Научная статья на тему 'The Rise of the “Islamic State”: Causes and Consequences'

The Rise of the “Islamic State”: Causes and Consequences Текст научной статьи по специальности «Политологические науки»

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Текст научной работы на тему «The Rise of the “Islamic State”: Causes and Consequences»

The value of freedom and democracy. We speak of freedom, but not in the Western sense - compliance with certain rules of law, freedom, as justice as the real truth, that Russia, along with China and other BRICS countries brings to the world. Why are they so afraid of channel Russia Today? The only one channel and thousands of other channels and newspapers are against it. They begin blocking: "Oh, what a nightmare, Russian propaganda!" But this channel only carries the truth, that they fear the most.

But, as we know, what is power? Power is in the truth. So, the enemy will be defeated, and victory will be ours!

«Strategiya Rossii» Moscow, 2015, N 8, August, pp. 3-14.

A. Vavilov,

Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of the second class, D. Sc. (Hist.), Ph.D. (Econ.) Professor, leading researcher, Center for Partnership of Civilizations, IMI MGIMO University THE RISE OF THE "ISLAMIC STATE": CAUSES AND CONSEQUENCES

The phenomenon of "Islamic State" is the result of a whole complex of factors of global, regional and country dimensions. The rising imbalance of world development in the globalization process, deepening the differences between "city" and "countryside", where the majority of Muslim countries live, can be referred to the global cause of its occurrence. The increasing gap in living standards between the "golden billion" and the rest mankind is becoming more obvious and frustrating for the general strata of the Muslim population because of the easy access to the global information as a result of the revolution in communications technology. Protest moods are growing on this basis,

particularly among the youth of the majority of inhabitants of Arab and other Muslim states. The stagnation of social and economic development of the most of these countries, the existence of a corrupt leadership in them for decades, the lack of "social mobility" have deprived a new generation of opportunities to apply their knowledge and skills for career advancement, and in many cases just a job. Unsatisfied young people, mostly radical extremist due to their age and lack of political experience, join the ranks of discontented, comparing their standard of living with the west. Protest demonstrations become religious in nature, mainly in Muslim countries because of the weakness of the secular opposition that is under centuries of oppression of authoritarian regimes and the lack of democratic traditions. The protesters see the ideological support to Islamic tenets and call the faithful not to the future but to the past, which threatens a number of countries and entire regions with the fallout of the global historical process as illustrated by the examples of Egypt under President M. Mursi and the current "Islamic State".

The impact of heavy overcome gap in levels of development between the Western and Muslim worlds is enhanced greatly during the transition period to the multipolar system in the evolution of world politics and international relations, when only the expectation is possible from growth of conflicts of interest due to the increased number of actors and the difficulty in finding compromises. In the foreseeable future, "the winners of the Cold War" will continue to strive to consolidate the achievements, often imposing their hegemony by force to peoples of the world. [1] External intervention aggravates numerous intraregional conflicts, complicating the situation. The Arab-Israeli conflict plays an important role in agitating the Muslim world in its seventh decade, the prospects for a lasting and just settlement

of which remain unclear because of the unconstructive position of Tel Aviv and Western capitals.

Propagandists of the Islamic State actively and convincingly outplay the theme of revenge to "the old and new crusaders" and blaming the West for all numerous troubles of the Islamic world, skillfully using modern information and communication technologies. Total unsettlement and increased conflict potential in international relations over the last year has a growing negative impact on the regional situation, intensifying its instability and explosiveness, which is manifested clearly by the example of "Arab spring". It began as a result of accumulated internal problems in the development of the region, and the response of the world was different. Russia is firmly opposed and opposes the outside, the more armed, interference in the internal processes of transformation in the Arab world since the beginning. The US and their Western partners, caught unawares at first, decided to use the Arab riots in their own selfish interests. The situation in the region has only worsened as a result of their political, economic and military pressure, creating favorable conditions for the growth of extremism and terrorism. The multi-vector external interference has led to serious distortions in the development of individual countries and the entire sub-regions of the Arab world. "Arc of instability" threatening global peace and security and which has been predicted Zbigniew Brzezinski, emerged in the Middle East and North Africa due to the short-sighted policies of the Western powers.

Eight-year clumsy "democratization" of Iraq by the Americans and their Western allies not only ruined the state system of the country and its army (without giving anything in return), but intensified sharply sectarian conflicts that grew into an open bloody feud between supporters of the two main branches of Islam - Sunni and Shia. [2] It has created an enabling environment for the "Al Qaeda" to penetrate

into Iraq in 2003 - just after the US invasion. "Al Qaeda in Mesopotamia" was called as the "Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant" (ISIS), and increased the number of its supporters in two and a half times in the year after the inglorious departure of the Americans from Iraq in 2011 as a result of a mass influx into it Islamists throughout the region and from the rest of the world.

In 2013, Western intelligence services established contacts with this organization (which subsequently gave rise to the ISIS), began to supply arms, finance, deadly "humanitarian" cargoes through third countries and nominees to use the Islamists to overthrow the regime of B. al-Assad in Syria. Russia proposed to include ISIS in the terrorist lists of the United Nations many times, but these initiatives have not found justified the US support.

Islamists passed through true "university of jihad" in US prisons, according to their acknowledgments, and have been released educated and united. Activists of the Baath Party have joined their ranks. As a political foundation of the mingled and multi-religious society of Iraq, the Baath Party has been dissolved by short-sighted and hasty invaders. Baathists, thrown out on the street (often with weapons) and professionally well trained, have provided a lot of success for the IG in the battlefield with the Shiites, Kurds, Christians and other infidels, and then with the "new crusaders".

The collapse of the state is the result of Western "victorious" campaign to "Anti-dictatorship" in Libya. This country, geo-strategically important and rich in oil and gas reserves, has run into a protracted period of anarchy and fierce tribal struggle for power and become a territory of rampaging thugs of the Islamic State [3]. The execution of 21 Coptic - Christian demonstrated on the Internet in February 2015 in retaliation for the strikes on the positions of the terrorists in Syria and Iraq, made the world to think about the

seriousness and danger of the terrorist threat. Soon the Libyan chaos has begun to spread to neighboring countries, evidence of this was the bloody raid on the Parliament and the Museum of the Tunisian capital.

Four-year conflict that has caused a humanitarian catastrophe in Syria, was another result of short-sighted policy of the United States and their Western and regional partners, tried to push through the "Libyan scenario" in the SAR. Moscow has warned from the outset about the dangers of reckless interference in the internal affairs of Syria, on the inadmissibility of double standards and dividing terrorists into "good and bad" for the sake of geopolitical calculations and interests. A firm position of Russia has saved Syria from military intervention. Successful chemical demilitarization of the CAP, conducted on the initiative of Russian President Vladimir Putin, has showed to the world a convincing example of fruitful international cooperation in the elimination of dangerous military threats. The ability of the Syrian leadership to negotiate and its readiness to cooperate in the search for collective responses to new global challenges have been clearly demonstrated to the world community. At the same time it showed the duality of Washington's policy refusing to deal with Damascus in solving a much more essential problem - in repelling the onslaught of "terrorist international."

Warnings from the Russian side have not been heard opponents of the Syrian regime. The US and their partners have created a fertile ground for conflict, for transformation of the eastern regions of the Syrian Arab Republic in the "caliphate" under the control of Islamic State, established in accordance with the medieval model. The US provide assistance for mythical "moderate opposition" by encouraging the rebels to overthrow the Syrian leadership. Syria became the main testing ground for terrorist training due to the diligence of "adherents of democracy." The number of arriving foreign "tourists of jihad" has

exceeded the corresponding figures for Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, Yemen and Somalia in the past 10 years [4].

Battle Capturing and Atrocities of Militants

This issue was widely discussed in the world in the first decade of June 2014 after the capture of Mosul, the second largest city in the country with a population of 1.8 million people, by Islamists of ISIS. Thirty thousand soldiers of the government army surrendered the city almost without a fight to troops of the Islamists, which number does not exceed 1000 people [5]. ISIS militants seized more than $ 400 million in banks in Mosul, becoming one of the richest terrorist groups in the world.

Unlike the leaders of "al-Qaeda", considering The US as the main enemy, the extremists of ISIS have been concentrated on the fight against Shiites and non-Muslim minorities, requiring them to apply to the real Islam or to pay tribute on pain of death.

Soon militants began to control the province of Nineveh, and some of the captured military vehicles, ammunition and military equipment, including American-made, was immediately transferred to "the Syrian front." Jihadists moved towards the strategically important oil production centers in the province of Kirkuk and to the south of Baghdad, having hoisted their black flags over Mosul, released from prison hundreds of prisoners (convicted of terrorism, for the most part), smashed government buildings and police stations, as well as Shiite mosques and Christian churches.

They captured another provincial center - Saddam Hussein's hometown of Tikrit. Tribesmen of the executed president have reburied his remains secretly, saving them from possible desecration. Such fears were justified: the militants desecrated empty mausoleum of the former head of Iraq and burned it. [6]

Soon, the largest oil refinery in Baiji was in their hands, its operation had to be stopped due to fighting, and foreign specialists were evacuated urgently. City managed to clear of the Islamists to the beginning of November 2014 only, but they captured it again in December [7].

ISIS militants also captured the center for the production of chemical weapons, and then got access to radioactive material (about 40 kg of uranium compounds), stored in the scientific and educational purposes at the University of Mosul. [8]

Soon extremists approached Baghdad at a distance of less than 100 km, without any resistance of 350,000th of the Iraqi army, on which the Americans spent more than $ 40 billion. [9]. These considerable funds have been largely stolen. In December 2014 about 50 thousand fictitious soldier was found, money for their provision were stolen by military officials. [10] As a result, ill-trained army troops fled before the civilians throwing military equipment and weapons, including those obtained from the US.

Soon, people feel the "bitterness of" the Islamists regime. Residents of Mosul learned that they had to send their unmarried daughters for "Jihad al-nikah" - "sexual jihad." Disobeyed this injunction were to be punished under the Sharia law. Single women can register their marriage with the activists of ISIS. Jihadists established the payment of $ 1,200 for the newlyweds, guaranteed the provision of fully furnished housing for them, trying to gain a foothold in the occupied areas. [11]

A few months later jihadist instruction on handling of captured women, according to which they were allowed to rape regardless of age, came to the world's media. There were instructions: how women could capture as much beating and whether it is possible to trade

captives. This barbaric instruction read aloud after Friday prayers for the residents of areas controlled by ISIS. [12]

The propaganda of Islamists had a certain effect: Some girls and women went mindlessly in search of adventure in the Middle East in order to participate in "jihad al-nikah", even from Western Europe, and they have become "sex slaves" or victims of gang rape.

In the second half of July 2014 Islamists issued an ultimatum that all Mosul Christians had to convert to Islam or pay a special tax on non-Muslims, or left the city. Thousands of them did so, moving to the neighboring Kurdish autonomy. Terrorists seized the monastery of Mar Benem near Mosul, demanded that the monks leave the sanctuary. [13] Along the way, they blew up the historic mosque of the Prophet Jonah with his burial vault. [14] Then came the turn of other religious minorities - jihadists demanded on pain of death, that the Yezidi Kurds (about 40 thousand followers), who lived there since pre-Islamic times, converted to Islam or pay taxes on non-Muslims. Those who refused, including young people, were executed en masse, and in public (about 500 people)including burying alive; three hundred women were sold into slavery. [15]

Several tens of thousands of Yezidis were forced to flee to the mountains, where found themselves in a critical situation without water and food. Repressions have been continued against other religious minorities: Christians, Turkomans and others. Syria took about 1000 families of refugees, although Islamists from ISIS and other extremists have not left its territory alone, trying to get through in the area of Aleppo to the Turkish border. At the same time jihadists approached the capital of Iraqi Kurdistan - Erbil, where many American and European oil companies have settled, and which had to evacuate their staff urgently [16].

According to Valerie Amos, UN Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs, about 1.2 million people in Iraq have been forced to leave their home by the beginning of June 2014, fleeing from the invasion of the extremists. [17]

ISIS militants demolished the boundary markers on the border with Syria, stating visually the creation of a vast Islamic caliphate. They proclaimed captured Rakka city in the east of Syria as the capital of the Caliphate. Expanding the territory of a future state, they captured a number of key checkpoint on the border with Jordan. They declared themselves in Yemen, undermining several Shiite mosques in March 2015. Concerns about the activation of ISIS began to grow also in the political and confessional unbalanced Lebanon after a series of loud attacks. At the beginning of July 2014, jihadists occupied the largest oil fields in Syria, using war trophies, as well as modern American weapons and equipment bought on the black market through corrupt Iraqi military. And their strategic and financial positions have been strengthened even more.

By the time their financial resources have been estimated at $ 1.5 billion already, received mainly through the sale of oil at bargain prices ($ 25 per barrel). The oil has been taken out by road tankers or by artisanal pipelines through one-day firms and clandestine exchanges. Such trade - an obvious example of the survival of terrorism in the very lucrative transnational business - did not cause any opposition from the United States and their Western partners and brought extremists up to $ 3 million net profit on a daily basis [19].

Leaders of ISIS follow the financial strategy, based on their own material self-sufficiency and independence from unstable external funding, unlike Al Qaeda, which arose and developed on the basis of donor inflows, including from the United States. ISIS has consolidated its position as the richest terrorist group for the history of the world

with an annual budget of $ 2.3 billion due to the abundant revenues from the oil sector, as well as looting of banks, shops, capture of property from infidels, exchange of hostages for ransom (Islamists gained for them by $ 35 to $ 45 million according to UN estimates), racketeering entrepreneurs (up to $ 50 thousand. from each per month), slave trade (especially women), control over drugs trafficking (up to $ 1 billion in revenue). [22].

Considerable financial resources of Extremists allow both contain combat units (each jihadist receive up to $ 600 per month), and actively strengthen their position among various strata of the local population, providing a rich set of free services in the field of medicine, education and charity, as well as the formation of the administrative structures. Military and economic acquisition of jihadists and generous social bonuses attracted fresh forces into their ranks, if not more than 4 thousand Sunnis were in 2013 in the LIH, mostly former soldiers of the army of Saddam Hussein, then about 80 thousand militants of various nationalities fought by the end of 2014: 50 thousand - in Iraq, 30 thousand - in Syria. [23] Islamists have attracted teenagers of 12-13 years in the training camps and fighting detachments, often using them as "human shields." They took into account the socio-economic despair of young people and the lack of prospects in life, long-standing unresolved Middle East conflict, used the Koran postulate that people killed in battle for the faith, go straight to paradise.

ISIS terrorists systematically killed children from ethnic and religious minorities, using mass executions, beheadings, crucifixion and burial alive, according to the report of the UN Committee on the Rights of Childhood, published in early 2015. By September 2014, almost 700 children were killed or maimed as a result of the criminal actions of the ISIS only in Iraq. It was reported on human trafficking as slaves, who were exposed on markets with price tags as well as the systematic

sexual violence against them. Sometimes minors were kidnapped, and sometimes their own parents were forced to send their children into the hands of jihadists. Adolescents made bombs, and then undermined themselves, because often were used as suicide bombers. Children of eight years and even younger received military training. ISIS activists also conducted the psychological preparation of children. They were near adults not only as observers, but as murderers, attending executions and these records were presented on the Internet.

Islamists used world experience in the field of agitation and propaganda based on modern technology to attract recruits from abroad into their ranks. Their video and printed materials (often with performances of captured Western hostages) were presented in five European languages and were quite popular in social networks, on the Internet.

Internet experts of ISIS created networks of the thousands OF automated twitter-accounts to spread propaganda of jihad. According to the US Congress, there were more than 45 thousand ISIS accounts only in autumn 2014. [27] At the beginning of January 2015, "hackers of jihad" managed to hack accounts on Twitter and Youtube of the US Central Command (Central Command) responsible for operations in the Middle East. According to Western media, about 3 thousand citizens of countries in Europe, the USA, from the republics of the former USSR, including Russia joined the Army of the Caliphate as a result of the activity of ISIS in the global information field. [29] At least 95% of the jihadists were not citizens of the SAR. Many of the "tourists of jihad" soon joined the ranks of suicide bombers. However, a growing number of neophytes were disappointed and wanted to return to their country with the growth of resistance to jihadist terrorism in the world. Islamists responded with hard repression and executions on such decadent mood. "The soldiers of the Caliphate" formed the military

police for the detection and prosecution of traitors [33]. At the end of December 2014, there were reports in the international media about the execution of hundreds of "apostates" in Racah as a warning to other mujahideen. In March 2015 another four dozen deserters were executed near Mosul. Islamists dealt cruelly with those fellow believers who did not share their views: in the beginning of September 2014, they beheaded I. Azau, the preacher, who arrived in Syria to return home the young Muslims from Belgium, fighting on the side of jihadists. [34]

Thus, the worst predictions of Moscow come true: terrorism in the Middle East has gained more and more cross-border nature because of the mindless indulgence of the West and its partners, undermining regional and global stability, the fight against it was complicated significantly.

Proclamation of "Islamic state"

Leaders of ISIS announced the restoration of Caliphate, that disappeared century back, and the renaming of their group in the "Islamic state", deliberately omitting any geo-referenced to its location, on the first day of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan (29 June 2014). The leader of ISIS, an Iraqi AB Al-Baghdadi was declared the "Caliph of all Muslims" under the name the Caliph Ibrahim. Western media immediately named him as the new Bin Laden.

The appearance of this figure on the political scene of Iraq (teacher of Sharia in the past) was caused by the occupation of the Western coalition in 2003. Sunni al-Baghdadi (real name: Ibrahim Awad Ibrahim Ali Al-Badri Al-Samarrai, who was born in Fallujah in 1971), passing military school in Afghanistan, joined the ranks of the resistance and gradually moved to the leading positions.

He was arrested by the Americans in 2004 and stayed in prison "Camp Buka ", Iraq, about a year, where he associated with leaders of

the local branch of "Al-Qaeda" Then the future "Caliph" was released under mysterious circumstances. According to a former employee of the National Security Agency US E. Snowden, al-Baghdadi had been recruited by the CIA, and also collaborated with the British and Israeli intelligence services. This did not prevent the Americans to evaluate his head in the $ 10 million in the future. [35]. They have repeatedly declared his liquidation, but these reports proved to be wrong every time. [36].

After taking a high post, "Caliph" called on all Muslims to jihad. The proclamation of the quasi state did not meet understanding of many Syrian Islamist groups, including "al-Nusra Dzhabgat", which announced the proclamation of the Caliphate as an empty and useless act, both legally and logically".

The head of the World Union of Muslim scholars, Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi Yu, did not support the new "Caliph", also saying that the Islamic caliphate could not be created by force. The occupation of the country and killing half of the population was terrorism. [37] "Caliph" met sharp opposition in official circles of the Arab countries. Many have taken preventive measures to strengthen the borders. Saudi Arabia has deployed additional troops on the border with Iraq and has built a system of fortifications along the entire northern border of the kingdom from Kuwait to Jordan.

Delayed and Lopsided Reaction of the West

After the execution of the American hostages, Washington awoke and created a "coalition" to fight ISIS, without asking the consent of Damascus, against all norms of international law, to carry out air raids on positions ISIS on Syrian territory. It has been proved by experience that some raids from the air would not be enough without a ground operations, and thus cooperation with the Syrian army.

By the end of January 2015 it managed to clear 700 square kilometers only from Islamist militants. ISIS continued to control 50 thousand square kilometers of territory and 350 settlements. It will be very difficult to knock them out, according to Western military experts. [38]. Iran is another important factor of regional policy, providing strong support to its neighbor in the fight against ISIS. Despite persistent Moscow's proposals on bringing Iran to solving common antiterrorist tasks, the Western coalition ignore it. [39] According to experts, the restoration of the combat capability of the Iraqi Air Force will take time and significant costs. The central authorities in Baghdad are forced to rely on autonomous Kurdish forces "Peshmerga" and the Shiite volunteers and fear the rise of separatist sentiments and religious hatred in the country. [40]

As a result, ISIS continues to hold a substantial body of the occupied lands and equal in size in Belgium with a population of 57 million people, and increase the number of supporters, despite incurred losses in manpower and technology. In early 2014, reporters learned about the secret meeting of the leaders of the IG and "Al Qaeda" in a village in northern Syria, where Islamists allegedly agreed to cooperate against common enemies - Jews and the" new crusaders". The Egyptian group "Ansar Bayt al-Maqdis", operating in the Sinai, and the "Boko Haram" terrorizing Nigeria, swore allegiance to caliphate."

Emissaries of ISIS were spotted outside the Middle East -in Afghanistan and on the southern borders of the CIS states. Islamist trail was discovered in demonstrative murder of prominent opposition Boris Nemtsov in Moscow.

The bloody assault in the editorial office of the weekly Charlie Hebdo in Paris caused quite a stir in Europe and around the world. At the beginning of January 2015 the extremists have committed

a terrorist act in retaliation for repeated provocative publications of sacrilegious cartoons depicting the Prophet Muhammad despite protests from Muslims.

Growth of the ultra-right sentiments, aggressive nationalism, xenophobia, religious intolerance in Europe has become a dangerous reaction to the outbreak of Islamic radicalism. As a result, the global risks deepening the inter-civilization gaps have increased significantly.

Moscow has offered to hold a comprehensive discussion of the phenomenon of ISIS, and international terrorism as a whole, under the auspices of the UN Security Council and with the participation of the countries of the Middle East, the African Union, the Arab League, the five permanent members of the Council and other concerned parties. Longstanding conflicts should be discussed, such as the Arab-Israeli, for example, because the unresolved Palestinian question allows terrorists to receive "moral support" and recruit new members " [41].

Constructive Course of Moscow

The Russian side proposed to return to the fold of international law, and to implement all anti-terrorist activities in strict accordance with the UN Charter and resolutions of its Security Council as an alternative to the dual approach to the fight against ISIS and other extremist groups from the West and its partners.

The UN Security Council, with the active participation of Russia, expanded and strengthened international legal framework for combating terrorism. July 28, 2014 the Security Council, on the initiative of the Russian Federation, adopted a presidential statement prepared by an acute and urgent problem of contraband oil trade with terrorist organizations in Syria and Iraq.

UN Security Council sent to all parties a clear and clear signal about the inadmissibility of any such deals with terrorists. The

statement indicated that the sanctions measures can be employed against violators of the ban. The sovereignty and territorial integrity of Syria and Iraq confirmed in a document that includes their sovereign control over all natural resources.

Moscow supported the new anti-terrorist resolution 2178, adopted unanimously by the UN Security Council on September 24, 2014. This document is based on a wide integrated approach, and provide for additional obligations of States in the fight against foreign terrorists.

In December 2014, the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation recognized the following anti-terrorism resolutions of the UN Security Council, that ISIS and "Dzhabgat en Nusra" groups are terrorist organizations. The activities of these organizations were banned in Russia, and the entry into their ranks or their support were attracted criminal liability under Russian law.

The position of Deputy Minister for Counter Terrorism in the Russian Foreign Ministry was introduced by presidential decree in order to further the development of Russia cooperation with the international community in the fight against terrorism.

February 12, 2015, Russia initiated the adoption of resolution 2199 by the UN Security Council to stop the financing of terrorist organizations by the illegal trade in oil and oil products from the territory of Syria and Iraq for tighter overlap the main channels of the material feeding of extremists. All States were obliged to bring to justice those who assisted the terrorists.

Provisions, aimed at the prevention of other sources of income, including the smuggling of precious metals, as well as cultural goods from Iraq and Syria, were included in the resolution also. It has acquired even greater urgency and sharpness after extremists of ISIS destroyed a unique collection of statues and sculptures of the Assyrian

epoch (IX-VII century. B.C.) in the museum of Mosul at the end of February 2015. Then extremists ruthlessly razed to the ground the ancient cities of Iraq - Nimrud, Hatra and DurSharrukin that were irreplaceable historical heritage of world significance.

According to the Russian side, the international co-operation should be based on rules of international law, without politicization and division of terrorists into "good" and "bad" than the Western countries led by the US have sinned and sin. Moscow convinced that the Syrians have to solve their problems without external interference, provided an opportunity for a meeting between representatives of the opposition and the ruling regime in January 2015, during which the ten principles were developed to establish an inclusive inter-Syrian dialogue, and a sequel was planned in the Russian capital for beginning of April, 2015. Russia perceives with concern the brutal oppression of Christians and adherents of other faiths by Islamists. Joint statement by 65 States "In support of the human rights of Christians and other communities, particularly in the Middle East", pronounced at the initiative of the Russian Federation, Holy See and Lebanon in the course of the 28th UNHRC session.

Inconsistent approach of the Western countries to solve global and regional problems leads to the duality and contradictions in the choice of strategic allies in the fight against ISIS. Russian Foreign Minister, Sergey Lavrov, noted that on the one hand, the Western countries try to isolate Russia, punish it for the independent foreign policy, for the protection of the countrymen (any self-respecting state is obliged to do so). On the other hand, they are interested in building cooperation with Russia on key issues on the international agenda: the Iranian nuclear program, Arab-Israeli settlement, the fight against international terrorism, recognizing that solution of key issues of our time is impossible without the active participation of Moscow." [42]

Summit on Countering Violent Extremism (CVE) was held in Washington in late February 2015, which was attended by representatives of sixty countries and international organizations, it became a clear recognition of constructiveness and reasonableness, of the Russian course for political solution of regional conflicts as a tool to deactivate the Islamists. A document outlining common approaches to the organization of work with a particular emphasis on combating the spread of radicalism among young people at an early stage,was adopted at the end of the conference. Prospects for international anti-terrorist cooperation have been overshadowed by illogical threat of the US Secretary of State John Kerry to include the head of the Russian delegation Alexander Bortnikov in another anti-Russian sanctions list.

The sharp cooling of the global political climate in connection with the intensification of Washington's hegemonic aspirations does not suggest a quick establishment of effective international cooperation in the fight against ISIS and other international terrorist groups. However, security and stability in the world will be exposed to all the great threats without international cooperation. The gradual awareness of this danger leads to ever greater understanding and support of the international community to the consistent course of Russia for its attenuation, elimination of terrorist danger by active consolidated operations of the entire world community in the framework of international law and in strict accordance with the UN Charter.

The terrorists desecrate one of the world's leading religions of their barbaric acts and bring discord, division and hostility in the Islamic environment. The growing opposition to the terrorists in the Muslim world, including the Muslim clergy, will contribute to the solution of this strategic task. Non-recognition of "Caliphate" by leading theologians, the active involvement of Jordan and Egypt to antiterrorist struggle, clearly indicate such sentiments in the region

whose nationals have become the innocent victims of the executioners ofISIS.

Experience shows that military ways are not enough to combat terrorism, and American leadership and influential figures such as Secretary of State John Kerry and CIA Director John Brennan admit it under pressure from the harsh reality in recent years. The international community, as proposed by Russia, should work together to find effective means of solving many, especially the acute, socio-economic problems of the Islamic world, generating this dangerous and disgusting phenomenon.


1. Speech by Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov at a public meeting of the Security Council on "Maintenance of international peace and security: the lessons of history, a renewed commitment to the principles and purposes of the UN Charter", New York, February 23, 2015 // Official site of Ministry of Foreign Affairs Russia. [Electronic resource].URL: http://mid.ru/brp_4.nsf/0/B31D502B22 D103FE43257DF50058F38D

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7. Changes in the military-political situation in the Middle East and North Africa (1521 December 2014) // Website of the Institute of the Middle East. [Electronic resource]. URL: www.iimes.ru

8. Gazeta.ru. 06/20/2014; TASS.10.07.2014.

9. The Independent. 20.06.2014.

10. Le Monde. 02.12.2014.

11. The Arab News. 29.07.2014.

12. NTV. 12/13/2014.

13. Changes in the military-political situation in the Middle East and North Africa (1420 July 2014) // Website of the Institute of the Middle East. [Electronic resource]. URL: www.iimes.ru; Comment of the Department of Information and Press of the Russian Foreign Ministry about the persecution of the Christian population of Iraq by Islamists. 07/22/2014 // Official site of the Russian Foreign Ministry. [Electronic resource]. URL: http://www.mid.ru/brp_4.nsf/newsline/60A9F1D1233F29B644 257D1D00426F8F

14. The Arab News. 25.07.2014.

15. Die Welt. 04.08.2014.

16. Asharq Alawsat. 08.08.2014.

17. Interfax. 02.06.2014.

18. Comment of the Department of Information and Press of the Russian Foreign Ministry in connection with the increase of violence in Iraq. 08/08/2014 // Official site of the Russian Foreign Ministry. [Electronic resource]. URL: http: //www. mid.ru/brp_4.nsf/newsline/FCA25B704B406C3644257D2E00381E2D

19. Interfax. 28.08.2014.

20. Comment of the Department of Information and Press of the Russian Foreign Ministry about the situation in Irake. 13.11.2014 // Official site of the Russian Foreign Ministry. [Electronic resource]. URL: http://www.mid.ru/brp_4.nsf/ newsline/85DC8458536B6444C3257D8D0057EE54

21. Remarks and Response to Media Questions by Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Sergey Lavrov at Joint Press Conference Following Talks with Minister of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates of Syria Walid Muallem, Sochi 26 November 2014 // Official site of the Russian Foreign Ministry. [Electronic resource]. URL: http://www.mid.ru/brp_4.nsf/newsline/D1D530995BBB700A C3257D9C0071141C

iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.

22. Meeting of the International Discussion Club "Valdai", October 24, 2014 // Official site of the President of the Russian Federation. [Electronic resource]. URL: http://www.kremlin.ru/events/president/news/46860

23. A. Krylov. Reinkarnatsiya halifata ["Reincarnation" caliphate] // Website of the Russian Council on Foreign Affairs. 10/22/2014. [Electronic resource]. URL: http://russiancouncil.ru/inner/?id_4=4642#top; America is aimed at the Syrian oil pipelines // Kommersant. 10/25/2014. [Electronic resource]. URL: http:// www. kommersant.ru/Doc/2598589

24. The Economist. 14.06.14; РИА «Новости». 10.12.2014.

25. Gazeta. Ru. 12.12.2014.

26. Corriere della Sera. 06.02.2015.

27. EuroNews. 11.03.2015.

28. The Times. 30.01.15.

29. RTR I. 13.01.2015.

30. The New York Times. 15.09.2014.

31. Interfax. 08.03.2015.

32. TASS. 21.02.2015.

33. Interfax. 16.01.2015.

34. The Arab News. 21.12.2014.

35. Interfax. 08.09.2014.

36. A. Krylov. Reinkarnatsiya halifata "[Reincarnation" caliphate "] // Website of the Russian Council on Foreign Affairs. 10/22/2014. [Electronic resource]. URL: http://russiancouncil.ru/inner/?id_4=4642#top; Le Monde. 21.02.2015.

37. V. Titov. Kto stoit za "Islamskim gosudarstvom": Kuda dvizhetsya konflikt na Blizhnem Vostoke [Who is behind the "Islamic state": Where is the conflict in the Middle East] // Novoe vostochnoe obozrenie. 10/20/2014. [Electronic resource]. URL:http://ru.journal-neo.org/2014/10/20/rus-kto-stoit-za-islamskim-gosudarstvom-kuda-dvizhetsya-konflikt-na-blizhnemvostoke

38. Changes in the military-political situation in the Middle East and North Africa (June 30 - July 6, 2014) // Website of the Institute of the Middle East. [Electronic resource]. URL: www.iimes.ru

39. Russia 24. 01/24/2015.

40. A. Kuznetsov. O roli Irana v siriyskom krizise [Iran's role in the Syrian crisis] // Ezhegodnik IMI 2014. - Moscow: Moscow State Institute, Universitet. Vol. 2. pp. 84-92.

41. Yu. Kudryashov. O roste znacheniya kurdskogo faktora v usloviyah menyayuschegosya Blizhnego Vostoka. [About the growing importance of the Kurdish factor in the changing Middle East.] // Ezhegodnik IMI - 2014. - Moscow: MGIMO-University. Vol. 2, pp. 94-105.

42. Interfax. 25.09.2014.

43. Channel One Russia. 27.02.2015.

"Menyayuschiysya Mir I Rossiyskie Interesy." Ezhegodnik. IMIMGIMO (U). " Moscow, 2015, Issue 1 (11), pp. 121-134.

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