UDK 339.9
Abdulakimov G.A.
Head department of "Knowledge basics of economic " Tashkent State Pedagogical University Uzbekistan, Tashkent
Annotation: This article covers issues of improving the investment attractiveness of small business enterprises, optimizing sources of financing infrastructure investment market.
Key words: small business, investment attractiveness, investment climate, investment funds, investment market infrastructure.
In today's economy, modernization of our economy is the main requirement of modernization of investments into our country, in particular, provision of modern technics and equipment to small businesses, as well as competitive and export-oriented products that meet market demand. The role of investment in this area is remarkable, in particular, the development of small business and private entrepreneurship, sustainable economic growth, and increasing volumes of domestic and foreign investment will activate investment processes in the real sector. It is possible to achieve economic growth by increasing investment attractiveness.
Small business serves as a vital basis of market and economic systems of the state, and includes the primary socio-economic function, one of the basic conditions of market relations, in the production of goods, which takes into account the balance of demand and supply. Taking the necessary measures to increase the investment attractiveness of small businesses, the government will increase the lending to small businesses and allow small businesses to fully utilize their loans. A number of decrees and resolutions have been adopted by the head of state on the development of small business. The Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan of July 12, 2012 "On additional measures to further improve the business environment and the provision of greater freedom of entrepreneurship" "On Additional Measures to Form a Favorable Business Environment for Further Development of Small Business and Private Entrepreneurship" The Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated March 11, 2011 "On Additional Measures to Increase the Lending to Small Businesses and Private Entrepreneurship" and the Year of Small Business and Private Entrepreneurship as a result of the development and implementation of the State Program, the creation of small enterprises, their registration, tax and other benefits, improving and increasing the volume of loans to small businesses and businesses, allocating loans for investment and initial capital, modernization, medium and long-term loans for technological upgrading,
foreign investment in small business development, international financial institutions credit wide opportunities for the development of small business and private entrepreneurship in the industry, as well as the high-tech modern productions.
In general, the investment climate is a set of economic, social, and political conditions that are aimed at ensuring the effectiveness and security of investments into a particular region of the country. The overall investment environment in the country affects the investment activity of the region, the network and the enterprises. Formation and use of investments are carried out on the basis of the investment policy of the country and the undertakings. First of all, this policy determines the priority directions of capital investment, and secondly, the correct placement and development of production forces, and third, the development of science and technology and the development of the entire economy.
Scientists have suggested the following in terms of increasing the investment attractiveness of small businesses. In particular, D.Ednovitsky, V.A.Babushkin, N.Baturina invest in investment attractiveness with investment risk. They say that an investment attractiveness means that the organization understands that there is a desire to risk capital ownership, as well as to make investments in the form of money and in the form of fixed assets. In this situation, the provision of capital and knowledge of the recipients is a fundamental and highly sensitive act of the investment attractiveness of the organization. [1]
I.A.Blank describes the investment attractiveness as a generalization of advantages and disadvantages of the individual investment and investing points, and estimates that the investment attractiveness of individual objects is dependent on many factors and has individual character. [2]
It should be noted that the investment attractiveness determines the level of profitability for investors. Financial stability, creditworthiness and competitiveness are taken into account when making decisions on investment attraction and lending. One of the main tasks of the present day is to increase investment attractiveness of small businesses, to develop credit and financial institutions, to increase the volume of foreign and domestic investments, and to invest in small business in the development of government programs.
Some businessmen start their own business at their own expense and some in need of external resources.
There are 2 types of cash resources:
1. Commercial loan. This kind of "money" is not a valid means of borrowing. In fact, this is the value of the goods. Suppliers lend to this or that subject without paying for it and a short-term loan, provided that the loan is repaid in due time. Banks and other lenders, such loans are specifically targeted - term loans are carefully reserved for next season sales. The loan for such a loan lasts for one year.
2. Long-term credit. These loans are extended for more than a year to expand or improve the business. Investor participation in equity capital. Such resources are not refundable. You will get the funds and give the investor some of the profit.
Investing funds have high shareholder potential and can pay contributions to
small business capital. As it is well known, the main purpose of investing in small businesses in commercial banks is not merely the maintenance of capital, but also to increase their safety, profitability and profitability.
It promotes the attraction and attractiveness of small businesses in Uzbekistan, the implementation of joint promising joint projects, the introduction of new modern techniques and technologies, increasing the quality of products produced in our country to the demand of world markets.
However, there are still unresolved problems in improving the methods of investing in our country, as well as optimizing their financing sources and formulating the infrastructure of the investment market. The following suggestions can be made to address these issues:
- Development of investment funds to increase the attractiveness of small businesses;
- formation of specialized funds for small business financing;
- The commercial banks will be able to solve the problem of financing investment activity in our country by increasing the volume of long-term loans for the formation of the initial capital of small businesses and supporting their investment projects.
Through the introduction of the above suggestions, small businesses can achieve the following positive results by enhancing the investment attractiveness and adequate development:
- Improving investment attractiveness and investing in regions will help to strengthen market relations.
- financial support for small business and private entrepreneurship, first of all, expands the volume of long-term loans for investment purposes, initial capital formation.
- The competitive environment will be a powerful tool to improve the socioeconomic situation in the country.
- Ensuring that social and economic problems are solved at a certain level will result in the development of the strategic and mobile sector of the economy.
Thanks to the joint efforts of the legislative and executive government and local authorities in the country we can achieve significant results in improving the conditions for the development of small businesses, which in turn leads to positive changes in the development of small businesses and economic reform in Uzbekistan. At the same time, the efficiency of domestic investment in our country will increase, which will have a positive impact on GDP growth.
1. Д.А. Ендиновицкий, В.А. Бабушкин, Н.А. Батурина и др.Анализ инвестиционной привлекательности организации: научное издание/ М.:КНОРУС,2010.- 376c.
2. Бланка И.А. "Основы инвестиционного менеджмента" В 2 т. Спб; Ника -центр, 2001.
3. Узбекистон Республикаси Давлат Статистика кумитаси маълумотлари.