THE ROLE OF SOCIETY IN PROTECTING HUMAN RIGHTS Текст научной статьи по специальности «Право»

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Аннотация научной статьи по праву, автор научной работы — Bakiyev K.T.

In this article we consider the role of society in protecting the rights and freedoms of citizens of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

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В данной статье мы рассматриваем роль общества в защите прав и свобод граждан Республики Узбекистан.


Universal Declaration of Human Rights" and the principles enshrined in the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan, of course, the man, his dignity, honor, and minority rights.

The first President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov noted that "for the reform of the Reformation, first of all, the people, their interests only" [4] words now confirmed. Simply put, the lords of the industry, which today is the cultivation of cotton or grain, social life or new construction, and improvement of the city - in whatever work we do, all of them ultimately people, for the people who live in this country, improving the way of life, socio-economic and spiritual needs will be difficult to see. The law is first and foremost a person, a human interests over the interests of the state, has been defined as a person, his rights, freedoms and interests as the supreme value, is also a clear proof of the above seal.

In a word, we are building a democratic state based on civil society, the rule of law in our society, as well as to ensure, as defined by the Constitution, citizens are guaranteed the rights, freedoms, honor, dignity and interests of the highest priority, appreciate and understand that such a minority steady, committed to the protection of the rights should. Then you can achieve the goal of building a democratic state.


1. The Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan. -T., 2016. -P.9.

2. "К,иёсий конституциявий хукук" Узбекистон Республикаси ИИА, А.Саидов, С.Хидиров ва муаллифлар жамоаси. -Т., 2014. -Б.162.

3. The Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan. -T., 2016. -P.10.

4. Каримов И. А. Янгича фикрлаш ва ишлаш давр талаби. -Т.: "Узбекистон", 1997. -Б.115.

УДК 47.355

Bakiyev K.T.

Senior teacher of department "History of Uzbekistan" Namangan Engineering - Pedagogical Institute

Uzbekistan, Namangan city

Бакиев К. Т. старший преподаватель кафедра "История Узбекистана" Наманганский инженерно-педагогический институт

Узбекистан, г. Наманган THE ROLE OF SOCIETY IN PROTECTING HUMAN RIGHTS Abstract: In this article we consider the role of society in protecting the rights and freedoms of citizens of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Keywords: man, person, citizen, administrative justice, Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Constitution, officials, state bodies, civil society, rule of law.


Аннотация: В данной статье мы рассматриваем роль общества в защите прав и свобод граждан Республики Узбекистан.

Ключевые слова: человечек, личность, гражданин, административное правосудие, Всеобщая декларация прав человека, Конституция, должностные лицо, государственные органы, гражданское общество, верховенство права.

Today, the world of legal practice in public administration authorities and officials for the protection of the rights and freedoms of citizens and legal pressure from its own variety of ways exist. One of them is to protect the media rights by the Administrative Justice.

The executive power of judicial control over the implementation of (the activities of the executive bodies, as well as state and local officials on the effectiveness of servicemen), in most cases, "Administrative Justice", referred to as "administrative activities".

At the beginning of the twentieth century, the introduction of administrative system was established; The first system is of the essence to resolve all issues related to media law courts of general competence (General System of Justice). In the second session, according to the system of collective rights management bodies of the special administrative-judicial boards shall be resolved by the courts (administrative) (special administrative court system). And these two systems in many countries on the basis of the administrative courts. For example, the United Kingdom, the United States, Australia, New Zealand, India, Canada, Switzerland, Denmark, Norway, Belgium, administrative law courts are done, France, Spain, Portugal, Germany, Italy, Austria, Greece, Luxembourg, Finland, Sweden, Bulgaria, Poland, the Czech Republic and other countries of special administrative courts.

The above overall system of the founding countries of the administrative and legal disputes are resolved by the courts, and in some disputes with the special courts established administrative bodies for consideration. For example, the United Kingdom, the United States, Australia, New Zealand and administrative tribunals. Some countries, such as the Netherlands, Switzerland, Romania, Latvia, Iraq, China, the overall structure of administrative judge chambers. Thus, the administrative justice through the creation of special administrative courts or administrative bodies "kvazy justice" (into the judicial system, through the creation of some of the agencies carrying out the functions of the court) will be introduced. Many scientists (AI Elistratov, M.D. Zagryatskov, N.G. Salishcheva etc.), administrative officials justice property of citizens shall be given special consideration by the courts, the complaints say. In addition, the administrative function of controlling yustitsiya its role as an important feature in the eyes of scientists. A.I.Elistratov administrative yustitsiya - this government, "according to court by way of control of them."[3] S.D.Knyazev said: "There is no exaggeration to say that the executive authority of judicial control over the

activities of individuals and entities on the one hand, the protection of government reprisal, on the other hand the public interest, ensure the efficient operation of the administrative bodies".

As a result, the citizen's access to the court on the basis of equality and address the problem of ensuring that today many countries across the front of one of the problems. An important requirement for the implementation of judicial control in the management and protection of the rights and freedoms to be a large-scale, government activity and all acts adopted under the control of the court[9].

The former Soviet Union, even though officially the court is forced through the effective protection of international standards, although they are actually recognized. The constitutions of the Soviet Union was not on the common principles of the right to be protected by the court. For example, many employees of labor disputes in court, but only to a higher departments can be considered. The first President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov "to protect the rights and interests of citizens, legal sphere as much as you can. However, some of the network complaints of violations of the legitimate rights of citizens to justice, not through administrative procedures. Of course, that is contrary to the requirements of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and our Constitution. If its legitimate rights and interests of citizens in case of violations, the issue should have the right to a court ", say is not surprising.

President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Sh.Mirziyoyev was adopted decree, "further reform of the judicial-legal system, protection of citizens' rights and freedoms of the Republic of Uzbekistan" on October 21, 2016. On measures to strengthen the guarantees of judicial-legal sphere of democratization and liberalization of judicial authority, to protect the rights and legitimate interests of citizens and the importance of the role of public policy in terms of quality new level, three main base or areas.

In addition, the military units of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the state courts including the Supreme Court of the Republic of Uzbekistan held system and strengthened the independence of the judiciary. This decree was the work of the courts in the country, the introduction of information and communication technologies to achieve the efficiency of the court system and citizens' access to justice serve to increase the level of historical importance. This, in turn, creating optimal judicial system in the republic, as well as human rights and freedoms security important factor.


1. И.А.Каримов. Узбекистоннинг сийсий ижтимоий ва иктисодий истикболининг асосий тамойиллари.//Ватан саждагох, каби мукаддасдир. -Т., 1996. -Б.17-18.

2. В.А Рязановский. Единство процесса. -М., 1996, -С.37.

3. И.А.Елистратов. Основные начало административного права. -М.,1914. -С.301.

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