THE ROLE OF DESIGN IN THE EDUCATION OF YOUTH IN THE SPIRIT OF THE NATIONAL AND UNIVERSAL AESTHETIC VALUE Текст научной статьи по специальности «СМИ (медиа) и массовые коммуникации»

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Ключевые слова
aesthetics / ethics / design / upbringing / value / national value / эстетика / этика / дизайн / воспитания / ценность / национальная ценность

Аннотация научной статьи по СМИ (медиа) и массовым коммуникациям, автор научной работы — Nurmatova M.O.

The article considers aesthetic features of design and its role in the education of youth on the basis of national and common values.

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В статье рассматриваются эстетические особенности дизайна и его роль в воспитании молодежи на основе национальных и общечеловеческих ценностей.


2. Горелов А.А. Концепции современного естествознания. - М.: Центр, 2002.

3. Карпенков С.Х. Концепции современного естествознания. Учебник. - М.: ЮНИТИ, 1997.

УДК 78.15

Nurmatova M. O.

Tashkent city women Chairman of the Association "OLIMA", Dcs., prof.


Abstract: The article considers aesthetic features of design and its role in the education of youth on the basis of national and common values.

Keywords: aesthetics, ethics, design, upbringing, value, national value



Аннотация: В статье рассматриваются эстетические особенности дизайна и его роль в воспитании молодежи на основе национальных и общечеловеческих ценностей.

Ключевые слова: эстетика, этика, дизайн, воспитания, ценность, национальная ценность

After gaining independence Uzbekistan has become one of the most pressing issues in the spirit of national and universal values. Today, when Uzbekistan has risen to a new level of development, it is becoming increasingly important that the problem is becoming a vital component of the upbringing of young people. There are specific factors and means of promoting young people in the spirit of national and universal values. One of the main factors is the professional activity of the person who is formed on the basis of the scientific fields. In accordance with the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan of 5 July, 2017 «On enhancing the effectiveness of state youth policy and supporting the activities of the Youth Union of Uzbekistan», the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan № UP-5106 «Creating favorable conditions for young people to thoroughly occupy modern professions, employment, development of entrepreneurial skills , promoting their involvement in small business and private entrepreneurship, encouraging initiatives, promoting their intellectual and creative potential» special attention to the development of innovative activities.

Today, moral and ethical requirements for the professional work of a modern specialist are, in a sense, national and universal. Particularly, «modern

specialist is guided by scientific knowledge based on the theory and practice, modern education concepts, and information services covering the essence of vocational education, self-fulfillment of spiritual and moral and professional development, ethical principles and criteria, to apply to the rich heritage of our professional traditions, professional traditions, professional skills, to combine their interests with the interests of the people and the country, and so on. Every profession has its own ethical standards, and it has aesthetic features that require its own work.»

In the rapidly evolving technology, techno genic civilization has had a major impact on the individual's professional activities. As a result, new types and forms of professions and professions have been created. These areas of occupation can be conditionally classified as follows: a) «human and nature»; b) «human and technique»; c) «Human and human»; d) «human and signs»; d) Occupations related to «human and artistic image». Occupations within the appearance of «human and artistic image» are connected with the professional activity of painter, designer, designer, choreographer, artist, depending on the artistic process and the results of aesthetic thinking. The designer profession, which is part of this «human-artistic-image», is one of the types of professional activity that manifests the harmony of national and universal values.

The development and perfection of our national values is, in a sense, dependent on technical aesthetics, design, and design professionalism. If the technique aesthetically combines modern national and universal traditions and techniques and uses the most advanced features of technical and scientific advancement, its design is important in the transformation of national values into aesthetic values. The designer's work adds to the high level of materialism. Morphological and axiological ideals The unique universal proportionality between the ideal landscape of the real world and the fundamental and specific character of its design work.

The values of national values are unique, relative, stable, self-identifying, expressive, and highly valued, connected with the origin, development, equality of peoples, socio-economic, political, legal, spiritual and cultural activities of every nation proud and proud. The harmony of national values, based on any society, with the spirit of universal humanity, becomes so vigorous and continuous. Universal human values are the basis of ideas based on the prevalence of material and cultural events, criteria, and values that are of a positive nature for all peoples, conforming to common interests of mankind. Universal human values represent the integrity of human history, which, along with the transformation of the time and the change of social life, will become more and more evolved, developing and increasingly bringing nations, nations and people closer, unifying and developing. Humanitarian and social justice, freedom and liberty, stability and prosperity, good will and progress are an important aspect of universal values.

Universal and national values are closely interconnected and mutually reinforcing. Some national values are of universal significance and are the most important values for all nations. For example, works of art are an example.

Examples of fine art created by artists such as Alisher Navoi, Shakespeare, Byron, Tolstoy, Dostoevsky, Markes or Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo have become the property of the whole world.

When creating things and things, you need to have aesthetic taste, sharp mindset, intelligence, expertise and skills. As a result of individual taste, talent, and skill, the pieces become a part of our aesthetic culture. The modern designer works on the principle of harmonizing the national traditions with universal values to bring the world of objects and objects to the human being and to strengthen the aesthetic relationship between man and objects. This is because the modern designer must act as a whole not only as a component of the human-technical system, but also as an entire system of culture, production, social relations, and social cultural characteristics. For this reason, in our country the modern architectural monuments are making use of the traditional methods of national ornaments of the East and West in artistic decorations of the interior and exterior. Buildings that have been built after independence are the proofs of our thoughts.

While the design was initially designed to create aesthetic and functional characteristics of the world of objects and objects in the period of its creation, today it has covered all aspects and forms of human activity and became one of the most widespread types of creative activity. While objects and objects are environmental projects, the designer also designs a person and lifestyle. One of the most important aesthetic features of the design is that it is an effective tool for improving the quality of industrial products. It must be competitive in the global market, which meets the latest economic, aesthetic and other consumer needs of the highest technology, and is a decisive factor. Design is a creative activity whose purpose is to define the quality and quality of industrial products. These features include external features of the product, as well as functional and structured relationships that bring the product from consumer-to-consumer perspective and integrity. Design also implements applied arts in the industrial world and ensures that the form of the product is affected not only logically, but also on the emotions.

Design also demonstrates the scientific, technical and aesthetic level of society. This is evident in our daily practice, including labor-intensive equipment, household appliances, and communication equipment on TVs and computers. There is no sector in the industry that has not yet entered the design. From their urban development, their interior has become a necessity, from interior to interior and exterior, from transport to labor, from household items to clothing, from notebook to newspaper magazines. The design of the word itself means drawing an English design. It is a creative activity aimed at harmonizing the world of consumer goods to meet the material and spiritual needs of people.

The material to be created for humanity needs to complement one another, and to have aesthetic value. They should serve to the physical, biological, spiritual and aesthetic development of the person. The fulfillment of this task depends not only on the designer, but also on the consumer. When a consumer or customer chooses to suit their taste, the procurement process becomes an active form of

commodity. In order to be worthy of this, the shape of the goods is important. First of all, the buyer gets the attention of beautiful and high quality, comfortable things. Then the acceptance of the goods as an aesthetic value that meets the general conditions is realized, and it provides the aesthetic effect of the production to the buyer and the buyer to production. Design designs aesthetic features such as usefulness, functionality, ease of use, technological advancement and constructiveness, as well as beauty, elegance, artistry and image. In this sense, it is also directly related to the shaping of the human world.

After Independence, the living standards of the population, the aesthetic culture are improving. Design plays a major role in this. Aesthetic reconstruction of the material production environment of the design serves to meet the interests and needs of the person. The necessity of design depends not only on the development of modern science and technology, but also on the level of production and culture. «The design fulfills the functions of regulating, harmonizing the things and objects of the world, raising the standard of living, and improving the work process. To do this, he brings the latest achievements of scientific thought. Our vision today is to classify the main trends of the design as follows: industrial design - labor tools, various aggregates and mechanisms, vehicles and so on; - architectural environment design - hotels, public buildings and constructions, small architectural forms, advertising, night lamps, houses and public spaces, stained-glass windows, souvenirs and parks; - Printing designs -newspapers, magazines, books, book-printing products; - virtual visual design TV and internet visual communications; - casual clothes, jewelry, hairdressers; -ecocyzing includes landscape, photo sounding.»

Improving the design in the country on the basis of national traditions and traditions ensures that it is adapted to national and national values, making it a tool of aesthetic education. People working on this issue should be not only a teacher or a designer, but also a profound knowledge of our history and culture. Indeed, the designer should know the media designer, garden designer, art designer, regardless of the industry, our history, our national culture, our national and modern traditions and customs. Because the national design is based on national culture and, in turn, affects it, contributes to its growth and development. As it is known, one of the main tasks of the Western design is to create demanded goods and services. Particularly in Europe and Japan, design is considered as an essential part of marketing. However, the designer should not only satisfy the demands of his commodities and the material needs of a person, but also primarily focus on his spiritual world, taste, vision, ideals. However, the purpose of the design is to become a «mass culture» of the designer's product, which he thinks is only to create a broad network of simple and convenient goods. The design embodied in national and universal values can be firmly rooted in such vicious attitudes as untidiness, poor quality, and mastery under the cover of «mass culture». Thus, the harmony of national and universal values in the spiritual and moral development of young people is of paramount importance.

Used sources:

1. Узбекистан Республикаси Президентининг 2017 йил 5 июлдаги «Ёшларга оид давлат сиёсати самарадорлигини ошириш ва Узбекистон ёшлар иттифоки фаолиятини куллаб-кувватлаш тугрисида»ги ПФ-5106// Узбекистон Республикаси конун хужжатлари туплами. 2017 й., 27-сон, 607-модда.

2. Каримов И.А. Юксак маънавият енгилмас куч.- Т.: Маънавият, 2008.

3. Нурматова М.А. Ахлокий ва эстетик маданият эстетик маданият. -Т.:Турон-Икбол, 2016. -100 б.

4. Абдуллаева Н. Дизайн ва бадиий-эстетик маданият. - Т.:Турон-Икбол, 2016. Б.44-56

УДК 37.034

Sattarov A.M. Andijan state medical Institute Theacher of the department of social and humanitarian sciences

Uzbekistan, the city of Andijan DIALECTICS AS THE ART OF INQUIRY Abstract: This article discusses dialectics as the art of research Key words: dialectics, art, methodology, philosophy

Саттаров А.М. преподаватель кафедра «Социально-гуманитарной науки» Андижанский государственный медицинский институт

Узбекистан, г. Андижан ДИАЛЕКТИКА КАК ИСКУССТВО ВОПРОШАНИЯ Аннотация: В этой статье обсуждается диалектика как искусство исследования

Ключевые слова: диалектика, искусство, методология, философия

To understand the essence of the dialectic tradition, one should turn to its original meaning, to those of its models that crystallized in ancient philosophy. At its source, dialectics meant the art of conversation. Conversations in which there is an inquiring and listening, as well as answering. The questioner should ask a meaningful question, he who remembers should understand the question and try to give an answer to it. As Ilyenkov writes, "the art of thinking begins with the ability to ask questions." Each of the participants in the conversation is in a special cognitive position and obeys the appropriate logic of the cognitive process. Anyone who believes that he knows everything better than others, is not able to ask. In order to be able to ask, one should want to know, that is, to know about one's ignorance. The meaning of the inquiry is to reveal the questionnaire in its problematic.

"Because of this, the method by which dialectics is carried out is an inquiry

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