Polatov Kh. U. senior teacher SamlES
Abstract. Trade in development of information communication technologies place and importance improve
Keywords: foreign trade, retail digital trade, courier services, domestic trade, trade discount.
One of the important objects of the market economy is trade activity. Trade activity has long been a source of profit and has been considered a means of spreading culture and enlightenment among the countries of the world. Trade, being a special activity, also represents a special branch of the economy. Trading activity is the purchase of goods from manufacturing enterprises and selling them to consumers after fully studying the demand in the market in order to make a profit. In the process of carrying out such activities, trade enterprises act as mediators between producers and consumers.
In global trading practice, over-the-counter electronic trading systems, a new form of trading, are now widely used as a competitor to the traditional stock exchange system. The reason for the emergence and rapid development of such systems was the excessive increase in market size and requirements, the wide penetration of modern information and communication technologies into the life of the market economy and business.
When researchers conducted a survey on the amount of use of ecommerce in several countries, the following results were obtained:
4- Wholesale and retail trade - 34%;
4- -8% in production;
4- Service -27%;
4- Transport, travel-1%;
4- Education, art, multimedia -11%;
-I- Other services -13%.
In our country, special attention is paid to wide application of information technologies in the daily activities of state bodies and economic entities, as well as the population, and this has become one of the main directions of state policy.
The integration of our country into the world economic system requires the implementation of appropriate technologies not only in the foreign market, but also in the domestic market. In our republic, an appropriate normative legal framework for the regulation of electronic commerce has been created. However, the current level of development of information technology and commerce requires a more thorough regulation of relations in the field of
electronic commerce. In order to carry out their activities, trade enterprises create the basis for the simultaneous operation of manufacturing enterprises and the timely sale of products collected in their reserves. In addition, it allows timely satisfaction of the demands of consumers in the market.
Services provided by postal operators and providers play an important role in conducting and developing the sale of parcels, periodicals, and philatelic products. For example, in the former Soviet era, parcel trade was considered the most progressive method and means of providing the population, especially people living in villages, with auto technical spare parts, goods for cultural and household purposes, yarn and yarn, hats and outerwear, thereby saving their time. The rarest artistic, technical and other special books were delivered to consumers through parcel sales. Nowadays, trading of postage stamps, boxes, envelopes, packages, books, newspapers and magazines are important types of universal services provided by postal operators and providers. All this requires wide use of the possibilities of postal communication services in the development of trade in our republic.
Based on the above, the wider introduction of e-commerce in the republic will allow the following to be implemented:
-I- the costs of conducting trade operations will be significantly reduced, the problems related to the geographical distance of electronic commerce entities will be solved;
-I- conditions will be created for the direct and rapid establishment of contractual relations between sellers and buyers, including the emergence of new participants in the market (under such conditions, small business entities will be able to compete effectively in the international market);
Information networks increase the transparency of transactions in electronic commerce, which allows sellers and buyers to quickly obtain information about prices, quality and delivery of goods offered by various competitors.
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