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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Smirnova Vasilina Vladimirovna

Intangible resources of regional development are of particular importance in the context of the crisis of the economy and management, as well as increasing the level of competition for resources between regions. A reputation resource as a set of characteristics that affect the positioning of an entity in the public sphere, on the basis of which counterparties can form an opinion about the expediency and risks of interacting with it, is closely related to citizen-centricity. The latter is one of the main factors forming a reputation. Together with other factors, citizen-centricity has a significant impact on the interaction of the state, citizens and business, which makes it necessary to consider the most effective practices in this area to improve the quality of public administration. The purpose of the study is to identify the main factors of the formation of a reputation resource, as well as the formation of recommendations for the introduction of a citizen-centric approach in public administration based on the study of foreign and domestic experience. For this purpose, the article examines scientific research by Russian and foreign authors on the formation and evaluation of reputational resources, compares regulatory legal acts and practices of leading countries on the implementation of public administration practices that meet the citizen-centric approach. The main factors forming a reputation are: citizen-centricity, public positioning and socio-economic conditions. Regarding the foreign experience of implementing a citizen-centric approach in public administration, it is concluded that there is a wide diversification of methods for implementing this approach. It is related to the profiling of citizens and the maintenance of a register of life situations, the design and reengineering of services, motivation and KPIs of civil servants. Russia has already established a regulatory framework for the development of a citizen-centric approach in public administration, there are pilot regions for the introduction of citizen-centricity in various services. However, there is a lack of framework requirements for the introduction of a citizen-centered approach in terms of motivation of civil servants and KPIs of their activities in Russian practice. This aspect leaves room for the introduction of best practices in the field of citizen-centricity and is an incentive for further research in this area.

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Интеллект. Инновации. Инвестиции /Intellect. Innovations. Investments • № 6, 2022

УДК 338 https://doi.org/10.25198/2077-7175-2022-6-31


V. V. Smirnova

Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia e-mail: vasilina.smirnova95@gmail.com

Abstract. Intangible resources of regional development are ofparticular importance in the context of the crisis of the economy and management, as well as increasing the level of competition for resources between regions. A reputation resource as a set of characteristics that affect the positioning of an entity in the public sphere, on the basis of which counterparties can form an opinion about the expediency and risks of interacting with it, is closely related to citizen-centricity. The latter is one of the main factors forming a reputation. Together with other factors, citizen-centricity has a significant impact on the interaction of the state, citizens and business, which makes it necessary to consider the most effective practices in this area to improve the quality of public administration. The purpose of the study is to identify the main factors of the formation of a reputation resource, as well as the formation of recommendations for the introduction of a citizen-centric approach in public administration based on the study of foreign and domestic experience. For this purpose, the article examines scientific research by Russian and foreign authors on the formation and evaluation of reputational resources, compares regulatory legal acts and practices of leading countries on the implementation of public administration practices that meet the citizen-centric approach. The main factors forming a reputation are: citizen-centricity, public positioning and socio-economic conditions. Regarding the foreign experience of implementing a citizen-centric approach in public administration, it is concluded that there is a wide diversification of methods for implementing this approach. It is related to the profiling of citizens and the maintenance of a register of life situations, the design and reengineering of services, motivation and KPIs of civil servants. Russia has already established a regulatory framework for the development of a citizen-centric approach in public administration, there are pilot regions for the introduction of citizen-centricity in various services. However, there is a lack offramework requirements for the introduction of a citizen-centered approach in terms ofmotivation of civil servants and KPIs of their activities in Russian practice. This aspect leaves room for the introduction of best practices in the field of citizen-centricity and is an incentive for further research in this area.

Key words: citizen-centricity, focus on citizens, reputation economy, reputation resources, public positioning, profiling of citizens, public services, motivation of civil servants.

Cite as: Smirnova, V V. (2022) [The role of citizen-centricity and reputation resources of the region in the functioning of the modern public administration system]. Intellekt. Innovacii. Investicii [Intellect. Innovations. Investments]. Vol. 6, pp. 31-39, https://doi.org/10.25198/2077-7175-2022-6-31.


В. В. Смирнова

Московский государственный университет имени М. В. Ломоносова, Москва, Россия e-mail: vasilina.smirnova95@gmail.com

Аннотация. Нематериальные ресурсы регионального развития приобретают особую значимость в условиях кризиса экономики и управления, а также повышения уровня конкуренции за ресурсы между регионами. Репутационный ресурс рассматривается автором как совокупность характеристик, влияющих на позиционирование субъекта в публичной сфере, на основании которых формируется мнение о целесообразности взаимодействия с ним. В качестве основного из таких факторов автор выделяет клиен-тоцентричность, которая оказывает значительное влияние на взаимодействие государства, граждан и бизнеса, что обусловливает необходимость рассмотрения наиболее эффективных практик повышения качества государственного управления посредством ее внедрения. Целью исследования является выявление основных факторов формирования репутационного ресурса, а также формирование рекомендаций по

Контент достутен под лицензией Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. © V. V.: Smirnova 2022

внедрению клиентоцентричного подхода в государственном управлении на основе изучения зарубежного и отечественного опыта. В статье для этого рассмотрены научные исследования российских и зарубежных авторов, посвященные вопросам формирования и оценки репутационных ресурсов, проведено сравнение нормативно-правовых актов и практик стран-лидеров по внедрению практик государственного управления, отвечающих клиентоцентричному подходу. В качестве основных факторов, формирующих репутацию, выделяются: клиентоцентричность, публичное позиционирование и социально-экономические условия. По результатам анализа зарубежного опыта внедрения клиентоцентричного подхода в государственном управлении автором сделан вывод о наличии широкой диверсификации методов его внедрения, посредством профилирования граждан, ведения реестра жизненных ситуаций, проектирования и реинжиниринга услуг, мотивации и KPI государственных служащих. В России также уже создана нормативная база для развития клиентоцентричного подхода в государственном управлении, существуют пилотные регионы по внедрению клиентоцентричности в различных сервисах. Автор определяет ключевые российские практики внедрения клиентоцентричного подхода и их недостатки.

Ключевые слова: клиентоцентричность, клиентоориентированность, репутационная экономика, ре-путационные ресурсы, публичное позиционирование, профилирование граждан, государственные услуги, мотивация государственных служащих.

Для цитирования: Smirnova, V. V (2022) [The role of citizen-centricity and reputation resources of the region in the functioning of the modern public administration system]. Intellekt. Innovacii. Investicii [Intellect. Innovations. Investments]. Vol. 6, pp. 31-39, https://doi.org/10.25198/2077-7175-2022-6-31.


In conditions of crisis and increasing competition for resources, factors that increase the competitiveness of regions come to the fore. The special importance in this context is gained by non-material resources (human, intellectual, social, reputation, etc.).

In 2021, by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 2816-r of October 6, 2021, a list of socio-economic development initiatives was approved, which, as one of the initiatives, approved the federal project "Citizen-Centricity", which marked a qualitatively new stage of interaction between the state and citizens and business representatives. Starting from 2022, the Government of the Russian Federation will conduct an experiment to test tools that ensure the implementation of the principles of citizen-centricity in public administration (hereinafter referred to as the pilot project).

The client-centric approach was borrowed from the business environment, assuming a model of providing services focused on each specific "client" (citizen) by constantly improving interaction with him. At the same time, there is a shift in focus from the product or service to the client himself in order to obtain value from him and effective results of the organization's activities [7, p. 12]. This approach is certainly one of the methods of multiplication of reputational resources, which necessitates the study of the possibilities of its implementation in the Russian Federation.

Research methodology

The theoretical and methodological basis of the work was the scientific research of Russian and foreign authors devoted to the formation and evaluation of reputational resources, as well as their own research and methodological developments of the authors [4; 11].

The theoretical basis of the study was the works of A. S. Grunichev, S. N.. Bolshakov, L. A. Elshin, I. S. Vazhenina and other authors. Modern approaches to determining the role of various factors in the formation of reputational resources are characterized by a rather low level of methodological and theoretical development. Client-centricity as an independent factor in the formation of reputational resources is characterized by an even lower level of theoretical development.

The term "reputation resource" is interpreted by domestic researchers from different positions. For example, A. S. Grunichev interprets its significance as "an applied section of reputation economics that studies the basics of rational use of the potential and capabilities of the territory through the prism of a rational assessment of its reputation capital in the global information space" [2, p. 21]. In turn, L. A. Elshin defines as a "digital tracing paper" of the real sector of the economy in various digital channels of information transmission ..., which generates an increase in labor, financial and other resources ... by increasing the intangible base ... in the information environment" [3, p. 133]. S. A. Bolshakov defines the management of the reputation capital of a territory as a set of coordinated actions that form an attitude towards a country or region, the rational use of which can improve the economic, political and cultural well-being of residents [1, p. 144]. According to I. S. Vazhenina, a reputation resource is "a set of real opportunities and guarantees confirmed by practice for the realization of significant interests and needs of members of groups (subgroups) of the target audience" [12, p. 12].

Foreign researchers use the term "reputation economy" as the main concept. It is important to note that most of them study this category through the prism of marketing analysis. Thus, according to D. Shobel's approach, the reputation economy is "an environment in which the

brands of economic agents are formed on the basis of their perception in the online space through a comprehensive assessment of their positive and negative qualities and characteristics" [2, p. 17]. However, it is important to note that the reputation economy in the regional context also reflects the perception of the opportunities and resources of the territory on the basis of the information field characterizing its potentials [9, p. 58].

Summarizing the existing approaches, in the framework of this study, by reputation resource we mean a set of characteristics that affect the positioning of a subject in the public sphere, on the basis of which counterpar-

ties (of different types and levels) can form an opinion about the expediency, risks of interaction with him and his representatives, his socio-economic and investment potential, etc.

Factors of formation of a reputation resource

In order to determine the factors for the formation of a reputation resource, a map of the key stages of the customer journey map of the main beneficiaries at the level of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation - citizens and business representatives was compiled (Table 1).

Table 1. Key stages of the "client path" of citizens and business representatives in accordance with the factors of formation of the reputation resource of the region

Reputational resource formation factor Citizens Business

1. Public positioning - public positioning (image) of the region; - regional brands; - publications in the media;

2. Client-centricity of the region - quality of public services provision; - quality of public services provision; - investment climate;

3. The level of socio-economic development - unemployment rate; - average salary; - the level of provision of social benefits; - migration level; - ecology; - unemployment rate; - the level of solvency of the target audience; - the average «life» of SMEs; - the level of support for SMEs; - the level of business infrastructure development.

Source: developed by the author

Summarizing the existing approaches, the follow- tion: client-centricity, public positioning and socio-ing are identified as the main factors shaping reputa- economic conditions (see Figure 1).

Figure 1. Factors of formation of the reputation resource of the region

Source: developed by the author

Foreign experience in implementing a client-centric approach in public administration

Referring to the foreign experience of regulating and implementing a client-centric approach in the sphere of interaction between citizens and business with the state, we can conclude that there is a wide diversification of methods for implementing this approach. Summarizing the existing experience, we can highlight the main directions of its implementation:

A) profiling of the "client" and maintaining a register of life situations. A fairly common practice (USA, Canada, UK, UAE) in the field of customer profiling is to identify the needs and analyze the requests of citizens themselves, as well as establishing constant feedback with them. In the above-mentioned countries, the agencies aim to identify real problems and user requests, which often may not coincide with those stated in the application itself. This is done by analyzing the entire available array of data: from users, other government services and various third parties. This implements the principle of understanding the needs of the client, including profiling1. The latter is more of a technical issue, therefore, as a rule, it is not reflected in top-level documents.

In the above countries, the provision of services is provided in the context of "life situations". The most

common life situations are the creation of a family, the birth of a child, going to the doctor (health), getting an education, job loss, retirement and others.

B) Design and reengineering of services. In a number of foreign countries, the implementation of a client-centric approach is fixed at the level of methodological recommendations, the availability and need to use a special IT solution for the design and reengineering of public services, as well as uniform requirements for the user interface.

In particular, Australia, the UAE, Singapore, the USA and Finland pay special attention to the unified requirements of the user interface, which are developed based on the results of a study of the needs of users themselves, designing the necessary design2. For example, the approved standards of digital services in Singapore include a special section that contains recommendations for achieving intuitive interfaces and ease of use. Similarly, in Finland, the requirement of ease of use of digital services is enshrined in the "Law on the Provision of Digital Services".

C) Motivation of civil servants to provide client-centric services. The best practices in terms of motivating service providers were identified in the UAE, Australia and Singapore. At the same time, in most of these countries, motivation is divided into material and non-material (Table 2).

Table 2. Best practices identified as a result of the analysis of international experience in terms of motivation

Direction Types of encouragement Countries

Non-material 1. Public or individual assessment of the work of an employee: a. recognition on an individual basis of the level of qualification of the work performed by the employee b. send eThanks (digital thank you card) c. an email to an employee thanking them for their efforts d. transferring positive customer feedback to the employee e. public recognition of an employee's achievement at meetings f. holding a "day of appreciation" dedicated to the results of the employee's work g. organization of a lunch to celebrate achievements 2. Providing benefits to the employee: a. providing flexible working hours whenever possible b. donation of a book on the topic of professional development, with its signature by the head c. appointment of an employee to a public service medal d. selection as a representative at an event related to local business e. selection by the person who will attend "higher level" meetings or who will represent the team at meetings f. enabling project management Australia: 1 (a-g), 2 (b-e) Singapore: 1f, 2f UAE: 2c

1 Better Training, Knowledge and Networks: the New Curriculum and Campus for Government Skills: Corporate report. URL: https:// www.gov.uk/government/publications/the-new-curriculum-and-campus-for-government-skills/better-training-knowledge-and-networks-the-new-curriculum-and-campus-for-government-skills (accessed: 20.05.2022).

2 2021 User Experience Summit. URL: https://digital.gov/event/2021/06/22/2021-user-experience-summit/ (accessed: 20.05.2022).

Continuation of table 2

Direction Types of encouragement Countries

Material 1. Awards, bonuses and prizes a. award for contribution to the development of innovations b. nomination of an employee for an award by an external organization (advanced science, committee of rural areas) c. performance bonuses d. nomination of an employee for an award (Prime Minister's Award; Minister of Human Resources) e. long service award Singapore: 1 (a, c, e) Australia: 1 (b, d)

Source: regulatory legal acts of the countries represented

Non-material motivation is expressed in a public or individual assessment of the employee's work, as well as in the provision of certain benefits to the employee. The best non-material practices are most fully implemented in Australia. And a fairly wide range of rewards are used, including recognition on an individual basis of the level of qualification of the work performed, sending digital cards or e-mails with gratitude, sending positive customer reviews to the employee, etc.

Singapore and the UAE use non-material incentives to a much lesser extent. For example, in the UAE it is only awarding medals for civil service, and in Singapore it is holding a "day of appreciation" dedicated

to the results of an employee's work and providing an opportunity to manage projects.

However, Singapore quite widely uses various types of material incentives - an award for contribution to the development of innovations, bonuses for productivity, a bonus for long service3. In Australia, it is more common in this case to appoint an employee to receive an award from an external organization and to appoint an employee to an award4.

D) Key performance indicators of civil servants. As part of the analysis of key performance indicators, 9 main groups of KPIs were identified in the USA, Great Britain, Australia, the UAE and the European Union countries (Table 3).

Table 3. Types of KPIs and their distribution by country

№ KPI Countries of use

1. The amount of costs for the provision of one service Great Britain

2. The number of contacts with the client made to solve his problem Australia

3. Customer satisfaction level Australia, UK, UAE, USA

4. Share of services rendered (completed) Great Britain

5. The share of services that can be provided online European Union

6. The percentage of telephone customer requests that are answered within one minute Australia

7. The proportion of e-mail requests that are answered within three working days Australia

8. Number of users of the public services platform Great Britain

9. The level of convenience of services rendering services European Union

Source: developed by the author

E) Requirements for the quality of service provision. The best practices of providing services at key points of interaction between the state and citizens are considered in the context of the format of providing

services: online and offline.

Basically, the requirements for online points of interaction between the state and citizens are divided into three blocks - requirements for a web portal /

3 A great Workforce. A great Workplace. Singapore Quality Award. Executive Summary Report. URL: https://www.enterprisesg.gov.sg/-/ media/esg/files/quality-and-standards/business-excellence/SQA_M0M_2017_Summary_Report.pdf (accessed: 20.05.2022).

4 Reward and Recognition Good practice guide for South Australian Public Sector managers. URL: https://www.publicsector.sa.gov. au/_data/assets/pdf_file/0018/221481/011-Reward-and-Recognition-Good-Practice-Guide.pdf (accessed: 20.05.2022).

website, for emails to the post office and for a mobile application. In relation to the web portal and website in the USA, the requirements apply for the availability of navigation of the application process, as well as the possibility of maintaining progress when applying without losing data filled in at earlier stages. In the UK, the requirement of the possibility of extending the time of filling out the application and the availability of a corresponding notification also applies. The emails

mainly regulate the style of the letter (Australia and Ireland) and the content of information about the terms of consideration of the application (Ireland). The requirements for the mobile application are most developed in the USA, where there are provisions on the functionality of push notifications, compatibility with the main types of platforms, collection and processing of personal data, as well as regarding the security of user data5.

№ Interaction points Requirements Best practices

1. Call center (phone) 1. Personnel identification requirement (submission of name and institution) 2. The requirement for a mandatory offer of help at the beginning of the conversation 3. The requirement for the clarity of the definition of the problem: a. through clarifying questions b. through the independent formulation of the question or problem (synthesis of information) 4. Requirements for the number of call center employees Uruguay (requirements 1, 2, 3, 4) Ireland (requirement 1) Australia (requirement 3 a)

2. Video conference 1. Requirements for preparing for a video conference (silent mode, punctuality, technical serviceability, operation of the video camera) 2. Requirements for greeting the interlocutor UAE (requirements 1, 2)

3. Personal reception in the authorities 1. The requirement for the cleanliness of the premises 2. The requirement to submit to the temperature regime in the premises 3. Requirement for air conditioning and ventilation 4. The requirement for the presentation and placement of information on boards and posters 6. The requirement to be able to access Wi-Fi and phone 7. The requirement for ethical behavior of employees + requirements for call center employees Uruguay (requirements 1, 2, 3, 4) USA (requirement 6) Canada (requirements 5, 6)

4. Personal reception in separate institutions (analogous to multifunctional centers) 1. Requirements for the mandatory wearing of badges 2. The requirement of mandatory response to citizens' requests in real time 3. The requirement to have a self-service terminal 4. The requirement for the neatness and neatness of the appearance of employees 5. The requirement for the presence of natural light 6. The requirement for the possibility of turning the employee's chair to ensure access to it for persons with disabilities + requirements for call center employees and authorities Uruguay (requirements 1, 4) Canada (requirements 5, 6) Ireland (requirement 3) Australia (requirement 2)

5. Long-term locations 1. Requirements for the appearance of employees 2. Requirements for the format of communication and behavior with patients 3. Requirements for the cleanliness of the room UAE (Requirements 1, 2, 3)

Source: developed by the author

5 2021 Federal Plain Language Summit. URL: https://digital.gov/event/2021/09/21/2021-federal-plain-language-summit/ (accessed: 20.05.2022).

Table 4. Best practices identified as a result of the analysis of international experience in the provision of services in key offline points of interaction between the state and citizens

Implementation of a client-centric approach in public administration in the Russian Federation

Taking into account the studied foreign experience and the best practices of its application, the following areas of implementation of the client-centric approach in public administration were identified: profiling of the "client", maintaining a register of life situations, designing and reengineering of services; motivation of civil servants and their key performance indicators of their activities; requirements for the quality of service provision. Within the framework of these directions, the analysis of the implementation of a client-centric approach in public administration in the Russian Federation was carried out. Conclusions based on the results of the analysis:

A) profiling of the "client", maintaining a register of life situations, designing and reengineering services. First of all, the goal of the federal project "Client-centricity" is stated to be "the creation of a network of user testing laboratories, the introduction of principles and standards of client-centricity in government bodies and their subordinate institutions".

A similar laboratory has already been opened on the basis of the Analytical Center under the Government of the Russian Federation. The tests carried out in laboratories are aimed at assessing the convenience and ergonomics of a certain public service in the process of its receipt by citizens. At the same time, the test results obtained will be able to influence the decision on the expediency of changing the process of obtaining a public service - both new and existing.

In the user testing laboratory, the participants of the experiment will have to take surveys, navigate on the website of public services. Based on this information, experts will formulate conclusions about the need to adjust the provision of public services.

The duration of testing one service in such a laboratory will take about two weeks, then the formed conclusion on the necessary changes in the procedure for providing public services in order to increase the level of client-centricity will be transmitted to the authorized federal executive authorities. If there are legislative obstacles to the introduction of adjustments, the laboratory has the opportunity to send an appropriate expert proposal on amendments to the necessary regulatory legal act6.

B) Motivation of civil servants and their key performance indicators of their activities. In general, the motivation of civil servants in the Russian Federation is carried out in two directions: material and non-material.

The material motivation of a civil servant is represented by monetary maintenance, monthly salary and

6 The first user testing laboratories have been opened. URL: testirovania-27125 (accessed: 20.07.2022).

additional payments determined according to the position being filled.

It is important to note that the existing system of material motivation is not focused on the effectiveness and efficiency of employees, the income of a civil servant primarily depends on the length of service [5, p. 4].

There is also a system of non-material incentives for civil servants (declaration of gratitude; certificates of honor, commemorative gifts; insignia, orders and medals). The decision on promotion or awarding is made by the employer's representative. At the same time, Federal Law No. 79-FZ of July 27, 2004 "On State Civil Service in the Russian Federation" does not establish a list of requirements or the need to achieve key performance indicators in order to obtain them. From which, we can conclude that there are no uniform grounds for the application of appropriate incentive measures.

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Returning to the issue of introducing a client-centric approach, it should be noted that according to the Order of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation No. 302 dated 29.04.2019 "On approval of uniform requirements for the organization of the activities of employment service bodies", one of the recommended areas of professional retraining and advanced training programs for civil servants is "The implementation of the principles of proactivity, client orientation and professionalism in the activities of the employment center, client-centricity as a methodology for transforming the employment system" [6]. Taken together, this direction of state policy in the field of public service fits into the trend of reorientation of the unified system of work with personnel, taking into account the principle of customer orientation [10, p. 85].

C) Requirements for the quality of service provision. According to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated October 22, 2021 No. 2998-r "On approval of the strategic direction in the field of digital transformation of public administration", the current state of public administration is characterized by a number of problems, the solution of which can be digitalization [Молчанов Е. А. Цифровая трансформация]. One of the measures envisaged in the framework of digitalization is the creation of a unified system for the provision of state and municipal services, which involves the creation of a unified model of the process of providing state and municipal services, including in a proactive (proactive) manner. Such a platform will allow the authorities to independently convert existing services into electronic form. Already in 2024, it is planned to provide 60% of state and municipal services in electronic form.


The corresponding Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation has also been issued in the sphere of competence of one of the participants of the pilot project - the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation. According to the document of the Ministry of Labor of Russia, it is necessary to optimize the processes of providing social support measures (provision of pensions, social insurance, social protection, etc.)7.

In 2022, the approach to creating a unified system for the provision of public services was significantly supplemented within the framework of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 837-r dated April 11, 2022, which approved the Concept of Transition to the provision of 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, of the absolute majority of state and municipal services without the need for the personal presence of citizens, containing the following key provisions:

- citizens should be able to solve the necessary task around the clock in "one click" using an intuitive interface;

- the electronic form of the provision of public services should lead to the refusal of the personal presence of a citizen to submit and sign documents;

- development of user scenarios and design of public services taking into account the life situations of citizens;

- assessment of the quality of design and provision of public services based on indicators: satisfaction of applicants, the amount of time spent by applicants, the proportion of refusals to provide services, the number of documents required to obtain services, the number of contacts with authorities required to solve the problem.

At the same time, it should be noted that Federal Law No. 59-FZ of 02.05.2006 "On the procedure for considering appeals from Citizens of the Russian Federation" sets a 30-day deadline for preparing a response, which forces citizens to use alternative resources to solve problems more quickly, in particular, sending complaints through regional portals. However, the problem of the lack of uniform requirements and federal control over the interaction of the state with citizens on these portals remains relevant. Surveys of researchers on this issue also record a steady request from citizens to improve the technical component of communication during the receipt of public services [8, p. 94].

In turn, the main issue of interaction of citizens and business representatives with the state (its representa-

tives in the person of civil servants) is the receipt of public services, which determines the demand for state and regional portals providing a wide range of services. These points of interaction cover all spheres of public life, and, therefore, require the most detailed study from the point of view of a client-centered approach.

Paying attention to the portals of the regions participating in the pilot project on the introduction of a client-centric approach (Moscow, Tula and Lipetsk regions), you can also see completely different principles of navigation and landing sites.


As noted earlier, the introduction of a client-centric approach at the state level in the Russian Federation began in 2021. At the same time, the existing areas of implementation of the client-centric approach (client profiling, maintaining a register of life situations, designing and reengineering of services, requirements for the quality of service provision) in the Russian Federation generally correspond to the areas of implementation identified as a result of the analysis of the experience of foreign countries. However, it should be noted that there are no "framework" requirements for the introduction of a client-centered approach in terms of motivation of civil servants and key performance indicators of their activities in Russian practice.

Summarizing the existing experience, it is advisable to expand the practices and directions of implementing a client-centered approach in the Russian Federation, in terms of:

• increasing the number of tools for a personalized approach to applicants (including personal information, navigation through life situations);

• expanding the list of state and municipal services (hereinafter referred to as services) provided in a proactive (proactive) manner all right;

• the use of key performance indicators of state

• and municipal employees assessing the level of customer-centric approach in the provision of services;

• automation of processes and reduction of service delivery time (including optimization of interdepartmental data exchange processes);

• improvement of service delivery portals;

• monitoring the quality of service provision.


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Information about the author:

Vasilina Vladimirovna Smirnova, postgraduate student, scientific specialty 5.2.3. Regional and sectoral economy, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia

ORCID ID: 0000-0002-8024-7972

e-mail: vasilina.smirnova95@gmail.com

The paper was submitted: 22.08.2022.

Accepted for publication:23.09.2022.

The author has read and approved the final manuscript.

Информация об авторе:

Василина Владимировна Смирнова, аспирант, научная специальность 5.2.3. Региональная и отраслевая экономика, Московский государственный университет имени М. В. Ломоносова, Москва, Россия

ORCID ID: 0000-0002-8024-7972

e-mail: vasilina.smirnova95@gmail.com

Статья поступила в редакцию: 22.08.2022; принята в печать: 23.09.2022.

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