Y^K 37.01:001.8
Макал ада заманауи талаптарга сэйкес мугалтнщ жеке жэне кэсюи касиеттерш кдлыптастыру так;ы-рыбы карастырылады. Сонымен кдтар, ок;ыту бары-сында мугалiм мен окушыныц езара кдрым-кдтына-сы мэселес! де козгалады.
В статье рассматривается тема формирования личностных и профессиональных качеств учителя с соответствии с современными требованиями. Также определяются проблемы взаимоотношений учителя и ученика в процессе обучения и пути их решения.
The following article deals with formation of teachers' personal and professional qualities in accordance with modern requirements. It also shows the problems of teacher-student relationships while teaching and learning.
Traditionally, the teacher was supposed to transmit knowledge, but at the present stage, humanization defines a new task to promote the formation and development of the individual. Not everyone, even the most talented teacher, is able to reveal the qualities of a student's personality, reveal their willingness and desire to participate in cross-cultural communication in the language they are studying. Now outdated, authoritarian style does not contribute to the formation of an atmosphere of trust, joy of learning, comfortable and positive self-perception during the cognitive process, that is, the main engines of learning a foreign language.
A modern school can develop and be in demand only with a good teacher, whose activities largely depend on the results of training and education. The teacher is the main figure in the educational process. The creative
Seitkhanova G.B.,
4th year student of the Department of Philology, Kostanay state pedagogical university named after Omirzak Sultangazin,
Kudritskaya M.I.,
associate professor, candidate of pedagogic sciences, Kostanay state pedagogical university named after Omirzak Sultangazin, Kostanay city
Heei32i свздер: щирг '1 замангы мектеп, мугалт, бтм беру, бтм, бЫк пен дагды, щирг'1 замангы мектепте мугалшнт peni, мугалш мен оцушыныц ца-рым - цатынасы.
Ключевые слова: современная школа, учитель, образование, знания, умения и навыки, роли учителя в современной школе, взаимоотношения учителя и ученика.
Keywords: modem school, teacher, education, biowledge, skills and attitudes, the roles of teachers in modem schools, teacher-student relationships.
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activity of the teacher, which involves the development of the child, is based on anticipation, on constant creative search in all types of interaction with students.
The map of teacher's dignity includes a variety of properties and features of a professional teacher, which help him to have a positive impact on the development of students' personality and achieve optimal results in teaching and educating a growing person.
The modern teacher is more of an educator than a teacher. The process of education is a joint, cooperative, co-creative systematic activity of educators, parents, pupils, other subjects of the educational system of the school, sponsors, trustees to create conditions that promote comprehensive self-development, self-realization, self-improvement of students, and on this basis their adequate self-determination and self-education
A significant role in the modeling and construction of the educational system is played by the concept of free education and development of the child. The theory of g creativity and the development of human ® creative abilities have the same meaning.
The modern school is designed to preserve ^ and develop the diversity of content and forms § of educational activity in a general education 3 establishment, to form a value-ideological w community of participants in the educational § process, based on a harmonious combination c of universal values and moral guidelines.
The modern teacher is not the one whose u task is only to directly transmit information to g students, the task is not only to evaluate how o well this information is learned, the teacher o today is a creative person who engages the o student withhis activities, encourages his thirst g for knowledge, teaches him to independently s set and solve educational tasks. Currently, s the main goals of a foreign language teacher o are to develop certain personal qualities and o develop key competencies that should form
o the basis for effective and comfortable life of
5 ...
g the new generation m society.
The roles of teachers in modern schools are very various, a modern teacher must combine several roles, for example:
• teacher-moderator. The role of the teacher-moderator is shown during discussions and debates. The task of a moderator teacher is to teach students the art of discussion, they must acquire skills of cooperation, express their attitude to the issue, defend their opinions, listen carefully to other students, and respect each other. The moderator is attentive to each participant in the debate. The moderator asks leading questions and pushes students to conclusions.
• teacher-tutor. The goal of a teacher-tutor: to recognize student's characteristics, determine his strengths and weaknesses, and based on this, build the training of this child. The teacher helps the child to develop in those areas in which he is experiencing difficulties. The tutor should never use force or pressure. Development should take place by means of interest in the cognitive activity and achievements of the student.
• project organizer. Project organizer is a teacher who develops a creative task for students, in collaboration with children, looks for ways to solve it, and comes to scientific conclusions.
• teacher of game activities. The game takes a special place in the education of children, regardless of age, so teachers of gaming activities are very popular in the pedagogy of the 21st century. With the help of the game, children can simulate situations from life, learn to resolve various situations, including conflicts.
• subject teacher. A subject teacher is a teacher who is perfectly knowledgeable about their discipline, knows not only what is written in the textbook, but also has information about unusual facts that may encourage student's interest.
• teacher-researcher. An important requirement for a modern teacher is the presence of pedagogical abilities: a quality of personality that is expressed in the tendency to work with students, love for children, and
getting pleasure from communicating with them.
• teacher-expert. The leading abilities, according to the results of numerous surveys, include pedagogical vigilance (observation), didactic, organizational, and expressive [1].
Problems of pedagogical communication are actively studied in the world of pedagogy. The recently published book by American educators J. Brophy and T. Good "Teacher and student relationships: causes and consequences" analyzes the features of "subjective" communication of the teacher, manifested in a selective attitude to students. For example, it has been found that teachers often turn to students who arouse their sympathy. Students who are indifferent to them are bypassed by the teacher's attention. Teachers are better at treating "intellectuals", more disciplined, executive students. Passive and "clumsy" are in second place. And independent, active, and self-confident students do not enjoy the teacher's favor at all. A significant influence on the effectiveness of communication is the external attractiveness of the student [2].
We are witnessing a noticeable transformation of educational institutions into industrial institutions that provision of education to the population, where plans and agreements are in place, and competition is developing - an inevitable companion of market relations. In these conditions, the qualities of a teacher that become professionally significant prerequisites for creating favorable relations in the educational process are of particular importance. Among them are humanity, kindness, patience, decency, honesty, responsibility, justice, obligation, objectivity, generosity, respect for people, high morals, optimism, emotional balance, the need to communicate, interest in the life of students, goodwill, self-criticism, friendliness, restraint, dignity, patriotism, principled responsiveness, emotional culture, etc. The mandatory quality for the teacher is humanism, that is, the attitude to the growing person as the highest value
on earth, the expression of this attitude in concrete and actions. Humanity consists of interest in the individual, sympathy for it, assistance, respect for its opinion, knowledge of the peculiarities of development, high demands on educational activities and concern for its development. Students see these manifestations and follow them unconsciously at first, gaining over time the experience of humane attitude to people.
A teacher is always a creative person. He acts as an organizer of the daily life of schoolchildren. To arouse interest, to lead disciples after themselves can only be a person with a developed will. Pedagogical management of such a complicated organism as a class, a children's team, obliges the teacher to be inventive, quick-witted, persistent, always ready to resolve any situations independently. The teacher is a role model that encourages children to follow him.
Professionally necessary qualities of a teacher are self-possession and self-control. A professional is always, even in the most unexpected circumstances must maintain a leading position in the educational process. Students should not feel and see any failures, g confusion, helplessness of the teacher. A.S. ® Makarenko pointed out that the teacher § without brakes is a spoiled, unmanageable <
car. You need to remember this constantly, §
control your actions and behavior, do not fall 3
to resentment of children, do not be nervous w
about trifles. §
Another important indicator of skill is c
the ability to activate students, develop their §
abilities, independence, inquisitiveness, make u
them think in the classroom, and use a variety g
of methods to activate the learning process. q
The ability to effectively conduct o
educational work in the learning process, o
to form high morals, a sense of patriotism, g
hard work, independence - another element s
of pedagogical skill. A teacher who does s
not possess the skill, as it were, enforces u
knowledge, and who does - is able to make o
the root of knowledge sweet, will find a o
positive in the learning process, will alternate g
methods of work, give interesting examples, find original ways to transfer knowledge.
An integral element of pedagogical technology is the ability of the teacher to manage their attention and the attention of children. In large groups of children with a significant number of operations performed by them, nothing should go out of control. Important for the teacher is the ability to determine the student's state of mind based on external signs of behavior. Taking into account the condition of the pupil at every moment is the basis of pedagogical tact, it occupies an important place in the work.
A large group of skills consists of techniques for expressing the teacher's subjective attitude to certain actions of students, the manifestation of moral qualities. He is happy with the good actions of his pupils, saddened by the bad, and his experiences are perceived by children as a real assessment of their actions. The teacher's appeal can be a request, a condemnation, an approval, or an order. The teacher «plays» always the same role -himself and pursues this only one goal - to influence the students correctly, g Pedagogical communication - establishing
5 contact between the teacher and children. It
q can also be defined as professional interaction
< between a teacher and students aimed at
§ establishing trusting relationships. Here, the 3 role of speech culture, proper breathing, and w voice production play a role. The teacher § must learn to control his voice, face, pause, c pose, facial expression, gesture.
In addition to words, the teacher has a whole
u set of non-verbal means of communication:
g posture, facial expressions, gestures, and
o looks. Research, for example, has shown that
o when a teacher's face is motionless or in-
o visible, up to 10-15% of information is lost,
g Children are very sensitive to the teacher's
s gaze. When his face becomes unfriendly,
s students feel uncomfortable, and their work
o efficiency decreases. "Closed" poses of the
o teacher (when he somehow tries to close the
o front part of the body and take up as little
g space as possible; the "Napoleonic" standing
position: hands crossed on the chest, and sitting: both hands rest on the chin, etc.) are perceived as distrust, disagreement, and opposition. "Open" poses (standing: hands open palms up, sitting: arms outstretched, legs outstretched) are perceived as trust, agreement, goodwill. This is all perceived by students on an unconscious level.
Enthusiasm, joy, and distrust are usually conveyed in a high-pitched voice and anger, while fear is quite high-pitched, and grief, sadness, and fatigue are conveyed in a soft and subdued voice. The speed of speech also reflects the teacher's feelings: fast speech is an exhilaration or concern; slow - an evidence of depression, arrogance, or tiredness.
It is proved that stroking, touching, handshaking, patting are a biologically necessary form of stimulation, especially for children from single-parent families, for whom the teacher often replaces the missing parent. By stroking the head of a naughty or offended person, you sometimes achieve more than by other means combined.
The ideal image of the teacher of the future for a modern student is formed today. Today's students are future parents who will form the idea of a teacher in the next generation. Thus, society, as it were, is constantly late. What is the way out? Maybe it is necessary to start changing the existing stereotype in society today? How? First, there must be qualitative changes in the teacher's education. The emphasis in the education of the future teacher should shift towards psychological and pedagogical disciplines, perhaps it is necessary to introduce such disciplines that would contribute to the development of the future teacher's creative basis.
Pedagogy must form a structure of personality that understands these rules. This approach does not imply a rejection of the development of scientific views, but their consecutive movement towards integrity. Only by understanding the norms and rules of the game of nature can a person truly become free and conscious. And this opens the way to the formation of a new holistic thinking.
Based on all the above, we can determine the role of a foreign language teacher, as well as identify modern approaches to learning and their main characteristics:
• the role of a foreign language teacher in general can be defined as the life of a modern teacher who combines personal qualities, professional competencies, and tries on different roles;
• modern foreign language training programs are aimed at implementing personality-oriented, differentiated, communicative, competence-based, and socio-cultural approaches to teaching foreign languages;
• the personal approach encourages confidence in the learning and language practice of students with low and medium learning ability, as well as the involvement of other, stronger children in independent and creative work, thereby increasing each student's interest in learning a foreign language in particular;
• the use of the competence approach contributes to the implementation and development of a set of key competencies in students that ensure the successful adaptation of a young person in society;
• the communicative approach is primarily intended to remove the fear of live communication, and is also aimed at forming the interest of students in learning a foreign language by means of obtaining and expanding knowledge and language experience;
• the goal and result of socio-cultural education for learning is a socio-cultural competence, the successful formation of which is possible with the help of a socio-cultural approach.
Pedagogy of the 21st century focuses on high-quality education and upbringing of the younger generation, timely identification, and multiplication of natural and genetic makings, early manifested giftedness, so
that then "fit" the developing talent into a functional social institution.
Thus, we can say with confidence that the modern education system should be built around a strong, gifted teacher. This point of view once again demonstrates the deep significance of the role of the teacher in the education system at the present stage, when the maintenance of a new generation of standards changes the school life of both the child and the teacher. At this stage of development of the education system and society as a whole, the teacher, in particular, the teacher of a foreign language, learning their role, is working hard on its competent and effective implementation. Every modern teacher to varying degrees plays all these roles in the process of their pedagogical activity. From this, we can conclude that the teacher of the 21st century is a person who is fully developed, highly intelligent, and has high moral characteristics. The life activity of a modern teacher combines the personal qualities and professional competencies required by the surrounding world and the educational system. The teacher tries on many roles; he is a source of knowledge, mentor, g assistant, manager, leader, expert, coach, ® consultant, and guide. The teacher is mobile § and versatile, which helps him to implement <í a personality-oriented approach, the main g element of modern training programs, which 3 is inextricably linked with communicative, w competence-based and socio-cultural ap- §
proaches to teaching foreign languages. c
1.Cherkasov B.A., Loboda O.B. The tea- g eher of XXI century: The successes of modern q science.-2015. -№ 1-2. -C. 305-310;
2.Brophy J., & Good T. (1974). Tea- o cher-student relationships: Causes and g
consequences. s