THE ROLE OF DIGITAL MARKETING IN BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT IN UZBEKISTAN Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Ключевые слова
Uzbekistan / digital Marketing / business / digital marketing / gadgets / audience.

Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Sharipbaeva Laylo Shuxratbek Qizi

The article reveals the concept, content, advantages and disadvantages of Digital Marketing. Using the example of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the feasibility of using this tool for the development of local business was analyzed. The study demonstrated that not all entrepreneurs in the Republic of Uzbekistan know how to competently use Digital Marketing to promote their business. However, such skills in modern conditions are simply necessary to ensure the competitiveness of any business.

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Sharipbaeva Laylo Shuxratbek qizi

Mustaqil tadqiqotchi

Annotation. The article reveals the concept, content, advantages and disadvantages of Digital Marketing. Using the example of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the feasibility of using this tool for the development of local business was analyzed. The study demonstrated that not all entrepreneurs in the Republic of Uzbekistan know how to competently use Digital Marketing to promote their business. However, such skills in modern conditions are simply necessary to ensure the competitiveness of any business.

Keywords: Uzbekistan, digital Marketing, business, digital marketing, gadgets, audience.

In the last few years, technical progress has literally covered the entire planet. Internet marketing, which until recently was categorically rejected by most entrepreneurs, has recently been gaining popularity. Nowadays, every self-respecting company that values its reputation built over the years, wants to be in demand and competitive, has a Digital promotion specialist on staff. His professional activity boils down to promptly monitoring the actions of competitors, taking various measures aimed at improving the company's image (for example, organizing promotions, etc.)1.

Unfortunately, there are still some categories of entrepreneurs who do not fully understand the value and purpose of Digital Marketing and Digital Promotion. This is the reason why they do not see the need to open a vacancy for such a specialist. At the same time, digital marketing is rapidly developing, helping entrepreneurs to keep their business afloat.

Digital marketing (digital marketing, digital marketing) should be understood as the use of digital technologies to attract consumers, promote a company (business). This type of marketing has traditionally been used in mobile technologies, on radio, television, and today it is widely used in the Internet environment.

Digital marketing is a whole system that simultaneously uses the Internet and other types of marketing. In recent years, traditional forms of advertising have been used in Digital marketing, such as communications, digital signs on the streets, and QR codes. The latter are a separate topic for study. In developed countries, for example in Asian countries, QR codes are especially popular among the local population. Russians are not yet accustomed to them, and not everyone understands their meaning. As

1Simonova, E. The Essence of Digital Marketing / E. Simonova // Man. Society. Culture. Socialization. 2019. P. 287-290.

statistics show, only one Russian out of five thousand has used a QR code at least once in their life to receive a gift.2.

The advantage of newfangled technologies, first of all, is the unique opportunity for entrepreneurs to quickly identify and eliminate problems in their business. Today, this can be done thanks to measuring the results of entrepreneurial activity through digital technologies3.

Of course, digital marketing, like any type of marketing, is not without its drawbacks.

Let us list some of them.

In order to make a business popular and in demand with the help of Digital Marketing, time is needed (from several months to several years).

Using a couple of channels is inappropriate in this case. The entrepreneur will be forced to try everything to understand which promotion channel is effective for his business. A one-time use of a promotion channel is more likely not to lead to success. It is necessary to analyze the situation on a regular basis. In case of deviations from the desired results, changes are required.4.

It must be admitted that digital marketing is regularly improving and changing for the better. More and more people are using the Internet and, accordingly, there is a tendency for the audience to grow. Yandex, Google, Facebook are forced to develop promotion tools on a regular basis.

It is worth noting that the concept of Internet marketing is much more meaningful than many people think. Many, unfortunately, still equate digital marketing and SMM due to their ignorance. However, this is not entirely true. Also, in the business environment, you can often hear the opinion that for competent promotion on the Internet it is enough to have a page of your organization on social networks.

As part of this study, it was decided to conduct an analysis of the situation with digital promotion of business using the example of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

The most successful in this direction were the Payme payment system and the MyTaxi service projects. These companies managed to implement digital channels with great efficiency.

If we consider projects that do not belong to the category of digital products, but are promoted with their help, we would like to note the network of Uzbek coffee shops Black Bear Kofi. It is worth noting that these coffee shops were launched thanks to digital tools from the very moment of their appearance. The primary channel for their promotion was SMM.

In general, the companies presented above have managed to prove to others that with the proper use of digital channels for promotion, you can effectively promote and "rock" your brand online. The maximum number of business projects that were

2Khodjaeva, D.F. Improving the promotion of the tourist product of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the context of digitalization of service technologies / D.F. Khodjaeva // Tourism industry: opportunities, priorities, problems and prospects. 2020. Vol. 17. No. 2. P. 175-179.

3Shutman, D.V. Digital marketing and its implementation channels / D.V. Shutman // Advertising and PR in Russia: current state and development prospects. XVI All-Russian scientific and practical conference. 2019. P. 170-171.

4Simonova, E. The Essence of Digital Marketing / E. Simonova // Man. Society. Culture. Socialization. 2019. P. 287-290.

implemented thanks to digital marketing and promotion is HORECA. As practice has shown, this segment is quite easy to promote with the help of digital marketing in the domestic market of Uzbekistan.

The tourism business is a special pride of the republic. It must be admitted that this is a highly liquid business, which also helps the development of the territories of Uzbekistan.

The tourism industry in Uzbekistan has been actively developing in recent years and is even gradually reaching the international level. The number of tourists is steadily growing. For example, if as of 2017 the country was visited by about 2.5 million tourists, then the following year the figure increased by 2.2 times (5.3 million tourists)5.

In Uzbekistan, the most developed tourism sector is in the following areas: ethnic, cultural, historical, health, religious, and ecological.

The list of popular and provided tourism products in Uzbekistan includes: meetings, MICE industry, conferences, incentive tours, corporate recreation. We can confidently say that almost any city in Uzbekistan is an oriental fairy tale: Khiva, Samarkand, Bukhara, etc.

In order to attract and retain a client base, tourism entrepreneurs use a variety of communication tools in their activities and regularly conduct marketing research. They also actively use digital marketing to promote their services and products. In addition, digital marketing helps them control business activities: hotlines, special editions, publications in the media, advertising in various ways, surveys, the Internet6.

In promoting a product, as has already been stated earlier, digital communications (otherwise, digital marketing) are popular. Accordingly, this action can be carried out both online and offline. Digital marketing used by entrepreneurs of the Republic of Uzbekistan should not include traditional advertising through TV, media, flyers, billboards. But the QR code is one of the varieties of digital marketing7.

Let us list the promotion channels used by tourism companies in Uzbekistan:

• online radio, digital TV;

• SEM and SEO - search engine marketing on the Internet;

• advertising in messengers, applications, online games;

• SMS and MMS mailing;

• advertising on outdoor LED, interactive screens, self-service terminals;

• contextual advertising, teaser advertising, banners;

• SMM marketing in social networks;

• email marketing;

• affiliate marketing, in which the webmaster receives payment for attracting each visitor or buyer8.

5Khodjaeva, D.F. Improving the promotion of the tourist product of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the context of digitalization of service technologies / D.F. Khodjaeva // Tourism industry: opportunities, priorities, problems and prospects. 2020. Vol. 17. No. 2. P. 175-179.

6Teminovskaya, A.A. Analysis of the application of Digital Marketing / A.A.Teminovskaya // collection of articles of the XVII International scientific and practical conference: in 3 parts. 2018. P. 36-38.

7Shutman, D.V. Digital marketing and its implementation channels / D.V. Shutman // Advertising and PR in Russia: current state and development prospects. XVI All-Russian scientific and practical conference. 2019. P. 170-171.

8Simonova, E. The Essence of Digital Marketing / E. Simonova // Man. Society. Culture. Socialization. 2019. P. 287-290.

Of course, we have provided a far from complete list of modern business promotion channels. At the same time, each of them is effective in its own way. But the main disadvantage of most of them is financial costs, high cost.

In order for an entrepreneur to choose the most suitable channel for promoting a business, he has to act by trial and error, i.e. perform their testing and make an appropriate assessment based on this.

The digital environment can safely be called one of the most convenient places for collecting data and their subsequent analysis and evaluation. Marketers, acting as representatives of various companies, in the Internet space, for example, have learned to analyze information about online activity, users, and, of course, based on all this, make a conclusion about "what is the target audience" (income, age, interests, etc.).

After this, decisive measures are taken to attract and retain the target audience by the company's representatives (digital marketers). The promotion strategy, precise advertising, etc. are also used.

But let's still figure out how online technologies and the Internet penetrate business (using the tourism sector as an example).

Let's take as an example a special offer to stimulate sales of a tourist product and services. It usually includes discounts on certain hotels, last minute deals, early booking, tour sales, discounts on air travel, free dinner, spa visits, discounts on booking.

Such offers can be offered to potential and current target audiences in kind or in cash, in the form of promotional campaigns, lotteries and quizzes, bonuses, discounts from partners, souvenirs, etc. Uzbek entrepreneurs whose business is related to the tourism industry admit that print, outdoor, and direct advertising in recent years has not brought the expected results.9.

The same cannot be said about indoor advertising (advertising on plasma panels at various sites), product placement - insertion of advertising text into a clip, game, brand, image; SMS messages; Internet advertising on mobile phones, contextual advertising on the Internet (provides search results, it is seen only by consumers interested in it); push notifications - short messages sent to devices; targeted advertising in social networks; advertising in e-mail newsletters, on mobile devices; advertising on thematic sites, groups in forums, social networks, blogs10.

For travel agencies in Uzbekistan, digital marketing is useful because it allows them to distribute digital advertising through their channels. For example, thanks to the configured target, it is easy to identify the target audience that is really interested in tourism products and whose representatives can purchase them. Potential consumers are interested in the topic of tourism and if they find interesting articles or links related to tourism in the mass of information, they are more likely to go to the site page, having learned useful information for themselves (flight dates, hotels, prices for tourism products, etc.).

9Teminovskaya, A.A. Analysis of the application of Digital Marketing / A.A.Teminovskaya // collection of articles of the XVII International scientific and practical conference: in 3 parts. 2018. P. 36-38.

10Shutman, D.V. Digital marketing and its implementation channels / D.V. Shutman // Advertising and PR in Russia: current state and development prospects. XVI All-Russian scientific and practical conference. 2019. P. 170-171.

If desired, the client will be able to independently select the tour service (tour product) they like and make an online payment, i.e. purchase it. Of course, they will have to come to the company in person to get the documents.

In conclusion of the conducted research, we note that the modern tool for promoting goods and services, i.e. the opportunities that digital marketing provides, combines modern and traditional promotion channels: the Internet on digital media, gadgets.

This direction of marketing helps to reach the target audience, and of such a size that in real life it is impossible to interest in your services/products using any other tools.

Using a targeted advertising tool, for example, detailed and clear data is collected, which the entrepreneur can then analyze, create a portrait of the target audience, etc.

The flexibility of digital marketing leads to attracting offline audiences to the online market, and email newsletters lead to attracting subscribers to a seminar or other offline event.

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