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Ключевые слова
construction of low-cost housing / economic basis of housing construction / analysis of the state of housing construction / housing loan issues. / construction of low-cost housing / economic basis of housing construction / analysis of the state of housing construction / housing loan issues.

Аннотация научной статьи по строительству и архитектуре, автор научной работы — Mirisaev Abdurakhmon

This article examines the problem of providing cheap housing for the population and the current situation. There are also issues related to meeting the housing needs of the population through the improvement of affordable housing. In the following years, efforts were made to improve the architectural appearance of rural settlements in the republic, to increase the standard and quality of life of rural residents due to the construction of individual houses according to model projects, and the rapid development of engineering and transport communications in the countryside, as well as social infrastructure facilities. work has been done. Empirical research method was mainly used in the implementation of the research, that is, the issues of increasing the social well-being of the population based on housing construction were considered, the issues of crediting housing construction were mentioned in detail, and conclusions and proposals were developed regarding the improvement of the sector.

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This article examines the problem of providing cheap housing for the population and the current situation. There are also issues related to meeting the housing needs of the population through the improvement of affordable housing. In the following years, efforts were made to improve the architectural appearance of rural settlements in the republic, to increase the standard and quality of life of rural residents due to the construction of individual houses according to model projects, and the rapid development of engineering and transport communications in the countryside, as well as social infrastructure facilities. work has been done. Empirical research method was mainly used in the implementation of the research, that is, the issues of increasing the social well-being of the population based on housing construction were considered, the issues of crediting housing construction were mentioned in detail, and conclusions and proposals were developed regarding the improvement of the sector.




Ph.D., Associate professor Mirisaev Abdurakhmon Abdulakhatovich ALFRAGANUS UNIVERSITY ORC-ID:0009-0000-8735-6672

Abstarct: This article examines the problem of providing cheap housing for the population and the current situation. There are also issues related to meeting the housing needs of the population through the improvement of affordable housing. In the following years, efforts were made to improve the architectural appearance of rural settlements in the republic, to increase the standard and quality of life of rural residents due to the construction of individual houses according to model projects, and the rapid development of engineering and transport communications in the countryside, as well as social infrastructure facilities, work has been done. Empirical research method was mainly used in the implementation of the research, that is, the issues of increasing the social well-being of the population based on housing construction were considered, the issues of crediting housing construction were mentioned in detail, and conclusions and proposals were developed regarding the improvement of the sector.

Keywords: construction of low-cost housing, economic basis of housing construction, analysis of the state of housing construction, housing loan issues.


As we all know, according to the honorable head of state Sh.M. Mirziyoyev, 2.4 trillion was planned from the state budget to finance the construction of multi-apartment houses in rural areas and cities since 2021 in order to provide low-cost housing to the needy sections of the population. Until now, the construction of high-quality and modern housing for the population of our country and the provision of large-scale housing to the population is being performed as an urgent task. As a result of the construction of houses, owning one's own apartment has been raised to the level of value in our nation since ancient times. Therefore, every family in our country wants to have their own house, regardless of their financial conditions, social status and level.

If you go to any region of our republic today, you can't help but be surprised by the ongoing creative work, the construction of modern housing and buildings. Now, in place of the old city, there are new and modern houses - places and the high quality of service of the infrastructure facilities that serve the population.

In this regard, in the address of the President of our country to the Oliy Majlis, special attention was paid to the issues of reforming the social sector, "The implementation of the adopted programs on the reform of the social sector, which is an extremely important direction of the state policy conducted in Uzbekistan, is also phased. - stage is being provided" - it was noted1.

Taking into account the demands and wishes of the multi-ethnic people of Uzbekistan, on the initiative of the head of state, the implementation of the project of building affordable housing on the basis of preferential mortgage loans was started in 2017.

Analysis of literature on the topic

Regarding housing construction, the fact that scientific research is being carried out in the field in the Housing Code, in the decisions and decrees of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, and in the decisions of the Cabinet of Ministers also reflects the relevance of this topic. In our country, the theoretical and methodological foundations of the issues of complex socio-economic development of the countries have been covered in the scientific researches of several economists of our Republic. In particular, special issues of socio-economic development of countries G.K.Saidova, V.Golishev,

1 Address of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev to the Oliy Majlis//Xalq sozi, December 23, 2017.

A.Nabikhodjaev, S.S.Gulomov, N.Tokhliyev, S.S.Hayitov, A.A.Abdug'aniyev, I.Q.Nazarov, A.A.Abdullayev, M.A.Oripov, O.M.Rakhmongulov, A.M.Sodikov, G.P.Erkaeva and others are covered in scientific works.

In the decision of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated January 13,2017 "On additional measures to effectively implement the program of construction and reconstruction of affordable multi-apartment houses in cities in 2017-2020", the current 191 lakes with an area of 554.8 thousand square meters in the city of Tashkent and other cities of the republic in accordance with the decisions taken on the improvement of the housing conditions of young families, residents of old houses and other categories of citizens who need improvement of housing conditions p apartment houses are being built and reconstructed (2).

The decision of President Shavkat Mirziyoyev on October 21, 2016 "On the program for the construction of affordable housing according to updated model projects in rural areas in 2017-2021" brought the work in this regard to a new stage. The implementation of this decision serves to radically increase the level of use of modern and comfortable houses for a large segment of the rural population, to ensure the rational use of land resources, and to further develop individual housing construction in rural areas.(3).

Decision PQ-3350 of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan of October 23,2017 "On additional measures to effectively implement the program of construction and reconstruction of affordable multi-apartment houses in cities in 2017-2020" and a number of documents on this issue serve to increase the efficiency of work in this field (4).


Empirical research method was mainly used in the implementation of the research, that is, the issues of increasing the social well-being of the population based on housing construction were considered, the issues of crediting housing construction were mentioned in detail, and conclusions and proposals were developed regarding the improvement of the sector.


In the following years, efforts were made to improve the architectural appearance of rural settlements in the republic, to increase the standard and quality of life of rural residents due to the construction of individual houses according to model projects, and the rapid development of engineering and transport communications in the countryside, as well as social infrastructure facilities, work has been done. Only in 2009-2016, 69,557 comfortable houses with a total area of 9,573,000 square meters were built in 1,308 housing estates in rural areas. The living conditions of more than 83,500 families in the villages were improved1-

In total, more than 3.5 million square meters of model houses and multi-storey buildings were built in our cities and villages. If we compare this figure with previous years, we can see that 20 times more houses were built than in 2007, 3.5 times more than in 2010, when the model housing program was launched, and 2 times more than in 2014.

The head of state emphasized the need to pay more attention to the housing problem, which is one of the most urgent and one of the main problems of the budget sector and low-income families.

It is worth noting that for the first time in the next 25 years, we started to build affordable multistorey housing with all amenities for residents. In 2017 alone, more than 800,000 square meters of such houses were built and put into use. In the city of Tashkent alone, 420,000 square meters of high-rise housing stock was commissioned this year. This is almost 3 times more than 2016 yearr2

At the same time, the results of the study showed the need to develop fundamentally new approaches that ensure the high efficiency of construction that fully takes into account the real needs and purchasing power of the population, as well as the national mentality and living conditions in rural areas. The growing need of the rural population for modern and affordable houses requires the

1Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated October 21, 2016 No. PQ-2639 "On the program for the construction of affordable housing according to updated model projects in rural areas in 2017-2021" // "People's Word", 2016 October 25.

2 Address of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev to the Oliy Majlis.// Xalq sozi, December 23, 2017.

introduction of high-level conditions for granting preferential loans, the further expansion of the use of new types of energy-saving materials and equipment, as well as the reduction of the cost of the houses being built.

Taking into account these important tasks, the decision of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan on October 21,2016 "On the program for the construction of affordable housing according to updated model projects in rural areas in 2017-2021" is intended for a wide range of rural residents. This is the main preliminary document aimed at radically increasing the level of use of modern and comfortable houses, ensuring rational use of land resources and further development of individual housing construction in rural areas.

This decision, taking into account the accumulated experience, construction contracting organizations will contribute to individual housing construction in rural areas. The decision envisages the implementation of a large-scale Program for the construction of affordable houses in rural areas for a period of five years. The updated model projects based on the program fully take into account the above-mentioned requirements and needs of the villagers, as they were developed taking into account their thoughts and wishes.

The program envisages the additional construction of the three cheapest types of single-family housing samples according to price parameters and comfort in rural areas:

> two- and three-story multi-apartment (2, 3-room) houses with outbuildings and well-kept yards;

> one-story 2- and 3-room houses placed on land plots with an area of 0.02 hectares together with buildings in the yard in densely populated districts;

> includes two-story, 4-room combined houses on plots of land with an area of 0.04 hectares together with buildings in the yard. The construction of existing model houses (with 6 acres) will also be continued.

The area and approximate prices of individual housing samples are defined as follows according to the type of housing.

According to the first type of housing, the estimated cost of two-room apartments with a total area of 42.4 square meters will be 72.5 million soums, including farm buildings, it is planned to be 85 million soums. In turn, three-room apartments have an area of 52.4 square meters and an average price of 88.5 million soums, including farm buildings, 100.7 million soums.

In the construction of these houses, taking into account the needs and wishes of the apartment owners, it is envisaged to build buildings located in the yard - playgrounds, verandas for recreation, showers, etc.

According to the second type of housing, cheap one-story two- and three-room houses will be built on a 2-hectare plot of land in densely populated districts. The total area of such a two-room house is 53 square meters and the estimated cost is 93.8 million soums (101.5 million soums with farm buildings). A three-room apartment is 63.5 square meters and costs 111 million soums on average (118.7 million soums - including farm buildings). Farm buildings are planned to be built in the yard of the houses.

The third type. They are two-story four-room houses with a total area of 115 square meters and will be built on a 4-hectare plot of land. The price is 162 million soums, 181.8 million soums with farm buildings.

If the initial contribution of the house builder was 25 percent within the framework of the program of individual housing construction on model projects in rural areas adopted in 2009, under the new program this contribution is only 15 percent for the builders of the first and second type of houses, is enough. This will help attract a wide range of rural residents to the Affordable Housing Program. In addition, the mortgage loan is granted for a period of 15 years with a three-year grace period and an annual interest rate of 7 percent during the first 5 years. In the following years, the interest rate of the loan will not exceed the refinancing rate of the Central Bank, which is currently 9% per annum.

According to the resolution, the following sources are used for housing construction financing:

> the population's own funds, that is, the initial contribution. In this case, the initial contribution of citizens applying for housing is the following amounts:

> 15 percent - for two- and three-story multi-apartment (2-3-room) houses and 2-3-room single-

story (2-story) houses;

> 25 percent — for 4-story houses (two-story 4-room combined) and 6-story houses;

> final contribution.

In this regard, the decision of our honorable head of state President Decree(PD)-2660 dated November 22, 2016 "On measures to implement the program for the construction and reconstruction of affordable multi-apartment houses in cities in 2017-2020" in relation to the housing of the population served as an important legal basis for meeting the demand and started a new stage of large-scale reforms.

The purpose of this decision is to improve the standard of living of the population living in the city, including young families, those living in outdated housing and other categories of citizens who need to improve their housing conditions by providing affordable, comfortable, modern housing, is to further increase and strengthen social support. According to the decision, in 2018, it is planned to build 335 affordable multi-storey houses with 13,917 apartments (Table 1).

It can also be seen from the table that in the future, that is, in 2017-2020, a total of 1,236 houses or 51,350 apartments are planned to be built in cities. Most of the planned houses are planned to be built in Tashkent city and Tashkent region, 29,252 houses with apartments, i.e. 56.9%, and 58.8% of 727 affordable multi-storey houses are planned, constitutes

Table 1. The main parameters of the program for the construction of affordable multi-apartment

houses in cities in 2018-2021, (unit)1

№ Regions Total 2018 y. 2019 y. 2020 y. 2021 y.

Number of houses (units) Number of apartme nts (units) Numbe r of houses (units) Number of apartme nts (units) Numbe r of houses (units) Number of apartme nts (units) Numbe r of houses (units) Number of apartme nts (units) Numbe r of houses (units) Numbe r of apartm ents (units)

Total: 1236 51 350 91 7 919 35 13 917 355 14757 355 14757

1. Republic Karakalpakstan 37 1665 7 315 0 450 10 450 10 450

2. Andijan 49 2 058 7 294 4 588 14 588 14 588

3. Bukhara 36 1512 6 252 0 420 10 420 10 420

4. Jizzakh 50 2 145 5 210 5 645 15 645 15 645

5. Kashkadarya 49 2 205 7 315 4 630 14 630 14 630

6. Navoi 29 1218 5 210 8 336 8 336 8 336

7. Namangan 50 2 100 8 336 4 588 14 588 14 588

8. Samarkand 57 2 565 9 405 6 720 16 720 16 720

9. Surkhandarya 35 1575 5 225 0 450 10 450 10 450

1 Decision PD-2660 of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated November 22, 2016 "On measures to implement the program of construction and reconstruction of affordable multi-apartment houses in cities in 2017-2020".

10. Syrdarya 35 1470 5 210 0 420 10 420 10 420

11. Tashkent 135 5 664 5 624 0 1680 40 1680 40 1680

12. Fergana 47 2 010 5 210 4 600 14 600 14 600

13. Khorezm 35 1575 5 225 0 450 10 450 10 450

14. Tashkent city 592 23 588 02 4 088 50 5 940 170 6 780 170 6 780

In the first quarter of 2022, in the Republic of Uzbekistan, a total of 24,071.6 billion. Soum construction works were completed, and the growth rate compared to the corresponding period of 2021 was 106.3%.

The volume of construction works is formed by the composition of works carried out by large construction organizations, small enterprises and micro-firms, and informal sectors. In Uzbekistan, the construction industry is defined as a priority sector of the economy. The modern construction industry is one of the most prominent national sectors of the economy of the Republic of Uzbekistan, and has been showing steady annual growth rates.

It is worth noting that 123 urban planning documents have been submitted for public discussion, and 109 of them have been discussed. Also, the "Geoportal" information system was created within the framework of the "Transparent Construction" national information portal system to give the status of a public document to the master plans of settlements. General plans of 213 cities and towns in the country, architectural planning organization projects of 595 areas, detailed planning projects of 16 areas, a total of 824 urban planning documents have been placed on Geoportal.

The "Aware Citizen" system, which allows citizens to independently receive information about the objects under construction, identify illegal constructions, record violations in construction objects and send them to the competent authorities in the field of construction control, was launched in test mode.

Starting from March 1, 2021, the design documents of the construction and reconstruction facility of buildings and structures with a height of 12 meters above the ground and a total area of more than 500 square meters, including single-family houses, have been subject to mandatory examination, and the implementation procedure was introduced with the establishment of state construction control by regional control inspections in the field of construction of the object under the Ministry of Construction.

The decision of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On measures to improve the procedure for organizing and conducting electronic public procurement in the field of construction" was adopted. Based on the requirements of the decision, for the first time tenders were conducted through the online electronic system. In 2021, 12 norms and rules of urban planning related to the construction sector were updated.

Figure 1. Number of construction companies as of August 1, 2023, units1

1 www.stat.uz

7 010 2 884 2 852 2 675 2 599 2 459 2 436 2 112 1 817 1 724 1 631 1 564 1 434 1 087

Tashkent city








Rep. Karakalpakstan Khorezm Namangan Jizzakh

Navoi Syrdarya

Specialized Construction of civil Construction of

construction work facilities buildings and


The number of enterprises and organizations operating in the field of construction is considered in the section of the following directions of this field:

• the share of construction of buildings and structures is 56.8%, and the growth rate has increased by 106.7% compared to the corresponding period of 2021;

• the direction of construction of civilian objects made up 10.8% share, and the growth rate increased by 117.4% compared to the corresponding period of 2021;

• the direction of specialized construction works accounted for 32.4% share and 104.1% growth

• In the months of January-March 2022, the volume of construction works performed by large construction organizations in the total volume of construction works is 5649.0 bin. amounted to soum. In particular, construction works made 119.1% compared to the corresponding period of 2021, and the share of total construction works increased by 2.6 percentage points from the level of the indicator in the corresponding period of 2021 and made 23.5%.

As of August 1, 2023, the total number of enterprises and organizations engaged in construction activities in the Republic of Uzbekistan amounted to 34,284 units. The largest number of construction enterprises - 7,010, or 20.4% of their total number, is concentrated in Tashkent city.

There are 7,010 construction enterprises in Tashkent city (20.4% of their total number in the Republic), Fergana region - 2,884 (8.4%), which is more than in other regions. In January-July 2023, the volume of construction work performed in Uzbekistan amounted to 80,489.9 billion soums, which, compared to the same period in 2022, is 104.8%.

Figure 2. Dynamics of completed construction works in January-July1

1 www.stat.uz

50 108,9

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billion soums








40 830,5

billion soums

57 694,4 80 489,9

billion soums billion soums

Construction work in the Republic of Uzbekistan for January-July 2023 is distributed by type of economic activity as follows: - the share of construction of buildings and structures reached 68.3%, which, compared to the same period in 2022, amounted to 100.7%; - the share of construction of civil facilities was fixed at the level of 21.5% and, if compared with the corresponding period of 2022, this amounted to 107.1%; - the share of specialized construction works is 10.2% and, compared to the same period in 2022, this amounted to 135.3%.

Figure 3. Construction work by type of economic activity in January-July 2023

Construction of buildings and structures

Construction of civil facilities

Specialized construction work

The volume of construction work includes work performed by legal entities and individuals under construction contracts and in an economic way, as well as the construction of facilities for sale.

A significant part of the work was carried out on the construction of new buildings and structures. Thus, 69.1% of their total volume, or 55,592.2 billion soums, were directed to the creation of new production capacities in the economy, housing and communal services and other social facilities.

Figure 4. Share of new construction, renovation, expansion and technical re-equipment in the total volume construction works for January-July 2023


Large construction organizations completed 15 833,3 construction work on new construction for 15,833.3 23 5 0/

billion soums billion soums, or 28.5% of their total volume. 9 0



Small enterprises and micro-firms carried out 27 749,4 construction work on new construction for 27,749.4 billion soums ! billion soums, or 49.9% of their total volume.

49,9 %


In the informal sector, construction work on new 12 009,6 construction was completed for 12,009.6 billion

billion soums

soums, or 21.6% of their total volume.

21,6 %

Figure 5. Volume and share of new construction by years

27 735,4 41 991,5 55 592,2

billion soums 72 4 0/o billion soums q b,ll,on ^oums

# A #

67,9 %

36 284,5 billion soums

72,8 %

50 728,5 billion soums

69,1 %

Figure 6. New construction works by regions for January-July 2023


11 112,7

2 812,1 Kashkadarya billion soums

2 970,1

billion soums

3 103,9 Surkhandarya

billion soums

4 332,0 Tashkent

billion soums

2 163,4 Khorazm

billion soums

2 734,8

Andljan billion


1 832,6

Jlzzakh billion


2 707,0

billion soums

3 552,7

billion soums

1 51 0,5

billion soums

3 804,9


2 489,9

billion soums

3 790,4

billion soums Bukhara

Tashkent Bukhara Andijan Jizzakh Namangan Kashkadarya Samarkand Syrdarya Khorezm Navoi Fergana Surkhandarya Tashkent city Rep. Karakalpakstan 2 734,8 billion soums 3 552,7 billion soums 1 832,6 billion soums 2 812Д billion soums 1 510,5 billion soums 4 332,0 billion soums 2 707,0 billion

soums 2 970,1 billion soums 3 103,9 billion soums 3 804,9 billion soums 2 163,4 billion soums 11112,7 billion soums 3 790,4 billion soums 2 489,9 billion soums In January-July 2023, high volumes were noted for new construction work by region, in particular in Tashkent city (11,112.7 billion soums), Tashkent region (4,332.0 billion soums), Fergana region (3,804 .9 billion soums) and Bukhara region (3,790.4 billion soums).

Table 2. Construction works per capita in the regions as of January 1,2022 1

Construction works per capita, thousand soums Growth rate, in %

Republic of Uzbekistan 3 077,4 104,7

Rep. Karakalpakstan 2 465,0 109,0


Andijan 1 744,6 105,8

Bukhara 3 757,0 109,9

lizzakh 2 152,0 113,2

Kashkadarya 1 800,7 110,5

Navoi 4 961,4 113,0

Namangan 1 935,0 107,8

Samarkand 1 811,8 113,0

Surkhandarya 2 161,9 110,4

Syrdarya 3 314,6 114,8

Tashkent 3 121,7 113,0

Fergana 1 820,6 113,6

Khorezm 2 238,2 130,2

Tashkent city 9 367,0 110,4

In terms of regions, the first place in January-December 2021 in terms of the volume of construction works per capita is Tashkent city - 9,367.0 thousand soums (or 110.4% compared to 2020), followed by Navoi, respectively. — 4,961.4 thousand soums (or 113.0%), Bukhara - 3,757.0 thousand soums (or 109.9%), Jizzakh - 2,152.0 thousand soums (or 113.2 %), Syrdarya - 3,314.6 thousand soums (or 114.8%) and Tashkent regions - 3,121.7 thousand soums (or 113.0%).

Table 3. Indicators of attracting the funds of international financial institutions to finance programs for the development of residential construction, (million US dollars)2

№ International financial institutions Total Including: Allocation of funds

2017y. 2018y. 2019y. 2020y. 202ly.

Total: 1 280,0 218,0 469,0 393,0 100,0 100,0

1. Asian Development Bank 500,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 Village houses to the construction

200,0 - 100,0 100,00 - - Multi-apartment to the construction

1 www.stat.uz

2 O'zbekiston Respublikasi Prezidentining 2017 yil 23 oktabrdagi "2017-2020 yillarda shaharlarda arzon ko'p kvartirali uylarni qurish va rekonstruksiya qilish dasturini samarali amalga oshirish borasidagi qo'shimcha chora-tadbirlar to'g'risida"gi PQ-3350-sonli qarori.

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of houses

2. Islamic Development Bank 300,0 113,0 94,0 93,0 - - Village houses to the construction

3. Kuwait Fund for Arab Economic Development 30,0 5,0 25,0 - - - Rural massifs to the construction of infrastructure

4. Saudi development fund 50,0 - 50,00 - - - Village houses to the construction

5. Turkey's "Ziroat" state bank 200,0 - 100,0 100,00 - - Multi-apartment to the construction of houses

Also, the heads of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, regional and Tashkent city hokims are responsible for the timely commissioning of low-cost multi-apartment houses, external engineering and communication networks, infrastructure facilities, beautification of areas, as well as the placement of citizens in private apartments, liability has been determined.

The Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan, together with the Asian Development Bank, is preparing the project "Expanding the mortgage market of Uzbekistan", which provides for the provision of mortgage credit resources for "Ipoteka-bank" ATIB, "Asaka-bank" ADB and "Uzsanoatkurilishbank" ADB. Also, in accordance with Table 3, the issue of attracting the debt of the State Bank of Turkey "Ziroat" is being developed.

In the Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan of October 23,2017 "On additional measures to effectively implement the program of construction and reconstruction of affordable multi-apartment houses in cities in 2017-2020" No. PQ-3350 in order to maintain the average amount of the initial contribution for the purchase of an apartment in multi-apartment buildings at the level of 25 percent and to prevent the facts of abuse in the distribution of apartments by floors, accordingly, apartments should be allocated to young families, residents of old houses and housing conditions it was determined that the differentiated amount of the initial contribution will be put into practice based on the conditions of sale to other categories of citizens in need of improvement (Table 4).

Table 4. Apartments for young families, people living in old houses and housing another category that needs to improve their conditions of sale to citizens1

Floors Lending conditions: *

Down payment {%) Interest for the first 5 years rate Loan period Grace period

5 floors for houses 7 floors for houses 9 floors for houses

1st floor 20 20 20 7% 20 years 36 month

2nd floor 20 20 20

3rd floor 15 20 20

4th floor 10 15 15

5th floor 10 10 15

6th floor 10 15

7th floor 10 10

8th floor 10

1 Decision PQ-3350 of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan of October 23,2017 "On additional measures to effectively implement the program of construction and reconstruction of affordable multi-apartment houses in cities in 2017-2020"

9th floor __ 10 _|_|_

Note: * If the participating commercial banks do not receive orders from young families, residents of dilapidated houses and other categories of citizens who need to improve housing conditions, the interest rate will be the Central Republic of Uzbekistan can provide a mortgage loan for a period of 10 years, including a grace period of 6 months, not less than the refinancing rate set by the bank.


From the information in the table above, it can be concluded that the terms of sale to young families, residents of old houses and other categories of citizens who need to improve their housing conditions are set for a period of 20 years, taking into account the well-being of our population, and that the initial contribution is not required.

The infusion of a preferential interest rate lower than the refinancing rate of the Central Bank and the setting of a 36-month period ensure a positive result of the reforms in practice. At the same time, allotment of land areas for the construction of affordable multi-apartment houses by the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, regional and city hokims, based on the orders of "Uzshahar Kurilish Invest" IK LLC and participating commercial banks, is in great demand only among the population, will be carried out in the prescribed manner in the regions.

As a result of the conducted research, the following scientific and practical recommendations were developed:

- firstly, to improve the monitoring of the work carried out in the regions and districts regarding the provision of affordable housing to the population in the regions of our republic;

- secondly, to ensure the continuous operation of the commissions established under the authorities to provide the population with affordable housing and to reduce the number of required documents;

- thirdly, to study foreign experiences in providing the population with affordable housing and pay attention to the issue of extending the loan period;

- fourthly, to establish a separate department in regional authorities to provide the population with affordable housing and to form a base of the population's requirements for housing;

- fifthly, to ensure a decrease in the cost of model houses built at the expense of optimizing the costs of construction-contracting organizations for construction materials and items.

In addition, the affordability of houses is achieved due to the provision of tax, customs relief and other benefits for program (contractor) participants.

In conclusion, it should be said that as a result of the fair policy conducted by the President, economic and social support of the population, large-scale economic reforms to provide the population with affordable housing, the social well-being of our population will further increase. It is appropriate to reach the intended goals.


Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated 27.11.2020 N PF-6119 "Decree on approval of the strategy of modernization, rapid and innovative development of the construction network of the Republic of Uzbekistan for 2021-2025.

Report of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev at the extended meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers dedicated to the main results of the socio-economic development of our country in 2016 and the most important priorities of the economic program for 2017 // People's word, 2017 16.01.

Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On the strategy of actions for the further development of the Republic of Uzbekistan" // People's word 2017. 08.02. No. 28 (6722).

Address of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev to the Oliy Majlis // Xalqso'zi 2017. 23.12.

Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated January 13, 2017 "On additional measures to effectively implement the program of construction and reconstruction of affordable multi-apartment houses in cities in 2017-2020" No. PQ-2728 decision.

The decision of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated October 21, 2016 "On the program for the construction of affordable housing in rural areas according to updated model projects in 2017-2021".

PQ-3350 of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated October 23, 2017 "On additional measures to effectively implement the program of construction and reconstruction of affordable multi-apartment houses in cities in 2017-2020" decision.

Decision PQ-2660 of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated November 22, 2016 "On measures to implement the Program for the construction and reconstruction of affordable multi-apartment houses in cities in 2017-2020".

A.A. Mirisaev. "THE ROLE OF CONTRACTOR ORGANIZATIONS IN THE CONSTRUCTION OF AFFORDABLE HOUSES FOR THE POPULATION OF UZBEKISTAN" International Scientific Journal Theoretical & Applied Science Philadelphia USA. Pages 166-176. Science Year: 2022 Issue: 07 Volume: 111 Published: 27.07.2022 http://T-Science.org.


A.A. Mirisaev. "ANALYSIS OF LOANS ALLOCATED BY BANKS TO CONTRACTOR ORGANIZATIONS IN UZBEKISTAN" International Scientific Journal ISJ Theoretical & Applied Science Philadelphia, USA issue 03, volume 119 published pages 44-52, March 30,2023. http://T-Science.org. http://s-o-i.org/l.l/TAS-03-119-9. https://dx.doi.org/10.15863/TAS.

Internet resources

www.gov.uz www.stat.uz www.norma.uz www.lex.uz

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