№ 4 (97)_- » « -c-i-i-ir.:.- - : _апрель. 2022 г.
Yunusbek Sattiyev
of Andijan Institute of Agriculture and Agrotechnology,
Uzbekistan, Andijan E-mail: [email protected]
Rakhmatillo Shermatov
of Andijan Institute of Agriculture and Agrotechnology,
Uzbekistan, Andijan
Саттиев Юнусбек Шахобиддинович
Андижанского института сельского хозяйства и агротехнологии
Республика Узбекистан, г. Андижан
Шерматов Рахматилло Юлдашевич
Андижанского института сельского хозяйства и агротехнологии
Республика Узбекистан, г. Андижан
This article compares the benefits of using total station and traditional leveling methods for level surveying to create and update topographic plans in areas where waterworks are being built. These comparisons were evaluated on such items as preparatory work, picketing of the route, linking the route to the starting point, and leveling along the route axis.
В данной статье сравниваются преимущества использования электронных тахеометрических и традиционных нивелирных методов съемки уровня для создания и обновления топографических планов в районах, где строятся гидротехнические сооружения. Эти сравнения оценивались по таким пунктам, как подготовительные работы, пикетирование маршрута, привязка маршрута к начальной точке и нивелировка по оси маршрута.
Keywords: total station survey, leveling, tracing, survey, pump station, topographic survey, GPS-system.
Ключевые слова: тахеометрическая съемка, нивелировка, трассировка, съемка, насосная станция, топографическая съемка, GPS-система.
High yields of agricultural products largely depend on the reliable and uninterrupted operation of water facilities, including pumping stations. In recent years, great attention has been paid to improving the efficiency of water facilities and facilities. The efficiency of water facilities, including pumping stations, depends on their key performance indicators. Improving the efficiency of pumping stations, improving the design of its equipment and facilities, as well as the study of local conditions and factors that affect the efficiency of the machine-lifting complex, and the establishment of a system of scientific research.Nasos stansiyasini elementlarini joylashtirish, unumli ishlashini ta'minlash va ekspluatatsiya vaqtida foydalanishga qulay bo'lishligi uchun quyidagi geodezik ishlar olib boriladi:
• Construction of planned and elevation geodetic substantiation (survey geodetic network) on the project area of the pump station;
• Topographic survey;
• Carrying out surface leveling and leveling works on the areas for vertical leveling;
• Creating plans (maps) and profiles;
• Drawing and design of linear structures, planning of elements of irrigation and drainage networks.
Geodetic works are of great importance in the implementation of geodetic works in the project area on the basis of the project at the level of demand.
In recent years, the introduction of modern automated tools and technologies in the field of geodesy in the design, construction and reconstruction of hydraulic structures in geodetic work and the development of results on a computer using special software, as well as graphic materials in a short time. It is known that a large amount of earthworks is carried out during the construction of collectors and drains, so the
Библиографическое описание: Sattiyev Y., Shermatov R. THE ROLE OF GEODESY WORK IN THE DESIGN OF PUMP STATIONS // Universum: технические науки : электрон. научн. журн. 2022. 4(97). URL:
№ 4 (97)_♦ ' - • : ^_апрель. 2022 г.
calculation of geodetic works on a modern electronic and saves time. causes. Therefore, we can compare
total station, and the volume of earthworks on the basis traditional and modern leveling works (Figure 1,2).
of a computer program, in turn increases productivity
Figure 1. Perform measurements on an electronic total station
Figure 2. Leveling in the traditional way
From the above figures it can be seen that in the traditional method the levels have to be set at several points, while in a tacheometer we can focus from one point on all the characteristic points.
The descriptions of the time values spent for geodetic measurements performed in the area where the pump station is being designed, we consider Table 1 below to compare the results.
Table 1.
No Technology stages Time costs (min.)
Using an electronic total station Using H 3 levels and roulette
1 Preparatory work 10 15
2 Divide the route into pickets 30 30
3 Linking the route to the starting point 15 40
4 Leveling along the track axis 15 30
5 Leveling the crossbars: a) Measure the distance between the intermediate points using a tape measure b) leveling of intermediate points c) recording, drawing and checking the measurement results - 10
10 20
- 10
6 Manual download to computer to process measurement results - 40
7 Development of measurement results, construction of transverse and longitudinal profiles 30 30
Total time spent 110 225
№ 4 (97)_♦ ♦ • ■■>: - i _апрель. 2022 г.
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