THE RISK FACTOR IN ENTREPRENEURSHIP IN THE CONTEXT OF CLUSTERING Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Zementskiy Yuriy V., Nemilentsev Mikhail

The present study examines the impact of risk factors on Russian entrepreneurship in the context of clusterization. Aim. The study aims to determine a correlation between the risk factors as well as the extent of their impact on entrepreneurship in the context of clusters based on diversification. Tasks. The authors examine risk factors in entrepreneurship, the problem of diversification and its correlation with clusterization, along with risks in Russian entrepreneurship, as well as the problem of economic efficiency of clusters; substantiate the relevance of clusterization in the modern Russian economy; draw valid conclusions about the prospects of clusters derived from diversification. Methods. This study uses general scientific methods of cognition, primarily general logical, and theoretical methods, which constitute the basis of empirical research. Results. At this stage, the problem is defined, major cause-and-effect relations are determined, and the current clusterization trends in the Russian economy are identified. Conclusion. The broad geography of clusterization proves its economic efficiency, with clusters receiving nationwide support. In many cases, diversification lies at the heart of cluster formation. This is especially true for industrial, innovative, and educational clusters. Such clusters are responsible for the strengthening of intellectual capital (potential), risk mitigation, and efficiency improvement. Development of an individual cluster involves development of small and medium enterprises in general, intensification of investment attraction and, as a consequence, acceleration of regional socioeconomic development.

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Фактор риска в предпринимательстве в контексте кластеризации

Исследование посвящено изучению влияния фактора риска в первую очередь на российское предпринимательство в контексте кластеризации. Цель. Определить взаимосвязь и степень влияния фактора риска на предпринимательство в разрезе кластеров на основе диверсификации. Задачи. Рассмотреть фактор риска в предпринимательстве. Изучить проблему диверсификации ее взаимосвязи с кластеризацией и рисками в отечественном предпринимательстве. Рассмотреть проблему экономической эффективности кластеров. Обосновать актуальность кластеризации в современной российской экономике. Сделать обоснованные выводы о перспективности кластеров на основе диверсификации. Методология. В рассматриваемой работе использовались общие методы научного исследования, в первую очереди общелогические и теоретические, которые лягут в основу эмпирического исследования. Результаты. На данном этапе произведена постановка проблемы, определены основные причинно-следственные связи, выявлены современные тенденции кластеризации в российской экономике. Выводы. Широкая география распространения кластеров подтверждает их экономическую целесообразность. На государственном уровне кластеры также получают системную поддержку. Во многих случаях в основе создания кластеров лежит диверсификация. Особенно это касается производственных, инновационных и образовательных кластеров. В подобных кластерах происходит наращивание интеллектуального капитала (потенциала), снижение рисков и повышение эффективности. Развитие отдельного кластера подразумевает развитие малого и среднего предпринимательства в целом, интенсификацию привлечения инвестиций и, как следствие, ускорение социально-экономического развития региона.





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Фактор риска в предпринимательстве в контексте кластеризации

The Risk Factor in Entrepreneurship in the context of clustering

УДК 338.242

Земенцкий Юрий Владимирович

заведующий кафедрой Санкт-Петербургского университета технологий управления и экономики, кандидат экономических наук, доцент 190103, Санкт-Петербург, Лермонтовский пр., д. 44, лит. А

Yuriy V. Zementskiy

St. Petersburg University of Management Technologies and Economics Lermontovskiy Ave 44/A, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation, 190103

Немиленцев Михаил

преподаватель Юго-Восточного университета прикладных наук (г. Коувола, Финляндия)

FI-45100, Финляндия, Коувола, Параатикенття, 7 Mikhail Nemilentsev

South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences Paraatikentta 7, Kouvola, Finland, FI-45100

Исследование посвящено изучению влияния фактора риска в первую очередь на российское предпринимательство в контексте кластеризации.

Цель. Определить взаимосвязь и степень влияния фактора риска на предпринимательство в разрезе кластеров на основе диверсификации.

Задачи. Рассмотреть фактор риска в предпринимательстве. Изучить проблему диверсификации ее взаимосвязи с кластеризацией и рисками в отечественном предпринимательстве. Рассмотреть проблему экономической эффективности кластеров. Обосновать актуальность кластеризации в современной российской экономике. Сделать обоснованные выводы о перспективности кластеров на основе диверсификации.

Методология. В рассматриваемой работе использовались общие методы научного исследования, в первую очереди общелогические и теоретические, которые лягут в основу эмпирического исследования. Результаты. На данном этапе произведена постановка проблемы, определены основные причинно-следственные связи, выявлены современные тенденции кластеризации в российской экономике.

Выводы. Широкая география распространения кластеров подтверждает их экономическую целесообразность. На государственном уровне кластеры также получают системную поддержку. Во многих случаях в основе создания кластеров лежит диверсификация. Особенно это касается производственных, инновационных и образовательных класте-

ров. В подобных кластерах происходит наращивание интеллектуального капитала (потенциала), снижение рисков и повышение эффективности. Развитие отдельного кластера подразумевает развитие малого и среднего предпринимательства в целом, интенсификацию привлечения инвестиций и, как следствие, ускорение социально-экономического развития региона.

Ключевые слова: бизнес, кластеры, диверсификация, экономическая эффективность, инновации, риски

Для цитирования: Земенцкий Ю. В., Немиленцев М. Фактор риска в предпринимательстве в контексте кластеризации // Экономика и управление. 2018. № 5 (l51). С. 22-27.

The present study examines the impact of risk factors on Russian entrepreneurship in the context of clusterization.

Aim. The study aims to determine a correlation between the risk factors as well as the extent of their impact on entrepreneurship in the context of clusters based on diversification. Tasks. The authors examine risk factors in entrepreneurship, the problem of diversification and its correlation with clusterization, along with risks in Russian entrepreneurship, as well as the problem of economic efficiency of clusters; substantiate the relevance of clusterization in the modern Russian economy; draw valid conclusions about the prospects of clusters derived from diversification. Methods. This study uses general scientific methods of cognition, primarily general logical,

and theoretical methods, which constitute the basis of empirical research. Results. At this stage, the problem is defined, major cause-and-effect relations are determined, and the current clusterization trends in the Russian economy are identified. Conclusion. The broad geography of clusterization proves its economic efficiency, with clusters receiving nationwide support. In many cases, diversification lies at the heart of cluster formation. This is especially true for industrial, innovative, and educational clusters. Such clusters are responsible for the strengthening of intellectual capital (potential), risk mitigation, and efficiency improvement. Development of an individual cluster involves development of small and medium enterprises in general, intensification of investment attraction and, as a consequence, acceleration of regional socioeconomic development. Keywords: business, clusters, diversification, economic efficiency, innovations, risks

Citation: Zementskiy Yu. V., Nemilentsev M. Factor riska v predprinimatel'stve v kontekste klasterizatsii [The Risk Factor in Entrepreneur-ship in the Context of Clustering]. Ekonomika i Upravlenie, 2018, no. 5 (151), pp. 22-27.

The Risk Factor in Entrepreneurship

Risk is an integral part of everyday life and functioning of an organization. It is almost impossible to imagine a situation without any risks. There are many definitions and approaches to risks, for instance:

(Exposure to) the possibility of loss, injury, or other adverse or unwelcome circumstance; a chance or situation involving such a possibility [1].

People often get used to risks and perceive them as self-evident attributes of their life. To some extent, uncertainty affects risks. The more information we have, the more predictable the situation becomes. However, risks can never completely disappear.

One of the key features of an entrepreneur as an individual is his or her ability to take responsibility and all risks. An entrepreneur thus turns him- or heself into a carrier of the fourth factor of production — entrepreneurship. The three classical factors of production formulated by Adam Smith "labor", "land", "capital" correspond to productive resources: labor, natural and material ones.

Of the latter, one differentiates specific financial resources that carry its own risks.

Financial risks arising as a result of changes in inflation rates, interest rates on loans or introduction of restrictions on fluctuations in the exchange rate, etc., are singled out separately. The sphere of finance cannot be completely free of risks, despite the existence of the concept of risk-free investment. Risk-free investment

is an investment, for which there is no credit f risk (the risk of failure to pay by the borrower 5

of the principal debt and interest owed to the x

creditor) and other risks are minimal, but nev- ^

ertheless are present [2]. ^ At the domestic and professional level, people s

have long been trying to find ways to mini- i

mize risks, but in most cases, higher return on ^

investment goes hand in hand with increased ™

risks. c

Even if the current problem with the risks at <

a particular enterprise is successfully solved, ^

new risks emerge over time, which need to be < monitored, accounted for, predicted, etc. For >= example, you can transfer or share risks by ^ outsourcing. However, passing the secondary Ei

functions to another company, an entrepreneur 2 simultaneously acquires new risks, which he or she can no longer completely control. As a result, business always exists in the conditions of risk and uncertainty. The process of minimizing risks must occur continuously and systematically by using modern methods and technologies. Often, in the context of minimizing risks, diversification is mentioned.

The problem of diversification

Along with the definitions of diversification available in the economic literature, the following formulation was proposed in the dissertation research [3]:

"Diversification — development of an enterprise (an association and even an industry) due to the expansion of the product range aimed at increasing profits and increasing competitiveness of an enterprise."

Often, diversification is reduced to one expansion of a company's securities portfolio, but it does not reflect the whole essence of diversification, but is only one of the ways of its realization. That is, not through an organization of a company's own production, but through the purchase of securities of the firms already carrying out the selected production. As a result, it is only one of the types of diversification, namely, the diversification of the securities portfolio.

There are also diversifications of insurance, exports, personnel, loans, liquidity, production and production. In the age of information and computer technology, the relevance of diversification only increases. Any economic process has its advantages and disadvantages, so the diversification has a number of beneficial features and corresponding costs.

The global benefits of diversification are due to a number of factors, the most important of which are as follows:

• potential for synergies — reducing costs when combining different types of business through

f a unified management, control and coordina-ш tion system, as well as accelerating the turno-x ver of funds;

ш • improvement of information support of busily ness, integration of marketing research; s • persistence of business ties, stability and security of supply. It also allows one to save ш money directed to marketing and advertising; ™ • technological gain through the exchange of technologies, joint conduct of research and

< development work;

^ • possibilities of greater product differentia-

< tion through joint work on improvement of i= the level of quality, service, marketing and ^ distribution channels.

Ei Simultaneously, diversification should be ш rational, taking into account possible risks. Therefore, diversification of activities should be applied so that, it could fully realize the existing potential and achieve balanced economic and technological results. There are three main problems connected with diversification:

1) the lack of a real link between different types of business and the potential of synergism;

2) potential synergism exists, but serious problems arise with its implementation. There can be serious differences in managerial culture and organizational structure between existing business units, which determine difficulties in achieving a synergetic effect;

3) the domestic antimonopoly legislation, in turn, creates additional difficulties and risks. The costs of diversification can be determined

by the following factors:

• the cost of entering new markets;

• the need to make an enterprise more flexible and balanced with diversification and choice of business partners;

• carrying out of an innovative activity in the whole integrated cycle [там же].

Many problems and costs of diversification can be solved with the help of clustering.

Clusters, cluster organizations and clustering

Recently, the concept of "cluster" is firmly rooted, but, as often happens with complex terms, there is often confusion with the definition of" cluster"," cluster structures", "cluster organizations".

Literally "cluster" — swarm, bunch, cluster. The term is used in astronomy (cluster of stars), in nuclear physics — the atomic cluster (a compact group of related atoms, molecules or ions), as well as in music, linguistics, computer science. The first definition of clusters in the economy belongs to Michael Eugene Porter (1998): Geographic concentrations of interconnected companies and Institutions in the particular field.

Different approaches to cluster development policies are being implemented in different countries. This is largely due to the various experiences and traditions in the field of integration as a form of enterprise organization. Clusters, representing a sustainable partnership of interrelated enterprises, can be considered as a modern form of integration.

In the modern world, clusters are becoming one of the most effective models of integration of financial and intellectual capital to create competitive advantages. The governments of most developed countries have already developed a "cluster strategy" with the aim of realizing the benefits of their national economies [4].

In Russia since 2005, the preconditions for the development of clusters have been laid, and today a holistic cluster policy has been developed. At the Federal level, there are several tools to support clusters.

Taking into account the branches specifics, the following types of clusters are distinguished.

1. Discrete clusters. They include enterprises producing products (and related services) consisting of discrete components: automobile-building enterprises, air-craft industry, shipbuilding and other branches of machinebuilding complex, as well as the organization of the construction industry and production of building materials.

2. Process clusters. Formed by enterprises related to the process industries: chemical, pulp and paper, metallurgical industry, as well as agriculture, food industry, etc.

3. Innovative and" creative" clusters. Related to the development of "new sectors " of the economy: information technology, biotechnology, new materials, as well as services related to the implementation of creative activities.

4. Tourist cluster.

5. Transport and logistics clusters.

There are also clusters of mixed types that can combine features of several types of clusters [5].

Recently, innovation clusters have been most often mentioned, but this does not mean that the efficiency of other cluster structures is less. clustering can also have a positive economic effect in "traditional" production. The direct benefit of clusters in these cases is even more obvious.

The results of the implementation of cluster policy is the growth of productivity and innovation activity of enterprises-members of the cluster. The development of a separate cluster involves the development of small and medium-sized businesses in General, the intensification of investment and as a result — the acceleration of socio-economic development of the region.

The economic effectiveness of clusters

Economic efficiency of cluster organizations is primarily based on the synergy effect. Using the aggregate potential to achieve the overall goal, the cluster members can achieve a much more significant result than similar companies working alone.

First of all, we are talking about the unification of human and intellectual potential, production and innovation potential, marketing and investment potential, and as a result there is an increase in the overall economic potential of the cluster, but only in the case of the organization of competent interaction of cluster members.

In many industries, there is an acute shortage of qualified specialists and real business ideas, combining the human and intellectual potential of several interconnected organizations can effectively solve this problem.

By setting up production to use common resources, strengths and know-how, the companies participating in the cluster, in addition to improving the efficiency of individual production, receive their own innovations (new products, new technologies, etc.) [6].

Small and medium-sized companies often face problems in the field of branding, which are based on the lack of a sufficient marketing budget. Within a cluster is possible simultaneously promote all participating organizations at once. In some cases, it is possible to create a single set of products from the companies of participants, which becomes a combined new product, more attractive to consumers.

A cluster, as a sustainable larger structure, can more easily attract additional external investment than a single small or medium-sized enterprise.

In addition to the usual investments, clusters receive certain subsidies provided for the implementation of the cluster policy of the Russian Federation [7].

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Subsidies are provided to provide financial support for the execution of expenditure obligations of the budgets of the Russian Federation regions on financing programs that provide for the implementation of activities in a wide range of areas:

• providing methodological, organizational, expert-analytical and information support for the development of territorial clusters;

• professional retraining, professional development and training of employees;

• consulting on the development of investment projects in the field of innovation;

• holding of exhibition and fair events (forums, conferences, seminars, round tables);

• development of innovative and educational infrastructure;

• development of transport and energy infra- f structure; uj


• development of engineering and social infra- x structure [8]. ^ In addition to subsidies, clusters are sup- ^

ported at the Federal level quite widely: there s are state programs, Federal targeted invest- i ment program and Federal targeted programs ^ aimed at the development of clusters. These ™ programs are part of a long-term state eco- ^ nomic policy. <

Also, for the effective implementation of clus- ^ ter policy in many regions of the Russian Federa- < tion, cluster development centers were created. >= The Ministry of economic development encour- ^ ages cooperation between state-owned companies Ei and clusters within the framework of imple- 2 mentation of the President's instructions. Also, various forms of interaction (financial and non-financial: consulting, expert, organizational, etc.) between clusters and regional development institutions are being promoted [9].

As a result it is possible to ascertain that the cluster policy of the Russian Federation has already given a positive dynamics to the development of clusters. Many domestic entrepreneurs have realized the benefits of the creation of cluster organizations and thanks to the support now continue its development within the cluster organizations.

The urgency of clustering in the modern Russian economy

In Russia, special economic zones, science cities and technology parks were established somewhat earlier than clusters, but now these concepts can be combined. In fact, clusters can be implemented in the form of various organizational and legal forms, the most common in the Russian Federation: consortia, joint ventures, holdings and state corporations.

Innovation clusters are developing in different parts of the country, but despite the system support, there are a number of typical problems:

• low intensity of research activities in key areas of cluster development, including educational component;

• low efficiency of technology commercialization process;

• problems with access to financial resources for the development of new technology companies;

• low availability of specialized services for the development of start-up technology companies;

• inefficient industry regulation [8].

The culture of modern network interaction is still developing. However, a wide map of clusters and many successful examples of cluster initiatives clearly confirms the high economic

f efficiency of cluster organizations in Russian 5 Federation [10, c. 72-78].

x The modern Russian economy increasingly w involves cluster organizations in the processes ^ of developing, producing and selling, as a rule, s innovative products.

At the same time, not only innovative ("creative") clusters are tied to innovations. Any clus™ ter includes an innovative component, thereby c strengthening the innovative potential of the

< organizations that make up the cluster.

In the case of the organization of competent

< interaction between the cluster participants, as i= well as in the case of diversification, a synergetic ^ effect is formed. Due to more complete and ra-Ei tional use of aggregate resources, optimization lu of material flows, as well as increasing intellectual capital, participating companies reach a new level of competitiveness [11].

Through the organization of clusters, the acute problems of small and medium-sized companies can be solved, for example, in the field of marketing and finance. In addition to conventional investments, clusters receive separate subsidies for the implementation of the cluster policy of the Russian Federation [6].

Cluster policy of the Russian Federation, despite all the difficulties, has already given positive dynamics to the development of clusters. Many domestic entrepreneurs have realized the benefits of creating cluster organizations.

The relationship between diversification and clustering

Diversification can in principle proceed in different ways: by combining, integrating, and now also through clustering.

Diversification can be based on a seemingly opposite form of organization of production — on specialization. For example, within a diversified company it is possible to specialize a particular type of production (the main one), which will only enhance the positive effects of both processes.

That is, the opposition of specialization and diversification is not necessary at all. Actually, the best way out of any conflict situations is to find ways to cooperate, which means that the combination of the two forms of production organization is very promising in terms of risks, uncertainty and competitive struggle [3].

With the combination of diversification and clustering, there are no internal basic contradictions, but there is a mutual complement. A cluster organized on the principle of diversification (production) acquires additional advantages and simultaneously reduces the degree of risks.


The wide geography of distribution of clusters confirms its economic feasibility. At the state level, clusters also receive system support.

In many cases, the basis for creating clusters is diversification. It may not be officially registered, but it is meant as a matter of course. Especially it concerns industrial, innovative and educational clusters. In such clusters, there is an increase in intellectual capital (its potential), reducing risks and increasing efficiency. However, to achieve all positive results, the following conditions must be met:

• a combination of the flexibility of the structure and the stability of the links between the cluster members;

• observance of interests of all organizations-participants of the cluster;

• optimal organization of interaction between cluster members.

All of the above is difficult to formalize and to implement properly, but in crisis situations, together with the difficulties are the impetus to development. Therefore, the benefits of cluster organizations based on diversification outweigh all possible difficulties.


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