THE ROLE OF INFORMATION IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE SOCIETY Текст научной статьи по специальности «СМИ (медиа) и массовые коммуникации»

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Аннотация научной статьи по СМИ (медиа) и массовым коммуникациям, автор научной работы — Muxiddinova X.G.

This article discusses the role of information in society. Facts are based on evidence of human life.

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УДК 374.45

Muxiddinova X. G. teacher of department« Social Sciences » Namangan Engineering Construction Institute THE ROLE OF INFORMATION IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE


Abstract: This article discusses the role of information in society. Facts are based on evidence of human life.

Keywords: Information, evolution, society, law

As a result of millennia of the evolution of primitive societies, the first information «machines» appear in the historical arena, known to us under the name «state». It is not necessary to explain why the human being has been used as a «building material» for such a «biomachine». Having split itself into functionally independent parts and linked them into a whole called «state machine», humanity entered the era of systematic and purposeful accumulation, processing and collapsing of information. The means of information processing organized in the «state» had unconditional advantages over ineffective primitive processes of spontaneous accumulation of the simplest knowledge. The subsequent development of civilizations is already taking place in the midst of statehood. States have become a self-developing tool for the creation and development of the information infrastructure of mankind.

In the classical works on the theory of social progress, the role of the laws of the development of information in the historical process was practically not taken into account. It is for this reason, it seems to us, that practical attempts to build harmonic state formations have not yet led to sustainable results. The incompleteness of theoretical knowledge has not allowed to make irreversible practical steps towards social harmony.

The cybernetic approach allows you to look at the state as a complex information machine, filled with feedback. The political invariance and objectivity of such an approach helps to identify, in a new aspect (in conjunction with the fundamental laws of information development), the most significant factors affecting the development of statehood, including those that determine the social significance of the individual in the state. For thousands of years the functioning of the «state machine» was built on social inequality. From the standpoint of cybernetics, the inequality of the components of a machine is dictated by the difference in the functions performed. Inside the «lifeless» machine, of course, there is no place for social conflicts. The state is a special «machine». Its elements are people, its knots are collectives of people. This «machine» organizes the work of some people under the control of others. One part controls, the other executes. What is absolutely conflict-free in an «inanimate» machine, generates a lot of problems in the social environment.

Social inequality manifests itself in two forms: «official» position in the hierarchy of government and «property» position, fixed by the relation of private

property. Both were still an indispensable condition for the functioning of the «live» machine and it became necessary to pay for the bills of information progress. In this rigid situation, the personality is initially limited in freedom of choice. The information field of an individual is delineated by the boundaries of his authority on the ladder of social inequality. As a link of the information «machine», a person resides in a sophisticated system of external ones regarding himself (and therefore, hostilely perceived) direct or indirect prohibitions, which restrains his natural information activity. Serving informational milk, people fall into the antagonistic field of the forces of social inequality and either reconcile themselves with the loss of personal sovereignty or accumulate destructive energy that sooner or later splashes into the bloody events of social revolutions.

However, social revolutions could not bring social equality, because they are not able to change the subordinate position of a person who enters separate parts of the state structure as a «living» information machine. The higher intelligent being endowed with free will is used as an integral part of a very useful but completely devoid of spirituality mechanism. This was the forced compromise on which humanity went for the sake of ensuring information progress.

Now the situation has changed fundamentally. The computer industry gave people what no social revolution could give. A massive high-performance computer is already able to replace a person in the structure of the state information machine, taking over those routine functions of processing information for which the millennium is very unproductive and, moreover, with the reproduction of social tension, a person has been used. So, before contemporaries, the real prospect of the liberation of mankind from the millennia of the captivity of the information milch and the construction of a harmonious information society is opened, in which a single and equitable information space will provide individuals with true freedom, people with social equality, machines with active and interested employers. Information progress inevitably leads to social harmony.

With the exhaustion of natural resources and the development of the information infrastructure, the progressive importance of private property will decrease. The historical possibilities of the institution of private property are limited. Today, these boundaries are clearly visible. The transition to a new computer paradigm and new ways of manufacturing computers and programs will constitute a new phase of the computer revolution. The material and technical basis for such a transition has already been created. Smooth, almost invisible to the outsider observer, the transition at the level of technology is quite probable. The social consequences of structural changes in the production basis will become much more dramatic. The basis is changed - the superstructure changes.

The normal development of information leads to full openness or, in other words, complete information transparency of the society. This becomes especially important now, when the information infrastructure is immersed in the global computer environment. This dive destroys the primitive information partitions at all levels of society. In the late 1980s, the need to move to information

transparency became one of the most important factors in the crisis of closed societies, contributing to the West's victory in the Cold War. But time does not stand still and today the western system is facing similar problems. The technical possibility of delivering any information to any place gives the antagonism to private and public forms of ownership a new content. The «sacred cows» of capitalism - «commercial secrets», «the secrecy of deposits» and the «not caught is not a thief» principle, do not seem suitable for an open information society in which the freedom of each person will be measured by the equal right of everyone to store, transmit, receive and transform the information of a single information space. Against this background, private property can no longer claim to be the main bastion of individual freedom.

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УДК 375.25

Narimova G.A.

Tashkent State Pedagogical University Uzbekistan, Tashkent city THEORETICAL APPROACHES TO THE PROBLEM OF INNOVATIVE

PEDAGOGICAL TECHNOLOGIES Annotation: In this article, theoretical approaches to the problems of innovative pedagogical technologies have been developed

Keywords: pedagogy, technology, science, education, problem Scientific innovations, which advance progress, cover all areas of human knowledge. There are socio-economic, organizational and managerial, technical and technological innovations. One of the varieties of social innovation is pedagogical innovation.

Pedagogical innovation is an innovation in the field of pedagogy, a purposeful progressive change that brings to the educational environment stable elements (innovations) that improve the characteristics of both its individual components and the educational system as a whole.

Pedagogical innovations can be carried out both at the expense of the own resources of the educational system (intensive development path), and by attracting additional capacities (investments) - new means, equipment, technologies, capital investments, etc. (extensive way of development).

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