THE REGIONAL VALUE OF ENGLISH PHRASEOLOGICAL UNITS Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
Phrases / customs / traditions / idiomatic expressions / legends / culture / national culture / spiritual wealth / history / traditions / Фразы / обычаи / традиции / идиоматические выражения / легенды / культура / национальная культура / духовное богатство / история / традиции

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Saidova, Zilola Urakovna, Nassiri, Mohammad Reza

The phraseology of the English language is extremely diverse. It is used in all styles of speech due to the unique ability of phraseological units to say a lot in a few words, since they determine not only the subject, but also its sign, not only the action, but also its circumstances. English phraseology's versatility indicates, first of all, a rich historical heritage, embodies an incomprehensible English soul, because the most phraseological units have come to life among the people and that it is not by chance. Further, as writing and literature developed, phraseology was developed by publicists and writers, leaving behind a whole sheaf of new discoveries in this area. Mastering this cultural "archive" allows you to comprehend the lives of people of various stratums in a particular era, their richness of language and the power of meaning, and therefore is necessary for every educated person.

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Фразеология английского языка чрезвычайно разнообразна. Употребляется во всех стилях речи благодаря уникальной способности фразеологизмов в нескольких словах сказать многое, так как они определяют не только предмет, но и его признак, не только действие, но и его обстоятельства. Многогранность английской фразеологии свидетельствует, прежде всего, о богатом историческом наследии, воплощает в себе непостижимую английскую душу, ведь большинство фразеологизмов ожило в народе и что не случайно. Далее, по мере развития письменности и литературы фразеология развивалась публицистами и литераторами, оставив после себя целый ворох новых открытий в этой области. Овладение этим культурным «архивом» позволяет осмыслить жизнь людей различных слоев в ту или иную эпоху, их богатство языка и силу смысла, а потому необходимо каждому образованному человеку.


International scientific-practical conference on the topic of "Problems and perspectives of modern technology in teaching foreign languages"


d https://doi.org/10.24412/2181-1784-2022-20-158-162

Saidova Zilola Urakovna

Lecturer of the department of foreign languages, Journalism and Mass Communications University of Uzbekistan, Tashkent

e-mail: zilola8@yandex.ru

tel: +998935082024 Mohammad Reza Nassiri Teacher of the department of foreign languages, Journalism and Mass Communications University of Uzbekistan, Tashkent


The phraseology of the English language is extremely diverse. It is used in all styles of speech due to the unique ability ofphraseological units to say a lot in a few words, since they determine not only the subject, but also its sign, not only the action, but also its circumstances. English phraseology's versatility indicates, first of all, a rich historical heritage, embodies an incomprehensible English soul, because the most phraseological units have come to life among the people and that it is not by chance. Further, as writing and literature developed, phraseology was developed by publicists and writers, leaving behind a whole sheaf of new discoveries in this area. Mastering this cultural "archive" allows you to comprehend the lives of people of various stratums in a particular era, their richness of language and the power of meaning, and therefore is necessary for every educated person.

Keywords: Phrases, customs, traditions, idiomatic expressions, legends, culture, national culture, spiritual wealth, history, traditions


Фразеология английского языка чрезвычайно разнообразна. Употребляется во всех стилях речи благодаря уникальной способности фразеологизмов в нескольких словах сказать многое, так как они определяют не только предмет, но и его признак, не только действие, но и его обстоятельства. Многогранность английской фразеологии свидетельствует, прежде всего, о богатом историческом наследии, воплощает в себе непостижимую английскую душу, ведь большинство фразеологизмов ожило в народе и что не случайно. Далее, по мере развития письменности и


International scientific-practical conference on the topic of "Problems and perspectives of modern technology in teaching foreign languages"

литературы фразеология развивалась публицистами и литераторами, оставив после себя целый ворох новых открытий в этой области. Овладение этим культурным «архивом» позволяет осмыслить жизнь людей различных слоев в ту или иную эпоху, их богатство языка и силу смысла, а потому необходимо каждому образованному человеку.

Ключевые слова: Фразы, обычаи, традиции, идиоматические выражения, легенды, культура, национальная культура, духовное богатство, история, традиции


Undoubtedly, getting acquainted with a foreign language, assimilating, studying it, a person simultaneously penetrates into a new national culture, receives a huge spiritual wealth stored by the language being studied. In particular, a pupil, a student, a simple man in the street, mastering a foreign language, in this case English, gets a highly effective opportunity to join the national culture and history of the people of Great Britain. Phraseology, as an integral part and a kind of treasury of any language in the world, can contribute especially strongly to this communion.

Phraseological units and phraseological combinations reflect the centuries-old history of the English people, the uniqueness of their culture, way of life, traditions. Therefore, phraseological units are highly informative units of the English language. [Kunin A.V., 1986: 336]


The regional value of phraseological units consists of three components.

Firstly, phraseological units reflect the national culture in a fragmented way, by units of their composition. Some of these words belong to the number of non-equivalent.

• to drink like a lord-

• queen Ann is dead

• an Englishman's home (house) is his castle

• appeal to Caesar

Secondly, English phraseological units reflect the national culture in an undifferentiated, complex way, with all their elements taken together, that is, with their phraseological meanings.

• A penny for your thoughts - A penny for your thoughts

International scientific-practical conference on the topic of "Problems and perspectives of modern technology in teaching foreign languages"

A penny saved is a penny earned -

Money you save today you can spend


Finally, thirdly, phraseological units reflect the national culture with their prototypes, since genetically free phrases described certain customs, traditions, peculiarities of life and culture, historical events and much more. These include pure English names, English counties, islands, cities and rivers, attractions, as well as the words containing the phrases London, England, and English. [Bulakhovskiy L.A., 1952: 448]

• live in Bermudas

• in plain English

• a smart Aleck

• Tom and Jerry shop

For the most part, idiomatic expressions were created by the people, so they are closely related to the interests and daily activities of ordinary people.

• as cool as cucumber

• when pigs fly

• ships that pass in the night

• birds of a feather flock together

• if you run after 2 hares you will catch neither.

Many phraseological units are associated with beliefs and legends.

• Achilles' heel

• Speak of the devil

• Achilles' spear

• Neptune's sheep

However, most of the English phraseological units originated in professional speech.

Sport has always played an important role in the lives of the inhabitants of Foggy Albion. The British are proud that many sports originated in their country, and then spread around the world. The national British games are football, cricket, horse racing and billiards. Many phraseological units are associated with horse racing, cockfighting and boxing. They are characterized by humor, worldly wisdom, their content is our world, the environment, and the atmosphere is insightful, firm, devoid of romance common sense. [Korzyukova Z.V., 2003:486].

• the ball is in your court tennis

International scientific-practical conference on the topic of "Problems and perspectives of modern technology in teaching foreign languages"

• bark up the wrong tree hunting

• blind-sided American football

• blow the competition away any spor

The focus is on luck and money. The satisfaction of wealth and success is expressed in many phraseological units.

• as good as gold

• Good things come to those who wait - To have patience

• Hang in there- Don't give up


Thus, English phraseological units can give us the key to the national character of the people of Great Britain, to their culture, history and political life.


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International scientific-practical conference on the topic of "Problems and perspectives of modern technology in teaching foreign languages"

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