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Ключевые слова
mentoring / professional erudition / professional skills development / future teachers / pedagogical mentoring / educational practices / teacher competencies. / mentoring / professional erudition / professional skills development / future teachers / pedagogical mentoring / educational practices / teacher competencies.

Аннотация научной статьи по Гуманитарные науки, автор научной работы — Jorayeva G.I.

The article examines the importance of mentoring in the formation of professional erudition among future teachers. In the context of modern educational requirements, a teacher must have not only knowledge in his subject area, but also the ability to effectively transfer it to his students. The author analyzes various aspects of mentoring, including its role in the formation of key skills, pedagogical competence and professional identity of future teachers. Based on modern research and practical experience, the influence of mentoring on the development of professional erudition and competencies of the teaching staff is studied in detail. The results of the work can be useful for pedagogical educational institutions, practical teachers and researchers interested in the professional development of teachers

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The article examines the importance of mentoring in the formation of professional erudition among future teachers. In the context of modern educational requirements, a teacher must have not only knowledge in his subject area, but also the ability to effectively transfer it to his students. The author analyzes various aspects of mentoring, including its role in the formation of key skills, pedagogical competence and professional identity of future teachers. Based on modern research and practical experience, the influence of mentoring on the development of professional erudition and competencies of the teaching staff is studied in detail. The results of the work can be useful for pedagogical educational institutions, practical teachers and researchers interested in the professional development of teachers


Jo^rayeva G.I. basic doctoral student Andijan State University


Abstract. The article examines the importance of mentoring in the formation of professional erudition among future teachers. In the context of modern educational requirements, a teacher must have not only knowledge in his subject area, but also the ability to effectively transfer it to his students. The author analyzes various aspects of mentoring, including its role in the formation of key skills, pedagogical competence and professional identity of future teachers. Based on modern research and practical experience, the influence of mentoring on the development of professional erudition and competencies of the teaching staff is studied in detail. The results of the work can be useful for pedagogical educational institutions, practical teachers and researchers interested in the professional development of teachers.

Keywords: mentoring, professional erudition, professional skills development, future teachers, pedagogical mentoring, educational practices, teacher competencies.

Introduction. Mentoring plays a key role in the formation of professional erudition among future teachers. In the field of education, it is an integral tool that contributes to the effective development of pedagogical skills and knowledge. The role of mentors in the learning process of students-future teachers cannot be overestimated, since their experience and knowledge help to create the basis for a successful career in education.

Firstly, mentoring facilitates the transfer of practical experience. Future teachers can learn valuable lessons first-hand, working under the guidance of experienced teachers. Mentors share their knowledge, teach effective teaching methods, and help students figure out difficult situations that may arise in the learning process. This practical experience cannot be obtained from books, so mentoring is a necessary component of the education of future teachers.

Secondly, mentoring promotes the development of adaptive skills. Teaching practice often requires a quick response to changing circumstances, the ability to quickly adapt to new situations and adapt curricula to the individual needs of students. Under the guidance of mentors, students learn to think flexibly, solve problems and adapt their learning approaches.

In addition, mentoring contributes to the formation of professional identity among future teachers. Working side by side with experienced teachers allows students to feel part of the educational community, imbued with its values and culture[1]. This process helps students better understand themselves as

professionals, define their goals and values in the field of education. Mentoring plays a crucial role in shaping the professional erudition of future teachers. This process not only transfers knowledge and skills, but also develops critical thinking, promotes self-reflection and professional growth. In the context of education, the role of mentoring becomes especially important, since future teachers must be ready to transfer knowledge and educate the next generation.

The first and perhaps the most important role of a mentor is the transfer of experience and knowledge. Future teachers need a deep understanding of the subject area, as well as the ability to effectively transfer this knowledge to their students. Mentors, having experience in the educational field, can share their knowledge and thereby help young teachers develop their professional erudition[2]. An important part of mentoring is the development of critical thinking. Future teachers should be able to analyze information, identify its reliability and applicability in the educational process. Mentors can stimulate this process by asking provocative questions and providing support in understanding different points of view.

Self-reflection also plays an important role in the professional growth of a teacher. Mentors help future teachers to be aware of their strengths and weaknesses, as well as find ways to improve them. Regular conversations and discussions with a mentor help teachers realize their professional path and constantly improve[3]. Finally, mentoring contributes to the creation of a professional network and support. Future teachers, having a mentor, get access to valuable resources and advice, which helps them successfully cope with professional challenges and difficulties.

Thus, the role of mentoring in the development of professional erudition of future teachers is invaluable. It provides the transfer of knowledge and experience, the development of critical thinking, self-reflection and support in professional growth. Successful mentoring contributes to the formation of qualified and competent teachers who are ready to work effectively in an educational environment.

Mentoring plays a crucial role in shaping the professional erudition of future teachers. This process not only transfers knowledge and skills, but also develops critical thinking, promotes self-reflection and professional growth. In the context of education, the role of mentoring becomes especially important, since future teachers must be ready to transfer knowledge and educate the next generation. The first and perhaps the most important role of a mentor is the transfer of experience and knowledge[4]. Future teachers need a deep understanding of the subject area, as well as the ability to effectively transfer this knowledge to their students. Mentors, having experience in the educational field, can share their knowledge and thereby help young teachers develop their professional erudition.

An important part of mentoring is the development of critical thinking. Future teachers should be able to analyze information, identify its reliability and

applicability in the educational process. Mentors can stimulate this process by asking provocative questions and providing support in understanding different points of view. Self-reflection also plays an important role in the professional growth of a teacher. Mentors help future teachers to realize their strengths and weaknesses, as well as find ways to improve them[5]. Regular conversations and discussions with a mentor help teachers realize their professional path and constantly improve.

Finally, mentoring contributes to the creation of a professional network and support. Future teachers, having a mentor, get access to valuable resources and advice, which helps them successfully cope with professional challenges and difficulties. Thus, the role of mentoring in the development of professional erudition of future teachers is invaluable. It provides the transfer of knowledge and experience, the development of critical thinking, self-reflection and support in professional growth. Successful mentoring contributes to the formation of qualified and competent teachers who are ready to work effectively in an educational environment.

The teaching profession requires not only knowledge about the subject, but also the ability to transfer it to students, inspire them to study and help them reach their potential. Mentoring plays a key role in this process, ensuring the transition from theory to practice and helping students develop their professional erudition[6]. Initially, mentoring provides students with the opportunity to immerse themselves in the real atmosphere of the teaching profession. They gain access to the experience of experienced teachers, can observe and analyze their teaching methods, and participate in lessons as assistants or interns. This hands-on experience helps future teachers better understand their strengths and areas that need improvement.

In conclusion, mentoring plays an important role in the development of professional erudition among future teachers. It promotes the transfer of practical experience, the development of adaptive skills and the formation of professional identity. Through mentoring, students receive not only knowledge, but also valuable teaching experience that will be useful to them in their future careers in education.


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2. Тутолмин, Александр Викторович. "Формирование и развитие креативной компетентности будущего учителя в процессе профессиональной подготовки в системе непрерывного педагогического образования." Вестник Удмуртского университета. Серия «Философия. Психология. Педагогика» 2 (2012): 49-58.

3. Islomovich I. T., Ravshanbekovich G. S. DEVELOPMENT OF PEDAGOGICAL COMPETENCE IN FUTURE TEACHERS //The American Journal of Management and Economics Innovations. - 2023. - Т. 5. - №. 04. -С. 12-16.

4. Косырев, В. Н., В. А. Сластенин, and M. И. Старов. "Динамика отношения студентов к учению в педагогическом вузе." Вопросы психологии 3 (1985): 61.

5. Слепенкова, Евгения Александровна, and Ольга Александровна Катушенко. "ФОРМИРОВАНИЕ МИРОВОЗЗРЕНИЯ БУДУЩЕГО УЧИТЕЛЯ В ПРОЦЕССЕ ИЗУЧЕНИЯ ИСТОРИКО-ПЕДАГОГИЧЕСКИХ ДИСЦИПЛИН." Потенциал историко-образователъного знания в психолого-педагогической подготовке будущего учителя. 2021.

6. Islomovich I. T., Son I. A. M. Management forms and organization methods of the neighborhood institute //Conferencea. - 2023. - С. 57-60.

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