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Economy / wellbeing / creative industry / Indonesia

Аннотация научной статьи по социальной и экономической географии, автор научной работы — Sujatmika, Pawignya Harsa, Nurhariati Emmy, Hartati Anis Siti

The development of the creative economy can increase business income. In Lemahdadi, Bantul DIY, there is a location for the Creative Economy Zone where almost every family is a player in the creative economy industry in the form of sculpture craftsmen. This study aims to determine the role of the creative economy in improving the welfare of people who are employees. This research uses a descriptive method with a quantitative model. The population of 40 people used the Saturated sampling technique. Data collection using questionnaires analyzed using regression analysis tests with the help of computers and SPSS programs presented in the form of a description narrative. The creative economy plays a role in improving community welfare with empowerment efforts, namely awareness strategies by motivating, encouraging the community to explore their potential. Meanwhile, in the strengthening strategy, the potential possessed in society in general is filled and strengthened with various sciences by being fostered and trained as much as possible in the context of capacity building. And a protection strategy aimed at protecting society from powerful groups.

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UDC 332; DOI 10.18551/rjoas.2023-01.02


Sujatmika*, Pawignya Harsa, Nurhariati Emmy, Hartati Anis Siti

University of National Development "Veteran" Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta, Indonesia

*E-mail: sujatmika@upnyk.ac.id


The development of the creative economy can increase business income. In Lemahdadi, Bantul DIY, there is a location for the Creative Economy Zone where almost every family is a player in the creative economy industry in the form of sculpture craftsmen. This study aims to determine the role of the creative economy in improving the welfare of people who are employees. This research uses a descriptive method with a quantitative model. The population of 40 people used the Saturated sampling technique. Data collection using questionnaires analyzed using regression analysis tests with the help of computers and SPSS programs presented in the form of a description narrative. The creative economy plays a role in improving community welfare with empowerment efforts, namely awareness strategies by motivating, encouraging the community to explore their potential. Meanwhile, in the strengthening strategy, the potential possessed in society in general is filled and strengthened with various sciences by being fostered and trained as much as possible in the context of capacity building. And a protection strategy aimed at protecting society from powerful groups.


Economy, wellbeing, creative industry, Indonesia.

The development of the creative economy in the industrial sector is a regional potential that can be developed in each region of Indonesia. Indonesia's abundant natural wealth and unique local culture provide a special attraction for domestic and foreign tourists.

The development of the creative economy sector is one of the national development potentials that is based on a people's economy and is globally oriented with reference to religious and cultural values, the environment, national unity, and friendship between nations. Therefore the creative economy development process must be carried out in a systematic, planned, comprehensive, and integrated across sectors and disciplines so that optimal benefits can be obtained for stakeholders [1].

Income is the amount of money that craftsmen receive from the activity of selling products to customers. Income is one of the indicators to measure the level of prosperity and welfare of the community so that the size of the economic income reflects economic progress. An economy is said to be good if the economy has economic growth. A good economy will provide welfare to the people in the area concerned [2].

The development of the creative economy has developed into a phenomenon in the face of the development and challenges of globalization. Information technology factors make the development of the creative economy faster, so that the creative economy is an answer to the challenges in the welfare of society, besides that the creative economy can reduce the unemployment rate. The creative economy will provide added value both to the production process and to human resources so that the creative economy system is believed to answer the challenges of various problems that exist today. The development of science and technology has been able to change the perspective, mindset, and pattern of life and has been able to encourage the creation of discoveries that can hinder the scarcity of goods and services. Through innovation, research, development that is constantly creating products of goods and services what are desired and needed by consumers [3].

Lemahdadi is the center of the stone sculpture industry (sculpting and printing) with a market scale that has reached the export market. In one month, on average, they are able to

export 8 to 9 containers to foreign markets (Europe, Australia, America and the Middle East). In addition to producing various forms of stone statues, the craftsmen also make various kinds of fountains and reliefs. Not only stone statues, artisans at Lemahdadi also use waste marble as the basic material for making statues, fountains and reliefs. The waste marble was obtained from Tulungagung, East Java, which is known for its high quality marble [4].

Craftsmen's activities are expected to be able to develop a globally oriented economy while maintaining their cultural roots, in accordance with technological advances, in order to build competitive advantage in accordance with the competence and potential of superior resources by utilizing waste which can produce high-value handicrafts.

Along with the development of the Creative Industry Economic potential of sculpture craftsmen, there are various kinds of problems that occur as for several influencing factors, namely working capital, basically the amount that continues to exist in supporting business that connects between expenses to obtain raw materials for goods or services receiving sales results. So that capital is also one of the production factors that affect the income of the sculpture craftsman community. Working capital is basically the amount that continues to exist in supporting the business that connects between expenses to obtain raw materials for goods or services for receiving sales results. So that capital is also one of the production factors that affect the income of the sculpture craftsman community. In addition to capital, a supportive workforce is also needed, where labor is everyone who is able to carry out work both inside and outside. The work environment in producing goods or services to be able to meet the needs of one's own life, family and society. Working hours in the operational review, wage levels and outpouring of working hours also affect the income of the people of sculpture craftsmen, whereas others work relatively fixed in the informal sector, wages are calculated based on the level of expertise and the outpouring of working hours and the outpouring of labor in the informal sector. Training is a short-term educational process that uses systematic and organized procedures [5].


This research was conducted in Lemahdadi, Bantul, special region of Yogyakarta. In this study, the structural model consists of two exogenous (free) latent variables, namely the creative economy (X) Community Welfare (Y).

Creative Economy

Community Welfare

Figure 1 - Model of the relationship between latent variables

The population in this study is the community or craftsmen of sculptures in Lemahdadi, Bantul, DIY. The population of 40 people used saturated sampling. Data collection using questionnaires analyzed using computer-aided regression analysis tests and SPSS programs. The unit of analysis in this study covers a very large area, so that in collecting the necessary data, the researcher makes a questionnaire for the community / sculpture craftsman to distribute. The questionnaire used a likert scale with a value of 1 (Strongly Disagree) to 5 (Strongly Agree). The analysis method used in this study is the Regression method.


The results showed that as many as 9 people (22,5%) were aged 21-30 years, as many as 14 people (35%) were aged 31-40 years and as many as 17 people (42,5%) were aged 41-50 years.

Table 1 - Characteristics by Age

No. Age (Years) F %

1 21-30 9 22,5%

2 31-40 14 35%

3 41-50 17 42,5%

Total 40 100%

Based on the characteristics of length of work, of the 40 respondents classified as follows:

Table 2 - Characteristics based on Length of Work

No. Length of Work f %

1 1-3 years 8 20%

2 4-7 years 13 32,5%

3 > 7 years 19 47,5%

Total 40 100%

The results showed that as many as 8 people (20%) worked 1 - 3 years, as many as 13 people (32,5%) worked 4 - 7 years and as many as 19 people (47,5%) worked >7 years. Based on gender characteristics, out of 40 respondents classified as follows:

Table 3 - Characteristics by Gender

No. Gender f %

1 Male 32 80%

2 Female 8 20%

Total 40 100%

The results showed that as many as 40 people (80%) were men, as many as 8 people (20%) were women. The results showed that most of the sculptors are men, women are not directly involved in the crafting process, and they are more involved in administration or accounting.

The results of the average respondent agreed with a index score of 66,5% regarding the statement "As a craftsman, I have a good ability to imagine and create diverse artistic creativity". Most craftsmen have high artistic creativity.

The results showed that the average respondent expressed disagreement with the index score of 56,5% regarding the statement "As a craftsman, I have a high expertise in the field of art". Many of the respondents lacked expertise in the arts, so the result of the sculpture is still monotonous.

The results showed that the average respondent agreed with the index score of 65,5% regarding the statement "As a craftsman, I am able to process simple things into high value". Craftsmen can turn marble waste that is no longer used into a high-value and efficient craft.

The results showed that the average respondent agreed with a index score of 49,5% regarding the statement "The availability of abundant raw materials results in people having to be smart to process them to be useful".

The results showed that the average respondent expressed disapproval of the index score of 54,5% regarding the statement "As a craftsman, I can afford to buy my own house". Most of the craftsmen have been able to afford their own houses from their labors as sculpture craftsmen. This proves that working as a sculpture craftsman is able to generate income that can improve the welfare of life.

The results showed that the average respondent expressed disapproval of the index score of 53% regarding the statement "As a craftsman, I have never been short of food". A craftsman must be active in working and pursuing the specified targets so that their daily needs of life can be met.

The results showed that the average respondent expressed disapproval of the index score of 47,5% regarding the statement "As a craftsman, I am always able to look attractive". Some craftsmen work only using makeshift clothes even though they have obtained uniforms

from business owners. This is because when weaving a statue, it requires clothes that are comfortable, light and not too thick considering the amount of sweat which is generated when working. So some employees wear the most comfortable clothes according to them and this is not a problem for business owners or their leaders.

The results showed that the average respondent stated that he did not with a index score of 49% regarding the statement "As a craftsman, I am always healthy and able to meet health needs". In practice, the salary of a statue maker does not include health benefits, so if the craftsman is sick, the costs are borne by the craftsman himself.

The results showed that the average respondent expressed disagreement of the index score of 52,5% regarding the statement "As a craftsman, I can live in a good, safe and healthy environment". The sculpture craftsmen in Lemahdadi Bantul still live in semipermanent houses because some employees still cannot afford to have a decent place to live. This is due to the many economic needs and demands that them has such as dependents paying for the education of children or relatives, supporting wives, parents and in-laws.

The results showed that the average respondent expressed disagreement of the index score of 50,5% regarding the statement "As a craftsman, I am able to pursue a high level of formal education". Most of the craftsmen are only high school graduate schools. It is known that many craftsmen dropped out of school due to poverty and their inability to continue their education to a much higher level.

The results showed that the average respondent expressed disagreement with the index score of 53% regarding the statement "As a craftsman, I was given informal education such as training, open seminars, study tours and so on". The sculpture craftsmen in Lemahdadi Bantul only expect help from the government to provide training.

The results showed that the average respondent expressed disagreement with the index score of 53,5% regarding the statement "As a craftsman, I have a much better morale".

The results showed that the average respondent expressed agreement with the index score of 56% regarding the statement "As a craftsman, I am more aware of ethics in a social environment". The environment is still in the tourist village area, and the work locations that are close together make it easier for craftsmen to socialize.

Based on the results of the descriptive analysis, the results of the cumulative scoring according to category can be seen in the following table:

Table 4 - Cumulative Score of Improving Employee Welfare

Role Level Description Rank Score Cumulative

Very Role 71 - 100

Role 61 - 70

Less Role 41 - 60

No Role 26- 40

Very unimportant 0 - 25

Based on the results above, it is known that the value is 54,42%, so it can be concluded that the cumulative score of the role of the creative economy is categorized as playing less of a role in improving the welfare of sculpture craftsmen in Lemahdadi Bantul.


Based on the results of the study, it was found that the role of the creative economy for the creative industry in Lemahdadi Bantul is to be able to empower the community so as to improve the living standards of the people in the village even in the midst of a pandemic covid-19. In addition, the creative economy in Lemahdadi Bantul Village spurs community creativity so that it can optimize the various materials around it to be converted into goods full of use value to get around the current pandemic situation. The creative economy in Lemahdadi Bantul Village has a role in terms of maximizing the resources available in the environment so that it still has use value in the midst of a pandemic. The creative economy in the form of sculpture industry in Lemahdadi Village, Bantul Regency also plays a role in increasing foreign exchange for the local government, especially Bantul Regency through the

export of statues abroad so that the country's foreign exchange continues to increase amid the Covid-19 pandemic.

The Creative Economy of the building crafts of Lemahdadi Village, Bantul Regency, in the economic perspective, turned out to bring significant changes in community economic empowerment, including the creative economy playing a role in increasing community income and creating jobs for the surrounding community. In an effort to promulgate these two roles, there are 3 empowerment strategies implemented by craftsmen, including: Enabling, Strengthening, and Protecting. In the strategy of enabling the community in general, it is carried out in the awareness process by motivating, encouraging the community to explore their potential. Meanwhile, in the strengthening strategy, the potential possessed in society in general is filled and strengthened by various sciences by being fostered and trained as much as possible in the context of capacity building. And protection strategies generally aim to protect the community from strong groups, a form of protection carried out by the artisans that are by absorbing the labor of the community in surrounding. Recommendations for Further Research:

• In developing the creative economy business, the Statue of Lemahdadi Village, Bantul Regency, craftsmen can form a Joint Business Group (KUBE) to control the price of staples and the selling price of handicrafts that are in accordance with consumer prices;

• There is support from both funds and training from the government for creative economic activities in Lemahdadi Village, Bantul Regency, so that creative economic activities are becoming more targeted and developing;

• Researchers can then conduct much more in-depth research on employee well-being so that this research is far more than perfect.


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