Секция «Фундаментальнее и прикладньш проблемы гуманитарных наук»
УДК 811.111
Я. И. Войтальянова, Е. В. Красилова, С. А. Пикулин Научный руководитель - Я. И. Войтальянова
Сибирский государственный университет науки и технологий имени академика М. Ф. Решетнева Российская Федерация, 660037, г. Красноярск, просп. им. газ. «Красноярский рабочий», 31
E-mail: yana.05@mail.ru
Рассмотрены особенности изучения иностранного языка студентами аэрокосмических специальностей, определена специфика обучения данной дисциплине, а также названы способы повышения уровня знаний иностранного языка будущими инженерами в области ракетостроения и студентами других технических специальностей.
Ключевые слова: иностранный язык, аэрокосмическая специальность, международное сотрудничество.
Ya. I. Voytalyanova, E. V. Krasilova, S. A. Pikulin, Scientific Supervisor - Ya. I. Voytalyanova
Reshetnev Siberian State University of Science and Technology 31, Krasnoyarsky Rabochy Av., Krasnoyarsk, 660037, Russian Federation
E-mail: yana.05@mail.ru
The article reveals thepeculiarities of learning a foreign language by aerospace engineering students. The specificfeatures of teaching this discipline aredetermined, the ways to improve the level of knowledge of a foreign language by future engineers in the field of rocketryand students of other technical specialties are shown.
Keywords: foreign language, aerospace engineering specialties, international partnership.
Nowadays, knowledge of a foreign language plays a huge role in the labor market. Special attention should be paid to language as a means of communication because of international enterprise and cooperation. The study of languages in every technical university is an integral part of training future skilled professionals. Such knowledge gives students the opportunity to acquire the ability to express their thoughts and to understand other people's speech in foreign language within their specialty.
We'll consider features of teaching foreign language to students of aerospace specialties in more detail. Modern rocketry and space engineering tend to increase international cooperation [1]. For example, Roscosmos and the European space Agency (ESA) were partners in launch of the ExoMars spacecraft in 2016. It is successfully carrying out its tasks now. Moreover, at present most space exploration projects and the development of new rockets are mostly taking place abroad. To obtain high-quality information about these events it is necessary to know language in the field of space technologies. Aerospace engineering specialty has some peculiarities. Firstly, it includes a plenty of terms and concepts related to the aerospace industry. Secondly, the physical laws and processes that underlie space technology are very complex. Thirdly, development of space science around the world does not stop. All this requires basic preparation before further study of the foreign language. However, students of technical specialties often come to University with a low level of school knowledge in subjects that are not their major ones. They pay little attention to such lesson as foreign language. Well,
V. A. Yakunin, N. M. Meshkov and other researchers point out that a significant part of students is convinced that General scientific and social educational disciplines do not approach and rather remove them from mastering professionally important skills and knowledge. Therefore, the attention of students at the University is almost completely focused on specialized subjects [2]. However, it is the insufficient level of foreign language, as well as a lack of understanding of technical terms and definitions on it do not allow the graduates to be competitive in the labor market. That is why it is necessary to choose material and teach foreign language in accordance with specialization of the students [3].
The specificity of learning by aerospace engineering students is in the targeted training for their future profession, which is one of the most difficult branches of modern science and technology. For this purpose specialized textbooks of language for technical specialties which contain the appropriate lexicon, scientific and technical texts with the actual contents, the various exercises directed on mastering of basic profile terms and definitions are used [4]. In order to prepare specialists for possible future cooperative work with foreign specialists and organizations, they are given tasks related to obtaining skills in communication on professional topics in a foreign language. The ability to convey the idea connected with the field of future professional activity of the student is extremely important. In such a complex technological area, as modern rocket science, it is especially relevant and important. Any mistake can lead to serious consequences in cooperation and in the successful implementation of the project.
It is worth paying attention to the training of the future specialist in terms and common phrases encountered in the technical literature. However, in carrying out this task it is possible to face some difficulties. One of them is that students usually learn foreign language at the junior courses, when they are not enough versed neither in their future profession nor in well-known technical terms and laws. That is why students have to spend some time to study a new material for understanding from a technical point of view and then for its memorization and acquiring of skills to use in a speech in the foreign language. To complete this task successfully, students should constantly replenish their vocabulary, using special dictionaries, regardless of the training program. For example, for the initial familiarization with the terms of rocketry they can use the dictionary by A. M. Murashkevich [5]. The independent work of the student plays an important role. Modern information systems make it possible to actualize the knowledge given earlier as well as expand the vocabulary, automates the use of various grammatical structures, contribute to increasing the motivation for self-study of a foreign language [6]. Also, it is necessary to teach the student to present his thoughts to the audience in the form of a performance on a given topic. It can be a report, presentation or participation in the conference in a foreign language. This activity will help students to identify disadvantages in their level of language proficiency, pronunciation, knowledge and using of terms, the ability to disclose the topic using foreign speech, and give an experience of public speaking to the audience. Public speech and group activities contribute to the growth of motivation [7]. The format "question-answer" at the end of the report will help students to explain some points of their speech and can be useful in further work on the specialty. After all, such conditions are close to communicating on a professional topic with colleagues because of acting of students of the same direction at the conference.
Thus, the specificity of foreign language learning by aerospace engineering students is complex. It requires an analysis of the psychological characteristics of students of technical universities. Teaching of students involves the transfer of relevant knowledge, vocabulary and technical terms specific of their specialty. The motivation and independent work of students, their participation in conferences and public performances play an important role. A sufficient level of knowledge of a foreign language will ensure the future engineer's competitiveness in the state and in the world labor market. It will allow him to take part in international outer space exploration and development projects.
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© BoHTa^baHOBa H., KpacanoBa E. B., nHKy^HH C. A., 2018