THE ROLE AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF MASTER OF EDUCATION IN TEACHING TECHNOLOGY Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Allayarova Saiohat

The article gives a brief account of the emergence of the doctrine of methods, the formation of scientific theories of teaching methods in this method of teaching. Teaching methods, the basic rules of their selection, the requirements for them, and the main criteria for their effectiveness are discussed. There was a brief mention of the choice of method in the design of educational technology, the division of teaching methods into groups. At the end of the article, a corresponding conclusion was made about the importance of personality in education.

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Бюллетень науки и практики /Bulletin of Science and Practice Т. 8. №3. 2022

https://www.bulletennauki.com https://doi.org/10.33619/2414-2948/76

UDC 37 https://doi.org/10.33619/2414-2948/76/48


©Allayarova S., Surkhandarya Regional Law College, Termez, Uzbekistan


©Аллаярова С., Сурхандарьинский областной юридический колледж, г. Термез, Узбекистан

Abstract. The article gives a brief account of the emergence of the doctrine of methods, the formation of scientific theories of teaching methods in this method of teaching. Teaching methods, the basic rules of their selection, the requirements for them, and the main criteria for their effectiveness are discussed. There was a brief mention of the choice of method in the design of educational technology, the division of teaching methods into groups. At the end of the article, a corresponding conclusion was made about the importance of personality in education.

Аннотация. Обсуждаются методы обучения, основные правила их выбора, требования к ним и основные критерии их эффективности. Кратко упоминается о выборе метода при проектировании образовательной технологии, о разделении методов обучения на группы. В конце статьи сделан соответствующий вывод о значении в образовании личности.

Keywords: method, method of teaching, criteria of effectiveness, teaching technology, interactive teaching.

Ключевые слова: метод, метод обучения, критерии эффективности, технология обучения, интерактивное обучение.

The history of the origin of the method goes back to the practical activities of people. A person who mastered the method of doing one job was able to do that job easier and faster than others. Anyone who does not master the method will spend a lot of time and effort to do it. The method can be practical or theoretical in its content (https://lex.uz/docs/5013009).

Methods of practical human activity also depend on the understanding of the laws inherent in reality. The doctrine of methods is called methodology in science. Man first accumulated knowledge about reality on the basis of observing things and events around him, analyzing comparing analogizing, and distinguishing them. With the development of the sciences have also improved. Over the years, practical and theoretical methods of science have emerged [1].

The main content of teaching methods in science consists of scientific theories tested in practice. Any scientific theory, in essence, has the function of a method, which in turn leads to discovery of new scientific theories and laws. From this point of view, the method is a scientific practice that differs from each other in terms of the function of scientific theory. Method is derived from the Greek word methods meaning the way to something [2].

The method of teaching is a way of organizing the interaction of the teacher and the learners in order to achieve the set goals of teaching. The method of teaching is the basis of a complex process of cooperation with the teacher and the learner to achieve the educational goal. The basic

Бюллетень науки и практики /Bulletin of Science and Practice Т. 8. №3. 2022

https://www.bulletennauki.com https://doi.org/10.33619/2414-2948/76

rule for choosing methods is that they should be relevant to the purpose of teaching, not different. The main requirement for the methods is to give results and be able to apply in science [3, 4].

The main criterion for the effectiveness of the method is the appropriateness and cost-effectiveness of its application to solve problem. In designing educational technology, it is necessary to choose the method consciously, to be able to see its possibilities. There are no good or bad methods, but it is important to draw conclusions based on the function that the methods perform.

Experiments show that the main efficiency criteria of the method are:

- Suitability and cost-effectiveness of its application to solve the identified problems;

- Simplicity and ease of use;

- Not only to ensure the best results, but also to ensure high reliability of the solution to it Active teaching is a method of stimulating students' learning activities. It based on a dialogue

that involves the free exchange of ideas on how to solve problem. In the field of interactive teaching, the educator:

- the teacher, students can actively interact with the administration not only through personal meetings, but also with all subjects of the educational process

- in the process of analyzing multimedia objects, you can change their content, shape, size and color, view them from all angles, manage other similar actions, stop and restart wherever you want to achieve maximum visibility.

The higher the level of interactivity, the classification of teaching methods in pedagogy. They are based on different principles of systematization. Teaching methods can be presented as a way for the teacher and the learner to work together to achieve learning goals and can be grouped according to their nature and learning outcomes. Group 1

ready-made mastering educational activities and methods that provide students with the acquisition of knowledge at the 1st level Group 2

learning activities that describe what is remembered and ways to ensure that learners acquire knowledge and skills at 2st level Group 3

discussion, partial exploratory learning activities and methods that provide learners with the acquisition of knowledge and skills at 3st level Group 4

independent exploratory activities, as well as methods of acquisition of knowledge at 4st level Teaching methods are divided into 3 groups, the first group of teaching methods: lecture, story, explanation, instruction, demonstration, video methods

The second group teaching methods: book work, laboratory, exercise methods The third group teaching methods: conversation, debate, brainstorming, insert, pinboard, learning game, situation method, project design, case study method.

Effective use of time in the classroom is prerequisite. To do this, it necessary to properly select, prepare the necessary tools, and clearly define the facilitators and their responsibilities. There are some differences between interactive methods and traditional teaching methods, and each teacher must compare and analyze these differences, plan the lesson with understanding of their advantages and disadvantages, and take them into account when choosing methods of teaching [4].

This involves the correct selection of the most appropriate interactive methods for the transfer of new knowledge, skills formation, development, consolidation, repetition of knowledge,

Бюллетень науки и практики / Bulletin of Science and Practice Т. 8. №3. 2022

https://www.bulletennauki.com https://doi.org/10.33619/2414-2948/76

application in practice and taking into account the specifics of the subject. Properly chosen methods make the lesson interesting and effective. Interactive methods are related to the theory of constructivism, and the practical application of these methods should take into the following main conclusions of constructivism:

- The student must learn, otherwise no one can teach him anything

- The teacher organizes a process that helps students discover knowledge

- Knowledge is not a copied copy of being, it is shaped by man.


1. Mavlonova, R., Turaeva, O., & Kholikberdiev, K. (2001). Pedagogika. Tashkent.

2. Azizkhodzhaeva, N. (2003). Pedagogicheskaya tekhnologiya i pedagogicheskoe masterstvo. Tashkent.

3. Tozhiboeva, D., & Eldoshev, A. (2009). Metodika prepodavaniya spetsial'nykh predmetov. Tashkent.

4. Muslimov, N., Usmonboeva, M., & Sharupov, Sh. (2011). Pedagogicheskaya teoriya. Tashkent.

Список литературы:

1. Мавлонова Р., Тураева О., Холикбердиев К. Педагогика. Ташкент. 2001.

2. Азизходжаева Н. Педагогическая технология и педагогическое мастерство. Ташкент.


3. Тожибоева Д., Ёлдошев А. Методика преподавания специальных предметов. Ташкент.


4. Муслимов Н., Усмонбоева М., Шарупов Ш. Педагогическая теория. Ташкент. 2011.

Работа поступила Принята к публикации

в редакцию 12.02.2022 г. 19.02.2022 г.

Ссылка для цитирования:

Allayarova S. The Role and Responsibilities of Master of Education in Teaching Technology // Бюллетень науки и практики. 2022. Т. 8. №3. С. 405-407. https://doi.org/10.33619/2414-2948/76/48

Cite as (APA):

Allayarova, S. (2022). The Role and Responsibilities of Master of Education in Teaching Technology. Bulletin of Science and Practice, 8(3), 405-407. https://doi.org/10.33619/2414-2948/76/48

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