THE ROLE OF A DIRECTOR ON TELEVISION Текст научной статьи по специальности «Искусствоведение»

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Oriental Art and Culture
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television / a director / capability / theatre / art / cinema / technology

Аннотация научной статьи по искусствоведению, автор научной работы — Rustam Asanovich Nietullaev

The article deals with the role of a director on television. Television direction is determined by ideological and artistic improvement, theoretical and practical aspects of its specialization, deep knowledge and mastery of television technology and technical capabilities.

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Текст научной работы на тему «THE ROLE OF A DIRECTOR ON TELEVISION»


Rustam Asanovich Nietullaev rustam.niyetullayev@mail .ru Nukus branch of Uzbekistan State Institute of Arts and Culture

Abstract: The article deals with the role of a director on television. Television direction is determined by ideological and artistic improvement, theoretical and practical aspects of its specialization, deep knowledge and mastery of television technology and technical capabilities.

Keywords: television, a director, capability, theatre, art, cinema, technology

The old media, however, is television, which is the most fruitful, popular and standing among the previous ones. The role of television in aesthetic, spiritual, political and social, educational directions of our people is very great. The development and advances of technology have elevated television to the top spot among other media.

Television has gained authority due to its activity, effectiveness, breadth of audience and, most importantly, openness. Television is that in the social sphere, science, education, culture and other spheres has demonstrated its "hole in the world." One of the main social task of television was the formation of human consciousness as a person, the formation of his consciousness before social problems and contradictions, the education of human tolerance before society. It is especially important to note that television is a powerful ideological tool in the comprehensive aesthetic education of a person.1

Therefore, the training of highly qualified personnel working in this area, the delivery of specialists who meets modern requirements are a particular importance. At the initiative of our compatriot, along with the requirement to pay special attention to the development of our television, its technical capabilities, the specialty of creative workers, decrees and decisions were made to further improve this area. Along with a large number of journalists, the work of television directors is directly related to national ideology. The focus formed in our society, the national ideology, the "small screen," that is television should be reflected in the work of directors. Sending a deep house into the concepts and secrets associated with the director's worldview, the laws of world development, nature and the inner world of man, their analysis makes up the content of the director's work. The director should well study the work of a person, famous artists, directors, playwrights, critics, artists and

1 M.Romm. Izb.proiz-ya v 3-x t. "Ped.nasledie"M., «Iskusstvo»1982 g.

fTTTyiS^^™] 316 ISSN 2181-063X / Impact Factor 4.047 (SJIF 2021)

composers who worked in the field of advanced art (theatre, cinema, television are provided here), know their directions and methods, the features of each of them.2

The director of television should be formed by one of the successors of the traditions of peace and national culture. Television direction is determined by ideological and artistic improvement, theoretical and practical aspects of its specialization, deep knowledge and mastery of television technology and technical capabilities. A television director should be a person with comprehensive knowledge, the highest cultural, conscious, understanding primarily literature, theatre, cinema, music, art, journalism and other spheres. Television by its nature and structure refers to synthetic art. Combining all art forms, it is an art form that also serves its creativity and industry-specific technique. Especially after the independence of our country, the requirements for the media will be strengthened, and with the help of numerical (digital) television technology, the sphere of television will be significantly expanded.3 The possibilities of our national television have intensified, favorable conditions for creativity have been created. Television is a form of collective art. As a result of joint works not only by the director, author, editor, TV operator, artist, composer or musical designer, sound engineers, masters of lighting engineering, video and technology, but also others. An important role in the preparation of television programs is played by unity of opinion, ideological artistic direction, clarity of creative style, discipline in the team. Of great importance is joint creative activity with one shoulder and one handshake. The director of television is not only the ideological and artistic director of this creative team, but also an example for the team. The creator of the screen work is the ideological and artistic orientation of television programs, its quality, realism, direct and accurate reflection of life. In the first place in the attention of a television director, a person, his inner world, points of view with a civic position, goals and aspirations should be attentive.4

All thoughts and creative searches of the director should be aimed at studying a person, understanding him, analyzing the spectators of sitting in front of the screen. The director is a researcher of the inner world of man. Therefore, he must fully reveal in television works the formation of man as a person, the stages of improvement, his consciousness and thinking. The creation of a new screen work by a television director begins primarily with a television script. Therefore, the director must deeply master tv playwriting, television journalism, their ideological and artistic orientation, his problems and features. Television drama in a short time revealed its features, discrepancies, new sides in relation to dramas of the types of art. Spectator's attitude to receiving (or not accepting) a television program, their active participation

2 M.Muhamedov "Ustozlar izidan" Toshkent 2006 yil

3 Аkbarov Х. Кino va televidenie olamida . - T.: G.Gulom. 1999 yil

4 M. Maxammetov, Sh. Atamuradova. Televideniye va radio rejissurasi. O'quv qo'llanma. - Toshkent: "Niso poligraf". 2017.

contributed to the promotion of this sphere of art. One unrestricted side of television in front of film and theatre viewership is that it can be hidden in a small audience (say, a room). Therefore, the desire of man to reveal his inner world as deeply as possible has created ample opportunities for broadcasting. New genres of drama, journalistic documentary drama, social and life essay and other small screen genres appeared. Using the example of television works, we can see how documentary genres with the artistic genre coincide with each other in the full sense of the word. This, in turn, put new requirements and tasks both for the participating actors and for others. The opportunities provided on television led to the emergence of natural, sincere execution (or participation), brevity of reflection (one of the main requirements of television), the birth of creativity with real sophistication in unforeseen situations. There is currently no family or airwaves. Television is the fourth power. The whole world recognized the "magic" of television, its capabilities. We know that theatrical art has a thousand-year history. In the theatre, I am a playwriter, and the actor listens to the team leader - the director. It fulfills the established requirements. Theatre directors have their own style and style. The film director also has his own professional features. The director of television, combining the other, aforementioned spheres of theatre and cinema, managed to summarize the moments he needed and create disagreements characteristic of television. In my opinion, directors working in television should be people with special qualities. People with low life rhythms, indifferent or urgent, slow-thinking or unable to make quick decisions cannot work on television. On the contrary, very sensitive, comprehensively literate, intelligent, civilized, quick-thinking and able to work should work there. Kaban Mukhamedov, Meli Saktov, Hamid Geronov, Mirsiddik Ustababoev, Mirabbos Mirzaakhmedov acted as selfless people who fully meet the requirements of this sphere on Uzbek television, Uzakbay Jalimbetov, Kenes Isaev, Kuuatboy Abdireymov, Alpisbay Kayipov, Tilepbay Kuchkarov, currently Asanbay Tajimuratov, Damegul Allamuratova, Dzholmurza Khojamuratov .It is worth paying tribute to young specialists. In the theatre, the error of the finished performance can be changed or supplemented, and then mentally with the creative team. The opportunity for this exists almost every day. In cinema, you can also re-shoot, or, otherwise, remount, shorten or add if the film or frame does not satisfy the director. And there are no such opportunities on television. And there is no possibility on the air at all. Everyone needs to be in time and work now, at the same time, in these conditions. Otherwise, a flying plane, a loud voice of the singer, speaking at a meeting in the east. Cannot return. It is especially important that during the live broadcast the director quickly came to a consensus and made an accurate decision. At the same time, the director of television has the greatest benefit in front of millions of viewers. Each spectator sitting in front of the screen is sewn into the eyes of a

director sitting on the remote control, who experiences inner strength, a level of knowledge. When I worked as a director on Karakalpakstan television, I personally, my colleagues conducted similar tests many times. Especially during the live broadcast - attention, home opinion, knowledge and experience, as well as what we have, everything happened only on the main monitor, which was broadcast on the air. Today, as a specialist, I teach me the outstanding secrets of cinema and television, screen art in general, present my invaluable knowledge, creative experience, samples of a professional school: people's artist, professor, film director Shukhrat Abbasov, art worker of Uzbekistan, professor Sargam Mukhamedov, famous film director Anatoly Kabulov, respected teachers Bermet Makeshova, Rustam Usmanov, I put my head before their selflessness. In the language of experts, television is a small screen, but, nevertheless, a big plan. Each of us is interested in a person's attitude to his appearance, views, fun, spirit and inner world. Television directors should know well that a small screen, that is, a TV, a common (streamlined), stretched plans will not come. Television is predominantly informational in nature. This rule is maintained even in television feature films. In television films, as in films designed for the big screen, methods are not used that can last longer when appearing in one plan complements the background and increases its artistry. On the contrary, it is necessary to use short, specific, close-ups in the form of information. Because the television genre itself requires it. Long-lasting objects on a small screen, appearing in the frame in trifles, will be attractive, depleting the level of thinking and perception. The spectator of sitting in front of TV tries to stay alone with the hero, know him, understand, "think." Currently, the technical capabilities of television are very wide. Our studios have a large number of equipment that meet world standards. Upgraded from cameras to lighting equipment, from scenery to sound weapons. Design with mounting tables, computer graphics at a high level.

However, these possibilities should be used not only for blinding, but also to the full extent in order to use them for their main purpose - the comprehensive quality of the air. It depends on the modern director of television. Directing has its own secrets, rules. This specialty requires deep knowledge, literacy, modernity. For this, young people who choose this profession have all the opportunities. The National Training Program developed at the state level also made significant changes in the field of television. On the basis of this program, training of specialists with higher and secondary special education on television and radio has been established. The state Institute of arts and culture of Uzbekistan (including Nukus branch of the institute) has opened the faculty of training bachelors and masters of higher education in film, television and radio, educational areas in the region (directing, cinematography, sound engineering). Television and radio directors and television journalists study in a special educational direction. Vocational colleges have established training for

technical personnel in these areas. In the training of these personnel in the first place are issues of patriotism, commitment to national values, comprehensive improvement of a person, improvement of universal qualities, deep and careful study of the specialty. We live in a new time of television. We are confident that today's television will serve the development of human society, its nobility and well-being, new stages of humanism.


1. M.Romm. Izb.proiz-ya v 3-x t. "Ped.nasledie" M., «Iskusstvo»1982 g.

2. M.Muhamedov "Ustozlar izidan" Toshkent 2006 yil

3. Akbarov X. Kino va televidenie olamida. - T.: G.Gulom. 1999 yil

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5. M.Maxammetov, Sh. Atamuradova. Televideniye va radio rejissurasi. O'quv qo'llanma. - Toshkent: "Niso poligraf". 2017.

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