THE ROLE AND IMPACT OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY ON THE BANKING INDUSTRY Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Ключевые слова
банки / информационные технологии / инновации / финтех / banks / information technology / innovation / fintech

Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Kardo, Sabah Abdullah, Matveeva, Yulia Valerevna

The rapid progress in information and communication technology has had a radical impact on the financial sector in general and the banking sector in particular over the past decades, and it has now become a very important tool with strategic benefits for banks that achieve progress, success and provide better quality in banking services provided to customers, where technology is one of the important pillars In financial and banking dealings, it also contributes mainly to international business operations, which had a significant impact on the growth of the global economy.

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Быстрый прогресс в области информационных и коммуникационных технологий оказал радикальное влияние на финансовый сектор в целом и банковский сектор в частности за последние десятилетия, и теперь он стал очень важным инструментом со стратегическими преимуществами для банков, которые добиваются прогресса, успеха и обеспечивают более высокое качество банковских услуг, предоставляемых клиентам, там, где технологии являются одним из важных столпов финансовых и банковских операций, они также вносят основной вклад в международные деловые операции, которые оказали значительное влияние на рост мировой экономики.


SJIF 2023:5.971

qo'llab-quvvatlash sohasida raqamli ta'limning zamonaviy metodlarini qo'llab-quvvatlashi, innovatsion xizmatlarni samarali tartibga solish normalarini ishlab chiqishi, yangi bozorlarni o'zlashtirishda ko'maklashishi hamda texnologik jarayonlarning chuqurlashuvida yuzaga chiqadigan havflarni pasaytirish choralarini ko'rishi maqsadga muvofiq hisoblanadi.

Foydalanilgan adabiyotlar ro'yhati:

1. "Raqamli iqtisodiyot va elektron hukumatni keng joriy etish chora-tadbirlari to'g'risida" gi O'zbekiston Respublikasi Prezidentining PQ-4699 son qarori, 2020 yil 28-aprel. Qonun hujjatlari ma'lumotlari milliy bazasi, 29.04.2020-y.,

2. Sharipov, F. F., Krotenko, T. Y., & Dyakonova, M. A. (2020, April). Talent management: needs and prospects for business development in the digital economy. In International Online Forum named after A. Ya. Kibanov" Innovative Personnel Management" (pp. 514-518). Springer, Cham.

3. Barsukov, D., Kuzmina, S., Morozova, N., & Pimenova, A. (2018). Professional education for digital economy: trends and prospects. In MATEC Web of Conferences (Vol. 170, p. 01063). EDP Sciences.

4. Khamidov, O. K., & Kahhorov, O. S. (2020). Prospects of monitoring graduates'employment in digital technologies. Scientific Reports of Bukhara State University, 4(5), 268-273.

5. Kurpayanidi, K. (2021). National innovation system as a key factor in the sustainable development of the economy of Uzbekistan. In E3S Web of Conferences (Vol. 258, p. 05026). EDP Sciences.

6. Bobobekov, S. (2021). Oliy ta'lim muassasalarining o'quv jarayonida elektron ta'lim muhitini yaratish. Журнал математики и информатики, 1(4).

Kardo Sabah Abdullah

master's degree student, Matveeva Valeria Pavlovna

master's degree student, Supervisor: Matveeva Yulia Valerevna,

Associate Professor, Samara National Research University, Institute of

Economics and Management, Samara, Russia

Doi: https://dx.doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7595457



Кардо Сабах Абдуллах

студент магистратуры,

Матвеева Валерия Павловна

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ISSN 2181-2357

T. 3 №1

1ЭЛР 2023:5.971

студент магистратуры, Матвеева Юлия Валерьевна

доцент Самарский национальный исследовательский университет, Институт экономики и управления, г. Самара, Россия.


The rapid progress in information and communication technology has had a radical impact on the financial sector in general and the banking sector in particular over the past decades, and it has now become a very important tool with strategic benefits for banks that achieve progress, success and provide better quality in banking services provided to customers, where technology is one of the important pillars In financial and banking dealings, it also contributes mainly to international business operations, which had a significant impact on the growth of the global economy.

The banking sector is one of the first sectors that benefited from the technological revolution and its multiple uses in the financial fields, which began in the fifties of the last century, followed by the installation of the first ATM, which was introduced in the United States of America in 1968. The emergence of ATMs at that time had a great impact on Improving service and convenience for customers, in addition to reducing costs. Although ATMs were limited to cash withdrawal service, now they provide many services from account inquiries and transfer money between the required accounts and many other banking services. For example, there are now scanning machines that enable banks and customers to accept Cash or checks, as there are many banks in different parts of the world that use technology in advanced applications such as interviewing, granting and implementing customer loans and allowing face- to-face discussion with the bank service representative via video anywhere, which greatly enriches the direct interaction between bank employees and customers And thus shorten the distances through communication and save time and effort for all relevant parties.

Information technology has helped banks to rise quickly, which led to significant gains for the banking sector. Modern technological innovations have had a great impact on the speedy processing and sending of information, the ease of marketing banking products and improving their image, in addition to the ability to deliver service and information faster to customers and anywhere in the world. The world, which also helped in the interactive information networks and on a larger scale in an unprecedented way, it is the development that changed the schedule of all banks' products and the way they are presented, and developed their products and the type of banking services provided.

It is worth noting that most banks are making great efforts to keep pace with these modern and advanced systems and innovative and new banking operations, as we find that the development of information and communication technology has given banks a great opportunity to provide the most diverse and convenient financial services without adding new branches.

As for the development of Internet services and the use of networks in banks, it has an effective relationship and has a radical impact with the banking sector in general. The

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uses are wide-ranging, low-cost and convenient for the financial network of banks as a whole. It has clearly facilitated banking services anywhere and at any time for customers, in addition to that many Some of the banks have improved the telecommunications network, such as using a landline or mobile phone to complete banking operations, which should be carried out on the Internet, which in turn leads to the integration of e-commerce and Internet banking with banks to gradually replace manual work and personal attendance by the customer to the bank.

The banking sector in Jordan believes in technology and its ability to help banks launch and transform quickly. The use of information technology on a large scale in Jordan began with the introduction of the first ATMs, where the introduction of ATMs had a positive impact on the performance of Jordanian banks, in addition to communication technology, which helped banks to speed up Perform operations and reduce cost through the use of advanced digital devices and electronic computers that reduce the number of employees used and increase profits in addition to many benefits such as ease of dealing and outsourcing with financial institutions around the world and improving service where information and communication technology had a significant impact on outsourcing For financial services with reduced costs, as there were pioneering initiatives by the Bank for my global central bank to prevent losses, develop plans for the continuity of banking business and mitigate operational risks, which mainly stem from the complex and intertwined banking business on the electronic and human levels in different banks, knowing that mitigating operational risks for banks It mainly extends to developing plans and strategies for business continuity for banks with a focus on the essence of banking solutions and support systems that help recovery after disasters because the risks facing the banking industry have increased a lot as is noticeable due to the large size and diversity of uses of technology in banks and therefore the risk of systems failure will be greater And the worst impact on banks, realizing that the fact that "hackers" entered any system, whether it was used by private or governmental banking institutions, gave great importance to the presence of protection in computer systems, which is an important part of the operational risks of various institutions.

Banking institutions have a certain behavior that depends directly on technological and technical support to monitor markets, customers and investors. It is important for banks to disclose appropriate financial conditions in accordance with the accounting methods used, including international standards such as IAS 32, 39 and international financial reporting standards such as Standard No. 7 Moreover, banks should enhance the processes of introducing improvements to information by the risk management in different banks according to the Basel II agreement. Within this framework, there will be requirements, the most important of which are the advanced infrastructure and technological transformation in banks, in order to move towards the advanced approach within the framework of the second Basel agreement on the one hand. "Data storage" in addition to the application of advanced programs to deal with customers, so all of these things depend, as we have seen, on technology mainly in order to move forward towards the future.

Therefore, there is a strong and reciprocal relationship between the advanced technology on the one hand and the legal framework and regulatory policy on the other

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hand for the bank, as this is very important for establishing the efficiency and stability of the banking system. It is necessary to mention here the Electronic Transactions Law and the Anti-fraud Law, where it has become possible to use electronic transactions and punish fraud and fraud, in addition to monitoring activities related to electronic card operations. The intention of these laws is to create the regulatory framework for banks and financial institutions to use information technology facilities to carry out their operations and mitigate the risks that can They arise from the misuse of systems and tools.

Conclusions The world witnessed during the past years, and continues to witness a very rapid development in the forms of information technology that it had an impact on economic activity, and during the second half of the 1990s a group of people appeared terms that refer to the role of information technology in economic activity, such as the term knowledge economy and the information economy, as this development encompassed all areas of life, especially the banks that are experiencing challenges huge in the last two decades of the last two decades of the last century and the beginning of the current century, they became the banks it operates in a changing environment under the influence of several factors, including information technology.

The client has become more familiar with information technology, which has changed the size of his aspirations for the services he provides, it has the bank, which has led to its increasing interest in electronic services, as the customer wants to obtain services At the place and time he wants and through the means he chooses, which necessitated the banks to integrate information technology in its daily business, as this helped it to 77 benefit from it and develop it not only to raise the quality of banking services rather, it is a source of many new banking services, and that is why traditional banks have tended to create electronic banking services that suit the needs and demands of their customers on the one hand, and to achieve profit for the bank.


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