THE RESULTS OF RESEARCH AND PRODUCTION EVALUATION OF POSSIBLE WAYS TO REDUCE THE COST OF CROP PRODUCTION Текст научной статьи по специальности «Сельское хозяйство, лесное хозяйство, рыбное хозяйство»

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Ключевые слова
agriculture / crop production / cost / yield / cost structure.

Аннотация научной статьи по сельскому хозяйству, лесному хозяйству, рыбному хозяйству, автор научной работы — Shirokov Yu.

The article shows methodological approaches and the possibilities of analyzing and choosing options for reducing the main costs of crop production. The author, based on the generalization of production experience in various regions of Russia and the analysis of research conducted jointly with a number of leading agricultural institutes, notes that the cost of crop production decreases only to a certain level of yield increase, and then the pattern is violated: the cost begins to grow. The possible directions and boundaries of reducing the main components of the cost are shown.

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ренко, Ю.Д Киданова//В сборнике: Энтузиасты аграрной науки. Сборник статей по материалам Международной конференции. Ответственный за выпуск А.Х. Шеуджен. 2018. С. 260-262.

11. Савва А.П. Новый гербицид Кайен, ВДГ для борьбы с сорняками в посевах пшеницы озимой / А. П. Савва, Л. П. Есипенко, Т. Н. Тележенко, С. С. Ковалев // Политематический сетевой электронный научный журнал Кубанского государственного аграрного университета. - 2017. - № 125. - С. 102111.

12. Шеуджен А.Х. Влияние макроудобрений на питательный режим чернозема выщелоченного и урожайность ячменя озимого при выращивании в центральной агроклиматической зоне Краснодарского края / А. Х. Шеуджен, С. С. Ковалев, Т. Н.

Бондарева, М. А. Осипов // Рисоводство. - 2021. -№ 2(51). - С. 46-54.

13. Шеуджен А.Х. Влияние микроудобрений на продуктивность агроценоза ячменя озимого при его размещении на черноземе выщелоченном Западного Предкавказья / А. Х. Шеуджен, Т. Н. Бондарева, С. С. Ковалев, М. А. Осипов // Энтузиасты аграрной науки: Сборник статей по материалам Всероссийской научно-практической конференции, посвященной 310-летию Йогану Готтшальку Валлериусу и 90-летию академика Ефимова Виктора Никифоровича, Краснодар, 05-06 сентября 2019 года / Ответственный за выпуск А.Х. Шеуджен. - Краснодар: Кубанский государственный аграрный университет имени И.Т. Трубилина, 2019. - С. 156-165.


Shirokov Yu.

doctor of technical Sciences, Professor, Russian State Agrarian University-Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy


The article shows methodological approaches and the possibilities of analyzing and choosing options for reducing the main costs of crop production. The author, based on the generalization of production experience in various regions of Russia and the analysis of research conducted jointly with a number of leading agricultural institutes, notes that the cost of crop production decreases only to a certain level of yield increase, and then the pattern is violated: the cost begins to grow. The possible directions and boundaries of reducing the main components of the cost are shown.

Keywords: agriculture, crop production, cost, yield, cost structure.

The most important indicator of the competitiveness of agricultural production is the cost of production. Combined cost and yield management should be an object of attention in agricultural enterprises, forming its gross profit and ensuring financial well-being. Therefore, it is important to choose exactly the technology that, without loss of quality indicators, will give the maximum economic effect, i.e., first of all, it will reduce the cost of production with an increase in the volume of marketable products due to productivity [1 -3,9].

In crop production, there is a pattern of reducing the cost of production with an increase in yield [3,7,8,14-16]. Most authors consider this pattern to be constant, since they study the zones of productivity achieved in real production. But our production experience, the results of field research and calculations show that when certain yield levels are reached, the pattern is violated: the cost price begins to grow, i.e. from a certain level, when approaching the genetic potential of the variety, each subsequent hundredweight of harvest costs more and more expensive (Fig.).

Yield hundredweight/hectare

cost price without — cost price with

profitability without profitabylrty with

Fig. The impact of yield growth on the cost of grain and profitability ofproduction Dotted lines show changes in cost and profitability without the use of growth stimulators. Solid lines show changes in cost and profitability with the use of growth stimulators.

The same situation with profitability: we see a clear optimum at the upper inflection point, and then profitability begins to gradually fall. This is largely due to the fact that in order to obtain a higher yield, a correspondingly larger amount of fertilizers is applied. At the same time, the digestibility of nutrients decreases as yields approach the genetic potential of plants, which is caused by increased requirements for the balance of all nutrients (primarily nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, but also other elements involved in metabolic processes), which in practice is very difficult to withstand.

As a general pattern of consumption of nutrients by plants, it should be taken into account that the higher the content of available nutrients in the soil, all other things being equal, the lower the coefficient of its use by plants. Therefore, the use of high doses of mineral and organic fertilizers reduces the coefficients of the use of nutrients by plants from the soil [7,10,15]. In addition, the elements of mineral nutrition contained in fertilizers, with increased doses of application, accumulate to a greater extent in the soil, are washed out, and in addition (nitrogen) evaporate in the form of gaseous forms [6,16]. That is, the costs of part of fertilizers that are not involved in the formation of economically

So far, these inflection zones are beyond the reach of an absolute number of domestic producers at the yield level, but they are already of practical importance for advanced farms.

Since the change in the cost of production of a particular crop with an increase in yield depends on many factors and the zone of inflection (or stabilization) of the curve in each soil-climatic zone and for different crops differs, the qualification of an agronomist and economist of a particular enterprise should be determined by how close they "bring" the real yield to the zone of minimum cost.

The largest share in the cost structure is usually occupied by the costs of fertilizers (from 15 to 30%), plant protection products (10-20%). Up to 20-22% is

accounted for depreciation of equipment, buildings and structures, the cost of their maintenance. Fuels and lubricants occupy a share of 12-18%, seeds 8-12%, transportation work - 10-15%. The share of wage costs (34%) and electricity (2-3%) is noticeably lower [8].

Almost all cost components are available for management: costs for seeds, fertilizers, plant protection products, fuel, transport, depreciation of machinery, buildings and structures, wages. In any component of the cost price, it is almost always possible to find options to reduce costs without compromising productivity. Let's try to estimate within what limits and due to what each component of the cost price can be really changed in modern conditions. Let's consider the cost components sequentially.

Seed costs. This item of expenditure is insignificant (2-4%) for extensively working farms that use the renewal of the seed fund to 10-15% in combination with seeds of their own reproduction, unfortunately, most often low reproductions. But the cost of seeds is quite high (8-12%) in farms in the initial period of the creation of agribusiness with "0" or the transition to intensive production, when the entire area is the purchase of seed material of high reproductions. For example, for the purchase of cereal seeds at the start of production on 1000 hectares, more than 4.5 million are needed. rubles (elite) or 3.7 million rubles (first reproduction). This expense item can be minimized by organizing its own seed production (cost-effective for large farms and agricultural holdings or in cooperation with small and medium-sized enterprises) and increasing the feed interval from originators.

The higher the reproduction and quality of the seed material, the more expensive it is and the more attentive it should be to the standards of seeding. This is confirmed by the experiments of the Research Institute of Agricultural Research and other researchers: against the background of a high level of agricultural technol-

ogy, almost identical grain collections from 1 ha provided barley varieties with a seeding rate of 2.5 to 6 million. seeds, spring wheat and oats - from 3 to 7.5 million. seeds [5,6]. In practice, agronomists, being reinsured, often use excessive sowing rates of grain crops based on low field germination and large plant attacks in sowing. Overestimation of seeding rates leads to a decrease in seeding productivity and an increase in the cost of cultivating crops (for seeds, mordants, etc.).

Practice shows that it is impossible for the agronomic service to be guided by recommendations that determine the optimum seeding rate in weight terms, since with a low mass of thousands of seeds, they lead to an overestimation of the seeding rate by 15-20% or more, the formation of a small ear and small grain, sometimes - to early lodging and always - to a decrease in yield. According to the National Research Center of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, with a seeding rate of 250 kg/ha of barley with a thousand seeds weighing 50 g, 5.0 million/ha will be sown, 45 g - 5.55 million /ha, 40 g - 6.25 million /ha, 35 g - 7.15 million/ha. The rational seeding rate, at optimal sowing times, is: spring barley - 4, spring wheat - 5, spring trit-icale - 5.5, filmy oats - 5 and naked - 5.5, spring rape-seed - 1.8 million/ha of germinating seeds [7]. Consequently, in average soil and weather conditions, 400 to 550 germinating seeds should be evenly placed on a square meter of grain crops.

But in the conditions of farming, for objective reasons, crops will be placed on different types of soils, and according to different predecessors, and with a delay in sowing dates, and with different levels of availability of organic and mineral fertilizers, etc. These and many other factors determine the need for adaptation (adjustment) of seed seeding rates [17].

The recommendations of the NPC of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus on agriculture give the following principles of adjustment:

- on light soils, underlain by sand, having an unstable water regime, the grain seeding rate should increase by 30-40 pcs./ m2 (or by 7-10%);

- when placing grain after rowed predecessors, under which organic fertilizers were applied, or after one-or one-and-a-half-year use of clovers, the norm should be reduced by 20 pcs./ m2 (or 5%);

- when sowing in the first 5-7 days after the optimal sowing time (the optimal sowing time is within 810 days after the soil maturation), the seeding rate should increase by 20 pcs./ m2 (or 5%);

- when sowing in a dried-up topsoil (dry seedbed), the seeding rate should increase by 20 pcs./ m2 (or 5%), etc. The seeding rate is set by the sum of factors taken into account when determining it [7].

As can be seen, the less favorable conditions are for germination and crop formation- the more the seeding rate increases. At the same time, it should be remembered that it is impossible to fully compensate for the adverse effects of external factors by optimizing the seeding rate. The level of increase in the seeding rate

has its permissible limits - no more than 15 percent, after which a further increase leads to a decrease in yield.

The highest yield is obtained only when all agro-technical techniques are performed on time and efficiently. Moreover, it should be noted that it is necessary to take into account the predecessor - from this the yield can vary by 15-20% [8].

For a more complete realization of the genetic potential of the variety, it is necessary to ensure sowing in the optimal time. This does not increase costs, but significantly affects productivity. The optimal sowing period for spring cereals, legumes and cruciferous crops on mineral soils begins from the moment the upper (010 cm) soil layer dries to a soft plastic state (i.e. as soon as agricultural machines can pass through the field) and its steady warming at a depth of 10 cm to +5 ° C. Sowing during the next 7-12 days after the maturation of the mineral soil in most spring crops does not lead to a decrease in yield. Further delay with the sowing period for every day leads to a loss of yield up to 1.0 c / ha. or to an increase in cost by 3-5%.

Fertilizer costs. The current trend towards an annual rise in the price of chemical products leads to an uncontrolled increase in the cost of crop production. Even at current prices for fertilizers, their use is not financially available to many farms. As a result, Russian agriculture consumes no more than 14% of mineral fertilizers produced in the country (about 3.3 million tons per 82 millionha of arable land - the level of the early 70s of the last century. At the end of the 80s, the RSFSR consumed up to 9.9 million tons per 132 million hectares of arable land - that is, twice the current level). At the same time, for wealthy farms that use high doses of fertilizers, it is also quite realistic to reduce the cost due to this component.

Despite the fact that the chemical composition of plants is controlled genetically, the level of mineral nutrition has a significant impact on the content of nutrients in them. Thus, according to 25-year studies of VIUA, the content of nutrients in winter wheat grain is not stable and ranged from: N - 2.1-2.5, P2O5 - 0.800.92, K2O - 0.45-0.53%. Depending on weather conditions and the level of mineral nutrition, the removal of nutrients by the harvest of the same crops may vary by years by 1.5-3 times or more, according to fluctuations in crop productivity, while the change in the cost of batteries by 1 ton (unit costs), as a rule, rarely exceeds 2040%. More significant differences in the cost of batteries per 1 ton of harvest can be observed when cultivating crops in other climatic and agrotechnical conditions [9].

The method of rational application of fertilizers is the introduction of application systems using, for example, an N-sensor or differentiated application. Differentiated fertilization (TLD) is one of the technologies of precision farming, which provides a change in fertilizer doses depending on the composition of the soil, the planned yield and the needs of each zone of the field.

The main thing that is necessary for accurate work is electronic field maps. _To create them, the following are used._

Preparations Active substance Type of drug Processed crop spring grain Harmful object The rate of consumption of the drug, l/t Consumption per 1 ha, in rubles. Price per 1 liter, rub.

Bunker Tebuconazole, 60 g/l Protectants spring wheat septoria 0,4-0,5 278.48348.10 696.20

To you Tebuconazole, 60 g/l Protectants spring wheat septoria 0,4-0,5 259.60 -324.50 649.00

Raxil Tebuconazole, 60 g/l Protectants spring wheat septoria 0,5 370.00462.50 925.00

Note: to make the calculation example relatively conditional (not advertising!), the prices are taken from 2008 -


According to this table, it can be seen that spring wheat preparations have been selected to combat the selected harmful object "septoria", which are based on the same active substance (tebuconazole 60 g/l), with a minimum processing cost (278.48 rubles/ha) and a maximum (462.50 rubles/ha).

At the same time, it is important to create conditions for a more rational use of the potential of chemicalization means through the precise application of pesticides based on information collected by UAVs on the state of plants, low-volume spraying, the use of surfactants and treatment at night.

The costs of fuels and lubricants in the structure of the cost of agricultural products reach from 5 to 18%. Due to the trend towards an annual rise in the price of fuels and lubricants, this component will continue to grow. The way out is in the computerization of the control of the machine-tractor unit. For example, the onboard computer of the CEBIS AXION 850 tractor allows the operator to adjust the power and torque of the engine for various types of operations, which reduces fuel consumption and increases the economic efficiency of technological operations [14].

The digital transformation of the agro-industrial complex, the introduction of digital dispatching systems for operations performed in the field online with the use of global satellite and local (UAV) monitoring and control systems allows to reduce fuel costs and by optimizing the routes of machine and tractor units and clearly maintaining the depth of tillage. Every centimeter of the working organ's penetration into the soil is about 5% of fuel consumption during plowing and up to 10-20% during sowing [.

And naturally, there is a significant reserve of fuel economy in combining operations (maximizing the use of combined units), optimizing the composition and structure of machine-tractor units, improving the organization of mechanized work and, finally, minimizing tillage (where possible according to soil and climatic conditions and the established crop rotation) [4].

The basis for the justification of minimal and zero tillage is the established scientific regularity that chernozem soils with a humus content of 3.5% and higher in grain production do not need intensive treatments to regulate agrophysical properties. They are able to maintain optimal soil density under the influence of natural factors.

World experience shows that over the past 40

years there have been qualitative changes in agricultural technologies in agriculture: more than 200 million hectares are cultivated using minimal and almost 100 million hectares using zero technologies, i.e. without plowing. Thousands of farmers in Canada have not plowed their fields for more than 50 years. Such technologies allowed not only to stabilize yields, reducing dependence on climate, and prevent soil erosion in arid zones, but also contributed to the accumulation of humus in the soil and, as noted above, the generation of carbon dioxide.

Moreover, with traditional plowing, straw scattered over the field is laid at the bottom of the furrow during the rotation of the formation, forming a buffer layer between the loose soil and the subsoil layer. Capillary moisture, rising, condenses on a layer of straw and remains under it, unable to get into the habitat of plant roots. This effect is hardly noticeable at yields up to 20 c./ ha (2 tons of straw per hectare), but becomes significant with increasing yields.

With minimal technologies, straw and crop residues are mixed with the top layer of soil (preferably no deeper than 200 mm), eliminating the above-mentioned effect of soil isolation from subsurface layers, while replenishing the soil with organic matter. To accelerate the destruction of organic substances of straw, it is advisable to treat it with urea before laying it in the soil and enrich the soil with microbiological preparations.

The maximum effect of preserving soil moisture and accumulation of humus is provided by direct sowing on mulch: a layer of straw that is left on the soil surface prevents its overheating and evaporation of subsurface moisture. But this technology has a number of limitations. In addition, if there is a layer of dry straw in the field, we must not forget about ensuring fire safety: dry straw on an area of 1 square meter burns in just 30-40 seconds.

Fuel consumption, while minimizing tillage, is reduced to 56-65 kg/ha compared to 90-120 kg/ha with a traditional farming system. And at the same time there are a number of additional effects. The traditional set of machines for grain crop rotation for every 2.5 thousand hectares includes up to 64 machines of twenty-seven names. Their total metal consumption reaches 206 tons. This whole park needs permanent maintenance and repair. When switching to minimum and zero technologies, the number of machines is reduced, respectively, to 11 and 10 pieces, and the metal consumption to 127 and 129 tons. This is a noticeable change in the total

mass of field machines, which, along with a decrease in the number of passes of aggregates across the field (and, accordingly, a decrease in fuel consumption), gives an additional effect from the introduction of new technologies - reducing pressure on the soil, preventing its deformation and compaction of subsurface horizons.

Unfortunately, many agricultural enterprises form a machine and tractor fleet, following investment opportunities (to buy more expensive and more powerful), fashion or emotional advice from neighbors, forgetting the established methods of optimizing the composition and structure of machine and tractor units according to the criteria of minimizing the cost of production or reduced costs.

The experience of machine operators is also of great importance in saving fuel. The results of the conducted studies have shown that the work on the same tractor of machine operators with different experience and qualifications, other things being equal, leads to a difference in fuel consumption of 10-20%. Fuel economy is achieved by skillfully maneuvering the speed of the MTA, combining gear shifting and engine mode control.

The cost of staff salaries depends on many factors: the current cost of labor in the region, the shortage of personnel of certain specialties and qualifications, the level of labor organization, etc. In most farms, the contribution to the cost of production of labor costs, despite low productivity, is still insignificant: 3-5%. Theoretically, it is possible to reduce this expenditure item by increasing labor productivity - this reserve is available for most agricultural enterprises that have not mastered modern technologies, machines and methods of labor organization. Labor costs with minimal technologies are reduced by almost 40%, and with zero - up to 52%, i.e. the problem of the shortage of machine operators is partially solved: they need almost half as much, and accordingly the item of labor costs in the structure of the cost of production will be reduced.

However, in practice, the reduction in labor costs due to the release of machine operators will not be proportional to the reduction in their number. This is due to the fact that when mastering complex computerized machines, it will be necessary to attract more qualified machine operators, whose work due to the shortage of such personnel will cost significantly more. In most regions, wage costs will increase, approaching the European level.

Although it should be noted that the high qualification of machine operators will allow not only to competently use the latest equipment and technologies, but also will give an additional effect on labor productivity growth due to its better organization [2].

Energy costs are mainly determined by the share of stationary processes in the technology: seed pickling, drying and sorting of products, warehouse transport machines and fans, etc.

Transportation costs. They include the costs of transporting seeds (on average 250-300 tons per 1000 ha), mineral fertilizers (up to 400-600 tons per 1 thousand ha), mineral fertilizers and water for diluting them (from 1200 tons or more per 1000 ha), fuel (up to 90120 tons per 1000 ha) transportation of the crop from

the field to the grain flow (3000 tons per 1 thousand ha with a yield of 30 kg/ha). Ie, in total per season for every 1 thousand.ha of the field has to transport more than 5,000 tons of cargo. These costs can be automatically reduced with the above options for saving resources (seeds, fertilizers, NWR, etc.), the use of aviation processing of NWR crops (reducing water consumption by 3-5 times), low-volume spraying with high-pressure sprayers with a field rod with reduced spray outlets (reducing water consumption by 4-8 times, and when using a fan system - by 10-20 times).

But these conclusions are made regarding the field yield. It is important to preserve the grown (biological) crop. And here a lot depends on the selection of the optimal number of harvesting units and the skillful organization of the harvesting process.

When calculating the number of harvesting units, it is necessary to compare the costs of purchasing and servicing additional machines with the lost profit from the lost harvest due to the shedding of the harvest grain. And it is important to take into account the possibilities of granaries to receive grain, to clean and sort grain crops for further storage.

Conclusions. There are prerequisites proven by research and practice for a creative approach to the management of the production process, when the goal is not the yield of "any valuable", but the competitiveness and profit of the enterprise. If we systematically approach the rationalization of the entire production cycle, it is quite realistic to reduce the cost of crop production by 25-40%. It is important that the shown approach of a consistent analysis of the possibilities of reducing costs, increasing yields, and using the best available agricultural technologies be used in the joint work of agronomic and economic services of agricultural enterprises and work to increase the profitability and competitiveness of agricultural business.


1. ABOUT SOME PROBLEMS OF FOOD SECURITY Shirokov Yu.A. Agrarnaya Rossiya. 2013. No. 8. pp. 2-4.

2. ANALYSIS OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROBLEMS OF CROP PRODUCTION AND WAYS TO SOLVE THEM. Shirokov Y., Tikhnenko V. In the collection: E3S Web of Conferences. 14. Rostov-on-Don, 2021

3. ANALYSIS OF OPPORTUNITIES FOR MANAGING THE COST OF CROP PRODUCTION. Shirokov Yu.A. Agrarnaya Rossiya. 2020. No. 2. pp. 32-39. (in Russian).

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5. Dynamics of consumption of food elements by plants. https://www.activestudy.info/. (Open access).

6. ENVIRONMENTAL SAFETY AT THE ENTERPRISE. Shirokov Yu.A. St. Petersburg, Lan', 2017. (in Russian)

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Ярославцев Ф.В.

ФГБОУВО "Курганская государственная сельскохозяйственная академия имени Т.С. Мальцева",

аспирант Суханова С. Ф.

ФГБОУ ВО "Курганская государственная сельскохозяйственная академия имени Т.С. Мальцева",

доктор с. -х. наук, профессор


Yaroslavtsev F.,

iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.

"Kurgan State Agricultural Academy named after T.S. Maltsev"

graduate student Sukhanova S.

"Kurgan State Agricultural Academy named after T.S. Maltsev" Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor


Целью работы являлось изучение результатов убоя и анатомической разделки тушек молодняка гусей при использовании кормовой добавки Витафлор. Гусята контрольной группы потребляли основной рацион, птица 1 опытной группы - рацион, с добавлением кормой пробиотической добавки Витафлор в дозировке 250 г/т корма, 2 опытной группы - рацион с вводом добавки Витафлор в дозе 500 г/т корма. Установлено, что молодняк гусей, потреблявший кормовую добавку Витафлор отличался большим количеством съедобных частей тушки, мышечной ткани, в том числе грудных и бедренных мышц в сравнении с молодняком контрольной группы. Большими показателями по массе съедобных частей, массе мышечной ткани и мышц груди, голени и бедра отличались гусята 2 опытной группы, потреблявшие добавку Ви-тафлор в дозе 500 г/т корма, в сравнении с 1 опытной, потреблявшей данную добавку в дозе 250 г/т корма.


The purpose of the work was to study the results of slaughter and anatomical cutting of the carcasses of young geese using the Vitaflor feed additive. The goose of the control group consumed the main diet, the poultry of the

1 experimental group - the diet, with the addition of Vitaflor probiotic supplement in a dose of 250 g/t of feed, the

2 experimental group - the diet with the introduction of Vitaflor supplement in a dose of 500 g/t of feed. It was established that the young geese who consumed the Vitaflor feed supplement were distinguished by a large number of edible parts of the carcass, muscle tissue, including breast and hip muscles in comparison with the young control group. The weight of the edible parts, the weight of muscle tissue and the muscles of the chest, shin and thigh were distinguished by the goose of the 2 test group who consumed the Vitaflor additive in a dose of 500 g/t of feed, compared with 1 test group who consumed this additive in a dose of 250 g/t of feed.

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