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Аннотация научной статьи по СМИ (медиа) и массовым коммуникациям, автор научной работы — Ochilov Kh.A.

This article focuses on the issues of current legislation in the field of information, legal, economic and organizational foundations of the information complex, the relationship of public authorities and management, legal entities and individuals with owners and users of information, the organization and functioning of telecommunications, the liberalization and development of the press and mass media, ensuring freedom of speech, democratic requirements and standards. At the same time, they analyzed and gave conclusions on such topical issues as the successful activities of such organizations as the creative Union of journalists, the national press center, the national Association of electronic media, the public Fund for support and development of independent print media and news agencies, ensuring political stability and public security of the media.

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UDK 004.056

Ochilov Kh.A.

second course Master's degree department of "Sociology"

The National University of Uzbekistan



Annotation: This article focuses on the issues of current legislation in the field of information, legal, economic and organizational foundations of the information complex, the relationship of public authorities and management, legal entities and individuals with owners and users of information, the organization and functioning of telecommunications, the liberalization and development of the press and mass media, ensuring freedom of speech, democratic requirements and standards. At the same time, they analyzed and gave conclusions on such topical issues as the successful activities of such organizations as the creative Union of journalists, the national press center, the national Association of electronic media, the public Fund for support and development of independent print media and news agencies, ensuring political stability and public security of the media.

Key words: information, state power, telecommunications, electronic mass, Internet, freedom of speech, liberalization.

The existing legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the field of information strictly defines the legal, economic and organizational basis of the information complex, the relationship between public authorities, legal entities and individuals, the owners and users of information and regulates the organization, operation and development of telecommunications, etc. social relations in the

field [1].

Approval Decree of The President of the Republic of Uzbekistan on February 7 in 2017, No PF 4947-The strategy of actions on the further development of the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2017 until 2020 according this field "Security, inter-ethnic harmony and religious tolerance and a well-thought-out, mutual, beneficial and practical foreign policy" in the fifth priority is to improve the system of safety of information and protection of information, appropriate response to threats in the field of information so seminars which is aimed at preventing information attracts on the minds of young people are paid attention to raising political awareness and political culture among them.

From the first years of independence of Uzbekistan began the first stage of information exchange and access to the Internet. This process was gradually, because most people were not sufficiently aware of computer technology, let

alone the Internet. For this reason, a two-step task mastered of fully on the Internet information technology had to give the public more understanding of the process of receiving, processing, transmitting information, computer systems and how to use them. Computer systems and their use, the Internet, and a detailed database on had to form. It was impossible to move on to the next without doing the previous stage. To date, the previous stage completed in the country, where Internet training centres, Internet clubs, courses on special computer technologies courses organized. Thus, the Internet is a global information system that allows the rapid transmission, reception, processing of information and data, performing various service functions.

The normative documents of our national legislation aimed at regulating the mass media and journalistic activity include: the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan; (December 8, 1992, last edited August 29, 2017); Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On Mass Media" (new edition of April 19, 2018); Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On protection of journalistic activity" (April 24, 1997, currently amended); Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On Information" (1993, new edition September 4, 2014); Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On guarantees and freedom of access to information"; (April 24, 1997); Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On Principles and Guarantees of Freedom of Information" (December 12, 2002, new edition April 19, 2018); Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On transparency of public authorities" (May 5, 2014), Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On Advertising" (December 25, 1998, new edition April 19, 2018); Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On Radio Frequency Spectrum" (December 25, 1998); Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On Telecommunications" (August 20, 1999); Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On publishing activities" (August 30, 1996); Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On protection of state secrets" (May 7, 1993); Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On Copyright and Related Rights" (July 20, 2006, new edition April 19, 2018).

Unfortunately, TV and radio programs, which mainly cover the romantic life of Western artists in parentheses, depict such vices as marital infidelity, infidelity, and extramarital affairs as normal. Despite repeated warnings from the Agency to entrepreneurs who are accustomed to attracting people with such "scenes", they are critical of their work, draw conclusions, and are creative, intelligent, exemplary people in all respects, with life and professional experience. It continues to promote negative situations instead of engaging experts and thereby promoting spirituality [2].

Undoubtedly, They are used as one of the means of manipulating the mass consciousness. Today there are different technologies for the management of public consciousness, which we encounter almost every day, and the media is a tool and platform for the implementation of certain ideas in our country. There are two main methods of disseminating information in the media serial and fragmented. The first method used by printing mass media. In the print media, this or that problem solved consistently and comprehensively. Therefore, the

manipulation did due to the choice of topics and the tonality of their presentation (sound quality, its range, tonality). The second method is a fragmentary presentation of the data. This is especially common on TVs and has a number of features. Fragmentation, or in other words, the fragmentation of information, gives it a multifaceted and rapid appearance, which prevents the formation of a holistic view of political phenomena or events of the majority of citizens.

Thus, the fragmented flow of information allows manipulators to give the listener additional control, focus on certain events, remain silent about others, or distract others. Consequently, this method misleads the audience and reduces interest in politics, leading to political indifference or forcing them to rely on selected assessments. The results of presenting fragmented information improved by selecting relevant topics. Since three or five topics may actually come to the forefront of public opinion, officials are fighting for the right to choose these topics.

However, a highly educated person makes the use of the technologies listed above much more complicated. Manipulating people with limited thinking ability is a completely different matter. Conscious simplification and objective selection of facts and topics to inform the public will help the media shape people with limited thinking ability. Russian researcher S. Kara-Murza worked hard on this problem [3]. In his view, unlike high culture, the media is suitable for the masses, and they have played a decisive role in the process of "massaging" in Western society. Thus, as discussed above, the media was created.

"About 10 pieces of legislation aimed at liberalizing and developing the press and mass media, ensuring freedom of speech, fully meeting democratic requirements and standards have been adopted, and a solid legal framework has been created in this regard. Organizations such as the Creative Union of Journalists of Uzbekistan, the National Press Centre, The National Association of Electronic Media, the Public Fund for Support and Development of Independent Print Media and News Agencies are successfully operating. Recently, the International Press Club has joined them"[4]. As a result of the above tasks, the media will also ensure political stability and public safety. Today, a total of 1,766 printing companies operate in Uzbekistan, the total number of media outlets is 1,597, including 668 newspapers, 355 magazines, 4 news agencies, 69 TV channels, 37 radios and 464 websites [5].

In one of his speeches, President Sh. Mirziyoyev said, "We all know that the work of the press and mass media has always been difficult and responsible. At a time when our country is rising to a new stage of development, when openness and transparency, freedom of speech and thought are becoming the criteria of our lives, this responsibility is growing" [6]. Indeed, the media themselves should be independent and no one should doubt that. It is very important to ensure that no one tries to use the media to advance their business interests, other interests that had not related to the interests of the region or region in which this or that media operates.

The mass media makes extensive use of the Internet to improve its operations and position in society. News, news and information in all areas, bloody conflicts in different parts of the world, various cases of sabotage can transmit directly to the media via the Internet. However, the information on the internet can also be false and fake. For this reason, Internet users need to know the source of the information and data, to be sure of its authenticity and accuracy. One thing to keep in mind is that the Internet is a borderless, uncontrollable system within a region. It should be noted that we could not imagine today's developing and growing republic without electronic media, especially the Internet. No matter what the field, a modern information system is working. Everyone, whether he is a student or an adult, has the opportunity to get something interesting and necessary for himself.

It is possible to get information from the Internet, whether it is in the political-legal sphere or in the socio-economic sphere. It is safe to say that this will open the door to great opportunities for our youth. All this indicates that we have an active media. It is worth noting that in this virtual space, where the possibilities are huge, there are websites designed for different ages. For example, there are special computer programs for younger fans that block out aggressive and obscene words and prevent customers from seeing them. It would be appropriate to introduce similar programs in computer clubs, especially in the capital, where the use of the Internet is becoming more common among students. The Internet system should always serve good purposes, that is, for us it should be only a source of knowledge.

Nowadays, the problem that worries the whole world is the impact of prognostic sites on the Internet on the minds of students and young people. Of course, sites like this can have a very negative impact on the minds of our young people. Therefore, it is advisable to create sites that guide students in the culture of the Internet, how to use this network and what sites can get useful information.

Just as there are many positive aspects to the Internet, there are also many negative aspects. For example, instructions to make explosives, easy ways to commit suicide, such as anti-Semitism. We mean that, it is important to follow always the use of cobwebs, especially in young teenagers. Otherwise, the emotional impact from some of the information in it, that is, can create aspects, processes that can lead to some negative consequences. It would be expedient to open an educational and entertaining site for the youth of Uzbekistan on the Internet, and create more sites for behavioural and educational topics among modern youth, and to update them regularly by professional educators.

Again, talking about the problems that plague students would have a positive effect on the formation of their consciousness. In this regard, it is also useful to acquaint with foreign experience. In the United Kingdom, for example, the Code of Conduct and the Independent Network Safe Network control the flow of harmful, illegal information. In some European countries, the law provides for the closure (blocking) of inappropriate sites. In Germany, in particular, this matter

handle by court order. In Russia, a "Safe Internet Centre" has been set up to fight various information attacks. In general, the European Union has adopted 6 pieces of legislation and developed a "Safe Internet" program. Of course, the experience of advanced democracies in the development and adoption of the draft law "On protection of children from information that adversely affects their physical and spiritual development" will be studied and analysed, and their positive aspects will be applied to our national legislation. The main purpose of this bill is to protect the younger generation from the influence of destructive information, to create effective organizational and legal mechanisms to prevent the propagation of cruelty and violence through the media.

Today, the activities of individuals, groups, communities and organizations are increasingly dependent on their level of awareness and ability of effectively use available information. If we look at the data, the growth of information began to pronounce particularly in the middle of the twentieth century. Man has fallen into an unprecedented stream of information, making it even more difficult to target in this ever-increasing stream. In some cases, creating a new material or intellectual product has become easier and more useful than searching for which was created earlier. At first, the change in the total amount of knowledge was very slow, but from 1900 onwards it doubled every 50 years, by 1950 such an increase began to occur every 10 years, by 1970 - every 5 years, from 1990 - every year; a lot of redundant information began to appear, making it difficult for the consumer to comprehend useful information; there are certain economic, political and other social barriers to the dissemination of information. For example, as a result of confidentiality, employees of various agencies often do not have access to the necessary information [7].

The work on the development of the national Internet segment in the Republic was approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On measures for further development of computerization and introduction of information and communication technologies" dated June 6, 2002 No 200, "Program for the Development of Computerization and information and Communication technologies for 2002-2010".

As the result of the implementation of projects for the modernization and development of telecommunications systems in the country, the use of Internet services for a wide range of people in our country is becoming increasingly easier. In 2018, the total number of Internet users in the country will reach 20 million. 93 percent of the population is covered by mobile communication, the number of subscribers has exceeded 21 million. The speed of connection to international information networks is 35 gigabits per second. In addition, the main telecommunications network has been expanded 10 times at the international and district levels, and 4 times at the regional level. The length of digital radio relay and fibre-optic communication lines is 23.4 thousand kilometres [8]. On January 9, 2018, the President of Uzbekistan set a task to increase the speed of the Internet by 10 times from December 1, 2018 in order to accelerate the reforms in this area,

the state of development of information and communication systems and technologies in the country. Since the beginning of 2020, Uzbekistan has risen to 104 th place in terms of Internet speed [9].

The pluralism of the Internet, which does not have a single owner and a single centre for disseminating information, plays a very important role in comparing the Internet with media communications. If each means of mass communication consists of some kind of centre for the collection and dissemination of information, characterized by certain views, worldviews and a certain system of coverage of events, the Internet is completely devoid of such unity, in which the views presented may completely contradict. Therefore, it is necessary to speak of the Internet not as a means of mass communication, but as a communicative space in which mass media can be located. The uniqueness of this space is determined by the hyper medical nature of the Internet, which provides feedback through a global network interactive environment. At the same time, both senders and recipients of information take an active position resulting from the control of information retrieval through various mechanisms of the Internet environment to search for and find personalized information due to the interactive nature of communications through communicative interaction. Due to the high speed of data transmission, the Internet is "transparent" for regional and national borders. Because of the ease, convenience, and confidentiality of posting information on the Internet, it "ensures freedom of speech" in the sense that anyone on the Internet can express their views on any issue.

The relationship between the Internet and the media requires special consideration. Because without a means of mass communication, it comes close to mass communication in a number of respects. It is possible to transfer information quickly over the Internet. In some cases, the Internet can redirect an unspecified amount of information to anonymous recipients. This feature of the Internet used by the media in their activities, creating their own Internet views. At the same time, the goals are to expand the audience, promote the media, create and strengthen its image. Therefore, the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On Mass Media" stipulates that the periodical distribution of mass media has a permanent title and is available in print (newspapers, magazines, newsletters, newsletters, etc.) and electronically (TV, radio, video, newsreel). programs, public telecommunications websites) that are published or broadcast at least once every six months, and other forms of periodic media dissemination". - is marked [10].

In conclusion, it can be said that in the beginning of the years of independence, Uzbekistan has begun the first stage of information exchange and access to the Internet. The reason for the slow pace of this process was that a large part of the population was not sufficiently aware of computer technology, let alone the Internet. In order to address these shortcomings, Internet training centres, Internet clubs, special computer technology training courses have been established. It should be noted that the normative documents aimed at regulating

the media, journalism, have found their place in our national legislation. Happily, about 10 pieces of legislation aimed at liberalizing the press and media, ensuring freedom of speech, fully meeting democratic requirements and standards have been adopted and a solid legal framework has been created. Today, many organizations in the field are successfully operating.

Media professionals make extensive use of the Internet to improve their work and position in society. It is possible to get all the messages from the Internet, whether in the political or legal field, but it is also very important to know how to use these opportunities correctly and wisely. Because while the well-known Internet has many advantages, it also has its drawbacks. That is why the society must have the ability to sort out the messages, to put it bluntly.

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9. https://daryo.uz/k/2020/02/19/uzbekiston-internet-tezligi-boycha-jahon-reytingida-tort-pogona-yukurildi/

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