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Ключевые слова
culture / culture / culturology / cultural being / enlightenment / cultural process / cultural development. / культура / культурология / культура / культурология / культурное бытие / просвещение / культурный процесс / культурное развитие.

Аннотация научной статьи по истории и археологии, автор научной работы — Khatamova, Gulbahor Abdumumin Kizi

The activities of spiritual and enlightenment councils in Uzbekistan and the history of Movarounnahr, the views of state leaders and scholars on the values of society, their efforts to treat science and enlightenment are presented with evidence. Conclusions in this area are based on the decisions of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Cabinet of Ministers. The object of research in the social sciences and humanities in Uzbekistan and the current issues of delays in this area are discussed. In particular, the development of science-based indicators for the formation and evaluation of such qualities as patriotism, entrepreneurship, willpower, ideological immunity, kindness, responsibility, tolerance, legal culture, innovative thinking, diligence. Most importantly, there are three reasons why the social sciences and humanities are lagging behind today. The question arises as to whether there is an indicator for measuring spirituality and values, and the author concludes that President Shavkat Mirziyoyev's "Iron Book", "Youth Book", "Women's Book" and "Book of Mercy" serve as such indicators. Scientists must explain the philosophical and social significance of this indicator. There is a need for this in society. He concludes that this task is performed by philosophers, historians, sociologists, political scientists and educators. This article is a research paper on the role of cultural studies in the development of society, which is one of the social sciences and humanities. In particular, the article analyzes culture, its definitions, and discusses the needs of society for culture in today's globalized world.

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С доказательствами представлена деятельность духовно-просветительских советов в Узбекистане и история Мовароуннахра, взгляды государственных деятелей и ученых на ценности общества, их усилия по отношению к науке и просвещению. Выводы в этой области основаны на решениях Президента Республики Узбекистан и Кабинета Министров. Обсуждается объект исследования социальных и гуманитарных наук в Узбекистане и актуальные вопросы задержек в этой области. В частности, разработка научно обоснованных показателей сформированности и оценки таких качеств, как патриотизм, предприимчивость, сила воли, идеологический иммунитет, доброта, ответственность, толерантность, правовая культура, нестандартное мышление, трудолюбие. Самое главное, есть три причины, по которым социальные и гуманитарные науки сегодня отстают. Возникает вопрос, существует ли индикатор измерения духовности и ценностей, и автор приходит к выводу, что такими индикаторами служат «Железная книга», «Молодежная книга», «Женская книга» и «Книга милосердия» Президента Шавката Мирзиёева. Ученые должны объяснить философское и социальное значение этого показателя. В этом есть потребность в обществе. Он приходит к выводу, что эту задачу выполняют философы, историки, социологи, политологи и педагоги. Данная статья представляет собой исследовательскую работу о роли культурологии в развитии общества, которая является одной из социальных и гуманитарных наук. В частности, в статье анализируется культура, ее определения, а также рассматриваются потребности общества в культуре в современном глобализированном мире.


"Yangi O'zbekiston: barqaror R VOLUME 2 | SPECIAL ISSUE 23

rivojlanishning ijtimoiy-falsafiy, q ISSN 2181-1784

iqtisodiy-siyosiy va huquqiy masalalari" SJIF 2022: 5.947 | ASI Factor = 1.7


d https://doi.org/10.24412/2181-1784-2022-23-302-309

Khatamova Gulbahor Abdumumin kizi

Academy of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. "The Department of

Languages" is a senior lecturer email: gulnahorxatamova@gmail.com


The activities of spiritual and enlightenment councils in Uzbekistan and the history of Movarounnahr, the views of state leaders and scholars on the values of society, their efforts to treat science and enlightenment are presented with evidence. Conclusions in this area are based on the decisions of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Cabinet of Ministers. The object of research in the social sciences and humanities in Uzbekistan and the current issues of delays in this area are discussed. In particular, the development of science-based indicators for the formation and evaluation of such qualities as patriotism, entrepreneurship, willpower, ideological immunity, kindness, responsibility, tolerance, legal culture, innovative thinking, diligence. Most importantly, there are three reasons why the social sciences and humanities are lagging behind today. The question arises as to whether there is an indicator for measuring spirituality and values, and the author concludes that President Shavkat Mirziyoyev's "Iron Book", "Youth Book", "Women's Book" and "Book of Mercy" serve as such indicators. Scientists must explain the philosophical and social significance of this indicator. There is a need for this in society. He concludes that this task is performed by philosophers, historians, sociologists, political scientists and educators. This article is a research paper on the role of cultural studies in the development of society, which is one of the social sciences and humanities. In particular, the article analyzes culture, its definitions, and discusses the needs of society for culture in today's globalized world.

Keywords: culture, culture, culturology, cultural being, enlightenment, cultural process, cultural development.



Хатамова Гульбахор Абдумомин кизи

Академия МЧС. "Кафедра языков" старший преподаватель email: gulnahorxatamova@gmail. com


С доказательствами представлена деятельность духовно-просветительских советов в Узбекистане и история Мовароуннахра, взгляды государственных деятелей и ученых на ценности общества, их усилия по отношению к науке и просвещению. Выводы в этой области основаны на решениях Президента Республики Узбекистан и Кабинета Министров. Обсуждается объект исследования социальных и гуманитарных наук в Узбекистане и актуальные вопросы задержек в этой области. В частности, разработка научно обоснованных показателей сформированности и оценки таких качеств, как патриотизм, предприимчивость, сила воли, идеологический иммунитет, доброта, ответственность, толерантность, правовая культура, нестандартное мышление, трудолюбие. Самое главное, есть три причины, по которым социальные и гуманитарные науки сегодня отстают. Возникает вопрос, существует ли индикатор измерения духовности и ценностей, и автор приходит к выводу, что такими индикаторами служат «Железная книга», «Молодежная книга», «Женская книга» и «Книга милосердия» Президента Шавката Мирзиёева. Ученые должны объяснить философское и социальное значение этого показателя. В этом есть потребность в обществе. Он приходит к выводу, что эту задачу выполняют философы, историки, социологи, политологи и педагоги. Данная статья представляет собой исследовательскую работу о роли культурологии в развитии общества, которая является одной из социальных и гуманитарных наук. В частности, в статье анализируется культура, ее определения, а также рассматриваются потребности общества в культуре в современном глобализированном мире.

Ключевые слова: культура, культурология, культура, культурология, культурное бытие, просвещение, культурный процесс, культурное развитие.


Xatamova Gulbahor Abdumo'min qizi

Favqulodda vaziyatlar vazirligi akademiyasi. "Tillar" kafedrasi katta o'qituvchisi

gulnahorxatamova@gmail .com


O'zbekistondagi ma'naviyat-ma'rifiy kengashlar faoliyati va Movarounnahr tarixi, davlat arboblari va allomalarning jamiyat qadriyatlari haqidagi fikrlari, ilm-ma 'rifatga munosabatda bo 'lish borasidagi sa 'y-harakatlari dalillar bilan keltiriladi. Bu boradagi xulosalar O'zbekiston Respublikasi Prezidenti va Vazirlar Mahkamasining qarorlariga asoslanadi. O'zbekistonda ijtimoiy-gumanitar fanlar bo'yicha tadqiqot ob'ekti va bu sohadagi kechikishlarning dolzarb masalalari muhokama qilinadi. Xususan, vatanparvarlik, tadbirkorlik, irodalilik, mafkuraviy immunitet, mehr-oqibat, mas'uliyat, bag'rikenglik, huquqiy madaniyat, yangicha fikrlash, mehnatsevarlik kabi fazilatlarni shakllantirish va baholashning ilmiy asoslangan ko'rsatkichlarini ishlab chiqish. Eng muhimi, bugungi kunda ijtimoiy-gumanitar fanlarning orqada qolib ketishining uchta sababi bor. Ma'naviyat va qadriyatlarni o'lchaydigan ko'rsatkich bormi, degan savol tug'iladi va muallif Prezident Shavkat Mirziyoyevning "Temir kitob ", "Yoshlar kitobi ", "Ayollar kitobi ", "Mehr kitobi " ana shunday ko'rsatkichlar bo'lib xizmat qiladi, degan xulosaga keladi. Olimlar ushbu ko'rsatkichningfalsafiy va ijtimoiy ahamiyatini tushuntirishlari kerak. Jamiyatda bunga ehtiyoj bor. Bu vazifani faylasuflar, tarixchilar, sotsiologlar, siyosatshunoslar va pedagoglar bajaradi, degan xulosaga keladi. Ushbu maqola ijtimoiy-gumanitar fanlardan biri bo 'lgan madaniyatshunoslikning jamiyat taraqqiyotidagi o'rni haqidagi ilmiy maqoladir. Xususan, maqolada madaniyat, uning ta'riflari tahlil qilinib, bugungi globallashgan dunyoda jamiyatning madaniyatga bo 'lgan ehtiyojlari muhokama qilinadi.

Kalit so'zlar: madaniyat, madaniyatshunoslik, madaniyat, kulturologiya, madaniy borliq, ma 'rifatparvarlik, madaniy jarayon, madaniy taraqqiyot.


We all know that science, especially the social sciences and humanities, is an important field that determines the present and future of any state. The land of Uzbekistan has long been famous for its great scientists and thinkers, who made an invaluable contribution to human civilization and made a significant contribution to

the development of world science and culture. Today, the role of the social sciences and humanities is very important in our country, which is on the path to becoming one of the developed countries.

In the history of the peoples of the world, the issues of spirituality and enlightenment have always been given special attention. Unlike other countries, the new Uzbekistan is headed by the President for Spirituality and Enlightenment and its Council. In the regions, provincial and district governors have been appointed in charge. This is one of the most important topics in the new Uzbek model. It is no coincidence that other nations and their politicians are interested in the fact that today in the new Uzbekistan spirituality and enlightenment are carried out at the level of state policy. That is why the idea of President Shavkat Mirziyoyev that "... if the body of public life is the economy, its soul and spirit is spirituality" 1 is one of the main pillars of the new Uzbek model. In other words, in addition to building a strong economy in Uzbekistan, it means respecting the spiritual values of the peoples living in this country and using them wisely to bring up a person who is rich in spiritual heritage. And this process takes place with spirituality and enlightenment. It is a fact that spirituality, enlightenment, education and science give life to the economy, and a strong economy can be created without proof. If we look at the history and way of life of the peoples of the East, the issues of spirituality and enlightenment, morality and ethics have not been neglected by the heads of state and thinkers. In Movarunnahr, for example, this issue has been a major pillar in the formation of faith. Because it is impossible to build a strong economy without building the right beliefs. The weakness of the economy and the fact that non-human behavior in spirituality is taking place is due to faith.


At this point, we would like to focus on one of the philosophical disciplines -"Cultural Studies". "Unlike nature," he said. In the textbook "Philosophy", published in 1999 in Rostov-on-Don, culture is both material and spiritual, created and created by man. Culture is a humanized nature that has been specially developed to meet these and other needs. "[1; 312] Indeed, the lack of natural resources in the biological state of man has forced him to influence nature and earn his living by processing it in order to ensure his own existence. This processed being is a culture, and because it is a specially processed part of a being created by man, the term "cultural being" is used as a synonym for it. The word "culture" is a combination of the Arabic word "medina" and "iyat", which means "belonging to the city". However, the word began to be used in the languages of other peoples, including Uzbek, in the sense of


education and upbringing" [2; 301]. Although the word culture means urban and enlightenment, it is used in the scientific literature at the level of the meaning of the word "culture". "Cultura" originally meant the transformation of natural objects as a result of human labor, in other words, the cultivation of land, farming. In fact, the word "culture" to some extent reflects the word "culture." If "culture" is derived from Greek to mean to cultivate, to nurture, to nurture, to enlighten, to develop, and to value, to enlighten people also means to cultivate. Enlightenment, on the other hand, is growing in cities, from simple exchanges to educational institutions.

There are different approaches to the definition of culture in the scientific literature. Classifications of these approaches are given in a number of literatures. These literatures show that in some literatures, the word "culture" is derived from the Latin meaning of "culture." However, society is broader in size than culture. In some literatures, culture is equated with values. However, there are also natural values and social phenomena that are man-made but insignificant to humanity. In some literatures, culture is used in the sense of creative activity. However, human creative activity is a way of existence and an aspect of cultural phenomena. In many literatures, culture is defined as the objectification of the human mind, but it is far from its etymological essence. In some literatures, culture has also been used in the sense of the development of subjects and the quality of society. Summarizing the achievements of these approaches to the interpretation of culture, we agree with the following definition: The etymological meaning of the concept of culture is reflected in the ontological significance of such terms as "processing", "care", "education". It is a question of a being of a new quality, whether it is a modified form of nature by man, or a relationship which he has created directly from the internal state of society. Mankind was the first to use the meaning of the concept of culture to distinguish the quality of the products it created from the quality of natural products. "Processing" is a law that defines the ontological nature of culture as a relatively stable, recurring, important, necessary relationship that reflects human activity. "Processing" is an attribute of all spheres of society as a human activity and, consequently, as a cultural activity. It is obvious that the category of culture is specific to all spheres of social life and reflects the objects and attitudes created by man directly "processed", "nurtured" and "brought up". So, from the ontological point of view, culture is a human being, a cultural being that has a new quality created directly by humanity [3; 209].


Hence, cultural existence is the basis of the existence and development of society. We agree with and support these social philosophical methodological ideas.

Based on the above, the history of culture and the theory of culture are studied in the field of cultural studies. As a science, it is a socio-humanitarian science that analyzes the cultural process inherent in humanity, its content and significance, and studies the general laws of cultural development.

The science of cultural studies is, first of all, a science that helps to understand the whole cultural process from the primitive way of life to the present day, and to integrate the knowledge and understanding of all disciplines about the development of culture [4; 507].

To ensure the implementation of the Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated March 5, 2019 "On additional measures to increase the effectiveness of spiritual and educational work" on December 31, 2019, the Cabinet of Ministers 'Concept of Native Education' 2 and a program of measures. The presidential decree and the concept adopted by the government require a completely new approach to the teaching of social sciences and humanities, especially philosophy. During the period of independence, philosophy, ethics, aesthetics, logic, religion, and cultural studies, which belong to the category of philosophical sciences, were taught in the first "humanities socio-economic" block of the curriculum of higher education institutions. Dozens of textbooks, manuals, monographs and other pamphlets on these subjects have been published. Thousands of lectures have been delivered in the classrooms. Without denying the courageous work of scientists in this field in the formation and upbringing of a perfect man, it should be noted that today the literature created at that time in the implementation of spiritual and educational work, spiritual and moral maturity of the new citizens of Uzbekistan. left unable to nurture. There are several factors for this. The first factor is the predominance of "dry theoretical ideas" formed in the Soviet era and inherited from the philosophical sciences that served the ideology of that system, the second factor is the differences between the words and practices of the representatives of this field, the third factor is the existence of a small number of bribes among the representatives of the field undermined the value of the philosophical sciences. Bribery between teachers and students in educational institutions has been condemned as the most disgusting element in the national values of the East. * In accordance with the changes in the curricula of higher education institutions from the 2020-2021 academic year One Philosophy subject is taught in the "Compulsory Sciences" block. The science is divided into three models: Philosophy, Anti-Corruption, and Religion.

Classroom hours are 60 hours in science and 30 hours in some disciplines. Students are given 60 or 30 hours (50/50) of independent study assignments. Some higher education institutions do not include this subject in their curricula. Social sciences, the importance of the philosophical sciences in particular cannot be denied. That is why the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev said, "The system of social sciences and humanities plays an important role in the development of our national spirituality, its integration into the lives of our people, especially our youth. Unfortunately, the development of these sciences, the process of updating and optimizing the scientific-practical and educational system to which they belong, is lagging behind.


Second, culturology is the study of culture as a complex and dynamic phenomenon, a unique phenomenon, a system.

Thirdly, it is the science that determines the most general laws of cultural studies by comparing and contrasting the cultural process inherent in all stages of human development, the material and spiritual-cultural process created by human beings, and achievements.

Cultural studies is one of the most active disciplines. It was formed mainly in the second half of the twentieth century as an independent discipline and began to be taught in Western universities. After Uzbekistan gained its independence, the teaching of cultural studies as a separate subject was introduced in the higher educational institutions of the republic. Unfortunately, not enough attention has been paid to cultural studies in recent years, and it is not taught in higher education institutions. With this in mind, we consider it appropriate to teach the subject of cultural studies in all undergraduate areas of higher education.


Values in society are also important for the management of people and the formation of a healthy spiritual environment. Values are the object of study of the social sciences and humanities. A new approach to education and education, in particular, the social sciences and humanities, which study the values of society and apply them in everyday life, is a requirement and need of today. It is no secret that the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev said: It is connected with upbringing "4. Level y is the object of study and introduction of philosophical sciences. communication will need to be established. In order to do this, it is necessary to pay attention to the following factors in the process of reforming

educational institutions today. It is enough to conduct lessons on the following topics: because other topics are included in other disciplines and do not need to be repeated. There is a need to rewrite the text of existing textbooks in the language of textbooks or manuals. Forced translations from Russian and other foreign languages should be avoided, to avoid thoughts and statements that no one understands and annoys the student, it can be passed as a question in the plan. Third, the topics covered in the Theology module are a repetition of the topics covered in general secondary school history and education. In conclusion, it should be noted that in today's era of globalization, the role of the social sciences and humanities, especially cultural studies, is invaluable in explaining and analyzing any cultural news to our citizens. If the social sciences and humanities, especially cultural studies, do not fulfill their function, the people may fall into the trap of globalization and be separated from the national culture.


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2. Фалсафа: (Укув кулланма). Э.Ю.Юсуповнинг умумий тахрири остида. - Т.: "Шарк", 1999. 301-бет.

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4. Ikramov, R.A. Ismayilov, A.Z. (2020). Historical and theoretical roots of establishing a democratic law in Uzbekistan.EPRA International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research (IJMR) 6 (10), 507.

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