THE PLACE OF TERMINOLOGY IN THE LEXICAL SYSTEM OF THE LANGUAGE Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
Terminology / lexical system / term / word

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Aysulu Avezimbetova, Zaurekhan Ibraimova

A review of the literature on the study of terminology began long before its scientific comprehension and the development of criteria for the attribution of certain units to terminological vocabulary. As noted by M.A. Chigashev, these processes took place isomorphically to the spontaneous emergence and evolution of denotations and their corresponding concepts, and on the basis of the general literary language, which allows us to consider the terminology exactly as part of its lexical-semantic system.

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Aysulu Avezimbetova

Teacher, Nukus State Pedagogical Institute

Zaurekhan Ibraimova

Teacher, Nukus State Pedagogical Institute


A review of the literature on the study of terminology began long before its scientific comprehension and the development of criteria for the attribution of certain units to terminological vocabulary. As noted by M.A. Chigashev, these processes took place isomorphically to the spontaneous emergence and evolution of denotations and their corresponding concepts, and on the basis of the general literary language, which allows us to consider the terminology exactly as part of its lexical-semantic system.

Keywords: Terminology, lexical system, term, word.


Nowadays,the rapid development of science and technology, achievements scientific and technological progress contribute to the emergence special words to denote new objects, phenomena and processes. The emerging special words become an integral part of a person's daily life and are part of a specialized picture of the world professionals. As noted by A.V. Superanskaya, N.V. Podolskaya, and N.V. Vasiliev, "... terminology as a set of terms is part of the special vocabulary" . Undoubtedly, the terminology represents the most dynamic and flexible lexical language system, therefore research in this area often have a historical orientation, showing how terminology arises, develops and changes over time, depending on the development of the corresponding sciences and the general style of thinking of the era. n modern scientific literature, you can find a large number of definitions of terminology, which indicates an increased interest in this problem and indicates different approaches to its study. It should also be noted that there is no single and clear definition of the word "terminology", therefore, in our study we tried to identify the general characteristics of terminological systems, as well as the differences through which it seems possible to differentiate them.


So, for example A.V. Superanskaya, N.V. Podolskaya, N.V. Vasiliev are credited with several meanings of the word "terminology":

1) a set or some indefinite set of general scientific terms;

2) a set of terms (concepts and names) of any particular branch of knowledge (construction terminology, medical terminology, etc.);

3) the doctrine of education, composition and functioning of general scientific


4) the doctrine of the formation, composition and functioning of the terms of a certain branch of knowledge used in a certain language, and their equivalents in other languages;

5) general terminological teaching;

Based on these definitions, we can say that the first two definitions are associated with a system of concepts of a certain branch of knowledge, and in the last three the concept of terminology correlates with the concept of learning - science about the system of concepts.

Thus, we can differentiate the existing definitions of terminology by two aspects:

1) a set of terms, concepts and names;

2) the doctrine of the formation of term elements, concepts and titles.

The main points of view on terminology as a set of terms A.V. Superanskaya, N.V. Podolskaya, N.V.

Vasilyeva classifies as follows:

1. Terminology is an integral part of the vocabulary of the literary language. Adherents of this point vision speak of the origin of a number of terms from words literary language and the possibility of introducing among them terms . This point of view is held by E.A. Makshantseva, who notes that the terminology is this is "another subsystem within the general lexical systems of a given language and, moreover, the subsystem is the most observable and quantifiable, especially since the terminology as the subsystem, in turn, splits into subsystems according to thematic features ". Also, I.I. Chironova offers several definitions of terminology:

• words and verbal complexes that correspond to the concepts of a particular science and enter into systemic relations with other similar words and verbal complexes, making up together with them in each case a special closed system;

This is how the classifications of A.V. Kunin. He identified 3 groups of phraseological units:

1. Stable combinations of words with a partially or completely rethought meaning. (e.g. "to be in smooth water "/ to be in calm water / - to overcome difficulties, difficulties; "Cold fish" / cold fish / - strange, Unknown person).

2. Phraseologisms of a non-idiomatic nature, but with a complicated meaning. (e.g. "Launch a boat" - to launch a boat into the water, "landing ship" - coastal ship, while "landing" literally means "earthen". 3. Stable phrases, where of the first options, the components have literal, but complicated meanings, and in the second options - completely rethought. (e.g. "between wind and water" / between wind and water / - "at or below the waterline", "in the most vulnerable place "," not in the eyebrow, but in the eye "

In addition, scholar S. Bally, in turn, divided the phraseological units into two groups:

Free combinations that are not stable and decaying immediately after their formation. (e.g. "tell it to the marines "/ tell it to the sailors / -" tell it to her grandmother ").

2. Phraseological unity, that is combinations, the components of which are invariably used in these combinations to express the same thoughts, while losing their independence. (e.g. "High seas" / high seas / - "open sea").


As well as, L.P. Pastushenko divided "marine phraseological units" into groups. ..

1.Persons by occupation (e.g. "tell it to the marines "/ tell it to the Marines / -"Tell that to your grandmother").

2. Mode of transport. (e.g. "burn one's boats" boats) - "burn bridges")

3. Parts of the vehicle:

■ Parts of the ship's hull (e.g. "go by the board" board / - "exit the game");

-Sails, masts and their parts (e.g. "take the wind out of one's sails "- / take the

wind from under someone's sails / - "Take away the palm", "at half -mast" - / on half the mast / - in half);

■ Rigging and ropes (e.g. "he knows the ropes" / he knows the tackle / - he ate the dog on this, "the wind cannot be caught in a net "/ you can't catch the wind with the net / -" wind you can't catch it in a mitten "," you can't catch the sun with a bag ");

-Name of mechanisms and devices on board (e.g. "a sheet anchor" / - "the highest limit");

■ Load, ballast (e.g. "I feel a load off my mind" - "at my soul felt better ");

4. Navigational facilities on the water, shore and man-made structures on the shore for mooring ship (e.g. "How the land lies?" / how does the land lie? / - "How are you?", "Don't burn your bridges behind you" / do not burn the bridges behind you / - "do not spit in the well - it will be useful to drink water").

5. Objects and phenomena of the environment:

■ Sea, water, waves (e.g. "between the devil and the deep blue sea "/ between the demon and the deep blue sea / - "between two fires", "water under the bridge" / water under bridge / - "The train left", "What happened, it happened");

■ Weather, wind (e.g. "between wind and water" / between wind and water / -"not in the eyebrow, but in the eye", "a storm in a tea cup "/ storm in a cup / -" storm in a glass ");

- obstacles in the sea (e.g. "no man is an island" / man - not an island / - "one in the field is not a warrior").

7. The process of movement of the vessel and its condition:

-Ship movement (e.g. "a great ship asks deep waters "/ a large ship requires deep waters / - "Big ship - great voyage");

-Ship condition (e.g. "a small leak will sink a great ship "/ a small leak will let a large ship go to the bottom / -" a small sore, but it drives you to the next world ");

-Movement as a result of activities on board (e.g. "don't rock the boat" / don't rock the boat / - "Do not cut the branch on which you are sitting");

-Location at sea (e.g. "any port in a storm" / any port during a storm / - "in a storm any harbor good ")

-Name of actions and processes on the ship (e.g. "Give up the ship" / hand over the ship / - "give up the ship")


In the course of the study, it became necessary to consider a number of the most common structures in linguistic practice. This is how the mini-dictionary was compiled. the most famous English phraseological units containing elements of marine vocabulary in order to clarify them semantics through translation, explanations and equivalents of the language. So, we came to the conclusion that modern English phraseological units containing the element marine vocabulary can be differentiated in accordance with classifications, which are based on the semantic features of the components of phraseological units. This proves that the semantic features of the use of marine vocabulary in English phraseological units are reflected in the well-known classifications of modern phraseology.


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