THE ROLE OF SPORTS IN ORGANIZING A HEALTHY LIFESTYLE Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Niyozmatov E.

This article discusses the role of sports in educating the younger generation to a healthy lifestyle. The author has justified the usefulness of sports from a medical and spiritual point of view.

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Niyozmatov E. teacher

department of physical education Namangan Engineering and Construction Institute


Abstract: This article discusses the role of sports in educating the younger generation to a healthy lifestyle. The author has justified the usefulness of sports from a medical and spiritual point of view.

Key words: sports, healthy lifestyle, physical education, spiritual education.

The formation and development of physical culture and sports goes back to ancient history. Various home-based items, various monuments, paintings and drawings on the rocks, poems and legends from generations lead to reflection on ancient culture, including physical culture. The stages of development of physical culture and sports can be approximated as follows: The first period is the first (empirical) knowledge of the effects of early human development on the body, its accumulation, the ability to perceive the meaning of exercise, and the way it is passed from generation to generation. the period during which the conditions for the emergence of "exercise" and "physical training" were created. The second period - the first methods used in physical education - includes the period of slavery in ancient Greece and the Middle Ages. The third period is the accumulation of theoretical knowledge about physical culture, from the time of awakening to the end of the nineteenth century. By this time, philosophers, doctors, and educators were aware of the endless importance of physical education in human education and considered it an integral part of the upbringing process. Numerous studies in this field have led to the formation of physical education as a science. The fourth period - from the end of the XIX century as a scientific and educational subject - the theory and methodology of physical education. In this period, physical education began to affect other aspects of society.

The fifth period is the period of perfection and development of physical education as a science. In recent years, much has been done to study the role and significance of physical culture and sports in human life. New special disciplines: "Organizing and Managing Physical Culture", "Biomechanics of Exercise", "Sport Psychology", "Sport Metrology", "Sport Physiology", "Physical Fitness", "Valeology" and many more. The formation of physical culture in Uzbekistan has a long history, which, in turn, has evolved over time. Initially, physical education emerged as a vital necessity. To hunt in a team means that it requires a person to be agile, agile and physically fit and fast. Labor and various military wars required man to prepare himself physically, to

do physical exercises, and people were trained to hunt, work, and fight. Thus, the emergence and early development of physical education is of great importance in working, fighting, and hunting. Physical culture and education have a special place in this work.

Ethical upbringing still plays a role in shaping and developing ethical practices, such as exercise, sporting exercises, various competitions and recreational activities, to address issues such as community members' adherence to. Relationship, communication, human values, feelings of remorse for nation, nation, nation, state, fame are directly nurtured in physical education. The ethics of a country's athlete is the ethics of a representative of the nation, of the existing society. The morality of the athlete is special, not unusual. They do not differ from the morals of ordinary members of society. Sport should educate not only strong and well-educated people, but also those who are well-educated, well-positioned and independent thinkers. Physical education and sports should cultivate enthusiastic, self-motivated, self-motivated, self-sacrificing individuals.

The aesthetic value of physical education and sports has a long history. In the early days of human history, physical activity emerged as a form of struggle for survival, but later competitions, tournaments, and games led to the development of culture and sports. Wrestling, boxing, weight lifting, archery, equestrian sport, soccer and more have been developed and improved over the centuries. Each of them can be thought of as a combination of beauty and perfection, a common aesthetic of a particular sport. Later, sports equipment, balloons, balls, sticks, and so forth appeared. Sports facilities, special buildings were built. They are equipped with the necessary equipment. Championships, tournaments and competitions in various sports have become an integral part of the sport. All kinds of sporting events, events, Olympic Games and tournaments are complemented by national elements of traditional sports. Playgrounds, gyms, tournaments will be decorated in the national spirit. These aspects also enhance one's aesthetic taste and have a significant impact on the formation and development of aesthetic taste. Aesthetics have always been one of the criteria for evaluating sports achievements. The body of the athlete is physically strong and the body is the main symbol of sports beauty. The athlete's agility, agility, flexibility in working with sports equipment, the combination of them, the use of sporting elements and exercises with high technique and skill are an aesthetic attitude to the athlete's attitude toward sports. Physical perfection is the highest level of development of a person's physical quality and ability. One of the characteristics of the hormonal development of a person is a certain understanding of the physical beauty, refined behavior and secrets of the body. However, it is physically beautiful in harmony with one's spiritual wealth and moral purity, self-expression and social activity. This means that the beauty of the sport is primarily because of its body, especially its symmetry and balance. The artistic portrayal of sport and its aesthetics are often found in the cultural

legacy of ancient civilizations. Ancient sculpture provides the first images of the history of sports, ancient sports competitions, and historical imagery through the use of ceramics and mosaics. Especially in sculptural works, there are powerful moments that represent the essence of a particular kind of sport, the use of them as a material of aesthetic education is of great educational importance. It would be correct to say that it serves as the key to understanding the wonderful movement of the horse. The human body is beautiful in its symmetry, for example, when a person runs, the body shape becomes asymmetrical. To find out, let's look at the Greek classic statue Dorifor. (Figure 1) It illustrates the symmetry of asymmetrical movements in sport. Sculptor - Poliklet, in his art, learns that the figure of a person is in a state of calm or slow motion. "Dorifor" is a statue of a young man bearing a spear. This sculpture was made of a bronze copy of the original and is now a stone copy. In this image, both the physical and the inner worlds are intertwined, which is not only a statue but also a law of art. The body of the sculptor revealed her inner self and self-confidence through her body.

In the process of physical training and sports, the special tasks of aesthetic education are solved and allowed. They can be described as follows: 1. Educating aesthetics of communication. Gymnastics, sports, games, tourism, as described above, represent all aspects of the individual. Athletes are humble and respectful of others will increase their enthusiasm. 2. Mutual shape and shape of the human body is the result of regular physical activity. The physical appearance of a physically harmonious person is a sign of good health. Chernyshevsky: "The beauty of the human body makes a great impression on us. Then he will come to life and we will understand it. V.V. Gorinevsky said: "Beauty is not in the opposite of happiness, but inaccuracy, on the contrary, distorts the notion of beauty." 3. Training the ability to perceive beauty, the ability to feel the beauty of sports, and the subtlety of movement. The technique of action is beautiful, the breath of action and the expressiveness of its content. The activities used in physical education are not the same. But each of them is beautiful in terms of running, jumping, lifting techniques, and gym skills. Judging by the game on the soccer field: "it was a beautiful game", "the game was very interesting", "the team demonstrated a high level of art in the ball during the attack" and so on. Understanding the beauty of sports is pleasing to the viewer or to the audience. When we see beauty and beauty in sports, it shows our aesthetic taste and level. In conclusion, it is important to note that physical culture and sports play an important role in the full development of the basics.


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