THE PROBLEMS OF MARKETING ACTIVITY IN HEALTH CARE Текст научной статьи по специальности «Клиническая медицина»

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The Scientific Heritage
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Ключевые слова
marketing / marketing tools / medical assistance / medical services / medical insurance / маркетинг / маркетингове инструменты / медицинская помощь / медицинская услуга / медицинское страхование

Аннотация научной статьи по клинической медицине, автор научной работы — Yasinska E., Vatsuk M.

The article analyzes the influence of various factors of marketing activity on the efficiency of the work of commercial and non-profit medical institutions, as well as the components of the marketing complex.

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В статье проанализировано влияние различных факторов маркетинговой деятельности на эффективность работы коммерческих и некоммерческих медицинских учреждений, а также изучены составляющие маркетингового комплекса.


30 The scientific heritage No 24 (2018)


Ясинська Е.Ц.

ВДНЗУ «Буковинський державний медичнийутверситет» к.мед.н., доцент кафедри соц1ально'1 медицини та ОЗО

Вацик М.З.

ВДНЗУ «Буковинський державний медичний утверситет» к.мед.н., асистент кафедри соц1ально'1 медицини та ОЗО


Yasinska E.,

Highe rStat eEducational Establishment of Ukraine «Bukovinian State Medical University», Ph.D., assistant professor, Department of Social Medicine and Health Care Organization

Vatsuk M.,

Higher State Educational Establishment of Ukraine «Bukovinian State Medica lUniversity»,Ph.D., assistant, Department of Social Medicine and Health Care Organization


В статье проанализировано влияние различных факторов маркетинговой деятельности на эффективность работы коммерческих и некоммерческих медицинских учреждений, а также изучены составляющие маркетингового комплекса.


The article analyzes the influence of various factors of marketing activity on the efficiency of the work of commercial and non-profit medical institutions, as well as the components of the marketing complex.

Ключевые слова: маркетинг, маркетингове инструменты, медицинская помощь, медицинская услуга, медицинское страхование.

Keywords: marketing, marketing tools, medical assistance, medical services, medical insurance

Marketing as a universal mechanism of the management system, aimed at the fullest satisfaction of human needs, is directly related to various health sectors.

At the same time, such aspects of the organization of health care as the attitude of the population to the medical care consumed, the dynamics of the demand for various types of medical care, the assessment of its quality, technological effectiveness and economic efficiency have never been analyzed and were not criteria for assessing the performance of the industry.

In the foreign literature the problem of marketing in public health services is covered with respect to private and insurance medicine. As for marketing in the context of state regulation of health care, this problem has not been studied enough.

The marketing system includes suppliers, marketing intermediaries and competitors, various public and state organizations, financial institutions, the press, legislative bodies; takes into account political, demographic, economic, scientific and technical and other spheres of public life.

Marketing management is the analysis, planning, implementation and monitoring of events, based on beneficial relationships with consumers of medical services in order to achieve certain tasks of the organization (making profits, sales, increasing the share of the target market.

The implementation of marketing activities is as follows:

• choice of the development strategy for the organization of treatment and prophylactic institutions

• short and long-term planning of activities;

• Development of a system for monitoring the implementation of marketing activities.

The purpose of the work: to study and determine the main components of the marketing complex in the field of public health and to study the prospects for using marketing in this area in the future.

The reform of health care in Ukraine is aimed at the introduction of new advanced technologies in medicine, which determine the practical interest in marketing as a form of organization and management of health care.

Based on commercial experience, general marketing tasks can be applied in the field of medical services. These include:

- promotion of specific types of medical services (marketing of medical services;

- promotion of the medical institution as a whole marketing in the organization);

- popularization of leading doctors (marketing of individual specialists);

- Popularization of the territory (marketing of the location of the establishment);

- health maintenance program (marketing of ideas).

The American Medical Association defines marketing in healthcare as an integrated process of planning, economic justification and management of the production of health services, pricing policy in the treatment and prevention process, promotion of services (medical goods) to consumers, and the process of their implementation.

The market nature of relations in health care is confirmed by the existence of a shadow market of medical services, the existence of demand for different types of medical services. Transition to market relations in health care is accompanied by a change in attitudes towards medical services, both among the population and among medical workers.

In healthcare, marketing can include aspects such as advertising healthy lifestyles, medicines, attitudes toward health care, choices for treatment, rehabilitation, and the like.

In health care, advertising can be directed to the main means of production. Another type of advertising is the advertising of services of medical institutions aimed at the consumer. Advertising in order to create the prestige of medical institutions in the society needs to be created in close connection with the press, announcements in the press, and advertising achievements in the sphere of new technologies. Advertising in order to expand the marketing of health services is the main form of advertising activity, closely related to the coordination of all interrelated factors that affect sales of services. The main principle of advertising activity and the main condition for its success is the launching of advertising into a constant circulation, which the consumer remembers and displays with specific services. Advertising is closely connected with the study and analysis of the psychology of the consumer, his motives in choosing services.

The use of advertising in the promotion of medical services contributes to:

• creating a corporate identity, positioning the service;

• gaining consumer confidence;

• formation of a benevolent attitude of public authorities, suppliers, investors, partners;

• supporting the loyalty of employees towards the medical institution and creating an optimal psychological climate in the team;

• creating a positive attitude towards the institution;

• awareness of the industry;

• formation of positive public perception of the institution's activities and trusting relations with them.

Marketing in healthcare has its own distinctive features related to the specifics of consumer demand and the market of medical goods and services. Its opportunities are largely determined by the form of financing health care and paying for medical services (private, insurance, state), as well as the form of ownership of enterprises that produce medical products and provide medical services (private, municipal, state, charitable funds, etc.). At the same time, the state meets public health needs, and private medical business serves the solvent sector, which has the ability to pay for medical services from its own sources. Currently, in the public and private sectors, non-profit marketing also takes place. For non-profit organizations in the field of health, marketing can be directed not only to making a profit, but also to meeting the needs of customers or creating an image of healthcare institutions. n modern conditions, in connection with the development of the non-state medical services sector, as well

as the provision of paid medical services by state medical institutions, heads of medical institutions of various forms of ownership must resolve a set of issues related to the organization of the provision of medical services, the study of demand for them, advertising, pricing and the like. Formation of the patient's trust in the medical institution begins with external marketing, when the patient comes to the doctor on the ad. External marketing in the form of advertising gives an idea of the medical institution, the level of services provided and the like. External marketing provides patients with information that they analyze and, accordingly, choose what they need. To internal marketing belong any communication or actions that occur within the medical institution, including telephone conversations, private interviews with patients, encouragement of those patients, recommend the medical institution to their friends and acquaintances, create comfortable conditions for patients and the like. Since the moment a potential patient enters a medical institution, internal marketing begins to operate. In general, patients respond better to internal marketing than to external marketing. So, effective internal marketing is a unique opportunity to keep patients. The patient is attracted by the high professionalism of medical personnel and a caring attitude towards him. He may need 10 years to understand how skilled the doctor is, but enough for 10 minutes to understand how he is treated. For non-profit organizations in the field of health, marketing can be directed not only to making a profit, but also to meeting the needs of customers or creating an image of healthcare institutions.

As a rule, non-profit organizations serve market segments, which commercial organizations consider unprofitable. This can create financial advantages for commercial firms, as they can concentrate their efforts on the most profitable market segment. For example, the provision of medical services to municipal health institutions in rural areas, where there is a small population and income level.

Marketing in the sphere of health protection can be subordinated to the following: 1) marketing of medical attendants; 2) marketing of pharmaceutical preparations; 3) marketing of medical technology; 4) marketing of medical technologies; 5) marketing science.

Marketing of medical services (including health insurance) is important for the formality of the population of motivation for health, that of the style of life, the health of the people, the systems of healthy life.

Analysis of medical statistics shows that, despite significant healthcare successes in certain areas, society as a whole is not getting healthier. Reduction of mortality from a number of diseases in developed countries is accompanied by demographic shifts (aging of the population, a decrease in the birth rate), which causes the growth of chronic pathology and disability. All this contributes to the increase in the need for medical services, presumably, and will continue to grow.

The purpose of marketing research is to obtain and analyze objective information, to develop forecasts for the development of the market for medical and preventive services, to optimize the strategy for providing health care, and to solve the problems of creating a market for new services to better meet the demand for them.

The organization of marketing research is conducted according to specially developed methods. Medical marketing along with analysis, control and forecast of demand also involves demand management.

Segmentation of the market of medical services and determination of its volume are carried out on the basis of data on the number of patients served and the amount of their average income, the level of expenses for medical care and medicines, medical products.

The market of medical services is a kind of a specific market where these services are offered and consumed. Marketing intermediaries are organizations that help the producer of goods and services in the promotion, marketing and distribution of his products among customers, provide communication between the producer and the consumer. These include trade intermediaries, firms, marketing services agencies, credit and financial institutions, insurance medical organizations.

The role of the state in this scheme is limited to creating conditions for the existence of the market of medical services and protection of the rights of their consumers, that is, the state provides a guaranteed minimum of medical care for all citizens and pursues a policy aimed at fully satisfying the social needs of the population.

It is necessary to carry out a number of organizational activities and studies on the practical use of marketing in both public health services financed from the budget and in the field of medical business. It is probably advisable to regularly conduct courses on marketing in health care, to identify new medical technologies and to teach them practical practitioners of health care. With limited funds allocated for the purchase of foreign medicines and medical equipment, targeted advertising and new strategic marketing research become important. Limitations of resources allocated to scientific research in the field of health necessitate a thorough technical and economic examination of each newly planned result, taking into account the stage of innovation of scientific results, as well as a possible commercial or social effect.

In addition, marketing in the field of healthcare is a special sphere of business in which the interests of the

firm, making profit should not conflict with the interests of society and each individual. Regardless of the form of ownership, public health institutions need to use marketing in their activities based on commercial and non-commercial principles. Promotion of medical services and medical products, medicines, medical technologies and new ideas should be carried out on the basis of free competition, which will contribute to improving health care and improving the quality of medical care.


The application of modern marketing technologies in the medical industry contributes to the increase of the effectiveness of medical services in healthcare and makes it possible to use the Internet resource as a marketing tool.

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