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Ключевые слова
development / preschool education / child / personality / activity / cognition / cognitive / learning / game / didactic game / communication / result / teacher / educator / abilities

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Abdugopirova Feruza Akramjon Kizi

This article reveals the role of activity in the mental development of preschool children, the advantages of cognitive activity, cognitive activity is a socially significant quality of the individual, and in the process of child development the world of objects and actions expands. linguistic tasks performed with their help, the acquisition of connections between people, the development of motives for cognitive activity, the formation of various types of activities in preschoolers, the importance of didactic games in the development of children’s mental potential through play.

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The European Journal of Education PREMIER

and Applied Psychology 2023, No 4 H

ISSN 2310-5704 ppublishing.org

Section 6. Preschool education



Abdugopirova Feruza Akramjon kizi 1

1 University of Business and Sciences Non-State Higher Educational Institution, Uzbekistan

Cite: Abdugopirova, F. A. (2023). The Role of Cognitive Activity in the Development of 6-7 Year Old Students in Preschool Educational Organizations. European Journal of Education and Applied Psychology 2023, No 4. https://doi.org/10.29013/EJEAP-23-4-130-135


This article reveals the role of activity in the mental development of preschool children, the advantages of cognitive activity, cognitive activity is a socially significant quality of the individual, and in the process of child development the world of objects and actions expands. linguistic tasks performed with their help, the acquisition of connections between people, the development of motives for cognitive activity, the formation of various types of activities in preschoolers, the importance of didactic games in the development of children's mental potential through play.

Keywords: development, preschool education, child, personality, activity, cognition, cognitive, learning, game, didactic game, communication, result, teacher, educator, abilities


Education never stops or takes a break. Because the future of our country, the future of our people, and the reputation of our country in the world community depend, first of all, on what kind of people our children will grow up to become.

In our country, comprehensive reforms aimed at the interests of the people are being carried out within the framework of the Strategy of Actions on the five priority directions of the development of the Republic of Uzbekistan, developed at the initiative of the head of our state.


Today, development and implementation of a unified state policy in the field of preschool education, strengthening the material and technical base of preschool education organizations, providing them with qualified pedagogues and educators, applying modern educational programs and technologies to educational processes development of advanced pedagogical methods and methods that meet modern requirements in this field, creating and publishing a new generation of educational and educational-methodical literature, all-round intellectual, spiritual-aesthetic, and

physical development of children and their improving the quality of school preparation is an urgent task. The field of pre-school education, being the first link of the continuous education system, plays an important role in the further education system, in preparing the child for school.

Our state is paying special attention to the improvement of this sector. The legal basis for this is the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated May 8, 2019 No. PQ-2707 (Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On measures to further improve the pre-school education system in 2017-2021" dated December 29,

2016 PQ-2707), dated September 30, 2017, "On measures to fundamentally improve the management of the preschool education system" "Decree No. PF-5198 (2017-yil 30-sentyabrdagi "Maktabgacha ta'lim tizimi boshqaruvini tubdan takomillashtirish cho-ra-tadbirlari to'g'risida"gi PF-5198-son-li Farmoni), Decision No. PQ-3261 dated September 9, 2017 "On measures to fundamentally improve the preschool education system" (Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated September 9,

2017 No. PP-3261"on measures to radically improve the pre-school education system", as well as The Minister of Education No. 1 of June 18, 2018 "State requirements for the development of children of primary and preschool age" (2018-yil 18-iyundagi 1-mh-sonli "Ilk va maktabgacha yoshdagi bolalar rivojlanishiga qo'yiladigan davlat talablari") and the State Curriculum of the preschool education organization "Ilk Cad-am" (Resolution of the Board of the Ministry of Preschool Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated July 7, 2018 No. 4) are in practice state documents such as These decrees and decisions strengthen the material and technical base of the preschool education system, provide them with qualified pedagogues and educators, fundamentally improve the level of preparation of children for school education, and implement modern educational programs and technologies in the educational proces., is of particular importance in solving current issues such as creating conditions for all-round intellectual, moral, aesthetic and pysical development of our children.

Result and discussion

The problem of learning the ways and methods of developing the cognitive activity of preschool children is one of the important problems of pedagogy. As we all know, the doors of great opportunities are opening in the field of preschool education based on today's demand. It is necessary to cover all aspects of the educational process in order to prevent the emergence of an ideological gap in the minds of the children of the preschool educational organization, to carry out the urgent tasks of educating them in the spirit of love and loyalty to the motherland. In this process, it is important to form and develop the interest of students, to ensure their activity.

Along with cognitive activity, the term cognitive ability is widely used in the sources. Cognitive ability is the main activity of children, it is of great importance for the intellectual development of the child, clarifying his knowledge about the world around him. In his studies, V. Davidov emphasizes the need to move in order to find a goal. The more diverse the activity, the greater the possibility of identifying and predicting the goal.

Ibn Sina, who was one of the followers of Farabi's teachings, also paid great attention to education and training, mental and moral maturity, and the issue of regularly acquiring knowledge throughout his life in order to achieve spiritual elevation. Ibn Sina's pedagogic process covers phenomena of different directions, and it combines educational, educational and educational fields. In this, great attention was paid to science, he meant educational and educational process as a way to acquire knowledge and achieve moral maturity. Ibn Sina made a very valuable practical contribution to intellectual perfection theoretically, as well as intellectual, physical, moral, aesthetic education and various developments in teaching certain crafts.

Modern pedagogues believe that the source of teaching and development depends on the knowledge and competence of teachers. It is recommended to use two indicators:

- the child acquires new knowledge with the help of adults;

- to develop the child's ability to independently use and apply acquired knowledge.

General important competencies of a preschool child according to State requirements

and the "First Step" educational program are as follows:

Communicative competence - the ability to use communication tools in different situations.

Game competence is a child's creative use of experience, knowledge and skills in the game process and its organization. It is the basis for educational activities.

Social competence is the ability to behave in life situations in accordance with the rules and norms of communication with adults and peers.

Cognitive competence is a conscious perception of the surrounding world and the use of acquired knowledge, skills, competences and values to solve educational and practical tasks.

The child's competencies are determined in the following areas of child development:

• physical development and formation of a healthy lifestyle;

• socio-emotional development;

• speech, communication, reading and writing skills;

• development of cognitive process;

• creative development.

In the field of physical development and the formation of a healthy lifestyle, activities are carried out to embody the activities of children, to connect them with life, and to develop the skills of children to protect themselves from dangerous diseases and unpleasant situations.

In socio-emotional development, children are expected to develop altruism, care, help, kindness, positive attitude towards others and family members based on stories and fairy tales. Also, the skills of using communication tools in different situations are developed.

Speech, communication, reading and writing skills - speech, communication, reading and writing skills are developed in speech, communication, reading and writing classes.

The development of the cognitive process is carried out during all activities in preschool education. In this, the child's intellectual abilities are developed. Children's needs for knowledge are met during classes, extracurricular activities, and trips.

Based on the above thoughts, let's ask ourselves a question: What is cognitive activ-

ity? Cognitive activity is a socially significant quality of personality and is formed among children of preschool age in various types of activities. Activity is a characteristic of a person, which is manifested in a person's attitude to activity: the state of readiness, the desire for independent activity, the quality of its implementation, the choice of optimal methods of achieving the goal. Cognitive activity reflects the interest of older preschool children in the need to use different methods of action to collect and expand new knowledge, skills, inner determination and known knowledge. Cognitive activity - the pursuit of complete information about world objects and events. As factors affecting the formation of the child's cognitive activity, the authors who studied this problem focus on the following: Changes in the parameters of the normative situation, with an increase in the level of complexity of the situation, that is, an increase in the number of external parameters of the situation and the possibility of action with the same methods, older preschool children's age affects the manifestation of cognitive activity, the cognitive activity shown by the child increases.

According to Russian psychologists, one of the indicators of the level of mental development of preschool children is the ability of children to learn. The basis of this concept was L. S. Vygotsky has two levels of mental activity: relevant and prospective. The second is directly related to intellectual development. Education is effective only if it is carried out within the framework of prospective and practical development. Activating the cognitive activity of older preschool children includes a certain stimulation and strengthening of the cognitive process. Knowledge itself can be manifested as a sequential chain of perception, memorization, storage, understanding, repetition and interpretation of acquired knowledge. As you can see, activation can occur in all stages at the same time, but it can also happen in any stage. It is based on this logic that educational development programs for preschool children: the creation of conditions for intensive cognitive activity before normal cognitive activity, and then the internal need for self-education.

In fact, based on the information given above, the cognitive process occurs in every

type of activity of children of preschool age. According to the national program of personnel training, the first stage of education, which lays the foundation of education, ensures the healthy and comprehensive development of the child, instills a sense of desire to study, regular prepares to take the lim.

Children of preschool age are very curious, ask a lot of questions and want to know everything. And the educator-pedagogue should answer countless questions of children, taking into account their young aspects. The organization of preschool education instills in the child a sense of desire to know, prepares him for regular education. Current work in this system consists of creating modern training manuals, technical tools, toys and didactic games and developing methodical recommendations. The importance of pedagogical technologies in ensuring the effectiveness of the teaching process is very appropriate. The peculiarity of the use of effective technologies in the process of activity is that they are carried out during the interaction of educators and children and questions and answers held with each other. A pedagogue-educator should prepare for such activities in accordance with the requirements of the time. This, in turn, requires them to focus on creating a ground for their creative activities and conducting explanatory work when drawing up plans aimed at the development of education. Among them are cultural and educational events and developmental games that increase children's potential in preschool educational organizations. The game is one of the effective and positive activities used by adults in the education of preschool children. This process opens the door to a wide range of opportunities for children's education in preschool educational institutions. The game not only strengthens the knowledge and imagination formed in the child, but also appears as a unique form of the child's active cognitive process.

In this process, the child acquires new knowledge from the educator-pedagogue, it serves as a foundation for the child's preparation for school. In addition, through didactic games, the child seeks to learn directly. Didactic games are directly connected with the learning process. Didactic games are an important means of mentally educating a child.

Educational games form children's cognitive processes and thinking skills. An important aspect of didactic games is aimed at developing children's active thinking, independence, and speech. During the game, the child interprets his actions, tells how he completed the given task or how he got out of this problematic situation, answers the question of adults, communicates with his peers, speech culture is formed, self-confidence is formed are brought up, communication skills, memory, attention, information perception skills are formed.

Formation of thinking, speech, and communication skills in children of preschool education age, formation of their interest in learning as a natural need is one of the important conditions for preparing children for school education ("Maktabgacha ta'lim metodikasi" jurnali. 2018-y 2-son, 15-b.).

We can divide the games in the preschool education system into the following components:

* didactic * educational * developmental

These types of games mainly serve to develop the mental and brain activity of the child.

One of the components of the didactic game is the rules of the game. Their content and direction are determined depending on the general tasks of forming the personality of the child and the group of children of preschool age, cognitive content, game tasks and game actions in their development and enrichment. Rules are given in the didactic game. Using the rules, the teacher controls the game, the processes of cognitive activity of older preschool children with hearing impairment, and their behavior. Game activities adapted to each type of activity should correspond to the age characteristics of the child from a psychological and pedagogical point of view. It is an important factor to be chosen carefully, to avoid homogeneity from each activity and, of course, most importantly, to encourage the winner at the end of the game.


Indicators of activity that should be developed in older preschool children can be: initiative, energy, intensity, scope, breadth, scale of results (characteristics of activity), integrity, interest, curiosity (positive attitude to activity), independence, self-control, aware-

ness of activity, will (satisfaction in achieving the goal, perseverance, bringing things to the end), determination, expediency, creativity.

Based on these thoughts, the concept of "I" is formed in the child as a result of educational influence taking into account the psychological characteristics of each young age. The earlier the concept of self-awareness wakes up in a child, the faster a personal point of view and an assessment of his mental and physical capabilities appear.

Mental games are directly related to the educational process, radically change the child's worldview and encourage independent and logical thinking. Mental games teach school-age children to be able to freely express their thoughts and to communicate,

to apply knowledge and skills about the environment in life. Children's thinking ability, speech culture, as well as logical thinking develop.

In conclusion, it is worth mentioning the following:

- effective solutions for preparing preschool children for school through the development of cognitive activity;

- it is possible to create a non-traditional educational environment focused on the development of cognitive activity in preparing children for school;

- self-confidence, communication culture, independent thinking and creative activity arise in children through game activities.


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submitted 22.08.2023;

accepted for publication 20.09.2023;

published 28.12.2023

© Abdugopirova, F. A.

Contact: shahinabonu16@gmail.com

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