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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Abdullayeva Zakia

The article discusses the development of the learning process in the new information society, the importance of using new technologies, their application in the learning process. It also emphasizes the importance of inculcating teachers’ knowledge and skills in the formation of the worldview of high school students using ICT tools, and notes that the application of new technologies in the learning process is an important feature of the modern learning process.

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Бюллетень науки и практики /Bulletin of Science and Practice Т. 7. №11. 2021

https://www.bulletennauki.com https://doi.org/10.33619/2414-2948/72

UDC 372.862 https://doi.org/10.33619/2414-2948/72/43


©Abdullayeva Z., Nakhchivan State University, Nakhchivan, Azerbaijan, x.taleh@gmail.com


©Абдуллаева З., Нахичеванский государственный университет, г. Нахичевань, Азербайджан, x.taleh@gmail.com

Abstract. The article discusses the development of the learning process in the new information society, the importance of using new technologies, their application in the learning process. It also emphasizes the importance of inculcating teachers' knowledge and skills in the formation of the worldview of high school students using ICT tools, and notes that the application of new technologies in the learning process is an important feature of the modern learning process.

Аннотация. В статье рассматривается развитие процесса обучения в новом информационном обществе, важность использования новых технологий, их применение в процессе обучения. В нем также подчеркивается важность привития знаний и навыков учителей в формировании мировоззрения старшеклассников с использованием инструментов ИКТ и отмечается, что применение новых технологий в процессе обучения является важной особенностью современного учебного процесса.

Keywords: training, ICT, student, new technologies, information society.

Ключевые слова: обучение, ИКТ, студент, новые технологии, информационное общество.

It is known that information and communication technologies affect the quality of education, develop students' scientific outlook, shape their personality and generally play a catalytic role in development.

Although the application of information technology in the education system of most countries today has led to many innovations, countries continue to face difficult problems in the informatization of schools.

These problems usually arise when the rapid development of technology does not keep pace, insufficient financial investment, and the role of teachers in the transformation of ICT into education is not felt. The observations of the last year confirm that, among other factors, the requirement of special ICT skills for teachers is a key condition in the informatization of education, which is a multifaceted process. That is why UNESCO has defined the Framework Document on Teachers' ICT Competition Framework (UNESCO) [5].

A new version of the organization's recommendations was developed by UNESCO and Microsoft in 2011 with the participation of organizations such as CISCO, Intel, and ISTE, and UNESCO intends to constantly improve it.

Бюллетень науки и практики /Bulletin of Science and Practice Т. 7. №11. 2021

https://www.bulletennauki.com https://doi.org/10.33619/2414-2948/72

Three approaches to the ICT skills of teachers UNESCO recommendations emphasized that modern technological literacy for teachers to learn and to apply this knowledge to the development of students' scientific outlook condition heusab done. Important state and pedagogical documents also show that the use of ICT in the educational process has a positive impact on students' worldview and serves to cultivate personality-oriented citizens.

Proper use of ICT skills allows for successful collaboration with students, free and collaborative solutions to problems, and students become accustomed to many positive skills.

To do this, teachers must first know exactly the role of ICT in education. Teachers need to understand that ICT plays an important role in improving the quality of teaching.

One of the issues in focus has recently been the organization of training courses on ICT for teachers. This process is being carried out step by step. In a short period of time, a large part of the pedagogical staff of secondary schools has passed "Madad" ICT courses and mastered the management of ICT facilities.

In general, UNESCO's recommendation puts forward three approaches to school informatization: the enrichment of teachers' ICT skills and the gradual integration of skills into the educational process.

The first approach, called "Applying ICT to Education", requires teachers to increase the effectiveness of students' ICT skills in the learning process.

The second approach, called 'knowledge acquisition', places requirements on teachers such as in-depth mastery of learning subjects and the application of this knowledge in solving problems encountered in the real world.

The third approach is "Information Production", where teachers must help future citizens and workers to produce new knowledge necessary for the harmonious development and prosperity of society [5].

B u meets the demands of today's modern society capable of teachers in developing teaching methods and organizational forms should be used skillfully. Due to this, students must acquire a scientific outlook, master the content taught to them, and be able to freely produce new information.

From this point of view, it is important for teachers to acquire such teaching skills and master these approaches. More effective and timely implementation of this requires joint efforts of government agencies, staff development, and teacher training institutions, as well as heads of educational institutions. Therefore, UNESCO guidelines can be used by various bodies in shaping education policy. Thus, these guidelines define the basic training materials for professional teacher training.

Recommendations can serve as a training program for teachers to check the necessary professional competence during certification, and to improve the skills of staff during informatization in educational institutions. In addition, the existing document can help to train teachers, improve their work, and train students in these countries, especially in developing countries, as worthy members of society.

The recent innovation module in in-service training is essential for teachers. An important issue in expanding the use of ICT in education is, first of all, the involvement of teaching staff, including teachers in training courses on the use of technology.

In order to better understand and achieve the subject curricula, it is important for teachers and education leaders to have sufficient Service Training Courses: Sufficient laboratory and application areas for successful curricula, equipment, and materials to be practiced, applications and practices are most important for teachers it is necessary to turn it into an issue.

Бюллетень науки и практики / Bulletin of Science and Practice Т. 7. №11. 2021

https://www.bulletennauki.com https://doi.org/10.33619/2414-2948/72

According to the international consultant, the new approach to education allows students to differentiate between generations, to be influenced by modern culture, to be more informed, to understand their rights, to strive for independence, and so on. In addition to developing positive thinking skills such as the Internet, computers, and television, the main goals of the new curricula are to develop students' critical thinking, creative thinking, communication, research, and problemsolving skills, as well as their ability to use information technology. is to raise.

Professor Abdulla Mehrabov noted that "it is important to continuously improve educational materials, one of which is the expansion of textbooks and teaching aids, including electronic materials and practical observation, on the basis of which students' scientific outlook is developed" [4].

In general, with the introduction of ICT in education around the world, the involvement of pedagogical staff, including heads of general education institutions and teachers in additional education has become a topical issue.

At present, one of the directions of additional education for the heads of general education institutions in Azerbaijan is the implementation of in-service training on the basis of a new model. According to this model, in-service training is carried out in three training modules, one of which is innovation training.

Although the application of information technology in the education system of most countries of the world has led to many innovations, we still face difficult problems in the informatization of schools. It should be noted that the improvement of the education system in our country on the basis of ICT has always been in the focus of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Mr. Ilham Aliyev. "Program for providing secondary schools with information and communication technologies in the Republic of Azerbaijan" (2005-2007), "State Program for informatization of the education system in the Republic of Azerbaijan in 2008-2012" are the main stages in the informatization of our national education [3].

The "State Strategy for the Development of Education in the Republic of Azerbaijan" approved by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated October 24, 2013 sets the informatization of education as an important task, on this basis the development of students' scientific outlook is important [2]. This is an important document, as well as a qualified teaching staff their ICT skills acquisition is an important condition put forward. A modern teacher must be able to use CT and technical equipment. All this is the result of the great care of our state for the development of education.

Informatization of secondary schools and teacher training in this area are mainly determined by three approaches:

1) The first approach, called "Application of ICT to education", requires teachers to increase the effectiveness of students' ICT skills in the learning process.

2) The second approach, called "Assimilation of knowledge", requires teachers to provide students with in-depth mastery of learning subjects, the application of this knowledge in solving problems encountered in the real world, the development of scientific outlook.

3) According to the third approach, "Information production", teachers must master ICT skills for the harmonious development and prosperity of society, to help produce the necessary new knowledge.

The fundamental knowledge chosen by teachers greatly simplifies the educational process, making it dynamic and agile, not only in the field of pedagogy and psychology, but also in the successful use of new technologies. The addition of a computer to the "teacher-student-

Бюллетень науки и практики / Bulletin of Science and Practice Т. 7. №11. 2021

https://www.bulletennauki.com https://doi.org/10.33619/2414-2948/72

textbook" teaching model allows to organize the teaching process according to an individual program, to stimulate the child's interest and desire for lessons.

Specifically recorded that the high school students lessons on the computer for a very attractive, interesting and memorable happening. Multimedia tools, automated learning systems, computer training programs, animated graphics, colorful illustrations have a positive effect on students' cognitive activity and significantly improve the quality of their results in Olympiads and various intellectual competitions.

The research of new teaching methods in secondary schools and the further improvement of traditional teaching methods, the application of computer science and information technology in the teaching process have set important tasks for the modern teacher.

Thus, in view of the fact that it is impossible to imagine the XXI century without a computer, today teachers who teach various subjects have a great responsibility.

The main reason why our schools pay special attention to the use of computer science and information technology in the upper grades, along with other subjects, is that the computer enters our entire lives and increases the quality, efficiency, impact and speed of our activities.

The use of ICT in the teaching of computer science and information technology in secondary schools is a requirement of the time; is the main task to prepare our students for the most important management system of our future social life.

In the process of teaching subjects in the upper grades, it is more expedient to group these subjects according to the developed programs using informatics and information technologies. To do this, the program must contain software:

For example: programming of the methodology of teaching the Azerbaijani language; Programming of mathematics teaching methods; Programming of the methodology of teaching the subject of life knowledge; Programming of the methodology of teaching the subject of technology, etc.

In the Azerbaijani language and literature classes taught in the upper grades of secondary schools, the analysis of each chapter given in accordance with the program should be brought to the attention of students as an educational program. In order to increase students' computer literacy, it is necessary to develop such educational and creative programs for the subjects taught in the primary school. When designing a program on these subjects, special attention should be paid to the level of intellectual development of students, their ability to comprehend, mastering the information given to them, and methodological requirements should be followed.

The use of informatics and information and communication technologies is of great importance in improving the lessons taught in secondary schools. Programmed training improves the quality of students' knowledge and skills in the teaching process of computer science and information technology, ensures that the lesson is built at a modern level.

School experience, teachers' work experience proves that the use of ICT in the upper grades has a significant impact on the learning of program materials at any level, creates special conditions for deep and easy mastery of each topic, intensification of teaching. Therefore, informatics and information technologies are widely used in the lessons taught in the upper grades of secondary schools of the republic.

When using information and communication technologies, its invaluable, new opportunities are proving useful. These are the results of interactivity between teacher and student during teaching, efficient use of time, saving time, more optimal and objective assessment of students.

In the modern world, the application of information and communication technologies (ICT) to teaching has become an integral part of education. It is no longer possible to imagine educational

Бюллетень науки и практики / Bulletin of Science and Practice Т. 7. №11. 2021

https://www.bulletennauki.com https://doi.org/10.33619/2414-2948/72

institutions without information and communication technologies. The use of computers in education helps to create an information environment for the student who is interested in everything and tries to get more and more in-depth information. The computer plays the role of an electronic mediator between teacher and student, makes the teaching process more interesting, colorful, visual, intensifies it. It is known that the implementation of a modern and interactive model of education using ICT sets new requirements for schools and teachers. It is impossible to achieve effective application of ICT in the education system without increasing the ICT literacy of pedagogical staff and forming an innovative approach to the teaching and learning process. The successful and effective implementation of changes in schools arising from the requirements of all modern times automatically makes it necessary for the teacher to take a different approach to the teaching process. For this reason, it is necessary for teachers to acquire ICT skills and use ICT skills as a pedagogical tool in the teaching process. Today's modern teacher:

1. Teach students how to learn effectively, how to learn. The teacher should develop students' ability to freely search for the information they need from the right sources, efficiently and without wasting time, to systematize the information found and select the most relevant information, to analyze the selected information and to express their personal opinion on the issue;

2. The teacher must instill in high school students a sense of self-confidence and the ability to express themselves freely in front of an audience;

3. The teacher must constantly direct students to the use of new information technologies in order to implement the above in the teaching of any subject in the upper grades.

With the help of information and communication technologies, the student should try to get information freely, develop his thinking, outlook and psychological skills.

Most importantly, the student must become an active participant and organizer of the learning process. At the same time, the use of computer technology frees the teacher from being the only source of truthful information for students, he becomes an employee for the student, and the students' scientific outlook is formed.

The application of ICT in teaching also creates many opportunities for teachers. Thus, it saves time in the classroom, accurately conveys information, uses different technical training tools at the same time, conveys a larger amount of information, and models various processes, especially those that can not be carried out in school laboratories. The "Azerbaijan 2020: Vision for the Future Development Concept" approved by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated December 29, 2012 is an important state document in the development of education in Azerbaijan [1]. This document requires the widespread use of new learning technologies, especially information and communication technologies, in the development of education, raising the level of training and education, the acquisition of ICT skills by teachers.

This concept clearly shows the paradigms of education. Informatization of education in this area, wide use of distance education, use of equipment, technical means, electronic boards, tablet textbooks in the process of training and education, especially the use of information and communication technologies need to be given more space.

Significant achievements in the field of education in recent years are directly aimed at the modernization of higher education, which is related to socio-economic policy. It should be noted that the total amount of budget funds allocated to education has increased more than 5 times compared to 2003 and approached two billion manat. and this growth is still growing today. Successful steps are being taken in the field of education, today the learning conditions of more than one million students have been improved, and classrooms have been provided with modern computers and technical training aids.

Бюллетень науки и практики / Bulletin of Science and Practice Т. 7. №11. 2021

https://www.bulletennauki.com https://doi.org/10.33619/2414-2948/72

Reforms have been carried out to modernize the content of education, and important steps have been taken to integrate Azerbaijani education into the European educational space. At the same time, 1204 people have been sent to study abroad at the expense of the State Oil Fund under the "State Program" for young people to study abroad in 2007-2015. In total, the program currently has 10,700 young people studying at the world's leading universities through other sources and personal initiatives.

In the first decade of the XXI century, rapidly developing and spreading information and communication technologies, and in this regard, the new processes of globalization have a strong impact on the socio-economic life of countries. Global factors affect socio-economic, political, humanitarian and cultural spheres in almost all spheres of the country's life. has a strong impact on the processes taking place in the fields, including the development of education. In this regard, it would be useful to consider the following factors in the modernization and management of education:

Globalization, expansion of innovation activity to a new level, dissemination of innovative innovations. This creates opportunities for globalization to increasingly use advanced technical standards and new management methods in the field of innovation, which in turn allows for competitiveness.

In such circumstances, Azerbaijan should not allow backwardness among the countries of the world. To this end, along with the development of oil and gas production, it is necessary to achieve faster development of the non-oil sector. In other words, the foundation must be laid for the transition from a traditional economy to a knowledge economy. To do this, we must pay more attention to human capital. It is necessary to radically change the education system, to pay more attention to additional education, lifelong learning.

Along with the wide range of opportunities, the balance between the main centers of the international economy is changing, structurally renewing, the role of regional economic knowledge is growing. This opens new opportunities for Azerbaijan in terms of foreign integration.

The spread of new technologies and innovations, along with the positive effects, must also be taken into account. In this regard, the Azerbaijani economy has prepared for the global crisis and maintained the stability of the manat in the international arena.

In the current situation, the ecological balance has been disturbed. In order to prevent this, the state's emergency response has been strengthened to effectively combat natural disasters and eliminate their consequences.


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3. Natsional'naya strategiya razvitiya informatsionnykh i kommunikatsionnykh tekhnologii Azerbaidzhanskoi Respubliki (2003-2012). Ukaz Prezidenta. 25 iyunya 2003 g.

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Бюллетень науки и практики /Bulletin of Science and Practice Т. 7. №11. 2021

https://www.bulletennauki.com https://doi.org/10.33619/2414-2948/72

Список литературы:

1. Азербайджан 2013-2020: видение будущего. Концепция развития. 29 декабря 2012 г. Указ Президента Азербайджанской Республики. Народный вестник, 30 декабря 2012 г.

2. Распоряжение Президента Азербайджанской Республики Ильхама Алиева «Государственная стратегия развития образования в Азербайджанской Республике» от 24 октября 2013 г. Газета «Халк», 25 октября 2013 г.

3. Национальная стратегия развития информационных и коммуникационных технологий Азербайджанской Республики (2003-2012). Указ Президента. 25 июня 2003 г.

4. Мехрабов А., Аббасов А., Зейналов С. Педагогические технологии. Баку: Переводчик, 2006. 372 с.

5. Митев П. Э., Господинов К., Шаламон З. Молодежь и высшее образование в социалистических странах. М.: Наука, 1984. 143 с.

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в редакцию 11.10.2021 г. 17.10.2021 г.

Ссылка для цитирования:

Abdullayeva Z. The Role of Teachers' ICT Skills in the Development of Scientific Views of High School Students // Бюллетень науки и практики. 2021. Т. 7. №11. С. 336-342. https://doi .org/10.33619/2414-2948/72/43

Cite as (APA):

Abdullayeva, Z. (2021). The Role of Teachers' ICT Skills in the Development of Scientific Views of High School Students. Bulletin of Science and Practice, 7(11), 336-342. https://doi .org/10.33619/2414-2948/72/43

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