators for successful adoption of E-Commerce (e.g. Warren, 2000; Baldwin et al., 2001) but implementing these and evaluating subsequent

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performance has been problematic (Laughlan, 2000). Some of the changes to political and technological infrastructures have made this a more realistic possibility for Ukraine, although there is still much to be done in terms of establishing a legitimate business infrastructure that customers can rely upon. This includes the need for reliable and secure payment systems, timely and well monitored distribution systems, effectively regulated import and export arrangements, and better consumer protection. Recent texts on E-Commerce (e.g. Kalakota & Whinston, 1997; Turban et al., 2000) have suggested that using the Internet for conducting business activities generally offers the following benefits:

— Services of the company can be extended to add value for the customer

— Shopper profiles can be established and exploited to develop better marketing and business strategies

— New technology can be easily integrated with existing sales and inventory infrastructure, such as payment and distribution systems

— Cross-selling of products can be generated via advertising and promotional activities

— Sales can be safeguarded by identifying alternatives when a requested item is unavailable or would require time to deliver

— Customers can be targeted with promotions based on the customers’ individual interests and preferences

— Red tape and administration can be reduced when established, e.g. amazon.com and the use of “one-click shopping”

— Efficiency can be increased in the company’s operations

— Retailers can be linked with other branches/suppliers thus improving the supply chain and reducing the amount of time to process transactions

There are some limitations to E-Commerce that can be summarised as follows:

— Often requires high capital outlay, and has slow return on investment

— Many E- Commerce companies fail in the first year

— Perceived security risks regarding sensitive data have to be overcome, such as credit card numbers and hackers

— Compatibility within the technological architecture can be a limitation

— May demand high costs to the company e.g. staff training and purchasing the technological architecture and software required

— Technological delays and failures continually a risk

— Poor online storefront can be a deterrent for potential customers

Many of these limitations have been experienced by companies in the developed world, the most notable of which was the much publicized demise of boo.com (Pitcher, 2000). The arena for Electronic Business is dynamically changing and fast developing, such that

technological innovations and new directions are often difficult to keep up with. Larger organisations generally have the resources and established strategic business planning processes to account for these, but SMEs have a different set of issues that need to be considered. This is discussed in the next section.

The Impact of the Internet on SMEs

There have been studies into the impact of the Internet on business transformation in large companies (e.g. Dutta & Segev, 2001), but less research has specifically focused on the implications for SMEs. Baldwin et al. (2001) suggested that SMEs are associated with the relative quality of their customer service, generally an aspect that many larger companies cannot match. This comparative advantage can be of tremendous benefit to SMEs as Internet technology now allows SMEs in geographically disparate locations to attract and retain customers they would otherwise not have been able to reach at all. Baldwin et al. (2001) also argue that despite varying estimates, the majority of SMEs in developed countries have Internet access. Barriers to the effective and greater use of Internet technology within these SMEs typically include a lack of time and a lack of specialised technical expertise. However, SMEs are provided opportunities by the Internet that include export generation, niche marketing, information technology utilisation and development of strategic partnerships/alliances. The Internet influences the way that SMEs can communicate with contacts and customers, the way they manage information, and how they project their image. This change often means that business processes and operations impact on different levels including external contacts, the industry, internal organisation, administration and manufacturing tasks, and fundamentally influence a number of areas including productivity, information retrieval, communication, knowledge management and the environment (Baldwin et al., 2001; Hamill & Gregory, 1997). The governments of some developed countries, e.g. Britain, the USA and Ireland, have invested heavily in plans to develop the underlying infrastructure and encourage greater usage of E-Commerce by SMEs over the next few years. Daniel & Myers (2000) conducted a study of Uk SMEs to consider how E-Commerce adoption has already realised appreciable benefits in organisations. The report from the study considered the responses of 688 companies, and considered the reasons for and impact of E-Commerce on the activities of these companies. The main findings were:

— The main reason for companies to adopt E-Commerce is to differentiate themselves from competitors and improve relationships with customers, e.g. services to customers (63% of respondents), brand building (42%), to find new customers (41%), and to hold dialogue with customers (38%)

— The rationale for E-Commerce adoption is similar across different sized companies, although companies with more than 100 employees are more likely to want to use E-Commerce to hold a dialogue with customers, or to communicate and share knowledge within the company


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— Most SMEs are yet to realise significant benefit from their E-Commerce adoption, and E-Commerce is predominantly bringing benefits to internal communication with employees and customers (almost 90% of respondents) and finding external information (almost 80%)

— Very few SMEs have found significant benefits from using E-Commerce to find suppliers (less than 7% of respondents) or recruit staff, suggesting that larger competitors still have an advantage here

— Fewer companies are taking orders online (28 %) and even fewer are receiving payment online for goods sold (13%) or purchasing online (12%), this suggests many are taking a staged approach to E-Commerce adoption from low risk customer-focused activities to more complex tasks

— Factors stated for the successful adoption of E-Commerce include senior management support, staged implementation, and a clear understanding of how E-Commerce can benefit the business

— The industry that leads E-Commerce usage is the IT and communications sector

— Regional variations are not clear, although greater benefits and E-Commerce adoption has been reported in and around the London area

— Younger companies are more likely to be using E-Commerce than older established companies, but this lead is only slight as older firms now appreciate the value of electronically-mediated forms of business

These findings are interesting if they are considered with respect to the economic conditions and factors affecting SME growth in Ukraine. SMEs in Ukraine are likely to have very different experiences as they grow, given that they do not have the same stable and reliable infrastructure that underpins the business activities of UK SMEs. The reasons for E-Commerce adoption may perhaps be similar, but it is necessary to consider the business environment of Ukraine where capital is difficult to obtain, equipment and business premises costly, and legal and consumer protection in need of further development. Many UK S MEs have adopted E-Commerce and reported benefits from business-to-consumer (B2C) activities rather than business-to-business (B2B) activities. These benefits are consumer-oriented such as improvements in communication with customers and raising brand awareness, or internal such as finding external information or customers, sharing knowledge within the company, etc. Very few UK SMEs report benefits associated with reducing administration cost, staff management and supplier relationships, mostly due to the comparative scope of operations within these companies. SMEs in Ukraine are also likely to consider consumer-oriented activities as a priority as these are most likely to generate much needed revenue streams, but the number of customers having access to the Internet within Ukraine and developing countries is significantly smaller than in the UK and developed countries. Therefore, if Ukrainian SMEs are adopting E-Commerce, the reasons for this are more likely to be rooted in potential access to foreign markets, raising

product and brand awareness, and finding particular competitive niches within which they can operate. Although technology-based SMEs within Ukraine have been slow to develop, there are numerous companies possessing technical expertise and suitably qualified people able to contribute to the growth of SMEs, e.g. by developing ‘front-end’ systems and web sites. However, these would need to reflect the multi-lingual and multi-currency requirements of a global market, and also specific cultural and social factors that can be described as ‘psychic distance’ (Dicht et al. (1990), cited in Bennett, 1998). Whether or not Ukrainian SMEs choose to take a cautious and staged approach to E-Commerce adoption similar to that of UK SMEs is less clear, given the rapid and dynamic changes occurring in Internet technology and Electronic Business. As the technological infrastructure in Ukraine develops to facilitate access to global E-Commerce, these companies must have appropriate ‘back-end’ distribution and inventory systems if they are to avoid some of the problems faced by companies in developed countries. Additionally, the focus ofmuch of the current Electronic Business activity in developed countries is electronic marketplaces and trading exchanges that link related companies to their suppliers, which potentially includes SMEs. Research is needed to investigate whether Ukrainian SMEs are aware of these issues, and to explore the rate of E-Commerce adoption in SMEs further.

Summary and Discussion

This paper has looked at the development of SMEs in Ukraine and outlined the factors that have affected their growth. The paper has considered the role of the Internet in the globalisation of SMEs, and discussed the opportunities and potential limitations created by the Internet. This has been related the business transformation of SMEs specifically in Ukraine, potentially overcoming some of the current obstacles to their development. The need for research on Ukrainian SMEs using Internet globalisation strategies has been emphasized, and this has various implications. There are difficulties in conducting this research, in particular the availability ofinformation and the readiness of SMEs to openly discuss their activities given the great influence of the shadow economy in Ukraine. However, a suitably anonymised investigation is currently underway that will hopefully be able to compare the experiences of SMEs in the UK and developed countries (e.g. Bennett, 1998; Daniel & Myers, 2000) with those of Ukrainian SMEs. Such firms typically now have dedicated 24-hour access to the Internet with 128kb/s transmission speeds, supplied to them at a cost of a few hundred dollars per month. Preliminary findings suggest that Ukrainian SMEs have traditionally focused on faxes rather than email and file attachments, necessitated by a business culture that relies heavily on formal documentation and the security of signed documents. Email and Internet-based communications are becoming more widespread, although not to the extent that a relationship with customers can be fully managed via the Internet. Electronic payment and Internet-mediated banking systems are accessible, but this has been plagued by fraud and criminal activity. There is still a lack of trust in the banking infrastructure

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owing much to historical and cultural precedents. The Internet is accessible to Ukrainian customers through the growing number of Internet Cafh’s and companies offering Internet and related services provision, although transmission speeds tend to be much slower and less reliable. Numerous SMEs have Ukrainian, Russian and occasionally English language web sites, and these are sometimes listed in a directory of business services (e.g. www.weblist.au.net:8101) or a business portal (e.g. www.uaportal.com). This demonstrates that many Ukrainian SMEs already have an awareness of the marketing potential of the Internet, and this needs to be developed further. It has been argued that Internet globalisation is not simply a matter of changing existing marketing channels involving a language translation process, but of effective content management and technical support underpinned by strong manufacturing and distribution capability (Heikkila, 26/1/01). This is where many SMEs in the developed world have had difficulties, and has resulted in the emergence of companies specialised in the globalisation of Electronic Business activities through a network of affiliated companies (e.g. Idiom). Ukrainian SMEs have the opportunity to become involved in this process byjoining such networks, focusing on their capabilities and the development of relationships with customers and suppliers.

Concluding Remarks

Much has been speculated about the role the Internet will play in the developing countries in terms of how services to citizens are provided, and how parity with developed nations can be approached. This is an important issue for individual government policy, particularly as bodies such as the World Bank and the World Trade Organisation are in favour ofgreater global E-Commerce regulation within less restrictive international trade frameworks (Hallett, 26/1/01; Hartridge, 26/1/01). According to Risaburo Nezu, Director of Science, Technology and Industry at the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development, there is “a needfor governments to create an open, predictable and transparent telecommunications market, backed up by open, free foreign investment regime^' (Nezu, 26/1/01). There are some nations within the developing world that have been particularly successful in supporting this, e.g. the lack of initial intervention in the activities of Indian SMEs by the government resulted in the opportunity for India to become a potential “IT Superpower” (Barker, 2000). A number of IT-related projects in the developed world are now successfully outsourced to the rapidly growing software industry in India, although India continues to struggle to retain its best people. India has the largest pool of English-speaking IT talent outside the US, but the Indian government has adopted a liberalising and deregulated policy that encourages overseas high-tech companies to locate in India. Some of India’s success can also be attributed to Indian companies establishing effective strategic alliances with overseas partners, and direct foreign investment. SMEs in Ukraine and the former Soviet republics have a similar opportunity given the wealth of intellectual and technological resources they have at their disposal. It is likely to be a question of the value of the products and services these companies have to offer, combined with the speed at which they adopt Electronic Business practices within the competitive “New Global Economy” that will lead to their eventual success or failure.


The authors wish to thank the various people and organisations in Ukraine for the information they have provided that has contributed to this work.

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Поступила в редколлегию 11.06.2001 Рецензент: д-р техн. наук, проф. Петров Э.Г. Brendan D’Cruz & Zamir Hussain

Northampton Business School,

University College Northampton


PH, 2001, № 2

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