THE ROLE OF ALISHER NAVOI IN THE WORLD MUSIC CULTURE Текст научной статьи по специальности «Искусствоведение»

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Ключевые слова
poet / musician / culture / musical art / musical instruments / poppy seeds / harmony / Renaissance. / поэт / музыкант / культура / музыкальное искусство / музыкальные инструменты / маком / гармония / Ренессанс.

Аннотация научной статьи по искусствоведению, автор научной работы — Karimova Naila Minnigayanovna, Karimova Kamilla Vyacheslavovna

the article is devoted to the work of the great Turkic thinker, statesman, poet, musician, artist Alisher Navoi, who left a bright mark on the universal spiritual and cultural heritage. Navoi was a kind of national musicologist. Each of his works is associated with music. He created a whole system of melodies with words, he knew that the sound of the word is in harmony with the musical sound and uses it more effectively. The musical heritage of Alisher Navoi lies in the fact that it is not only the heritage of traditional oriental music, but also the basis for creating new works in all genres of samples of world musical creativity.

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статья посвящена творчеству великого тюркского мыслителя, государственного деятеля, поэта, музыканта, художника Алишера Навои, оставившего яркий след в общечеловеческом духовном и культурном наследии. Навои был своеобразным национальным музыковедом. Каждое его произведение связано с музыкой. Он создал целую систему мелодий со словами, знал, что звук слова гармонирует с музыкальным звуком и использует его более эффективно. Музыкальное наследие Алишера Навои, состоит в том, что оно является не только наследием традиционной восточной музыки, но и основой для создания новых произведений во всех жанрах образцов мирового музыкального творчества.



1 2 Karimova N.M. , Karimova K.V.

1Karimova Naila Minnigayanovna - Docent, Senior Lecturer;

2Karimova Kamilla Vyacheslavovna - Lecturer, DEPARTMENT OF MUSIC EDUCATION,


Abstract: the article is devoted to the work of the great Turkic thinker, statesman, poet, musician, artist Alisher Navoi, who left a bright mark on the universal spiritual and cultural heritage. Navoi was a kind of national musicologist. Each of his works is associated with music. He created a whole system of melodies with words, he knew that the sound of the word is in harmony with the musical sound and uses it more effectively. The musical heritage of Alisher Navoi lies in the fact that it is not only the heritage of traditional oriental music, but also the basis for creating new works in all genres of samples of world musical creativity.

Keywords: poet, musician, culture, musical art, musical instruments, poppy seeds, harmony, Renaissance.


Каримова Н.М.1, Каримова К.В.2

1 Каримова Наиля Миннигаяновна - доцент, старший преподаватель;

2Каримова Камилла Вячеславовна - преподаватель, кафедра музыкального образования, Термезский государственный университет, г. Термез, Республика Узбекистан

Аннотация: статья посвящена творчеству великого тюркского мыслителя, государственного деятеля, поэта, музыканта, художника Алишера Навои, оставившего яркий след в общечеловеческом духовном и культурном наследии. Навои был своеобразным национальным музыковедом. Каждое его произведение связано с музыкой. Он создал целую систему мелодий со словами, знал, что звук слова гармонирует с музыкальным звуком и использует его более эффективно. Музыкальное наследие Алишера Навои, состоит в том, что оно является не только наследием традиционной восточной музыки, но и основой для создания новых произведений во всех жанрах образцов мирового музыкального творчества.

Ключевые слова: поэт, музыкант, культура, музыкальное искусство, музыкальные инструменты, маком, гармония, Ренессанс.

UDC 691.330.30

Introduction. For 581 years, Alisher Navoi's gazels have excited the hearts of many generations. Music occupies a special place in the life and work of Alisher Navoi. In his youth, Navoi began to compose poetry, he was also seriously interested in music, he was a composer, and in one of his works, he described the Turkic musical style and musical notation. Even his pseudonym was taken from musical terminology - "navo" means "melody", "melody". He gratefully recalls his music teacher, the famous bastakor Khoja Yusuf Burkhan, to whom he dedicated the following lines:

The road of music is my channel,

Playing the saz is my craft.

I comprehended, holding the music in my hands,

The science of rhythmic circles.

I teach music to people

Come on, I'm a teacher of teachers.

The creator of immortal works, Alisher Navoi was also the inspirer of a number of interesting treatises on music. His ethically lofty and in-depth aesthetic interpretation of music as an art, knowledge in composition and the sciences of music (according to sources, on the advice of Navoi, the Treatises on Music by Jami and al-Husseini were written) were reflected in many poetic and scientific-philosophical works.

Being both a theorist and practitioner in music, Alisher Navoi demanded from his students the knowledge of the laws of versification in combination with the basics of musical composition, because they are closely interconnected and knowledge of these rules improves the quality of created musical and poetic works. In his «Notes» Babur names the genres of naksh and peshrav in which Alisher Navoi worked.

The image of Alisher Navoi himself - a poet, educator and humanist - inspired the composers of Uzbekistan to create a number of original musical stage (opera «Alisher Navoi» by M. Burkhanov, musical drama «Navoi in Astrabad» by Y.Rajabi and S. Jalil) and symphonic («Love of the poet» by M. Tadjiev, the Second symphony «Navoi» by G. Muschel) works.

Having got acquainted with the works of the great Uzbek poet and thinker Alisher Navoi, we will meet with a number of issues related to the art of music. Being a cultural figure, he studied all aspects of the art very competently, with a deep knowledge of musical practice and theory. That is why there is a deep understanding of musical issues and

musical terms in his works. These terms are connected with theoretical and practical problems of music. Knowledge of Navoi is a valuable source of illumination of the musical life of that time. One of the most important topics in Navoi's works is the description and use of musical instruments in music. Musical instruments are the main resource for determining the process of historical development of musical culture. Sometimes, when Navoi portrayed the words, it seems that their melodies ring in the ears.

Alisher Navoi's work describes a number of musical instruments used in practice at that time. Among them we can meet nai, chang, gizhzhak, tanbur, ud, rubob, kubuz, daf, chagon, rud, mushikor, ayolga, nogora, some of them are little known and some of these instruments have been transformed. The most important thing is that in Navoi's works he describes musical instruments very accurately. In his ghazals, he did not talk about any instrument, he understood its musical and philosophical nature.

The great poet and brilliant thinker of the Uzbek people Alisher Navoi made a huge contribution to the treasury of world science and culture, his multifaceted talent puts him on a par with world geniuses, his humane creative heritage has become the property of all mankind.

The genius of Navoi was almost universal: a poet, scientist, musician, great connoisseur and patron of architecture, painting and arts and crafts. But the main merit of Navoi, which puts him on a par with the great classics of world literature, is that he was the founder of Uzbek literature and the creator of the Uzbek literary language.

Being a man of high position, he made a significant contribution to the improvement of science, art, and literature; always tried to establish peace and harmony.

In the Message of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev to the participants of the Sharq Taronalari International Music Festival, it was mentioned that music as an art phenomenon has great opportunities for the harmonious education of the younger generation. Young people, introduced to art, begin to take a different attitude to life, honor national and universal values. The idea of the festival is based on the testament of the great poet and thinker Alisher Navoi: "People of the world, live in friendship with each other, decorate the face of your native land with your talent and work!" [1].

Main part. The relevance of this work is devoted to the study of the concept of musical science by the outstanding philosopher, scientist and musical theorist Alisher Navoi. The perception of Alisher Navoi and the scientific study of works created on the basis of his heritage have always been considered one of the important tasks facing Uzbek musicologists.

In the sources cited in the works of thinkers of the XV-XVII centuries, we can also observe that the work of Alisher Navoi is directly in harmony with music.

Zahiriddin Muhammad Babur said: «In the musical science, Navoi created many compositions, including patterns and peshravs». According to the musicologist of the end of the 16th century Dervish Ali Changi, of the 24 maqoms common in his time, some belonged to Ulugbek, 12 Khusain Baikara and 7 Alisher Navoi.

The well-known scientist Iskhak Radjabov in his monograph «Makomlar» gave valuable comments that in Shashmaqom «usul» depends on the «wazi» of gazels and gave several specific examples. According to him, the gazels of Alisher Navoi are very easy to use in some parts of Shashmakom like Sokiynom, Mugulcha and Nasre.

Having got acquainted with the works of the great Uzbek poet and thinker Alisher Navoi, we will meet with a number of issues related to the art of music. Being a cultural figure, he studied all aspects of the art very competently, with a deep knowledge of musical practice and theory.

His love for music was especially vividly manifested in the poem «Sabai Sayyr» («Seven Planets»), which is part of the cycle of five «Khamsa» («Five»). The main character of the poem, Dilorom, is a musician, endowed with an amazingly beautiful voice and playing the chang so beautifully that the listeners «lost their senses». Dilorom is the personification of the very spirit of music. Even during the life of the poet, his gazels began to be used as song and maqom texts.

The poetry of Alisher Navoi occupied and occupies a significant place in the traditional vocal performance practice of the older, middle and younger generations of hafiz. The depth of the philosophical content of Navoi's poems was also reflected in such traditional musical forms as yalla, ashula, katta ashula, Bukhara Shashmakom, Khorezm and Ferghana-Tashkent maqoms, and Uighur mukams.

Over the years, the works of Alisher Navoi were translated into Russian by B. Pasternak, Vs. Rozhdestvensky, K. Simonov, S. Shervinsky, N. Ushakov, and many other poets and translators.

The famous Russian linguist academician V.M. Zhirmunsky put the personality of the poet on a par with the world's greatest cultural figures: "Navoi, like his Western contemporaries such as Leonardo da Vinci, appears before us as a comprehensively developed and integral personality, combining science and art in his universalism, philosophical theory and social practice.

The purpose of the study is to provide a systematic historical and typological culturological understanding of the problem of artistic development at different stages of the formation of culture and art. As a result, it is supposed to reveal the function of culture at different historical stages, in the development of the essential forces of a person at different stages of life. The inclusion of each individual in the past, present and future of culture. Today there is a need to understand education as a mechanism for the development of culture based on both socio-cultural realities and cultural orientations. This can be evidenced by ancient written sources relating to the history of the musical art of the peoples of Central Asia, which prove the presence of a high culture of these peoples. Their best examples were covered in the works on music by the Central Asian scholars and thinkers of the Middle East Al-Farabi (9th-10th centuries), Ibn-Sina (10th-11th centuries), Al-Khorazmiy (11th century) and Fakhruddin Ar-Razi, Alisher Navoi (14-15 centuries),

which became an integral part of the European musical-theoretical science, which received a brilliant development in the next era. A deep and comprehensive study of the heritage of Alisher Navoi began at the beginning of the 20th century. Since gaining independence in our country, consistent work continues to study the life and heritage that the great poet and thinker of the Eastern Renaissance left to subsequent generations.

Scientific interest in the cultural heritage of Alisher Navoi is of great interest today in Uzbekistan and abroad. In particular, it is being deeply studied by scientists from the USA, Japan, Korea, Iran, Afghanistan, India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh. In these countries, scientific works, stories, novels, feature films about our great ancestor have been created.

Conclusion. Thus, the name of Alisher Navoi has firmly entered the history of world science and culture. His works, having had a great influence on the European Renaissance, became a connecting bridge for the convergence of cultures and philosophies of the West and East.

Thanks to Alisher Navoi, a new direction in the development of sciences and arts of that time began. Being talented in everything, Alisher Navoi devoted a lot of time to musicology. Thus, in his works he gave the concept of the Turkic musical style and musical notation, described their nature and found out all aspects of art.

Honoring the memory of an outstanding philosopher, scientist and musical theorist on an international scale is evidence of the need to master the cultural heritage of the past as the most important link in the struggle for social progress, for humanism. More than five centuries have passed, and the works of the great thinker, which have taken a worthy place in the treasury of world culture, in which encyclopedic knowledge is concentrated, serve new and new generations.

Alisher Navoi accomplished a real spiritual feat, fulfilled his duty to the Motherland and the people - he brought his native literature to the world level and rightfully took his place among such luminaries of culture as Homer, Nizami, Firdausi, Dante, Shakespeare, Goethe, Pushkin and Tolstoy.

As you can see, Alisher Navoi remained in world culture as a vivid example of a multifaceted creative personality. And for modern young people, his life can serve as an example of how a person should improve himself throughout his life.

References / Список литературы

1. Message from the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Sh. Mirziyoyev to the participants of the twelfth

International Music Festival «Sharq taronalari». August 27, 2019.

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