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Literature / high schools / experiential-oriented / teaching / activity.

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Nguyễn Thị Gấm

In this article, the author has presented the survey results on the actual situation of managing Literature experiential-oriented teaching at high school in Uong Bi city, Quang Ninh province, according to the management function, as the basis for proposing certain measures to improve the quality and efficiency of this activity

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Nguyen Thi Gam

Department of Pedagogy Ha Long University, Quang Ninh Province


In this article, the author has presented the survey results on the actual situation of managing Literature experiential-oriented teaching at high school in Uong Bi city, Quang Ninh province, according to the management function, as the basis for proposing certain measures to improve the quality and efficiency of this activity Keywords: Literature, high schools, experiential-oriented, teaching, activity.

Teaching the subject of Literature in an experiential-oriented way is a preeminent form of teaching, giving students the opportunity to form and develop maximum practical competency, creative potential, and necessary personal qualities to adapt to international cooperation and integration. The management task by the school management board is an extraordinarily important factor to ensure the results of this teaching form.

In this article, we have presented the survey results on the actual situation of managing Literature experiential-oriented teaching at high school in Uong Bi city, Quang Ninh province, according to the management function, as the basis for proposing certain measures to improve the quality and efficiency of this activity. Survey subjects included 30 administrators and teachers of Literature at high school in Uong Bi city. The used methods were mainly written survey, interviews, and research on the products of the experiential - oriented teaching activity.

2. Contents

2.1. Reality ofplanning for managing the Literature experiential-oriented teaching activity at high school in Uong Bi city, Quang Ninh province

Exploring the reality of planning for managing the Literature experiential-oriented teaching at high school in Uong Bi city, Quang Ninh province, we obtained the results as follows:

Table 1

Reality of planning for managing the Literature experiential-oriented teaching activity at high school in Uong Bi _city, Quang Ninh province___


n= =30

No. Objectives Distictive/ Good Average Below average/ Poor Total points X

Qty. % Qty. % Qty. %

1 Researching the contents of the Literature subject in the general education program to determine the appropriate topics/lessons, objectives, contents, and method of organizing the teaching activity in an experiential-oriented way, accordingly. 5 16.67 11 36.67 14 46.66 51 1.7

2 Assessing the reality of facilities, the actual situation of schools and localities 19 63.33 8 26.67 3 10.0 76 2.53

related to the organization of Literature experiential-oriented teaching activity

1. Introduction

Educational innovation has become an urgent need as well as a global trend. Currently, in Vietnam, the whole education sector is striving to innovate education radically and comprehensively, moving from "content access" to "competency access", its meant that moving from paying attention to "what students can learn " to "what students can do" after finishing school. Experiential-oriented teaching is a form of teaching that contributes to achieving the above educational innovation goal, so it ought to be paid attention to at school, especially in the context that the general education program 2018 starts being implemented at the high school level from the school year 2022-2023.

Literature is a compulsory subject in the general education curriculum. This is a subject of a particularly important position in the entire educational program. This subject is instrumental, aesthetic, and humanistic, helping students have a means of communication, creating a basis for learning all subjects and educational activities at school, contributing to educating students on the beautiful values of culture, literature and national language, which contributes to the formation and development of positive emotions, humane feelings, benevolent and altruistic lifestyles in students etc.

3 Clearly defining feasible goals when teaching Literature in an experiential-oriented way 6 20.0 11 36.67 13 43.33 53 1.76

4 Selecting necessary experiential activities according to each topic of the subject weekly, monthly, termly and yearly etc. 16 53.33 9 30.0 5 16.67 71 2.37

5 Arranging time and work according to schedule appropriately, meeting resources and measures in order to carry out Literature experiential-oriented teaching activity effectively. 7 23.33 12 40.0 11 36.67 56 1.87

6 Expecting the results from the organization of Literature experiential-oriented teaching activity. 15 50.0 13 43.33 2 6.67 73 2.43

Point Average 2.11

The data in Table 1 showed that: Building a plan for managing Literature experiential-oriented teaching at high school in Uong Bi city, Quang Ninh province, assessed at an average level by management staff and teachers with the PA of 2.11. However, the assessment levels for each content were different, in which, the contents assessed at a distinctive/good level included:

Assessing the reality of facilities, the actual situation of schools and localities related to the organization of Literature experiential-oriented teaching activity; Selecting necessary experiential activities according to each topic of the subject weekly, monthly, termly and yearly etc.; And expecting the results from the organization of Literature experiential-oriented teaching activity, which accounted for 2.53, 2.37, and 2.43 respectively.

The other contents were rated at an average level (accounted for 1.7; 1.76; and 1.87 respectively). Through studying the plans for Literature experiential-oriented teaching plans at high school in Uong Bi city, Quang Ninh province, we found that: the above contents have yet to be specific, the stated goals have yet

to be clear, and the form of organizing the activity has yet to be diverse and rich etc. Thus, the survey results showed that the high school managements in Uong Bi city have also paid attention to developing a management plan for teaching Literature in an experiential-oriented way, but the contents of the plan has yet to be comprehensive. In order for the implementation of Literature experiential-oriented teaching to achieve good results, the first that managers need to pay attention to is to study the contents of the Literature subject in the general education curriculum to determine the right topics/lessons, objectives, contents, and experiential-oriented teaching methods accordingly when developing a plan for that activity. At the same time, managements need to assess the actual status of facilities, teaching equipment and actual conditions of the schools so that the implementation plan can be practical and feasible.

2.2. Reality of organizing the Literature experiential-oriented teaching activity at high school in Uong Bi city, Quang Ninh province

Table 2

The reality of organizing the Literature experiential-oriented teaching activity at high school in Uong Bi city, _Quang Ninh province__

No. Objectives Assessment n=30 Total points

Distinctive/ Good Average Below average/ Poor

Qty. % Qty. % Qty. %

1 Assigning the academic vice-principals to be in charge of managing the activity, mobilizing and coordinating resources for Literature experiential-oriented teaching 19 63.33 9 30.0 2 6.67 77 2.57

2 Disseminating the objectives and requirements of Literature experiential-oriented teaching 5 16.67 6 20.0 19 63.33 46 1.53

3 Disseminating the plan for organizing to members of the steering committee to discuss measures and orientations to implement the plan 16 53.33 9 30.0 5 16.67 71 2.37

4 Creating favorable conditions for the participants who take part in organizing the literature experiential-oriented 5 16.67 7 23.33 18 60.0 47 1.57

teaching activity to promote their own capacity and coordinate with other members of the organizing committee to fulfill their tasks together

5 Paying attention, arranging time and finance, sending staff and teachers in general and teachers of Literature in particular to participate in the courses of fostering the competency for organizing the experiential-oriented teaching 7 23.33 12 40.0 11 36.67 56 1.87

6 Mobilizing and distributing resources to organize the Literature experiential-oriented teaching activity 6 20.0 9 30.0 15 50.0 51 1.7

7 Coordinating with other forces in and outside the school to participate in the Literature experiential-oriented teaching activity 4 13.33 11 36.67 15 50.0 49 1.63

Point average 1.89

The results in Table 2 showed that organizing the Literature experiential-oriented teaching activity at high school in Uong Bi city, Quang Ninh province was assessed at an average level by administrators and teachers, with a PA of 1.89. However, the assessment levels for each survey content were different, specifically as follows: The contents rated as distinctive/fair included:

Assigning the academic vice-principals to be in charge of managing the activity, mobilizing and coordinating resources for Literature experiential-oriented teaching, and disseminating the plan for organizing to members of the steering committee to discuss measures and orientations to implement the plan (average points accounted for 2.57 and 2.37 respectively). The other contents, which rated at an average level ranged from 1.53 to 1.87. The results showed that the dissemination of objectives and the coordination among forces in and outside the school to participate in Literature experiential -oriented teaching activity has been still very limited.

Table 3

The reality of directing the Literature experiential-oriented teaching activity at high school in Uong Bi city, _ Quang Ninh province__

No. Objectives Assessment n=30 Total points

Distinctive/ . Good Average Beloew Average/Poor

SL % SL % SL %

1 Directing subject teachers and professional teams to develop programs, topic plans for experiential-oriented teaching 18 60.0 10 33.33 2 6.67 76 2.53

2 Directing teachers to develop plans, implementation schedule, coordinate with other forces in and outside the school to implement the programs and plans for Literature experiential-oriented teaching. 11 36.67 12 40.0 7 23.33 64 2.13

Discussing with us on this point, Ms. N.T.T.X at Uong Bi High School said: "The coordination among educational forces outside the school to join in the Literature experiential-oriented teaching activity is still very limited due to many reasons. First of all, the awareness of this force on the nature of coordination and the responsibility in coordination". This situation requires school administrators to define and widely disseminate goals to the forces involved in educational activities at school so that they can closely coordinate among those educational forces in organizing the Literature experiential-oriented teaching activity.

2.3. Reality of directing the Literature experiential-oriented teaching activity at high school in Uong Bi city, Quang Ninh province

Continuing to survey the current situation of directing the Literature experiential-oriented teaching activity at high school in Uong Bi city, Quang Ninh province, we obtained the following results:

3 Directing teachers to actively innovate teaching methods and experiential-oriented teaching methods 16 53.33 9 30.0 5 16.67 71 2.37

4 Directing reviewing, investing in equipment and strengthening facilities and financial support for the Literature experiential -oriented teaching activity 4 13.33 17 56.67 9 30.0 55 1.83

5 Directing teachers to comment on and evaluate the students' results of organizing and participating in Literature experiential -oriented learning 7 23.33 12 40.0 11 36.67 56 1.87

Point average 2.15

The research results showed that the Literature experiential-oriented teaching at high school in Uong Bi city, Quang Ninh province, assessed at an average level by administrators and teachers made an average score of 2.15. In which, the contents that reached a distinctive/good level, such as Directing subject teachers and professional teams to develop programs, topic plans for experiential-oriented teaching and directing teachers to actively innovate teaching methods and experiential-oriented teaching methods (accounted for 2.53 and 2.37 respectively).

The other contents, which rated at an average level ranged from 1.83 to 2.13. Ms. T.T.T.M, Hoang Van Thu High School, shared: Currently, the school is only interested in directing the development of a plan for organizing the Literature experiential-oriented teaching, but yet to pay attention to investing in facilities for serving that teaching activity. The cause of this situation

shared by Ms. NTTH, the school's principal was as follows: In recent years, the regular funding for public schools has been cut to save costs, so the funding for investment in school facilities is quite limit. The above shortcoming has posed a requirement for school administrators to make the socialization of education well-coordinated and implemented among students' parents and related organizations in order to have funds to invest in equipping facilities and financing for teaching activities in general, and Literature experiential-oriented teaching in particular.

2.4. Reality of checking and assessing the Literature experiential-oriented teaching at high school in Uong Bi city, Quang Ninh province

Checking for assessment is the final function of management activities. Surveying the current situation of checking and assessing the Literature experiential-oriented teaching at high school in Uong Bi city, Quang Ninh province, we obtained the following results:

Table 4

Reality of checking and assessing the Literature experiential-oriented teaching at high school in Uong Bi city, _Quang Ninh province__

Assessment n=30 Total points

No. Objectives Distinctive/ Good Average Below Average/ Poor

Qty. % Qty. % Qty. %

1 Building a force to check and assess the results of the Literature experiential-oriented teaching 18 60.0 7 23.33 5 16.67 73 2.43

2 Developing the criteria to assess the results of the Literature experiential-oriented teaching 9 30.0 10 33.33 11 36.67 58 1.93

3 Building a toolkit to check and assess the results of the Literature experiential-oriented teaching 11 36.67 9 30.0 10 33.33 61 2.03

4 Organizing the implementation of checking and assessing the results of the Literature experiential-oriented teaching as planned through the built toolkits 16 53,33 12 40.0 2 6,67 74 2.47

Analyzing the results of checking and assessment, and providing feedback to teachers and other forces involved in Literature experiential-oriented teaching







Point average





The data in Table 4 showed that administrators and teachers, with a PA of 2.17, rated the checking and assessment of the Literature experiential-oriented teaching activity at high school in Uong Bi city, Quang Ninh province, at an average level. Building a force to check and assess the results of the Literature experiential-oriented teaching and organizing the implementation of checking and assessing the results of the Literature experiential-oriented teaching as planned through the built toolkits were the highest rated contents at Distinctive/Good levels with the average scores of 2.43 and 2.47 respectively. Fulfilling the tasks stated in these contents is a guarantee condition for the results of the Literature experiential-oriented teaching activity. However, still there have been limitations in developing criteria and toolkit as well as in analyzing the checked and assessed results of this activity, which showed in the average scores ranging from 1.93 to 2.03. Additionally, the survey results showed that the checking and assessment of the Literature experiential-oriented teaching activity at high school in Uong Bi city, Quang Ninh province, have not been synchronized with the planning, organizing, and directing the implementation of this activity. Therefore, improving the management methods of the teaching Literature in the experiential-oriented method at high school in Uong Bi city, Quang Ninh province, is a necessary condition to enhance the quality of teaching subjects, contributing to improving the quality of general education of the school.

3. Conclusion

Research results showed that there have been a plenty of limitations in managing the Literature experiential-oriented teaching activity at high school in Uong Bi city, Quang Ninh province, including planning, organizing, directing, checking and assessing. There have been different reasons leading to this situation, including the school administrators and teachers' limited awareness of the Literature experiential-oriented teaching activity and teachers' limited competency of organizing teaching activities, and the poor facilities of the school.

From the research results of the above -stated reality, we are of the viewpoint that in order to improve the quality of the Literature experiential-oriented teaching activity at high school in Uong Bi city, Quang Ninh province, it is essential to take the following measures:

First, organizing to raise awareness of managers and teachers of the Literature subject on teaching Literature in an experiential-oriented method, then directing the innovation of teaching methods and forms of organizing the Literature experiential-oriented teaching activity. At the same time, organizing the trainings to improve the competency of teaching the Literature subject in the experiential-oriented method for the teachers of Literature as well as organizing to coordinate with other educational forces in and outside the school in the Literature experiential-oriented teaching activity. Finally, renovating the form of checking and assessing the results of the Literature experiential-oriented activity, and increasing investment in facilities and equipment in service of the Literature experiential-oriented teaching activity. The above-mentioned measures are in a strained relationship. Thus, they need implementing synchronously to be effective.


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