THE PROCESS OF «RESPONSE»IN EMOTIONAL AND EMPATHIC EXPERIENCES Текст научной статьи по специальности «Гуманитарные науки»

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Ключевые слова
Emotion / empathy / emotive-empathic culture / response / positive assessment. / Emotion / empathy / emotive-empathic culture / response / positive assessment.

Аннотация научной статьи по Гуманитарные науки, автор научной работы — Namazova U.S.

This article is about emotional and empathic experiences of all interpersonal interactions, and they are present in communication at all levels as interaction. Issues related to emotions, empathy, its role in the communication process, levels of empathy; skills of emotive-empathic interaction and emotiveempathic culture

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This article is about emotional and empathic experiences of all interpersonal interactions, and they are present in communication at all levels as interaction. Issues related to emotions, empathy, its role in the communication process, levels of empathy; skills of emotive-empathic interaction and emotiveempathic culture.


Namazova U.S. lecturer

Department of Interfaculty foreign languages

Termez State University



Annotation. This article is about emotional and empathic experiences of all interpersonal interactions, and they are present in communication at all levels as interaction. Issues related to emotions, empathy, its role in the communication process, levels of empathy; skills of emotive-empathic interaction and emotive-empathic culture.

Keywords: Emotion, empathy, emotive-empathic culture, response, positive assessment.

Introduction. Emotions and empathy are the foundation of all interpersonal interactions, and they are present in communication at all levels as interaction. Emotional states as a special class of mental processes and states are associated with instincts, needs and motives, reflecting in the form of direct experience (satisfaction, joy, fear and etc.) the significance of the phenomena and situations affecting the individual for the implementation of his life activities.

Literature review. According to A. Mehrabian, H. Heckhausen, H. Murray, A.N. Leontiev, and others, the optimal form of communication is that which is driven by the purpose of affiliation, or the desire to build and preserve relationships with other people as well as the need for contact, cooperation, and communication. The attachment motive aims to create a mutually trusted and loving relationship in which each partner, even if he does not love the other, treats him with compassion, accepts him, offers him friendly support, and shows sympathy for him. Nonetheless, hundreds of people from various cultures converse every day in the modern world under globalization without ever really reaching.

The process of «response»emotional experiences emerging is one kind of emotional «switching». They might be useful for making introductions. When someone else's words or deeds elicit a pleasant emotional response in them, that person is positively assessed and is encouraged to engage in cooperative activities. This is the source of all following knowledge. Various acts are utilised to elicit favourable emotions from the spouse, such as rational ones like «good news»or emotional ones like «fur infection». A shift in the partner's emotional state and emotional self-presentation, which works to form in the partner a certain perception of the communicator's character and objectives, can also be highlighted as the aim of emotional influence.

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Analysis аnd results. The process of «response»emotional experiences, where emotions are triggered by the actions or words of others, is a type of emotional «switching». This phenomenon is significant in social interactions and relationships. Here's a deeper look into how these response emotional experiences function and their implications for social dynamics:

Response Emotional Experiences and Emotional Switching

Response emotional experiences refer to the emotions that arise in reaction to external stimuli, such as the behavior, words, or actions of others. This kind of emotional switching can rapidly change our emotional state based on these interactions. These experiences can be categorized into positive and negative responses, each influencing social behavior and relationships differently.

Positive Response Emotional Experiences

When someone's actions or words elicit a pleasant emotional response in us, several important social dynamics come into play:

1. Positive Assessment: We tend to view the person who induced the positive emotion more favorably. This positive assessment can be based on feelings of happiness, appreciation, or satisfaction that their behavior has generated.

2. Increased Likability: Positive emotional responses enhance the likability of the individual, making us more inclined to form a positive impression and develop a rapport with them.

3. Encouragement of Cooperative Activities: Positive emotional experiences foster trust and openness, leading to a greater willingness to engage in cooperative and collaborative activities with the individual. This is crucial in forming strong social bonds and working effectively together.

4. Strengthening Relationships: Repeated positive emotional exchanges can strengthen relationships, creating a cycle of mutual appreciation and support. This can lead to long-lasting and meaningful connections.

Examples in Social Contexts

Introductions and First Impressions: When meeting someone new, a warm smile, a kind word, or a friendly gesture can create a positive emotional response, setting the stage for a favorable first impression and a potential friendship or partnership.

Teamwork and Collaboration: In professional or group settings, positive reinforcement and supportive communication can lead to better teamwork. Compliments, acknowledgments, and constructive feedback help build a positive atmosphere conducive to collaboration.

Conflict Resolution: In situations of conflict or disagreement, showing empathy and understanding can elicit positive emotional responses, helping to de-escalate tension and pave the way for resolution and reconciliation.

Mechanisms of Emotional Switching

The process of emotional switching involves several psychological and physiological mechanisms:

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Mirror Neurons: These brain cells play a key role in empathy by allowing us to mirror the emotions and actions of others, facilitating a shared emotional experience.

Emotional Contagion: Emotions can be contagious; for example, seeing someone laugh or smile can make us feel happier and more inclined to reciprocate those feelings.

Cognitive Appraisal: Our assessment of a situation or a person can change based on the emotions they evoke in us. Positive emotions can lead to a more favorable appraisal, while negative emotions can result in a more critical view.

Conclusion. Understanding response emotional experiences and emotional switching is crucial for fostering positive social interactions and relationships. By recognizing how our emotions are influenced by others and how we can, in turn, influence the emotions of those around us, we can create more harmonious and cooperative environments. Whether in personal relationships, professional settings, or broader social contexts, the ability to elicit and respond to positive emotional experiences is a powerful tool for building strong, supportive, and effective connections.


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"Экономика и социум" №5(120)-2 2024



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