THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN DEMOCRACY AND POLITICAL DEVELOPMENT: SELECTED MODELS Текст научной статьи по специальности «Политологические науки»

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Russian Law Journal
Ключевые слова
: democracy / political development / democratic indicators / India / Brazil

Аннотация научной статьи по политологическим наукам, автор научной работы — Elaf Hashim Nishan

The research seeks to analyze the relationship between democracy on the one hand and political development on the other by explaining the importance of each other, Where it deals with the basic concepts and indicators, and then explain the role of the democratic system in polit ical development in selected countries such as (India and Brazil), Being countries that have contributed to raising the level of development in the country is not only political development but also economic and social development. The democratic transition played a great role in this aspect to reflect the emergence of the democracy index clearly.

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RUSSIAN LAW JOURNAL Volume XI (2023) Issue 8s



Kufa University / College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences alasdyaylaf15@gmail.com


The research seeksto analyze the relationship between democracy on the one hand and political development on the other by explaining the importance of each other, Where it deals withthe basic concepts and indicators, and then explain the role of the democratic system in political development in selected countries such as (India and Brazil), Being countries that have contributed to raising the level of development in the country is not only political development but also economic and social development. The democratic transition played a great role in this aspect to reflect the emergence of the democracy index clearly.

Keywords: democracy, political development, democratic indicators, India, Brazil


Determining the ability of people to effectively exercise their political and civil rights allows real political development and a democratic system. Development is important for democracy and lack of development may lead to stagnation and inequality. This generates a weakening of people's confidence in ruling democratic systems, and the issue of the relationship between democracy and political development is one of the main axes within the agenda of the field of comparative politics and development studies, Where many problems related to the issue of the relationship between political development and the democracy index were raised that focused mainly on the extent of the impact of economic variables in achieving democracy as a final goal for every process of modernization and political development, on the other hand, on the To what extent the quality of the political system (democratic or authoritarian) affects the achievement of development on the other hand.


Democracy is one of the important topics on which countries focus, especially in the last period of the previous millennium, The term democracy and what was marketed to countries and the models represented in developed countries made this topic an ambition that any country seeks to achieve, which created the need for democratic transformation, With the transformation of these countries into democracy, and their proper application, this was clearly reflected in the political development, which constitutes an ambition and a fundamental goal in the internal orientations of any country, so the importance of this topic came from this purpose.


The relationship between the indicators of democracy and political development is almost ambiguous, However, the main incentive and long-term plans made some countries live in a positive democratic atmosphere reflected on the subject of political development,and so that the researcher can formulate the problem.

More accurately, we will ask the following questions:

1. What is democracy and what are its indicators?

2. How has political participation contributed to political development?

3. How have the fundamental rights of individuals contributed to political development?


The research hypothesis is based on the premise that "the more the index of democracy is guaranteed by the state, the more clearly reflected in political development to create a developmental society.


Through this research, the methodology of systemic analysis was adopted, as the study included inputs represented in constitutional texts and outputs and then feedback from constitutional texts on the reality of the citizen in Malaysia, India and Brazil, as well as using the descriptive approach to describe the researched phenomenon.

The first topic: The theoretical rooting of democracy and political development


Political development is a process that involves building institutions, broadening the base of political participation and rationalizing the assumption of power, with the aim of achieving political stability1. This indicates that political development is mainly aimed at building the political system and modernizing it and political development is achieved when three factors are available2:

1. The Rationalization of power

2. . Differentiation and specialization

3. . Political participation

Political development raises individuals politically through mass communication and the creation of a civil society conscious of what is going on around it, making the individual able to demand accountability and monitoring of the political system and demand the improvement of his living conditions and its well-being3.and the fact that political development is the basic requirement for economic development4 , It is facing a number of crises identified by Lucien Bay with six crises (the

1Aqeel Faleh, Development Challenges in Iraq and Their Impact on Political Stability After 2003, Unpublished Master's Thesis, Faculty of Political Science, Al-Mustansiriya University, 2018, p. 14.

2Abdel Moneim Al Mashat, Political Development in the Third World, Theories and Issues, Arab Emirates, Al Ain Foundation for Publishing and Distribution, 1988, p. 36.

3Ahmed Mustafa Khater, Social Development Basic Resistors, Selected Models, Modern University Office, Alexandria, 2001, p.8.

4Thamer Al Khazraji, Modern Political Systems and Public Policies: A Contemporary Study in Power Management Strategy, Dar Majdalawi, Amman, 2004, p.138.

crisis of identity, the crisis of legitimacy, the crisis of penetration, the crisis of participation, the crisis of integration).5


Democracy is a system of government that forms power for the people and in practice is elected by the people by the family of representatives who make laws and rule the country with all sovereignty within a predetermined period of time.6 Among the different forms of democracy are two basic forms, the first is parliamentary democracy and the second is people's democracy. People's democracy is defined through its tangible results, that is, the different policies implemented by the governmentin all fields, the focus of this democracy is whether it agrees with the wishes of the majority in society or parliamentary democracy, so it is known through the means of governing democracy or its procedures in the event of elections, political participation and ways to hold rulers accountable and others7 .


There are a number of indicators that indicate the existence of an integrated democratic system and we will address the most prominent of these indicators through the following:


The existence of an electoral process is a basic basis and an indicator of the existence of democracy. Constitutional jurisprudence has settled that election is the only means of assigning power in the democratic system, but the extent to which this means expresses the spirit of democracy depends on the applied electoral system8. Each country chooses the electoral system that suits it and according to its political circumstances and constitutional system9.


The existence of political participation is evidence of the interaction of the political system with the people, and this leads to a democratic atmosphere in which societies share political power, and FlipPro defines political participation as the sum of collective activities carried out by the governed, and can give them an impact on the functioning of the political system. The concept of participation takes on a positive meaning for contemporary political systems even for political systems based on one party, and the term participation is used to refer predominantly to popular support for influential government leaders in the field of their leadership and management of political work10.

5Ali Abbas, Civil Society and Democracy, Educational Institution for Studies and Publishing, Lebanon, 2009, p.22

6Two Todrov, Enemies of Democracy, translated by: Ghazi Pro, 1, Dar Al Rabeeh Publishing, Beirut Lebanon, 2015, p.11

7Abdel Fattah Madi, Democracy and Venice, I1, Arab Center for Research and Studies, Beirut, 2021, p. 39.

8Alaa Kamel Mohsen, Censorship of the Constitutionality of Parliamentary Elections in Iraq under the Constitution of 500: A Comparative Study, Arab Center, Cairo, 2018, p. 21

9Saad Abdali, Elections Guarantees of Freedom and Intity Comparative Study, Dar Degla, Amman, 2009, p.32

10Medhat Ghnaim, Activating the Role of Women in Political Participation, National Center for Legal Publications, Cairo, 2019, p. 14


Political culture is the set of basic political values and beliefs prevailing in any society that distinguish it from other societies, as each society has its own political culture, and political culture is a subculture of general culture, Or it is part of the general culture, it is the political part of the culture of society, and the general culture in society has a great impact on the political culture of society, Political upbringing is closely linked to political culture, and political culture and values are an integral part of the internal social order11 .


Modern concepts see civil liberties as a vital component of what we usually call "liberal democracy," The principle of protecting fundamental human rights includes these rights contained in other constitutions in the world, As well as international law and agreements, such as the Helcinki Bill, the basic human rights are freedom of expression, speech and publication, religious freedom, freedom of assembly and association, and the right to resort to justice12. Through freedom of expression, this is freedom of political, intellectual, religious and sectarian affiliation, freeing man from poverty and ignorance, respect for human dignity and high value13.


It is entirely important or plays a big role in the future of Asiacell that the whole world today recognizes that the existence of democratic forms of governance in India means an effective contribution to the achievement of the democratic system. Al-Ghamdi was a social philosophy with direct from the beginning of a currency in South Africa The philosophy of socio-political deals with basic aspects or Ghada does not believe in a sincere belief in the goodness of human nature and its innate readiness to respond to any implicit separation. The state is the tool to enable the individual to rise to his personality. The attention must be focused on the individual's banner again that society must be based on economic equality as a conditional which guarantees each individual his third needs that democracy and describes it as the science of mobilizing the resources and sectors of the population all material and moral to serve the common good and decides the impossibility of democratic coexistence with violence, as it is not possible to describe a democratic government among us based on material force or imposing its will14.

11Mohamed Salam, Political Upbringing and Promoting the Values of Loyalty and Belonging to the Young Leader, Arab Publishing Group, Cairo, p.19

12A group of authors, The phases of transitional history: The scourge of the Arab revolutions, the Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies, link:


13Omar Tayyip Boujalal, Integralising the Social Approach into Political Reforms, Academic Writers Center, 2017, p. 840.

14Star Jabbar Allai, The Indian Experience is the largest democracy in the world, Jenan Publishing and Distribution House, Amman, 2013.


The Constitution of India has provided the right to freedom of expression through the text contained in Article (19) with the aim of guaranteeing the individual rights that are vital to the authors of the Constitution, as one of the six freedoms15.

In 2019, India dropped two places to 140 out of 180 (out of 180 countries) in the Reporters Without Borders' Global Press Freedom Index. What has happened over the past few years is that a large part of the media has crossed to the dark side. The widespread emergence of multiple media platforms, including social media, has redefined the role of media in politics and government, as well as the definition of the relationship between media and politics16.


Despite India's large population, this has not stopped it from being the organizing state of the world's largest democracy; since its independence in 1947 and holding its first elections in 1951, The elections were organized periodically for more than sixty years, the Constitution was never suspended, none of its elections were postponed, and the widespread spread of poverty and illiteracy, the multiplicity and divergence of states, or linguistic, religious and sectarian differences were not prevented, Or regional wars and internal conflicts, fierce political doctrines, or the strict and unjust class system, from organizing those elections and ensuring the validity of their results to a large extent, despite the lack of available means and tools in conducting them, especially in their beginnings17.

Regarding the nomination and representation of women in the Indian Parliament, the Indian Senate has considered a bill aimed at allocating a third of the seats in Parliament to women. It is a controversial project that has been postponed for (14) years and its study coincides with International Women's Day, and the proposal provides for (33%) of parliamentary seats to be allocated to women who currently do not exceed one of ten seats in parliament, The law, which will enable women to take up (181) of the (545) seats in the House of Representatives, must receive two-thirds of the votes to be passed18.

15Article 19 refers to freedom of expression in the Indian Constitution of 1949 and amended in 2016 to: Protection of certain rights related to freedom of expression and others: 1- All citizens have the right to:

Prof Freedom of opinion and expression;

B. Freedom to assemble peacefully and without weapons;

C. Formation of associations, unions or cooperative societies;

16Prakriti Gupta, a major decline in freedom of expression in India, Middle East Newspaper, Saudi Arabia, issue 15308. 2020.

17Imad Yousef Kaddoura, Indian General Elections: Voter Trends and Factors Affecting It, Al Jazeera Center, Qatar, 042, Link:https://studies.aljazeera.net/ar/reports

18 Bill to increase the number of women in the Indian Parliament, Elaf, link: htmI.2010/3/540641/https ://elaph.com/Web/news


The lack of homogeneity among member states, especially with regard to the political aspect, the Indian democratic system has dispersed the territory instead of unifying it, and Pakistani military leaders feel from time to time that the Indian democratic system is a threat to their survival, It is what drives the escalation and to consider India as a threat to the survival of the system, with the negative consequences of building a strong South Asian institution and the existence of a large disparity in the rates of growth and industrial development among the countries of the organization, which represents an obstacle in facing the requirements of economic cooperation, The high degree of similarity in products in most member states, and the presence of an economic, military and population giant represented in India19.

The irony of multi-ethnicism is that democracy becomes impossible in societies that have not gone through the Industrial Revolution, and modern social organization has not been mastered. Political practice from ethnic perspectives leads to a deadly struggle over major symbols and over state power, which leads to separatist movements, Civil wars or military coups, or prolonged political paralysis, and the idea of merging society into one crucible was one of the most important justifications for political authoritarianism, but Indian experimentation proves that democracy can be the best framework that withstands conflicts, Ethnic rivalries and open the possibility of their long-term solution, but this framework requires the adjustment of the democratic political system according to the needs of ethnic balance, and the Indian elite presented the opportunity for this adjustment through a Indian Congress Party, This model was challenged when an ethnic party, the Bharatya Janata Party, took office in recent years, and Indian democracy was proven in front of this challenge, albeit without certain wounds20.


The Indian Constitution has prohibited any prejudice to gender equality, most notably through the provision of this Constitution that ((the State or State shall not deprive any person of equality before the law or equal protection of laws within the territory of India))21.

Discrimination on the basis of religion, race, caste, sex or place of birth has also been prohibited through22:

1. The state does not discriminate against any citizen on the basis of religion, race or caste or sex or place of birth, or any of them.

2. No citizen may be disabled, prevented, held responsible, restricted or conditioned, on the basis of religion, race, caste, sex or place of birth.

Despite the positive results produced by democratic experimentation in India as the largest experiment in the Third World, fundamental threats to the democratic system can be identified in

19Abdul Qader Dunden, Regional Roles of Rising Powers in International Relations, Academic Writers Center, Amman, 2015, p.155.

20Mohamed El Sayed Said, Detained Democratic Transition in Egypt, Mermet Printing, 2006, p.123.

21Article 14 of the Indian Constitution of 1949.

22Article 15 of the Indian Constitution of 1949.

1. The growing separatist forces of some border states and their obtaining moral support and Maddie from neighboring countries.

2. The grassroots of nationalist parties, foremost of which is eating this Congress Party at a time when the regional spirit grows as the political influence of sectarian parties escalates.

3. The spread of the phenomenon of political corruption and its incursion into senior political positions in India andthis situation has taken serious curves since theadoption of the policy of economic liberalization in 199123.

However, India has succeeded in preserving freedom on the one hand and achieving development on the other hand, despite the cultural, geographical and demographic diversity of this huge, poor country in some of its areas to nothing, As a result of this balance between the two goals, India has begun to bear fruit, as India's economic growth rate has become nearly 10% annually over the last three decades, at the same time as the Indian citizen enjoys democracy, freedom and human rights24.


India's political system is based on the principle of shameful pluralism, and many parties are active in the political arena, some spanning across the country, such as the Indian National Congress and the BJP, some of which are smaller regional25.


Brazil is a federal building of (27) administrative units of (26) semi-autonomous states plus one federal district. Each state has its own institutions, legislative, executive and judicial, following the approach of federal government institutions. The rich and poor states vary among themselves. A state like Sao Paulo, for example, is Brazil's wealthiest state, contributing about a third of the country's GDP, while a state like Roraima, the poorest — contributes only 0.15% of that result26.

In the transition to a liberal democratic ruling system led by the Sarni administration: 1988-1989, the trade union played a pivotal role in ending military rule, in the 1990s Brazil adopted a reformist approach to steer the country towards democracy, The Brazilian experiment shows the importance of political parties in shaping the Brazilian political scene, especially the Brazilian democratic movement, which formed the main opposition within the country and was able to gain the confidence of the military institution. The advantages of Brazilian experiment are reflected in the following elements27:

23Nadia Fadel Abbas, Indo-Pakistani Relations and the Impact of Nuclear Weapon, Al-Arabi Publishing, Cairo, 2021, p.69

24Hussein Marhej Al-Amash, Freedom and Development, Al-Biruni House for Publishing and Distribution, 2018, p. 34.

25 Political parties in India, research published at:/17/7/2017 https://www.aljazeera.net/encyclopedia/movementsandparties

26Antonio da Rocha, the political system in Brazil. Critical Reading, Al Jazeera Center, Qatar, 2010,


27Mahmoud Khalifa Jouda, Political Leadership in Brazil and Its Impact on Political Stability, Arab Democratic Center, Germany, 2019, p.12.

1. The A styled approach based on the democratization of the regime by organizing elections.

2. The military's respect for the election results.

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3. The opposition party managed to win the election.

4. The military's belief in the need for democratic transits


The right to vote is guaranteed by the Brazilian Constitution through its inclusion in important constitutional articles, which concern and determine the subject of election, as well as political rights. The Brazilian Constitution has proven that the election includes those who were over the age of eighteen and stressed a very important question, which is that the election is compulsory for those over eighteen, My choice is for the ilians and people over the age of seventy as well as people over the age of sixteen, and it also deprived the military personnel who perform their compulsory military service of the election28.


Brazil is also one of the countries that has taken on the same multilateralism since the process of democratic transition29, Brazil divided the grassroots movements, which made that a large number of activists have been involved in hem politics since the early 1980s, and some observers saw that these currents are an indicator of the fundamental strengthening of the Brazilian pluralistic system, Because it contributes to pushing parties away from their previous role as patronage-media-centered nepotism like leaders with their own eyes, in other words, an institution of the ZE is created, which provides a stronger foundation for democracy in Brazil: «Where is the involvement of the movement of activists in the Hazeya regime... He created an ideological cohesion and structuring of the system, which is very innovative in Brazilian politics30.


Brazil faces significant challenges in the economic, political and social fields with regard to gender equality, the large wage gap between men and women with the same level of education, Brazil places among the least unequal countries in Latin America, wage inequality creates obstacles to women's empowerment and the fight against poverty and inequality in general, and the men's pay gap (IBGE) is found to be Although the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics and Women with the same level of education declined between 2005 and 2015 in terms of political representation, The Election Law (No. 9504) of 1997 requires that the list of candidates for each political party or coalition be at least 30% of one sex and a maximum of 90% of the other, in the last elections in 2016, 31.6 percent of the candidates were women, totaling 155,587 students, while there were 33,819 qualified men, despite the fact that more than half of the Brazilian population were women, they were voted for (13%) governorship in the available provinces, In the House of Representatives they made up (10%) of the total seats and (14%) in the Senate, and with the IPU's assessment, the current number of women in

28Consider: Article 14 of the Brazilian Constitution of 1988.

29Consider: Abdel Fattah Madi, Democracy and Venice: Civil-Military Relations and Policies of Modernization of the Armed Forces, Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies, 2021, p. 137, as well as: A group of researchers, electoral systems in the world: world the in systems Electoral, Dar Al Khaleej, Amman, 2021, p.58.

30Georg Sorensen, Democracy and Democratic Transition: Biography and the hope in a Changing World, Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies, Doha, 2014, p.34_35

political positions in Brazil puts the country in 154th place among 144 countries, these prove to figures that the legislation is not enough to increase women's political representation31.

The recent political developments and constitutional conflicts in Brazil may destabilize a state of political stability and the democratic process, especially after the socialist president removed the former (Dilma Rousseff) through the courts and accused her of corruption cases, which he (Wasif) categorically denied and considered as a means of coup against democracy, These charges also lengthened the former president (Lola de Silva), who was recently tried and then released! For something that paved the way for the return of the conservative right to power, Which won the elections by nominated by (Jairiolussonaro), and all these developments and attraction come within a conflict of political circles between left-wing forces with social projects, And conservative forces fear losing control over economic resources, monopolies, oil and relations with foreign companies32.


Achieving political development is an end and a means at the same time, for which countries aspire to meet their ambition to draw up a democratic system based mainly on a regular political thought, and this is what happened in the countries targeted in the study (India and Brazil), which made us reach the after conclusions:


1. The democracy index is an important and vital factor and reflects the reality of the country whether it is democratic or undemocratic.

2. The issue of democracy was and still is to be pursued by most countries, to embark on a process of great democratic transformation that starts from the pyramid of power down to the bottom of it.

3. As important as democracy is to countries, the subject of political development may be a complementary factor to the application of this topic, so political development is no less fierce than the subject of democracy.

4. The absence of political development crises (identity, penetration, participation, equitable distribution of wealth, integration and integration) in the research countries is evidence of a reflection of the indicator of democracy in the political life of countries.

5. The countries surveyed in this research included a kind of gender equality, although Malaysia and Brazil excelled in this subject, India is not far from them, but what we can point out is that Brazil was at a high level of political empowerment of women.

6. The subject of freedom of expression and association, although these countries referred to it in their constitutional articles, is noted that Malaysia under the law of opinion and India have been more than Brazil in limiting freedom of expression.

7. The Constitution of India and Brazil guaranteed freedom of election and included this in constitutional articles, but Malaysia's setting of age after 21 contributed to the denial of many young people to participate in the election.

31Patrez Matos and Maureen Santos, Brazil: From the Brazilian comprehensive growth strategy to the Sustainable Development Goals, translated by: Qasim Shoaib, Journal of Political Issues, Al-Nahrain University, Issue 59, 2019, p. 303_304.

32Firas Al-Mabrouk, the Brazilian development model... Achievements and Challenges, Al-Masabeh Magazine, Libyan Journal Specializing in Defense Affairs, 2021, Link: -03 07-10-10 2021— 3206/https://www.almusallh.ly/en/stratigystud

8. Finally, the researched countries represented a development model that contributed to raising the level of development in the country, and here development is not only for political development, but also economic and social development alike, and the democratic transition played a great role in this subject, to reflect for us the emergence of the democracy index in a basic and clear way.


First: Constitutions

1. The Indian Constitution of 1949.

2. . The Brazilian Constitution of 1988


1. The Ahmed Mustafa Khater, Social Development Basic Resistors, Selected Models, Modern University

Office, Alexandria, 2001.

2. Two Tudrov, Enemies of Democracy, translated by: Gazi Pro, I1, Al-Raya Publishing House, Beirut

Lebanon, 2015.

3. Thamer Al Khazraji, Modern Political Systems and Public Policies: A Contemporary Study in Power

Management Strategy, Dar Majdalawi, Amman, 2004.

4. Hussein Merhej Al-Amash, Freedom and Development, Al-Biruni House for Publishing and

Distribution, 2018.

5. Star Jabbar Allai, the largest Indian democrat in the world, Al-Jinan Publishing and Distribution

House, Amman, 013 2.

6. Saad Abdali, Elections Guarantees of Freedom and Intity Comparative Study, Dar Degla, Amman,


7. Abdel Fattah Madi, Democracy and Venice: Civil-Military Relations and Policies of Modernization of

the Armed Forces, Al-Nari Center for Research and Policy Studies, 2021.

8. Abdul Qader Dunden, Regional Roles of Rising Powers in International Relations, Academic Writers

Center, Amman, 2015.

9. Abdel Moneim Al-Mashat, Political Development in the Third World, Theories and Issues, for the

EmiratesAl-Arayya, Al Ain Foundation for Publishing and Distribution, 1988.

10. Alaa Kamel Mohsen, Censoring the Constitutionality of Parliamentary Elections in Iraq under the 2005 Constitution: A Comparative Study, Al-Nairy Center, Cairo, 2018.

11. Ali Abbas, Civil Society and Democracy, Educational Foundation for Studies and Publishing, Lebanon,


12. Omar Tayyip Boujalal, Integration of Socialist Maqari in Political Reforms, Academic Writers Center,


13. Georg Sorensen, Democracy and Democratic Transition: Biography and the hope of a Changing World, Naked Center for Research and Policy Studies, Doha, 2019.

14. Al-Fattah Madi, Democracy and Venice, 1st Edition, Arab Center for Research and Studies. Beirut, 2012.

15. A group of researchers, the world's electoral systems: the in systems ElectoralWorld, Dar Al Khaleej,

Amman, 2018.

16. Mohamed El Sayed Said, Detained Democratic Transition in Egypt, Mermet Printing, 2001

17. Mohamed Salam, Political Upbringing and Promoting the Values of Loyalty and Loyalty and belonging

to the Little Leader, Al-Arabiya Publishing Group, Cairo, 2015.

18. Mahmoud Khalifa Jouda, Political Leadership in Brazil and Its Impact on Political Stability, Naked

Democratic Center, Germany, 2018

19. Medhat Ghnaim, Activating the Role of Women in Political Participation, National Center for Legal

Publications, Cairo, 2019.

20. Nadia Fadel Abbas, Indo-Pakistan Relations and the Impact of Nuclear Weaponing, Al-Arai Publishing, Cairo, 2021.

Third: Theses and dissertations

1. The Aqeel Faleh, Development Challenges in Iraq and Their Impact on Political Stability After 2003, Unpublished Master Thesis, Faculty of Political Science, Al-Mustasriya University, 2018

Fourth: Researches and journals

1. The Patries Matos and Maureen Santos, Brazil: From the Brazilian inclusive growth strategy to the Sustainable Development Goals, translated by: Qasim Shoaib, Journal of Political Issues, University of Al-Nahrain, Issue 59, 2019.

Fifth: Newspapers

1. The Prakriti Guetta, A major decline in freedom of expression in India, Al-Sharq Al-Awsat, Saudi Arabian Arab Kingdom, issue 15,308. 2020 2020

Sixth: Websites

1. A group of authors, phases of transitional history: the fate of naked revolutions, the nudist center for research and policy study, link: https://books.google.iq/books?id=pYJlDwAAQBAJ&pg=PTI37A7%D8%+85%D9%88%D9%87%8I%D9% D9%85%dq=%D9o/840%D9%

2. Political parties in India, research published at:/Https://www.aljazeera.net/encyclopedia/movementsandparties2017/7/17/

3. Antonio da Rocha, the political system in Brazil. Critical Reading, Al Jazeera Center, Qatar, 1010,


4. Imad Yousuf Kaddoura, , Indian General Election: Voter Trends and Factors for ImpactIn it, Al-

Jazeera Center, Qatar, 2018, the link: https//Reports.ar.studies.aljazeera.net

5. Bill to increase the number of women in the Indian Parliament, Elaph, html.2010/3/540641 /https://elaph.com/Web/news

6. Firas Al-Mabrouk, the Brazilian development model... Achievements and Challenges, Salty Magazine,Libyan Journal Specialized in Defense Affairs, 2021, Link: 55- 03-10-10-07-2021-3206/https://www.almusallh.ly/en/stratigystud

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