THE ROLE OF PHYSICAL CULTURE IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF PERSONALITY Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Axmedov G.

This article analyzes the role of physical culture in the improvement of man.

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УДК 796

Axmedov G.

Namangan Engineering -Technology Institute Uzbekistan, Namangan city THE ROLE OF PHYSICAL CULTURE IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF


Annotation: This article analyzes the role of physical culture in the improvement of man.

Keywords: physical education, hygiene, sport, human body, life

At the present stage of development of the country in terms of the qualitative transformation of all aspects of society's life, the requirements for the physical fitness of our fellow citizens, which are necessary for their successful work, are increasing. The restructuring of public education in the country has set a task for higher education to radically and comprehensively improve the training and physical education of future specialists. In the new conditions, the social importance of physical education in the formation of a comprehensively and harmoniously developed personality of a university graduate with a high degree of readiness for social and professional activities increases. The harmony of personal development was valued by all nations and at all times. Originally the word "culture" translated from Latin meant "cultivation", "processing". As society developed, the concept of "culture" was filled with new content.

Now this word in the universal understanding is both certain personality traits (education, accuracy, etc.) and forms of human behavior (politeness, self-control, etc.), or a form of social, professional and production activity (culture of production, everyday life). , leisure, etc.).In a scientific sense, the word "culture" is all forms of social life, ways of human activity. On the one hand, this is a process of material and spiritual activity of people, and on the other hand, it is the results (products) of this activity.

The content of "culture" in the broad sense of the word includes, for example, philosophy, and science, and ideology, law, all-round development of the personality, the level and nature of human thinking, his speech, abilities, etc. Thus, "culture" is a creative creative activity of a person. The basis and content of the cultural and psychological process of the development of "culture" is, above all, the development of the physical and intellectual abilities of a person, his moral and aesthetic qualities. Proceeding from this, physical culture is one of the constituent parts of the general culture, it arises and develops simultaneously and along with the material and spiritual culture of society.

Physical culture has 4 main forms: physical education and physical preparation for a specific activity (professional-applied physical training);restoration of health or lost strength by means of physical culture -rehabilitation; exercise for recreation, the so-called. - recreation; the highest achievement in the field of sports. It should be noted that the level of human culture is manifested in his ability to rationally, fully use such public goods as free time.

Экономика и социум" №5(60) 2019



On how it is used, depends not only success in work, study and general development, but also the health of the person, the fullness of his life activity. Physical culture and sports here occupy an important place. For physical culture is health.

Physical culture (education) involves the observance of the rules of public and personal hygiene, occupational health and life, work and rest schedules, i.e. This is the process of man-making. term "physical culture" first appeared in England at the end of the last century. Physical culture is a specific type of social activity, in the process of which the physical and spiritual needs of a person are satisfied through targeted exercise, mastering and applying appropriate knowledge and skills, as well as participation in sports events and competitions. Physical culture by means of physical exercises prepares people for life and work, using the natural forces of nature and the whole complex of factors (work regime, life, rest, hygiene, etc.), determining the state of human health and the level of its general and special physical training.

Indicators of the state of physical culture in society are: the mass character of its development; the degree of use of physical culture in the field of education and training; the level of health and the full development of people's physical abilities; level of sporting achievements; availability and qualification level of professional and public physical education personnel; promotion of physical culture and sports; the degree and nature of the use of media in the field of tasks facing physical culture; state of science and the presence of a developed system of physical education. Physical culture is a product of the development of certain historical conditions.

In the slave-owning society, physical culture has acquired a class character and a military orientation. It was used to quell the discontent of the exploited masses within the state and to wage wars of conquest. For the first time, physical education systems and special educational institutions were created. Appeared the profession of physical education teacher. Exercise classes were considered on a par with classes in poetry, drama, music. The participants of the ancient Greek Olympic Games were: Hippocrates (medic), Socrates (philosopher), Sophocles (playwright), etc.

List of used sources:

1. Voronov, V. V. Pedagogy of the school in two words: outline-manual for students-teachers and teachers / V. V. Voronov. - M.: Pedagogical Society of Russia, 2002. - 192 p.

2. Guba, V.P. Scientific-practical and methodological foundations of physical education for young students: studies. manual / V.P. Guba, O.S. Morozov, V.V. Parfenenkov. - M.: Soviet Sport, 2008. - 206 p.

3. Kuramshin, Yu. F. Theory and methods of physical culture: a textbook / Yu. F. Kuramshin. - M.: Soviet Sport, 2003. - 463 p

Экономнка h соцнумм №5(60) 2019



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