THE PRACTICAL OVERVIEW OF FOREIGN LANGUAGE LEARNING MOTIVATION Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Akhmedova Khalima Tukhtaevna

In the modern world, the role of a foreign language in the learning process is significantly increasing. Changes in the socio-cultural context of public life entail a change in the requirements of society for education in general, and for language learning in particular. Since in this situation there is no "natural necessity" in a foreign language, the stimulating factor is the motivation for mastering a foreign language. Motivation is understood as a system of stimulating actions that direct educational activity, in the case of a positive attitude of the teacher, to a deeper study of foreign languages, its improvement and the desire to develop the needs for the knowledge of a foreign language. The following article discusses the above mentioned ideas thoroughly.

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LEARNING MOTIVATION Akhmedova Kh.T. Email: Akhmedova6111@scientifictext.ru


Abstract: in the modern world, the role of a foreign language in the learning process is significantly increasing. Changes in the socio-cultural context of public life entail a change in the requirements of society for education in general, and for language learning in particular. Since in this situation there is no "natural necessity" in a foreign language, the stimulating factor is the motivation for mastering a foreign language. Motivation is understood as a system of stimulating actions that direct educational activity, in the case of a positive attitude of the teacher, to a deeper study of foreign languages, its improvement and the desire to develop the needs for the knowledge of a foreign language. The following article discusses the above mentioned ideas thoroughly.

Keywords: motivation, foreign, language, teaching, study, learning, mastering, process, knowledge, teacher.


Ахмедова Халима Тухтаевна - старший преподаватель, кафедра иностранных языков между факультетами, факультет иностранной филологии, Термезский государственный университет, г. Термез, Республика Узбекистан

Аннотация: в современном мире роль иностранного языка в процессе обучения значительно возрастает. Изменения социокультурного контекста общественной жизни влекут за собой изменение требований общества к образованию в целом и к изучению языков в частности. Поскольку в этой ситуации нет «естественной необходимости» к иностранному языку, так как стимулирующим фактором является мотивация к овладению иностранных языков. Под мотивацией понимается система стимулирующих действий, которые направляют учебную деятельность, в случае положительного отношения преподавателя, к более глубокому изучению иностранного языка, его совершенствованию и стремлению развивать потребности в знании иностранного языка. В данной статье подробно обсуждаются вышеупомянутые идеи.

Ключевые слова: мотивация, иностранный, язык, обучение, учеба, изучение, овладение, процесс, знания, преподаватель.

UDC 371.12

Motivation is the most important beginning of the process of mastering a foreign language, ensuring its effectiveness. It should also be understood that motivation is a side of the student's subjective world, and it is determined by his own motives and preferences. The teacher can only indirectly influence it, creating the preconditions and forming the foundations on the basis of which the trainees develop a personal interest in the work, i.e.

for the optimal organization of the educational process, it is important to know the motives of students and the ability to correctly identify and intelligently manage them [1].

The complexity and versatility of the issue of increasing motivation, maintaining and developing the student's interest in the subject of "foreign language" is emphasized by many methodologists, and, in accordance with this, various approaches to solving this problem are proposed. Solutions are associated with: 1) Creation of a specially designed system of exercises, performing which students would feel the result of their activities; 2) Involvement of the emotional sphere in the learning process; 3) The nature of the teacher's pedagogical influences, in particular the presence of incentives and reinforcements; 4) The use of audiovisual means in the classroom; 5) The use of personal individualization.

It can also be noted that the increase in motivation goes through:

1) Involving students to independent work in the classroom;

2) Problematic tasks and situations;

3) Control of knowledge, skills and abilities;

4) Availability of country-specific material;

5) A friendly attitude towards students.

Intrinsic motivation determines the attitude of students to the subject and ensures progress in mastering a foreign language. When student likes to speak, read, perceive a foreign speech by ear, learn new things - then we can say that he has an interest toward the subject "foreign language", and conditions are provided for achieving certain success. The content of the educational material should be accessible to students, it should proceed from the knowledge they already have and rely on it, but at the same time, the material should be difficult and complex. The study of each topic of the curriculum should consist of the following three main stages: motivational; operational and cognitive; reflective-evaluative [2].

The motivational stage helps students understand why and for what they need to study this section of the program. This stage usually consists of the following educational actions: 1) Creation of an educational problem situation that introduces students to the subject of study of the upcoming topic. 2) Formulation of the main educational task. The learning task shows students the reference point towards which they should direct their activities in the process of studying a given topic. 3) Self-control and self-assessment of the possibilities of the forthcoming activity on the study of this topic. The teacher tells you the time allotted for the study of the topic, what you need to know and be able to study it.

At the operational-cognitive stage, students master the content of the topic and master the educational actions and operations included in its content (is it clear to the students that all the content and its individual parts are necessary for solving the main educational problem) [3].

Reflexive-evaluative stage. The work on summing up the results of the study of the passed material must be organized so that the students could experience a feeling of emotional satisfaction from what they have done, the joy of victory overcoming the difficulties, the pleasure of learning new material. It is advisable to use more than the same constant method (oral questioning, test work). The characteristics of those types of motivation that take place in teaching foreign language which may constitute the so-called learning motivation. Learning motivation is determined by a number of specific factors: -the characteristics of the student (gender, self-esteem, level of intellectual development) -the characteristics of the teacher and his attitude to pedagogical activity - the organization of the pedagogical process - the specifics of the academic subject.

Internal motivation is not associated with external circumstances, but directly with the object itself. It is also called procedural motivation. A person likes a foreign language directly, he likes to show his intellectual activity. The action of external motives (prestige, self-affirmation, etc.) can enhance intrinsic motivation, but they are not directly related to the content and process of activity. In addition, learning motivation can be divided into positive and negative. For example, the construction "if I learn English, I will get excellent

marks on the exam" is a positive motivation. The construction "if I learn English, I will pass the exam and I will not be expelled" is negative [4].

Of course, the method of oral questioning does not claim comprehensive coverage of the situation and reveal hidden subjective meanings, but some conclusions can definitely be drawn: the overwhelming majority of students when studying a foreign language at the university are driven by a prosocial motive ("it is necessary according to the curriculum" so as not to be expelled) ... That is, we can say that the learning process for them is either habitual functioning or forced behavior. A small part of the students indicated the motive for self-affirmation ("build a successful career") and the motive for affiliation ("to travel", "to communicate with foreigners"). And at the same time, only 5% of students have intrinsic motivation - they study foreign language because they like it. The main conclusion is that students are mainly driven by external motives, while there is a significant share of negative motivation ("so as not to be expelled", "do not get two"). This represents a kind of contradiction, since the prestige of knowing a foreign language and its importance in public life have grown and, it would seem, there should be more positive motivation.

References / Список литературы

1. Zimnyaya IA. "Psychological aspects of teaching foreign language speaking". M. Enlightenment, 1978.

2. Nazarenko N.S. "Psychological determinants of mastering a foreign language at the university". AKD M., 1986.

3. Gottlieb R.A. Social demand for knowledge of a foreign language / R.A. Gotlib / Sociological research, № 2, 2009. P. 122-127.

4. Teaching foreign languages. Materials for a specialist of an educational institution. M., 2003. 192 s.

5. Kuziev ShA. "The ways of developing discourse competence in non-linguistic faculties". The academy of Ma'mun in Kharezm. № 5, 2020.

6. Kuziev ShA. "Progress in language teaching via picture stories". Voprosy nauki i obrazovaniya. № 2 (14), 2018. 60-61.

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