THE ROLE OF ABDULLA KODYRIA IN UZBEK LITERATURE Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Narmanov A., Abdirimova I.

This article discusses the role of Abdullah Kodiriya in Uzbek literature.

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В данной статье рассматривается роль Абдуллы Кодирия в узбекской литературе.


world, to build an advanced society in all respects, a state based on the unshakable principles of humanism and democracy. All their activities in this direction are an example for the current generation of Uzbeks. The laws of a market economy, dictating and culture, the propaganda of which Jadids devoted their lives. On the contrary, right now, when our country has entered the world community, we need cultural, erudite, highly qualified specialists, whose dedicated work will turn Uzbekistan into one of the highly developed countries of the world.

Used sourse:

1. Ганкевич В. На службе правде и просвещению. Краткий биографический очерк Исмаила Гаспринского. - Симферополь: Доля, 2000. - С. 238-260.

2. Исмаил Гаспринский и Туркестан. Сборник статей. - Ташкент: Шарк, 2005. - С. 230. 4 Там же. - С.232-233.

3. Айни Х. Жизнь Садриддина Айни. - Душанбе: Ирфон, 1982. 6 Фитрат А. Рассказы индийского путешественника, — Звезда Востока, 1990, № 7. - С. 134.

4. Ходжаев Файзулла. Избранные труды в 3-х томах. Т. 1. - Ташкент: Фан, 1970. - С. 128. 10 Там же. 11 Бех,будий М. Танланган асарлар (Избранные произведения). - Тошкент: Маънавият, 1999. - С.18-19, 146-150.

УДК 357.54

Narmanov А. Abdirimova I.

Chirchik State Pedagogical InstituteTashkent region


Annotation: This article discusses the role of Abdullah Kodiriya in Uzbek literature.

Keywords: literature, creativity, jadid, jadid, novel

Нарманов А. Абдиримова И.

Чирчикский государственный педагогический институт

Ташкентской области Узбекистан, г. Чирчик РОЛЬ АБДУЛЛЫ КОДИРИЯ В УЗБЕКСКОЙ ЛИТЕРАТУРЕ

Аннотация: В данной статье рассматривается роль Абдуллы Кодирия в узбекской литературе.

Ключевые слова: литература, творчество, джадид, джадид, роман

Vadud Mahmud called his "The Golden Age" of Central Asia in the article "Navoi's Old Turkish Literature". "Alisher used to be in Mashhad, in Samarkand and Herat, among the noblest people of the time, among the nobles, and on the other hand, among the first-ever winners in Movarounnahr, scholars, sheikhs, writers and

artists, and used them a lot." Navoi also adhered to this harmony in his work. Combining his knowledge of society and literature, he has created classic ideals.In the creation of "Khamsa" every manifestation of beauty in the creativity of Navoi demonstrated the superiority of his predecessors in the world of contemplation and artistic abilities.

The description of this beauty testifies to the rich and subtle heart of the poet, the feminine artistic taste, and the subtle nature of the deeply perceived beauty of the poet. " For example, let's look at Leyla in Leyla and Majnun:What kind of naxlyu, sarvi free,What's wrong with sarviy, jeans.What month is Oyiyu, badri toli,Badri is a bad guy.It is not surprising that the dancer's dignity is at the same level, and even the jeans are jealous. It is round and light, when the moon is full. Then the eyebrows, eyebrows, eyelashes, lips, and dark-haired hair are clearly defined, with a very high aesthetically beautiful image. Here Navoi is a masterpiece of lipstick art, that is, Layl's back to the tree, then from his mind to the fairy tale, his face to the moon and then to the full moon. There is some similarity between the description of the images of Alisher Navoi's Leyla and Qadieri's Silverbike. The two silver-colored "splendid black hair" seemed to have been as standard as the "no-two hawk night" in Lail. This kind of interpretation of beauty is balanced and harmonious. This is evidence that Kadyri was inspired by the artistic inspiration of the unique treasury of Navoi, or in a graceful and graceful appearance in a graceful and humane manner. Similar aesthetic ideals serve as an exhibition for later literature.

Qodiriy noted that "Tohir-Zuhra", "Chor Dervishes", "Farhod-Shirin" and "Bahromgors" of the time, was created to create a new aesthetic ideal. Traditional literature has not only the appearance of beautiful angels, but also the Oriental philosophical views, reflecting the experiences gained by the nation on its historic path. This process has also been postponed to the literature of later periods, revitalized in new dyes.

The essence of Jadid literature is primarily evident in the fact that the movement is focused on a practical basis for the implementation of the reformist ideas. To achieve this, it is necessary to open the eyes of the people and stimulate their consciousness. Therefore, in the novels as in the first Jadid drama and poetry, the interpretation of the enlightenment was central. Thus, the novel of the Jadid has grown enormously from "Science and Enlightenment" to the enormous work of "Past Days", enriched by images of society, human delights, love rumors. It is true that Abdulla Qadieri not only raised the national awakening, but also brought the whole Uzbek novel to a worthy position with the story "Past Days". However, it would be fair to acknowledge the effect of the early experience of the Uzbek literature on the creation of such a great art. "Hamza, Mirmuhsn-Feykry, for the first time in the history of our literature, began the embryonic era of the word," the sun "and the novel of Abdulla Qodiriy as the unique and perfect fruit of this process as the first real Uzbek realistic national novel which led to his birth. " 1 Even Qodiriy's "Last Days" novel is acknowledged as the perfect piece of Uzbek jazz novel. We do

not intend to dwell on the history of the writing, but the purpose of our work is not to stop it. Commenting on his remarks in the Power of Genius, "as we have come to a new era, we follow every new era in the same way and likewise enjoy friendships, pleasures and stories; we are committed to acquainting our people with Tohir-Zuhra, Chor Dervishes, Farhod-Shirin and Bahromgur. "2

Thus, new national heroes need renewed thinking and time. Otabek, Silver, who understood how much the people owes to the literature, as the responsible author of the word, propagated the greatness of love, the great love that Darwish had dreamed of in the Tohir-Zuhr, and the wisdom of the "Chor Dervishes" in the image of Yusufbek Hoji. Yusufbek Haci is a hero who has made a great deal of self-esteem for his moral and social ideals. He is not only the future of his son, but also a selfless person who is eager to do the same for the country and society. His father's patriotism, patriotism, and justice have come from his father, Yusufbek Hoji. He said at a meeting in Rajabbeek, "The crime is not in the midst of kipchak, but in the interests of his own personality, and not in kisses, but in his three or four unreliable quarters." That is, he is deeply upset that he has been harassing the public because of the personal enmity of the two or more stakeholders sitting on the platform. Indeed, the decline in the society is explained by the fact that such localism is internal conflicts and influential expressions.

But, as Cholpon wrote, "the sword does not kiss", "the dagger does not swallow." (In the story of the "Novvoy girl"), the throne, the monarchs who looked at the riches of the riches thought the country, ordinary people? He did not know that we would become human beings before the disappearance of the Turkestan soil, which did not know how handwriting it was, and who were eating and drinking each other for the sake of their own self, ", Page 296). Such a great, spacious man, Otabek, says in his father's words, "as a child of others". The author portrays his portrait as follows: "Heavy nature, majesty, elegance, and gentleness, handsome, black eyedrock, proportionate blackhead, and a young man who just creates carrot" ("Last Days", page 6). So if we add a spiritual perfection to such mature physical maturity, it is possible to imagine the hero of aesthetic ideology.

That is, Qutidor discloses intentions as if it were a righteous king like Amir Umar. The reader's confidence in Atabek's perfection goes from page to page, from department to category. In Toyybeka's speech, she is a "good-looking, intelligent", and "if it's the way to do it," Akram Hojidaesa says, "if the khan's hand was in my hand, khan should have taken Otabek."Kadyri describes Otabek and Kumush as romantic images that make the reader feel impersonal. It is a fact that the love of two heroes, the way of life, has influenced thousands of students. Kadyri, on the other hand, draws the portrait of heroes of ideals, while helping to build a particular attitude in a reader, and on the other hand, he goes on to illustrate the antipode of the ideal heroes. This, in turn, helped Yusufbek haci, Otabek to raise the level of idealism.

Atabek ^Homid, that is, humility, humility, non-discrimination, arrogance, unbelievable feeling of self-esteem, as the feeling of a learner gets worse. Here is a

description of aesthetic, ethical idealism. Yusufbek hoji ^ Azizbek. The writer used 146 of the historical material in order to deepen the wisdom of the reader. In other words, Azizbek's attitude to the crown of throats, Yusufbek Hoji's protection of the people's interests, the idealistic ideal of the author. Silver ^ zainab et alln the "Last Days", the attitude towards the "Hellenistic Period" is mainly attributed to Yusufbek Haji, partly by the image of Otabek, and from Anvil in the sculpture, Anwar himself works as a miracle. Although Enver and Ra'no's love are strong, romanticism does not seem to be as pointed out here as in "Past Days". If the silver is described by the author and with the higher qualities in relation to other heroes, Rano's image will appear in the line of events.Formation of the novel "Last Days" by Qadiry proved that the new Uzbek literature has risen to the final stage. In this game, the distinctive image of the society and the aesthetic ideals were distinctly portrayed. The dreams of the creator in a just, glorious ruler are understood by the words of Mirzakarim Kutidor, Yusufbek hoji, Otabek, Anvar, Sultonali.


1. Glossary of terms of reference / authors: H.Homidi, Sh.Abdullayeva, S.Ibrohimova. - T .: Teacher, 1967. - B. 300.

2. Karimov S. Artistic style and expression expression tools. - Samarkand: SamSU, 1994. - B. 140.

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4. Mahmudov N. Language. - T: Writer, 1998. - B. 40.

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