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Potential / development strategy / Tanjung Dewa Beach

Аннотация научной статьи по социальной и экономической географии, автор научной работы — Rianawati Fonny, Naparin

Community-based research on the Potential and Development Strategy of the Tanjung Dewa Beach Tourism Object in Tanah Laut Regency aims to determine the potential of flora and fauna, natural attractions and community involvement around beach tourism objects. The object of study in this study is the potential of natural resources found on the coast of Tanjung Dewa which includes landscape potential, tourist attractions (natural and artificial), flora, fauna and the involvement of the Tanjung Dewa Village community in managing the coastal area and related agencies. Based on the results of the study, it has a landscape potential with high visual quality (A) with a score of 24. Based on the quality of flora and fauna, the Tanjung Dewa beach tourism area is included in the good category (scale 4) with 20 types of flora found and very good (scale 5) with the discovery of 10 species of animals. Based on the level of community participation they are directly involved in maintaining, preserving and participating in the development of tourist sites, where out of 30 respondents 25 respondents (83.3%) said they participated, 4 people (13.3%) sometimes and 1 person ( 3.0%) did not participate. In addition, based on the results of interviews 27 people (90%) agreed if the tourism object was developed and 3 people (10%) said they did not agree. From the SWOT analysis Tanjung Dewa beach is in a position in Quadrant I. So by utilizing all the strengths such as landscape conditions which obtain very beautiful visual values, the existence of quite diverse flora and fauna and supporting infrastructure is an opportunity to develop Tanjung Dewa beach as a ecotourism area. Private ownership of land is a weakness for its development but the will and support of the local community is a strength for its development.

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UDC 332; DOI 10.18551/rjoas.2023-01.03


Rianawati Fonny*, Naparin Faculty of Forestry, University of Lambung Mangkurat, South Kalimantan, Indonesia

*E-mail: fonny.rianawati@ulm.ac.id


Community-based research on the Potential and Development Strategy of the Tanjung Dewa Beach Tourism Object in Tanah Laut Regency aims to determine the potential of flora and fauna, natural attractions and community involvement around beach tourism objects. The object of study in this study is the potential of natural resources found on the coast of Tanjung Dewa which includes landscape potential, tourist attractions (natural and artificial), flora, fauna and the involvement of the Tanjung Dewa Village community in managing the coastal area and related agencies. Based on the results of the study, it has a landscape potential with high visual quality (A) with a score of 24. Based on the quality of flora and fauna, the Tanjung Dewa beach tourism area is included in the good category (scale 4) with 20 types of flora found and very good (scale 5) with the discovery of 10 species of animals. Based on the level of community participation they are directly involved in maintaining, preserving and participating in the development of tourist sites, where out of 30 respondents 25 respondents (83.3%) said they participated, 4 people (13.3%) sometimes and 1 person ( 3.0%) did not participate. In addition, based on the results of interviews 27 people (90%) agreed if the tourism object was developed and 3 people (10%) said they did not agree. From the SWOT analysis Tanjung Dewa beach is in a position in Quadrant I. So by utilizing all the strengths such as landscape conditions which obtain very beautiful visual values, the existence of quite diverse flora and fauna and supporting infrastructure is an opportunity to develop Tanjung Dewa beach as a ecotourism area. Private ownership of land is a weakness for its development but the will and support of the local community is a strength for its development.


Potential, development strategy, Tanjung Dewa Beach.

Ecotourism is a form of tourism activity that is based on the environment and is beneficial ecologically, socially and economically for local communities and for the preservation of sustainable natural resources Choy DI (1997). Fandeli, et al. (2000) stated that ecotourism is a form of tourism activity that is responsible for preserving natural areas, which can provide economic benefits while maintaining the integrity of the cultural values of the local community. To be able to develop an ecotourism activity, five main aspects are needed, namely (1) the authenticity of the natural and cultural environment, (2) the existence and carrying capacity of the community, (3) education and experience, (4) sustainability and (5) management capabilities in managing ecotourism (Choy DI, 1997). RI Law No. 32 of 2009 mandates that sustainable development is a conscious and planned effort that integrates environmental, social and economic aspects into a development strategy to ensure the integrity of the environment as well as the safety, capability, welfare and quality of life of present and future generations. come.

One of the opportunities for tourism activities in South Kalimantan is the development of the Tanjung Dewa beach ecotourism located in the Panyipatan sub-district, Tanah Laut Regency, South Kalimantan, which began to be developed since 2017 and until now has become one of the beach tourism destinations and religious tourism destinations. As a tourist destination, Tanjung Dewa beach provides business opportunities for the people around it. Therefore, the support and participation of the community is needed for the development of these tourism objects in a sustainable manner as well as from visitors. Indirectly, the

existence of these tourist areas is expected in addition to maintaining the biodiversity in the area, it is also expected to improve the standard of living of the surrounding community. The development of the tourism area will be carried out optimally if it is known how the potential for biodiversity around the tourist sites and the aspirations of the community for existing tourism objects and the environmental development strategy they want. so that it is hoped that the existence of these tourism objects will not only increase the standard of living/increase people's income but at the same time also protect the biodiversity around the tourism objects.


The research was conducted in Tanjung Dewa Village, Panyipatan District, Tanah Laut Regency, South Kalimantan Province. The time required for this study was 6 months, which included preparation, field observations, data processing and reporting. The tools used in this study included Personal Computer (PC), Global Positioning System (GPS), Digital Camera, Meter or phiband to make measuring plots, Writing Questionnaires, Map of research locations, Village monographs, and Assistance for species identification flora and fauna as well as assessing landscape criteria. The object of this research is all natural resources in the research area. The potential of natural resources observed includes landscape potential, tourist attractions (natural and artificial), flora, fauna and community involvement around the Tanjung Dewa beach tourism object and related agencies. The types and sources of data needed include primary data obtained from the public and secondary data from government agencies. Primary data collection is an analysis of the potential of the Tanjung Dewa tourist attraction and analysis of the development strategy for the Tanjung Dewa beach tourism object. analysis of Tanjung Dewa tourism object potential including landscape potential, natural and man-made attractions, flora potential, fauna potential, and Analysis of Tanjung Dewa Beach Tourism Object Development Strategy including Data collection was carried out through in-depth interviews conducted with ordinary people and key figures (village heads) who reside in the study area. Interviews with the community were conducted to find out and explore the extent of community involvement in the management and development of the Tanjung Dewa beach tourism area.

Secondary data collection includes the general condition of the research location (temperature, rainfall, soil type, geographic location and area) and a map of the research area. This secondary data was obtained from the village office in Tanjung Dewa village, Panyipatan sub-district, Tanah Laut district, South Kalimantan province

Analysis of Landscape Potential is carried out by giving a score or value based on parameters. Analysis of the Potential of Natural and Artificial Attractions is carried out by determining the rating or score- of natural and artificial attractions found in research locations based on criteria according to Pott (1998) quoted by Fandeli (2002); Analysis of flora potential data based on the results of the flora inventory obtained in the field was then analyzed for the quality of the diversity of flora according to Fandeli (1992) with 5 different scales; Analysis of fauna potential data The parameters that will be recorded to analyze fauna potential are the name of the species, the scientific name of the number and the coordinates of the location where the fauna was found; SWOT analysis is used for data analysis in the research conducted. Analysis includes data collection where there are internal and external factors. According to Rangkuti (2005), an analysis of internal and external factors is useful for use in tourism development strategies and programs.


Analysis of landscape element data at each observation point was carried out by giving a score or value based on the parameters in the appendix table 2, which refers to the Bereau of land management method (1985) cited by Fandeli (2002). Data recapitulation of the results of the landscape potential assessment can be seen in Table 1.

RJOAS, 1(133), January 2023 Table 1 - Data results for the recapitulation of the Tanjung Dewa Beach landscape assessment

No_Landscape Component_Landscape Assessment_Average

1 Land form 110 3

2 Vegetation 124 5

3 Water 120 3

4 Color 132 5

5 View 122 3


Amount 740 24

From the results of the assessment of each parameter, a total value of 24 was obtained which indicates that the Tanjung Dewa beach based on an assessment using the Bereau of land management method (1985) has a landscape potential with high visual quality (A), so it has a pretty good opportunity to be developed as a ecotourism object. Tanjung Dewa Beach also has components that are quite supportive in its assessment, namely at the point of the beach there are many rocks, adjacent to Datu Island as a religious tourism object, and mangrove forests. These components become a single supporting unit for the assessment of the panoramic landscape of Tanjung Dewa Beach, so that the beach is very feasible and has the potential to be used as a sustainable ecotourism site. The panoramic visualization of the Tanjung Dewa beach landscape can be seen in Figure 1.

Figure 1 - Landscape panorama visualization in the Tanjung Dewa beach area

Assessment of the tourism potential of the Tanjung Dewa beach tourism area is carried out by direct field observation by conducting direct interviews and field observations so that the assessment of tourist attraction is obtained in terms of natural attractions and artificial attractions. The natural attractions themselves consist of attractions, activities, accessibility, and amenities that are owned by Tanjung Dewa Beach. The recapitulation of the assessment data can be seen in Table 2.

Table 2 - Recapitulation of the Potential of Tanjung Dewa Beach Natural Attractions

n/n Parameter Variable Score

1 2 3

Beauty V

Beach Conditions Cleanliness V

Variety of Activities V

Attractions Water Availability V

Water Conditions Water Facilities V

Water Source Distance V

Landscaping Land Use V

Land owner V

Activity Art Show Type V

Rituals/Culture Execution of Rituals V

Distance from City V

Accessibility Path to Object V

Transportation Facilities V

Amenities Availability of Facilities and Infrastructure V

Based on the results of the field recapitulation data obtained, Tanjung Dewa Beach has a low potential to be categorized as a beach that has a supporting tourist attraction. The low score in the assessment of this tourist attraction makes the final result in the total assessment also low. The assessment obtained is in accordance with the condition of the field, the lowest score is obtained on the Amenity analysis (availability of facilities and infrastructure) owned by Tanjung Dewa Beach which is still relatively low, so the score is 2. Due to the lack of availability of facilities and infrastructure that support visitors in traveling, this also causes the score results on the attractions of various activities have a value of 2 and artistic activities get a value of 1.

The limited facilities and infrastructure owned by a tourist attraction will provide little space for the variety of activities carried out by tourists, this can indirectly affect the motivation of tourists to return to the tourist attraction. Tourist motivation can be attracted by having qualified facilities, besides that attractions are also very influential, both natural and artificial attractions. The artificial attractions offered by Tanjung Dewa Beach are still very minimal. The results of the amenity analysis which are still relatively low can be triggered by the status of land ownership where the Tanjung Dewa Beach tourist attraction is still privately owned and there is still no clear status with the management or management of the tourist attraction. One of the people who manages Tanjung Dewa Beach only provides land for parking and parking tickets. Parking ticket rates for motorcycle parking are 2000 and 5000 cars.

Assessment of natural and man-made attractions in the Tanjung Dewa beach tourism area is carried out using a rating or score based on the criteria according to Pott (1998) cited by Fandeli (2002) which can be seen in Table 3.

Table 3 - Observations of artificial attractions on Tanjung Dewa beach

No Artificial Attraction Score Information

1 Cruise ship stopover 1

2 Recreation area 2

3 Gajebo 1 Interpretation of numbers based on scoring values:

4 Wooden bridge 1 • very little, very little, very unattractive or very ugly

5 Camping site 2 • very much, very large, very good or very interesting

6 Wooden bridge 1

7 Shop 2

Table 4 - Recapitulation of the types of flora found around the coast of Tanjung Dewa

No Local name Region Name Latin name Information

1 Coconut Nyiur Cocos nucífera Beach

2 Jangkang Kepuh Sterculia foetida Linn Beach

3 Rambai - Sonneratía alba Beach

4 Mengkudu Mengkudu Morinda citrifolia Datu island

5 Mahoni Mahoni Swietenia macrophylla Datu island

6 Gabang - Corypha utan Beach

7 Bambu Tamiang - Schizostachyum blumei Datu island

8 Anau Hanau Arenga pinnata Datu island

9 Manggisan Manggis Garcinia mangostana Datu island

10 Laku-Laku - - Beach

11 Belinjo Melinjo Gnetum gnemon Linn. Beach

12 Rukem Rukam Flacourtia rukam Beach

13 Kariwaya Beringin Ficus benjamina Datu island

14 Gadung Gadung Dioscorea hispida Datu island

15 Api-Api Api-api Avicennia alba Datu island

16 Buta-buta Buta-buta Excoecaria agallocha Beach

17 Kayu Jawa Damar Lannea cormendalica Beach

18 Ketapang Ketapang Terminalia catappa Beach

19 Pudak Pandan duri Pandanus tectorius Beach

20 Alaban - Vitex pinnata Datu Island

21 Rambay Batu - Baccaurea motleyana Beach

Based on visual observations of artificial attractions around the Tanjung Dewa beach tourism area, in general, artificial attractions, such as fishing boat stopover areas, viewing posts, recreation areas, snorkeling activities and banana boats, have a high score (2) with very interesting interpretations, while camping sites , children's playgrounds and art stages have a low score (1) or very unattractive because of their unkempt condition and the small number of them.

Based on the criteria for the quality of flora diversity according to Fandeli (1992), the quality of flora around the coast of Tanjung Dewa is included in the good category on a scale of 4 with the number of species found there are 20 species. Tanjung Dewa Beach is dominated by coconut plants (Cocos nucífera) while across the coast of Tanjung Dewa there is an island which is called by the local community as Datu Island which is dominated by Apiapi (Avicennia alba) and Rambai (Sonneratia alba). The condition of the island is still natural and becomes special attraction for tourists. The island can be reached by fishing boat with a distance of about 10 minutes from Tanjung Dewa beach. Some of the vegetation found along the coast of Tanjung Dewa can be seen in Figure 2.

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Figure 2 - Potential flora found in the Tanjung Dewa beach area

Analysis of fauna potential is carried out by observing animals caught by observers and information obtained from local communities. Data on animals at Tanjung Dewa Beach were obtained by walking (land). Recapitulation of potential fauna found on the coast of Tanjung Dewa can be seen in Table 5.

Table 5 - Recapitulation of fauna potential on the coast of Tanjung Dewa

No Familia Fauna Type Latin Name

1 Colobinae Bekantan Nasalis larvatus

2 Cacopithecidea Monyet ekor panjang Macaca fascicularis

3 Varanoidea Biawak Varanus Salvator

4 Accipitridae Elang-laut perut-putih Haliaeetus leucogaster

5 Passeridae Gereja erasia Passer montanus

6 Alcedinidae Cekakak sungai Todiramphus chloris

7 Pycnonotidae Kutilang pycnonotus aurigaster

8 Hirundinidae Layang-layang batu Pycnonotus aurigaster

9 Cuculidae Bubut alang-alang Centropus nigrorufus

10 Ocypodidae Geleteng pasir Ocypode kuhlii

Based on the results of observations and interviews with the fauna community, it was found that there were 10 species with some criteria that were often found and some that were rarely found. Several types of animals found along the coast of Tanjung Dewa can be seen in Figure 3.

To gather information about community involvement and participation in the management and development of the Tanjung Dewa beach tourism area, interviews were conducted with community leaders and residents around Tanjung Dewa beach. Based on the results of the respondents' answers, it can be seen that the community responds positively to the development of the Tanjung Dewa beach tourism area. From the results of distributing

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questionnaires and interviews with community leaders around the Tanjung Dewa beach area they are directly involved in maintaining, preserving and participating in the development of tourist sites, where out of 30 respondents 25 respondents (83.3%) stated that they participated, 4 people (13, 3 %) sometimes and 1 person (3.0 %) did not participate. This is in accordance with the opinion of Damanik and Weber (2006) that local people are the direct "owners" of tourist attractions visited by tourists. Water, land, forests and landscapes which are tourism resources are in their hands. Therefore the changes that occur in the tourist area will be in direct contact with their interests.

Figure 3 - Potential Fauna found on the coast of Tanjung Dewa

Community appreciation for the development of the Tanjung Dewa beach tourism object is quite large where 26 people (86.7%) said they wanted to be involved and 4 people (13.0%) said they did not want to be involved, where 15 people (50%) thought that the management of the tourist area Tanjung Dewa beach is the authority of the government and the community, 10 people (33.3%) are the authority of the community and 5 people (16.7%) are the authority of the government.

Community involvement is very important in the development of a tourism object, 27 people (90%) agreed if the tourism object was developed and 3 people (10%) said they did not agree. Their involvement in coastal management was due to economic reasons (23 people/83.3%) and 7 people (23.3%) for reasons of concern. Their reasons for the development of Tanjung Dewa beach in increasing family income 15 people (50%) said it was profitable, 9 people (30%) very profitable and 6 people (20%) not profitable. The reason they don't benefit from Tanjung Dewa beach in terms of their income is because they reason that the management of Tanjung Dewa beach is still managed by the private sector without government intervention so they can't do their full business. The people who answered are very important because they benefit a lot from an economic and cultural perspective, because most of them have a livelihood as fishermen and trade/sell around the coast, tourism service providers and some of them are involved in guarding the mangrove areas along the coast and as guardians of cleanliness along the coast. beach.

The development of ecotourism can open up opportunities and opportunities to do business from the construction of facilities and infrastructure which can create new businesses that are directly or indirectly related to tourism activities. The tourist object in Tanjung Dewa Village is a beach tourism object that utilizes the beauty of the scenery and Datu Island which is also a religious tour. Datu Island is an icon that attracts tourists who want to make pilgrimages to the island. This ecotourism is located close to where the people of Tanjung Dewa Village live. Ecotourism development can also have positive and negative impacts on the surrounding community. Tanjung Dewa Beach Ecotourism has a positive impact on the economic activities of the community. Before the development of Tanjung Dewa Beach Ecotourism, most of the people worked as farmers and planters, but after the development of Tanjung Dewa Beach Ecotourism, community activity increased. Communities around the Tanjung Dewa Beach Ecotourism site get additional jobs as traders,

parking guards, and tourist crossing services. Traders selling around Tanjung Dewa Beach Ecotourism are traders of salted fish, crackers, food or drinks. The development of Tanjung Dewa Beach Ecotourism also has negative impacts such as the possibility of social conflict between indigenous people and migrants.

The recapitulation of the results of the SWOT assessment with a total of 30 respondents consisting of the community around the Tanjung Dewa beach and several visitors is summarized in Table 6 and Table 7.

Table 6. Internal Factor Weighting and Scoring

No Strength_Weigh_Ratings Score

1 There is support from the community around the coast of Tanjung Dewa for the 0.08 5 0.42

development of tourist objects

2 Strategic location from the city center takes ± 1 hour 0.08 5 0.42

3 The scenery presented is like green hills that surround the rice fields around the difference 0.08 6 0.50

4 Ticket prices do not yet have visitors, only paying for parking is affordable for 0.08 5 0.42

visitors and tourists There are facilities such as photo spots, to capture the moment, places of

5 worship, toilets, and the availability of campsites around the beach, as well as gazebos for relaxing 0.08 5 0.42

6 There are complementary facilities: the availability of services to take visitors 0.08 5 0.42

across to travel to Datu Island

7 Become a forum for students who want to do research 0.08 5 0.42

8 Information and communication with promotional techniques in Tanjung Dewa 0.08 5 0.42

beach tourism on various social media such as Instagram

9 There are health facilities for visitors and tourists 0.08 5 0.42

10 Nature tourism is a suitable place for nature lovers and visitors or tourists who 0.08 5 0.42

want to enjoy the view of Tanjung Dewa beach

11 Availability of quite large land for tourism development on the coast of Tanjung Dewa 0.08 5 0.42

12 Improving community welfare from tourism activities 0.08 5 0.42

Total Strength 1.00 5.08

Table 7 - Internal Factor Weighting and Scoring

No Weakness Weight Ratings Score

1 Facilities for photo spots where there are no barriers for safety (K3 procedures) for

visitors and tourists, as well as lighting (street lamps), lounge chairs and rides that 0.08 3 0.25

are still not available

2 The level of awareness of environmental cleanliness is still lacking attention, such 0.08 4 0.33

as the presence of scattered garbage

3 There are no special tour guides and guard posts in several places in tourist sites 0.08 3 0.25

4 Location plans, directions, vegetation name signs and warning boards as well as 0.08 3 0.25

DED (Design Engineering Detail) designs that are still not available

5 Restaurant or stall services that are less varied 0.08 3 0.25

6 The existing rides are still minimal, and there are no souvenirs and souvenir 0.08 3 0.25

centers that are typical of tourist attractions for visitors and tourists

7 Hiking trails that are prone to landslides and the absence of a barrier on the hill 0.08 3 0.25

can result in safety for visitors

8 The flora around the object is still less diverse, and the spatial layout for flora is still 0.08 3 0.25

less organized

9 Government policies in tourism development that are still unknown (according to 0.08 3 0.25

laws and decrees, as well as Vision and Mission)

10 There is no map of the development of the Tanjung Dewa beach tourism area from 0.08 3 0.25

the year it opened to become a tourist attraction until now

11 Water flow (drainage channels), clean water network systems, waste treatment are 0.08 3 0.25

still not available

12 Management in terms of management, maintenance is still lacking 0.08 3 0.25

Total Weakness 1.00 3.08

S - ■ W = 2.00

Source: Primary data processed, 2022.

The results of the SWOT research calculations for internal factors are in Table 20 with a total score of 5.08 for strengths and 3.08 for weaknesses. These results are obtained from the weight multiplied by the rating, for example in the indicator point 1, the power section, the weight value is 0.08 times the rating 5, result is 0.42. The rating value is obtained from the

average value of 73 respondents whose value is divided by the number of respondents and the total value of internal factors is 2.00 by subtracting the value of strengths and weaknesses 5.08 minus 3.08. From table 20 it can be seen that based on the SWOT Analysis Tanjung Dewa Beach has the strength to be developed as an ecotourism area because of the support from the local community, strategic location and easy access, quite interesting scenery, availability of infrastructure and opportunities for the local community to do business. Although there are still a number of weaknesses such as the unavailability of photo spots, the cleanliness of the environment that is not yet guaranteed, the absence of tour guides, the restaurant services (warung) which are not yet varied, and not optimally managed. However, there are still external factors in the form of opportunities and threats for its development as shown in Table 8.

Table 8 - Weighting and Rating of External Factors

No Opportunity Weight Ratings Score

1 2 3 4 Bringing in cooperation with government organizations and various parties such as the Department of Tourism and others Growing the enthusiasm of the local community who want to participate in their involvement in the management of tourist objects Opening employment and business opportunities to the community Get financial benefits from tourism activities ooo o -vi —J -vi 7 5 5 5 5 0. 0. 0. 0. œœœ 8 — — — 3

5 6 Can increase awareness of the conservation of nature to visitors and tourists through nature tourism Can increase public awareness of nature 0.17 0.17 5 5 0.83 0.83

Total Opportunity 1.00 5.00

No Threat Weight Ratings Score

1 There will be damage to nature if management is less effective, as well as pollution to the environment 0.17 3 -0.5

2 3 Tourism development that is less innovative will have an impact on tourism because there are other tours that have the same appeal and innovate in sustainable tourism development. Erratic weather conditions can hamper tourism activities. 0.17 0.17 3 3 -0.5 -0.5

4 There are other tours that have the same charm as natural scenery 0.17 3 -0.5

5 Wild animals that appear at any time disturb the security of visitors and 0.17 3 -0.5


6 Significant impacts on the environment due to visits, such as noise, air and water pollution, dust, and so on 0.17 3 -0.5

Total Threat 1.00 -3.00

O + T = 2.00

Source: Primary data processed, 2022.

The results of the SWOT research calculations for external factors are in Table 8 with a total score of 5.00 for opportunities and 3.00 for threats. These results are obtained from the weight multiplied by the rating, for example, in the indicator point 1, the opportunity section has a weight value of 0.17 multiplied by a rating of 5, the result is 0.83. The total external factor value is obtained with a value of 2.00 which is the result of subtracting the opportunity value of 5.00 with a threat value of 3.00. From Table 21 it can be seen that there are opportunities to develop Tanjung Dewa Beach as a tourist attraction such as collaboration with the local government, opening up jobs, growing enthusiasm for local people to participate, financial benefits from tourism activities, increasing awareness of nature conservation for tourists and the local community, although there are still some weaknesses such as environmental damage (natural resources) if the management is not effective, there is competition with other tourist objects, the presence of wild animals which can appear at any time and disturb tourists.

The value of the internal factor as the axis (X) is 2.00 and the value of the external factor as the axis (Y) is 2.00. This value can be concluded that the Tanjung Dewa Beach Tourism Object has a positive value. Position of the Tanjung Dewa Beach Tourism Object as shown in Figure 4.

The position of the Tanjung Dewa Beach Tourism Object is located in quadrant I, this position is profitable where a business has opportunities and strengths so that it takes advantage of existing opportunities. Strengths (strengths) that are owned can cover weaknesses and threats will be resolved, if the manager of this Tanjung Dewa Beach

Tourism Object can take full advantage of existing opportunities and encourage their development. The strategy that needs to be applied in this condition is to support an aggressive growth policy (growth oriented strategy) (Rangkuti 2015).

Figure - SWOT Matrix (Source: Primary data processed, 2022) Table 9 - Quantitative Approach to SWOT Analysis





There is support from the community around Tanjung Dewa for the development of tourist objects

The strategic location from the city center takes ± 1.5 hours and is easily accessible by tourists and visitors

The scenery presented is like green hills that surround the rice fields

There are places of worship, toilets and a gazebo where you can relax

Availability of services to deliver visitors and tours (such as motorcycle taxis)

Become a forum for students who want to do research

Information and communication with promotional techniques in Tanjung Dewa

Beach tourism on various social media that are used to bring in visitors or


Availability of land that is quite large for the development of Tanjung Dewa Beach tourism

Improving community welfare from tourism activities_



0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08


0.08 0.08


No Opportunity



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Bringing in cooperation with government organizations and various parties such as the Department of Tourism and others

Growing the enthusiasm of the local community who want to participate in their involvement in the management of tourist objects Opening employment and business opportunities to the community Get financial benefits from tourism activities

Can increase awareness of the conservation of nature to visitors and tourists through nature tourism

Can increase awareness of the conservation of nature to the public_



0.17 0.17




Source: Primary data processed, 2022.








Assessment of the quantitative approach in which the position of the Tanjung Dewa Beach Tourism Object is in quadrant I, the position of objects S and O uses an aggressive strategy of developing policies (Rangkuti 2015). Quadrant I position according to Situmorang and Dilham (2007) states that quadrant I is a profitable position, businesses have opportunities and strengths so that they can take full advantage of existing opportunities, preferably implementing strategies that support aggressive policies. The SWOT analysis quantitative approach that has been obtained is shown in Table 9.


Based on the results of research and observations at the location, several conclusions can be drawn as follows:

• Based on the assessment of landscape potential using the Bereau of land management method (1985) cited by Fandeli (2002), a total value of 24 was obtained which indicates that Tanjung Dewa beach has landscape potential with high visual quality (A);

• Based on the SWOT analysis, it is in quadrant I, which means it has a pretty good opportunity to be developed as an ecotourism object;

• Based on the criteria for the quality of flora diversity according to Fandeli (1992), the quality of flora is included in the good category (scale 4) where it was found that there were 20 species dominated by coconut plants (Cocos nucifera). The strengths (strengths) that are owned can cover the weaknesses and threats that exist, if the manager of the Tanjung Dewa Beach Tourism Object can make the most of the opportunities that exist and encourage their development.

Based on the research results, it is necessary to increase government participation and community involvement in supporting the management and development of the Tanjung Dewa beach tourism area in a more coordinated manner so that a community-based ecotourism area is developed.


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