THE ROLE OF COGNATIVE LINGUISTICS ON TEACHING VOCABULARY TO BIOLOGY FACULTY STUDENTS Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
Teachers / students / modern methods / didactic materials / methods of teaching / instruction / methodological guidelines / educational contents. / Учителя / студенты / современные методики / дидактические материалы / методы обучения / обучение / методические указания / содержание обучения.

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Abdugofforov Sardorbek, Tojimatova Madinabonu, Toxtaboyeva Yodgora

The aim of the article is to show the degree of Cognitive linguistics while teaching vocabulary to biology faculty students as linguistics used in the teaching process in teaching the content area of biological sciences or biochemistry, as well as their empirical confirmation by measuring the achievements of the student. Moreover, the teaching methods were Cognitive Laboratory method (student experiment), slide demonstration and lecture method. For instance: The group was started to course with experiments in the laboratory, then the relevant theory of proteins was given lecture method, and then the slides were shown.

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Цель статьи показать степень когнитивной лингвистики при обучении лексике студентов биологического факультета как лингвистике, используемой в учебном процессе при преподавании предметной области биологических наук или биохимии, а также их эмпирическое подтверждение путем измерения достижений ученик. Кроме того, методами обучения были метод когнитивной лаборатории (студенческий эксперимент), демонстрация слайдов и метод лекции. Например: Группа начала курс с экспериментов в лаборатории, затем соответствующая теория белков была прочитана методом лекций, а затем были показаны слайды.


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Abdug'offorov Sardorbek Tojimatova Madinabonu To'xtaboyeva Yodgora Master's students of NamSU kehl2006@mail. ru

Abstract: The aim of the article is to show the degree of Cognitive linguistics while teaching vocabulary to biology faculty students as linguistics used in the teaching process in teaching the content area of biological sciences or biochemistry, as well as their empirical confirmation by measuring the achievements of the student. Moreover, the teaching methods were Cognitive Laboratory method (student experiment), slide demonstration and lecture method. For instance: The group was started to course with experiments in the laboratory, then the relevant theory of proteins was given lecture method, and then the slides were shown.

Key words: Teachers, students, modern methods, didactic materials, methods of teaching, instruction, methodological guidelines, educational contents.

Several researchers with a Cognitive-Linguistics (CL) background have, since the 1990s, proposed ways of exploiting non-arbitrary aspects of vocabulary as stimuli for such engagement. Their proposals have been backed up by the results of several quasi-experimental studies. It must be acknowledged, however, that many of these are small-scale, some show only small effect sizes, and some are hard to interpret due to confounding variables. Taken collectively, the reported experiments are nevertheless beginning to constitute a body of evidence in favour of CL-informed instruction that is hard to dismiss, so there is reason to believe that this kind of instruction deserves a niche in second language programmes. However, a judicious implementation of CL ideas stands to gain considerably from a closer alignment with 'mainstream' second language vocabulary research.

Teachers in the pedagogical and didactic theory encounter general guidelines for the innovation of teaching vocabulary in the way of using Cognitive- linguistics, such as: instruction should not be conceived as memorizing facts and concepts, definitions and phenomena, individual differences among students should be respected, student should be brought into a situation to develop their knowledge, etc. The aim of the work is to show the application of teaching methods used in the teaching process in teaching the content area of biological sciences or biochemistry, as well as their empirical confirmation by measuring the achievements of the student. Intentional causes for this paper to be written can be found in the fact that in our


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teaching practice empirical studies that aim to entrust successful application of contemporary models of learning and teaching are extremely rare, which is especially the case in teaching the area of natural sciences, or, more precisely, biology.

Cognitive Linguistics is the belief that linguistic knowledge involves not just knowledge of the language, but knowledge of our experience of the world as mediated by the language. Institutions of higher education and training within the European Union offer their own proposals for the modernization of the educational process in our schools, but only as examples and ideas that need to be upgraded to suit the conditions of our teaching practice. Models of learning and instruction for teaching biology that will be proposed in this paper rely on the achievements of teaching practice and compatible teaching subject in the countries of the European Union under the title "Science" and "Primary science". Modern methodological and didactic theory needs experimental verification of the application of teaching methods in teaching organization for setting clear signposts of teaching practice.

1. Theoretical frame of the research. Cognitive Linguistics is the study of language in its cognitive function, where cognitive refers to the crucial role of intermediate informational structures with our encounters with the world. Cognitive Linguistics assumes that our interaction with the world is mediated through informational structures in the mind. It is more specific than cognitive psychology, however, by focusing on natural language as a means for organizing, processing, and conveying that information...Theoretical foundation of the modern teaching of biology Analyzing certain theoretical positions we just wanted to find a foundation for shaping the innovative models that will be subject to empirical verification, i.e. to detect which teaching methods applied in teaching biology will increase the success of students studying biology, or which will increase the ability to apply the knowledge students acquired? Today there are many modern theories of learning, as well as modern theories of teaching. They generally include cognitive styles and strategies, multi-intelligence, critical and creative thinking, role of motivation in learning, cooperative learning, interactive learning, and ambient learning. New circumstances create new learning that is more student-active, self-conscious, creative, and autonomous. In the lessons of the research three methods are used in teaching biochemistry - teaching unit - Proteins: Their Biological Functions and primary structure: lecture method, slide demonstrations and laboratory method.

2. Lecture method: Language offers a window into cognitive function, providing insights into the nature, structure and organization of thoughts and ideas. The most important way in which cognitive linguistics differs from other approaches to the study of language, then, is that language is assumed to reflect certain fundamental properties and design features of the human mind.Lecturing remains one


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of the more popular methods to transmit information and ideas by teachers, trainers and speakers. As students and audience participants we are quite familiar with the approach. Lectures can be informative, boring and overwhelming depending on the compelling nature of the message and the presenter's style and clarity of message. The lecture method usually is one-way communication and allows for little or none audience participation. The result is audience misunderstanding, loss of information and poor retention. The traditional didactic lecture method as "an oral presentation given to a class by the teacher", while Ericson stated that the lecture or didactic is the method of teaching outside of manipulative work. Teachers are comfortable with the traditional method because they remain in control of content and time.

3. Slide demonstrations. This is a good way to teach vocabulary based on Cognitive linguistics for students. A slide demonstration is an act that a teacher shows and explains something to a class by a prepared ppt teaching tool in Microsoft office software or classically via overhead. This can be used as any educational materials. Carefully material-selected slide demonstrations are one of the ways of helping students overcome misconceptions, and there are a variety of resources available.

The student experiment should be the central part of science teaching. It serves many purposes. Student experiments are performed to find relations among concepts or to verify hypothesis. As in other lessons, in science lessons the effectiveness is related to the use of teaching methods. Some methods may use together for offering a topic. But, which method must take precedence to increase student academic achievement and retention level? The aim of this study was to determine the effects of the usage sequential lecture method such as didactic lecture, slide demonstration and laboratory student experiment on the academic achievement and retention (remembrance) level in teaching of enzymes.

Many professors who teach these courses feel that using Cognitive Linguistics method while lecturing is their only option, and can only dream of what they could accomplish in smaller classes. However, there is a small but growing group of science faculty members who have developed ways to engage students in the process of thinking, questioning, and problem solving despite the large class size. It is important to remember that the single overriding goal of a presentation is to provide meaningful content in an entertaining way so that participants focus their attention, understand material and are receptive to implementing new ideas back home. The whole preparation, presentation and content of a lecture must therefore be directed not to the speaker but to the audience needs and wants. I encourage you to try some



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of the techniques provided so that your lectures may be perceived as more interactive, understood, and remembered.

One of the central assumptions underlying research in Cognitive linguistics is that language use reflects conceptual structure, and that therefore the study of language can inform us of the mental structures on which language is based. One of the goals of the field is therefore to properly determine what sorts of mental representations are constructed by various sorts of linguistic utterances. The results of this study showed that academic achievement in lessons began with experiment or slide demonstration was higher than lesson beginning with lecture method. In science teaching, using laboratory student experiment or slide demonstration at the beginning of the lesson attracts attention and motivation of students. At the same time, students have more time and opportunities for hands-on experience, active thinking and knowledge reflection. In addition, a teamwork environment encourages students to practice their interpersonal skills as well as to nurture team spirit and leadership. Finally, oral presentations provide an opportunity for students to sharpen their mental response and presentation skills.

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