i Надоели баннеры? Вы всегда можете отключить рекламу.
Ключевые слова

Аннотация научной статьи по фундаментальной медицине, автор научной работы — Kuzembayeva Gulzhana A., Maigeldiyeva Zhannat M., Maydangalieva Zhumagul A.

The objective of the article is to study the perception of medical doctors by Hindu, Russian and Kazakh linguoculture bearers by means of cognitive analysis of association data obtained from the psycholinguistic experimental study conducted among Hindi, Russian and Kazakh native speakers. Methods of the research include a free association experiment with a stimulus words डॉक्टर in Hindi, врач in Russian, and дəрігер in Kazakh, modelling the associative field DOCTOR and its cognitive structure, defining the universal and ethno-specific features of medical doctors as perceived by the representatives of Indian, Russian and Kazakh nations. The obtained associative data were distributed according to the frequency criterion, followed by content analysis and categorization. As a result, while comparing association fields in Hindi, Russian, and Kazakh languages the quantitative asymmetry of semantic zones and their associates is revealed. Conceptualization of medical doctors in the Hindu, Russian and Kazakh language consciousness includes both universal and ethno-specific features. The results of the study integrate the experiences of different nations simplifying the perception of their peculiarities, and may have a positive impact on cross-cultural interactions.

i Надоели баннеры? Вы всегда можете отключить рекламу.
iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.
i Надоели баннеры? Вы всегда можете отключить рекламу.


RUDN Journal of Language Studies, Semiotics and Semantics

2313-2299 (print), ISSN 2411-1236 (online) 2022 Vol. 13 No. 2 567-580

Вестник Российского университета дружбы народов. http://purna|s.radn.ra/semюtюs-semantюs


DOI: 10.22363/2313-2299-2022-13-2-567-580 UDC [811.21:811.161.1:811.512.122]'27:316.6/.7:614.2

Research article / Научная статья

The Perception of Medical Doctors

on the Part of Hindu, Russian and Kazakh Linguoculture Bearers: Association Experiment

Gulzhana A. Kuzembayeva1 Е> И, Zhannat M. Maigeldiyeva2 , Zhumagul A. Maydangalieva3 D

'K. Zhubanov Aktobe Regional University,

7А, Grishina str., Aktobe, the Republic of Kazakhstan, 030000

2Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda University,

29А, Aiteke Bi str., Kyzylorda, the Republic of Kazakhstan, 120000

3Baishev University,

302А, br. Zhubanovykh str., Aktobe, the Republic of Kazakhstan, 030000 И kuzembayeva@mail.ru

Abstract. The objective of the article is to study the perception of medical doctors by Hindu, Russian and Kazakh linguoculture bearers by means of cognitive analysis of association data obtained from the psycholinguistic experimental study conducted among Hindi, Russian and Kazakh native speakers. Methods of the research include a free association experiment with a stimulus words in Hindi, врач in Russian, and дэрiгер in Kazakh, modelling the associative field

DOCTOR and its cognitive structure, defining the universal and ethno-specific features of medical doctors as perceived by the representatives of Indian, Russian and Kazakh nations. The obtained associative data were distributed according to the frequency criterion, followed by content analysis and categorization. As a result, while comparing association fields in Hindi, Russian, and Kazakh languages the quantitative asymmetry of semantic zones and their associates is revealed. Conceptualization of medical doctors in the Hindu, Russian and Kazakh language consciousness includes both universal and ethno-specific features. The results of the study integrate the experiences of different nations simplifying the perception of their peculiarities, and may have a positive impact on cross-cultural interactions.

Keywords: medical doctors, Hindi, Russian, Kazakh, free association experiment, language consciousness, conceptualization

Article history:

Received: 01.02.2022 Accepted: 15.04.2022

© Kuzembayeva G.A., Maigeldiyeva Zh.M., Maydangalieva Zh.A., 2022

Q This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/

For citation:

Kuzembayeva, G.A., Maigeldiyeva, Zh.M. & Maydangalieva, Zh.A. (2022). The Perception of Medical Doctors on the Part of Hindu, Russian and Kazakh Linguoculture Bearers: Association Experiment. RUDN Journal of Language Studies, Semiotics and Semantics, 13(2), C. 567—580. https://doi.org/10.22363/2313-2299-2022-13-2-567-580

Восприятие врачей представителями индийской, русской и казахской лингвокультур: ассоциативный эксперимент

Г.А. Кузембаева1 Э И, Ж.М. Майгельдиева2 В, Ж.А. Майдангалиева3 ¡>

•Актюбинский региональный университет имени К. Жубанова,

030000, Республика Казахстан, Актобе, ул. Гришина 7А

2 Кызылординский университет имени Коркыт Ата, 120000, Республика Казахстан, Кызылорда, ул. Айтеке Би, 29А

3Баишев Университет,

030000, Республика Казахстан, Актобе, ул. Братьев Жубановых, 302А И kuzembayeva@mail.ru

Аннотация. Целью статьи является исследование восприятия врачей представителями индийской, русской и казахской наций посредством когнитивного анализа ассоциативных данных, полученных в результате психолингвистического исследования, проведенного среди носителей хинди, русского и казахского языков. Методы исследования включают свободный ассоциативный эксперимент с предъявлением респондентам слов-стимулов (хинди),

врач (рус.) и дэр^ер (каз.), моделирование ассоциативного поля ВРАЧ и его когнитивной структуры, определение универсальных и этноспецифических признаков врачей в восприятии представители индийского, русского и казахского народов. Полученные ассоциативные данные были распределены по критерию частотности с последующим контент-анализом и категоризацией признаков. При сравнении ассоциативных полей в хинди, русском и казахском языках выявляется количественная асимметрия семантических зон и их ассоциатов. Концептуализация врачей в индийском, русском и казахском языковом сознании включает в себя как универсальные, так и этноспецифические черты. Результаты исследования интегрируют знания разных народов, упрощая восприятие их особенностей, и могут оказать положительное влияние на межкультурные взаимодействия.

Ключевые слова: врач, хинди, русский язык, казахский язык, свободный ассоциативный эксперимент, языковое сознание, концептуализация

История статьи:

Дата поступления: 01.02.2022 Дата приема в печать: 15.04.2022

Для цитирования:

Кузембаева Г.А., Майгельдиева Ж.М., Майдангалиева Ж.А. Восприятие врачей представителями индийской, русской и казахской лингвокультур: ассоциативный эксперимент // Вестник Российского университета дружбы народов. Серия: Теория языка. Семиотика. Семантика. 2021. Т. 13. № 1. С. 567—580. https://doi.org/10.22363/2313-2299-2022-13-2-567-580


Reference to materials of word association tests has gained a particular relevance for the studies with cognitive focus [1]. An association experiment sheds light on human linguistic consciousness and subjective-intuitive world outlook, which is not usually perceived by the native speakers and is not revealed by other research methods, and it has proved to be a reliable tool in psycholinguistics to explore the psychological, categorical, and substantive meaning of words [2—12].

Linguistic consciousness, synonymous to "the image of the world" [13] represents mental images having linguistic equivalents that reflect cultural and mental peculiarities and moral standards of a specific community. This makes linguistic consciousness a tool not only for psychological and linguistic analysis but also for the analysis of cultural perspectives of a community [14]. Thus, the importance of the association experiment in the cross-cultural ethnic language consciousness studies increases day by day.

Uncontrolled associations are a direct projection of internal content of consciousness. They represent the phenomenon of mass consciousness and are able to identify convincingly the national and cultural specifics of the images of consciousness of speakers of different language communities and cultures [15]. Associations act as "a logical link in the contents of consciousness — sensations, perceptions, thoughts, feelings, etc. — in the person's experience, proving that the appearance in the mind of one of contents entails the appearance of another" [16].

Association field is a specific cognitive structure of the linguistic consciousness, which is involved in the forming of the conceptual picture of the world [17]. Semantic gestalt of an association field [18] reconstructs the knowledge about the surrounding world in the linguistic consciousness of native speakers by means of dividing the reactions of one association field into several semantic zones each of which covers similar features of an object or a phenomenon.

Thus, the data obtained through an association experiment can be interpreted as a consciousness reflection of representatives from different cultures, and is going to reveal the national and cultural specificity of a particular ethnos.

The study is aimed at describing Indians', Russians' and Kazakhs' conceptualization of medical doctors. Being a universal concept inherent in any nation and "an integral part of any modern society" [19], medical doctor, verbally represented by the lexemes "бУФ^Т" in Hindi, "врач" in Russian, and "дэр^ер" in Kazakh, is of undoubted interest for research. It is one of the key concepts of the medical discourse, forming the structure of the whole category [20]. The relevance of the study is defined by the interest in one of the key concepts during the times of COVID-19 pandemic and post-pandemic period, the significance of the intersection between culture and language, and the possibility to describe the content and structure of conceptualization of medical doctors in Hindi, Russian and Kazakh languages. Study of perceptions of the

concept under study by the Indians, Russians and Kazakhs contributes to fixing the constants of ethnic consciousness and culture, determines the importance and place of medical doctors in lives of the representatives of these ethnic groups.

Data and Methodology

A psycholinguistic study was conducted among the native speakers of Hindi, Russian and Kazakh languages. Verbal associations were collected by means of a free association experiment which represents the specifics of a certain language or culture bearers' consciousness [21]. The experiment was conducted online, the survey was administered by providing links to Google Forms.

Participants of a free association experiment received the stimulus word doctor in their native language «pai Ozpipep) to provide verbal reactions. The

respondents were asked to state the first associations with it that came to mind. The number of responses was not limited.

A total of 300 people (aged 17—23) took part in the experiment. The Russian native speakers were 100 students at Orenburg State Pedagogical University (Russian Federation). The representatives of Indian ethnos comprised of 100 international students of the West Kazakhstan Marat Ospanov Medical University. The Kazakh respondents consisted of 100 students of K. Zhubanov Aktobe Regional University (Republic of Kazakhstan).

The association field DOCTOR and its contents in three languages were identified and further on categorized based on the calculation of indices of verbal associations.

Data analysis and Discussion

As a result of the free association experiment, 691 associative responses were received from the representatives of the Kazakh ethnos, 531 — from Indians, and 515 — from Russians. Kazakh students' responses exceed the responses of Indians and Russians by nearly 30 %.

Based on the frequency of lexical associations, the association field (AF) including the centre (identified by reactions from more than 20 subjects), the near periphery (identified by reactions from 10 to 20 subjects), the far periphery (identified by reactions from less than 10 subjects), and the outer periphery (individual associates) were determined.

The AF structure in three languages is as follows: in Hindi — 103 components, of which 39 components are stated only once (individual associations (IA), in Russian — 181 (124 IA), and in Kazakh — 307 (212 IA).

Features of medical doctors as perceived by the Indian ethnic group are presented in the form of the AF DOCTOR in Table 1.

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Table 1 / Таблица 1


(more than 20)

Near periphery (10-20)

The AF / Ассоциативное поле 61ФсЧ

Я/ surgery (24), ^ К /communication (21), / patients' history (20)

prescription, ЗЩ^МНФ /^uncomfortable feeling (19), ¿4dR/ treatment (17), •ЭДЧЗЧН ^Н/operation tools (16), ^H/diagnose (15), WT^ TJtfH / white gown (13), ^¡)>Цф)ч / stethoscope ( 13)





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Far periphery (less than 10)

•3^tf|c|i|c|$K/good behavior, ЗЩЧсМ/hospital, 3ffer#3R Ч^Ф / oxygen mask (9), / kind, ^ЧЩЩТПТ^/ sphygmomanometer,

^Ш/medicine, •ЭДЧЗЧН ЧЙ^/operation theatre, / illness, ^HlflW / themiometer (8), ^^¡ФН / evaluation (7),f#it/ electrocardiogram, WT^^f/' empathy, "Ç^ÏÏR/ helpful, sleep, atidl-H residency doctor (6), йТф¿i 3fE(#^ЧШ t / good nature,

knowledge, / responsible, calm (5), ^сЙН/ injection, 3№dR[dIjft/ self-confident, ^fRR/ doctor — god

on earth, / helper (4), / communication skill, ЧТП^ЧМ/ dedicated, eiï'll Ч^Ыс^1^ ЧЧс|$К / excellent behavior towardspeople,

Ч^Ф/ motivational, зРртТ/ polite, ЗК^Цч/respectful, -НЦЧН cîl'l -ЦсЩЧ ^4R/respect people, healthy, ill, ^¿Uk/responsible, ЗНкт/ respectful,JjWMfo /social, Фш ЦЧк/support patients Ц|'с|сН1 / sympathetic, tilti^/greedy (3), /active, WTW/

assistant, TrfeFRIR/ communicative, ¿râî^tà *ЛЧ?ТТ/good listener, / the best listener, <sjld4ld ФЧ^ dlell / well communication, Ф^сЩЧ

fUTOR / conscientious to duty, / god, | /good human, / good personality, l^jftpT/intelligent,

I / kind nature, ^g) с^Гчид/ open mind, -ЯФК^ЧФ / positive thinking, $¿1411 -НФШ^ЧФ ■tM / always think positive, professional, ЗЩ^Ц^

déldl^i"/ promote health as well as treat disease, ■УЧЧ ФТ 4l<sHc; / punctuate of time, 4 ^Mcpt^dRfyd Wl/ works overtime for the patient, / respected, ^«l^clK / irresponsible, e1l44dlS /careless, З^ЩЧ^ФЧИЧсП/ good communication

skills (2)

Outer ¿¡^ЗЖ1^ ^гат /active listener, ^ФЭТТ «RÎt^W Ф^1Т / always work for money, «ll'l^dl / attention, ^Ф^Т / attentive, / attentive, 3

periphery H^il^t'til^lH cil ell 11 / beforethinking of himself he/she should take care of patient, ^rfl dlell / broad-minded^W^IH / capable,

Individual careful, ^ЗЧИШ/caring, 11/comforter, H^d Ф°|ЧМ ТОК/strong ^ГК/strong communication, ¿jWT^IR

associations /good communication with patient, с<ЧЩ/compassionate, ■УФДЧ /competent, с^ГчиI I /concentrative mind, /confident, ИЙ^

^%Т^||^ФсП#/сап be confident to patient, Ц^ШФ /^cooperative, Wf -H^l Ф^Т/ cooperate with patient, ¿^ll-tH /discipline, eil'il с1Ф «Н/easy to reach to help people ttllfolld / educated, "4^4^ /effective, / efficiency grf^WI^ifflèmpathy for

feeling, IT? у^ФМ / every time smile, ■ЗМ^'ЯШ^^М/ forward thinker, /friend, ^^.ctyl / friendly, give unbiased advice


WJffl/ good attending skill, ^tRTI / normal behavior, c(i|c|^K/ well behavior, Tpfeit ^SMM ^cjldl / good

provider of the patient, ^mRj (good diagnostic), ^Kcl / good habits, T^?" <3j|c;4Vt / doctor is a nice man,

^aH / nice human being, TR ^T^^t f / feelingless, ëM # ^dldct^ri d^ldëK / good inspired personality ^^^ good

iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.

relationship between doctor and patient, 5«(«ldc;i< / good reputation, reputed person, / good thought

about patient, TJEp^lftrisrfçr/ highly qualified, fiTFRR/ honest, ¿1^14^/ inattentive, T^Ef^cR/ high salary, HH-fl^l / honourable, humble, 'fi . importance of doctors in society, ^ÏÏ^^Rprp/ kind attitude, ^rfÈf^rffT^ïft/ low responsibility, ^^^IFlcf^te/ no personal life, ^RpRT^/ not confident, 4<H IR/ love money, / nurse, HelgH / ointment, patience, patience, j tft^^M^t^

I / perfect in handling any situation, 3fE(M/ personality, ^il^dRld c|Rlb|dl3ff/ personal characteristics, ^l^dl^Ud* / polite, ^illd^mftdl

" -l<drvjd*islri clild^K/ respective behavior for people, ^TRÎf «HH^HÎdï

ЧЧФ^Г/ the most credentials,

/ professionalism, / respected, ^dgK / respective behavior for people, ■WHN

respected person in society, ■ydl^^dtf / satisfactory, ^HMcjk/ sincere, ^Hl^c /smart, H^iijd I / strong, TR^fQRI/ strong credentials, a^i c^ihi I / super-fast mind, ^dtcpR ^T^TfRiR^RT / support people with best available information, Tpfe^ Mra^T^t W^RT

/understand patients feeling,

/ well knowledge about psychology, ■yil'^dl ^l^d /well-qualified, ^dl^ip "^I'MM "itTT >3Rir ^fT^fpf ^fM TlfeRR W ^RT / work cooperative with other members of healthcare team

Source: authors' elaboration based on the association experiment


H s л


£ О

Table 2 / Таблица 2

The AF ВРАЧ / Ассоциативное поле ВРАЧ

о о




У. и —: С



Centre белый халат / white gown (48), больница / hospital (38), (скорая) помощь / (ambulance) help (35), лечение / лечащий / лечит/ лечить /

(more than 20) treatment (21 )

Near periphery здоровье / health, болезнь / illness (16), лекарства / drugs, спасение (спасать / спасатель / спасает жизни) / save lives (rescuer) (14), доктор /

( 10-20) physician, укол / injection (11)

Far periphery (less than 10)

Outer periphery



медицина / medicine, справка (о болезни) / medical illness certificate (9), боль / pain (8), работа / work (8), маска / mask (7), жизнь / life, таблетки / pills (6), диагноз (диагностика) / diagnosis, очереди / queues, страх/fear (5), доверие / trust, специалист / specialist, стетоскоп / stethoscope, человек / person, ум (умный) / (smart) mind (4), волнение/excitement, градусник/thermometer, интересная и тяжёлая профессия / interesting and difficult profession, мужчина (средних лет) / man (middle-aged), надежда / hope, операция / operation, осмотр / examination, ответственный (ответственность) / responsible, профессионал / professional, смерть / death, стоматолог / dentist, строгий (строгость) / strict (severity), температура / temperature, труд / labor, шприц/syringe (3), Айболит/ Aibolit, бедный (беден) / poor, внимательный / considerate, деньги / money, добрый / kind, звонки пациентов/calls from patients, капельница / drip, ковид /COVID, компетентный (компетентность) / competent (competence), кровь / blood, недовольство / dissatisfaction, опыт/ experience, симптомы / symptoms, страдания (страдание) / suffering, терапевт / therapist, уважение / respect, эксперт / expert (2)

Айна Бакеева / Aina Bakeeva, амбулаторная карта / outpatient card, анализ / analysis, анамнез / anamnesis, аптека / pharmacy, бахилы / shoe covers, благодарность / gratitude, благородный / noble, бессонные ночи / sleepless nights, болен / sick, безопасность / safety, беспомощность / helplessness, бинт / bandage, богатство / wealth, важная работа / important work, вакцина /vaccine, вежливость / politeness, врачиня / woman doctor, гастроэнтеролог / gastroenterologist, герои / heroes, горло /throat, герб медицины / symbol of medicine, грач / rook, грубость / rudeness, грязная / dirty, давление на врача / pressure on the doctor, Даниил / Daniil, дежурство / duty, диспансеризация / prophylactic medical examination, добро, доброта / kindness, друг/friend, женщина/woman, забота / саге, занятость кабинета/fulness of office, запах стоматолога / smell of a dentist, защитник / defender, знакомство / acquaintance, знакомые из мед. колледжа / acquaintances from the medical college, знание медицинских терминов / knowledge of medical terms, игла / needle, информация / information, качество / quality, квалификация / qualifications, клизма / enema, клятва / oath, колит прививку чтобы не заболеть ковидом / vaccinating to not get covid, консультации / consultation, крики / screaming, кроксы / crocs, кушетка / couch, латынь / latin, маленькая зарплата / small salary, мама / mom, медикаменты / medicines, медики / doctors, медицинская карточка / medical card, медицинское оборудование / medical equipment, мораль / morality, МРТ/ MRI, невнимателен / inattentive, невозможность попасть к нему / impossibility to get to him, неуверенность / insecurity, низкие зарплаты / low salaries, обман / deceit, образованный / educated, общение/communication, операционная / operating, организм / organism, отвага / courage, отвращение / disgust, отрешенность / detachment, очень сильный человек (морально и физически) / morally and physically strong person, очень трудная работа / very difficult work, палач / executioner, призвание / calling, полная запись на прием / full medical appointment, поможет / help, понимание, понимающий / understanding, потеря добрых и действительно желающих тебя вылечить врачей из детской больницы / loss of kind and really willing doctors from the children's hospital, прививка / vaccination, преданность /devotion, приёмное отделение / emergency department, проблемы / problems, пронизывающий взгляд, что даже страшно становится / a piercing look that even becomes scary, путаница / confusion, рассудительность / prudence, реанимация / resuscitation, рентген /х-ray, ругань / swearing, самопожертвование / self-sacrifice, своевременность/timeliness, сложная профессия / difficult profession, специальное медицинское образование / special medical education, спешка / haste, спокойствие / calmness, старание / diligence, старые стены, с которых сыпется штукатурка / old walls, стерильная вата / sterile cotton wool, стерильность / sterility, суперчеловек/super-human, таблетка / pill, термометр / thermometer, тяжело / hard, улучшение состояния / improvement, устал / tired, усталый вид/tired look, Фатима и Зухра / Fatima and Zukhra, фонендоскоп / phonendoscope, халатность / negligence, хирург / surgeon, хирургическое вмешательство / surgery, хладнокровие / composure, холодные руки / cold hands, цвет / color, человечность / humanity, черствость / callousness, чистота / purity, чума / plague, шизофрения / schizophrenia, яркий свет от ламп / bright light from lamps, Dr.









г S.

5 а.



и Source: authors' elaboration based on the association experiment

Table 3 / Таблица 3

The AF Д6Р1ГЕР / Ассоциативное поле Д6Р1ГЕР


(more than 20)

Near periphery (10-20)

аурухана / hospital (22), а^ халат / white gown (21).

дэр^дэрмек / medicines (18), тазалык / cleanness (14), укол / injection (13), фонендоскоп / phonendoscope, наукас / patient (12)

Far periphery жедел-жэрдем / ambulance, ак халатты абзал жан / kind person in a white gown (9), бiлiмдi / (less than 10) educated (8), жауапкерштк / responsibility, пациенттер / patients, eMip / life, ауру / ill, халат / gown, емхана / polyclinic, хирург / surgeon (7), калпак / hood, диагноз / diagnosis, кан / blood, дэрiхана / pharmacy (6), мейiрiмдi / kind, мейiрiмдiлiк / compassionate, укыпты / caring, акылды / smart, маска / mask, скальпель / scalpel, термометр/ thermometer (5), клиника / clinic, хирургиялык костюм / surgical suit, тонометр / tonometer, адалдык / honesty, емшi / healer, психолог / psychologist, eлiм / death, емдеу / treatment, анатомия / anatomy (4), сабырлы / calm, туашстк / understanding, Гиппократ анты / Hippocratic oath, бтм / knowledge, абзал жандар / kind people, денсаулык / health, туберкулез / tuberculosis, ота / operation, кемек / help, анализ / analysis, спирт / alcohol, шприц / syringe, перчатка / glove, ине / needle, гинеколог / gynecologist, медбике / nurse (3), санитарка / hospital aide, жедел ойлау / emergency thinking, травматолог / traumatologist, палата / ward, УЗИ / ultrasonography, пинцет / tweezers, стетоскоп / stethoscope, бинт / bandage, гипс / plaster, оба / plaque, ауру "i^i / type of disease, адам / person, гигиена / hygiene, рецепт / prescription, температура / temperature, бала / child, бепелер / infants, карт / elderly, журек / heart, суйек / bone, пульс / pulse, уйкысыздык / insomnia, сешмдтк / confidence, сешм / trust, алгыс / gratitude, ризашылык / satisfaction, умп" / hope, сауатты / literate, сыпайылык / polite, ечбеккор / hardworking, тeзiмдiлiк / endurance, акшага куныккан / money-loving, жаксылык / good, батыр / hero, жауапкерштп мол / responsible, iзгi / virtuous, мэдениетп / cultured, салмакты / serious (2)

Outer бэрЫ eзiм бтем демеу / not saying "I know all", е^бек / labor, hardworking / е^бекшт, thorough /

periphery тиянакты, clean / тазайым, жумыс басты адам / hardworking, ез iсiне адал / honest, ез iсiне мукият

Individual / careful, паракорлык / corruption, жемкорлыкка жиi барады / often corrupt, арамтамак / greedy,

associations ке^пешлдтк / kind, кeкiрегi ояу / open-minded, курметшт / respectful, курмет / respect, куаныш /

joy, тэрбиелi / well-bred, тeзiмдiлiк / tolerance, устамды / restrained, уздк мамандык / best profession, талант / talent, реанимация / resuscitation, тез шешiм кабылдагыш / quick decision-making, укыптылык / punctuality, шаттык / joy, кeчiлдi / fun, еч сенiмдi жан / the most trusted soul, адамдарга камкорлык / caring for people, адам жаныньщ арашасы / the mediator of the human soul, эдеп^ / polite, адамгерштк / humane, аяушылык / compassion, баскалар ойын тычдай бiлу / able to listen to others, бауырмалдык / brotherhood, бэрiне тYсiнiсушiлiкпен карау / understanding, адамдарды кастага бeлмеу / non-caste, ак жYректi / white hearty, байсалды / calm, байыпты / serious, елiн, халкын, жерЫ сYЙетiн / loving country, people, land, сезгш / sensitive, батылдык / courageous, тэкаппар / proud, eркeкiрек / arrogant, коркак / cowardly, жылы кeзк,арас / kind attitude, жылы сeздер / kind words, наукастардыч коргаушы перiштелерi / guardian angels of the sick, наукастарды емдеу / healing the sick, eзi ауырсада журтты емдейтш / healing the sick even if ill themselves, eлiммен ^рес / fighting death, наукастармен тыгыз карым-катынаста болу / keeping in touch with the sick, пациенттермен сeйлесудщ eзiндiк калыптары / peculiarities of communication with patients, наукастарга жаксы карау / good care for patients, жYзi ашык / kind, наукас Yшiн бэрiн жасайды / does everything for the patient, кYтедi / cares, мейiрiм / kindness, камкор / kindness, наукастардыч ауруын жазу / writes down the patient's illness, наукаска карайды / looks after the patient, куткарушы / rescuer, корганыш / protection, eз-eзiн устай бiлушi / calm, пациеттiч сауыкканын гару / seeing the patient becoming well, алгысын алу / thanked, сыйластык / respect, кiшiпейiл / humble, камкорлык / care, дeрекiлеу / rude, пациенттерге салгырт карау / indifferent to patients, eкпе, решш / resentment, сeз тYсiнбейтiн / misunderstanding, мэн бермеушiлiк, немкурайлык / indifference, катыгездiк, каталдык /cruelty, ашу мен кYлкi / anger and laughter, белгт бiр маман иесi / a certain professional, жаксы бтм / good knowledge, кeзi ашык / open-minded, тэжiрибе мен бiлiм / experience and knowledge, сeйлеу мэнерi жогары / eloquent, тэжiрибиелi маман / experienced specialist, Гиппократ антын устанган / holds Hippocratic oath, гатаптар / books, гатап оку / reading books, максат / purpose, оку / study, окушы / student, мукият шешiм / careful decision, психологиялык тургыдан дайын / psychologically ready, жылан / snake, окыган / educated, ординатура / residency, eнер / art, eзiндiк eмiрлiк принципi бар / has its own principle of life, накты / concrete, eз iсiнiч маманы / professional, eмiрлiк тэжiрибе / life experience, кэабшщ маманы, eз мамандыгыныч нагыз маманы / real specialist, жылдамдык, Б^МУ / WKMU, университет / university, анатомия кггап / book of anatomy, эр кезде iзденушi, iзденушi / searcher, б^кттк / qualification, бiлiктi / qualified, бт1мнщ тeмендiгi, сауатсыз / uneducated, ак ардагер / kind, адамдардыч газ жасы мен куанышы, элемнiч жаксаруына бiр кадам / one step to improvement, эдемi сырт бейне / beautiful appearance, мэдиниет иеа / culture, ауыр энергетика / heavy energy, бiреуi атак-абыройын ойласа, бiреуiн наукас алачдатады / one thinks about fame, one worries the patient, дэр^ер пациенттщ арка сYЙерi бола алады / the doctor can support the patient, беделдi адам / an authoritative person, дэр^ер кез-келген уакытта колынан келгенiн аяп калмайды / the doctor can help at any time, денсаулык корганы / health care, емЫ табатын адам, емдеушi / a healer, дэр^ерге eз жанын сенiп тапсырады, жанга дауа адам / a soul healer, когамга пайда / benefit to society, колынан бэрi келетш жан / can do anything, сыныкшы / heals bone breakage, сикыршы / magician, ажал корганы /


(more than 20)

аурухана / hospital (22), а^ халат / white gown (21).

a death guard, улы маман / a great specialist, сыйлыктар / gifts, сэнкой / fashionable, пациетке диагноз коя алмау / inability to diagnose a patient, емдей алмау / inability to cure, наукастыч дэр^ер кeмегiмен eмiрден eтуi / patient death with the help of a doctor, еч адал мамандык / the most honest profession, ак сарбаз / white soldier, eлмейтiн маман / immortal specialist, ата-ана / parents, ата-эже / grandparents, талма ауруы / epilepsy, бомж / homeless, халык / people, же™ балакайлар / orphans, MYгедек балалар / children with disabilities, эке / father, балалар / children, карттар / the elderly, артроз / osteoarthritis, аурудыч емш табу / finding treatment of the disease, анамнез / anamnesis, ауру тарихы / medical history, дурыс диагноз кою / correct diagnosis, аурулардыч eзiне жуктырып алу кауп / risk of infection, емделу / treatment, артрит / arthritis, ауыр жаракаттар / severe injuries, азап / suffering, вирустык аурулар / viral diseases, гайморит / sinusitis, ем, ем-шара / treatment, бакытты адамдар / happy people, жача eмiр / new life, жара / wounds, закымдану / injuries, ишемия / ischemia, жедел гамек / acute help, алгашкы гамек / first aid, кардиограмма / cardiogram, коммуникация / communication, консультация / consultation, кан тамыры / blood vessels, кан кысымы / blood pressure, ларингит / laryngitis, менингит / meningitis, иммунитет / immunity, операциялык / surgery, педикулез / pediculosis, пневмония / pneumonia, ринит / rhinitis, рак / cancer, стоматит / stomatitis, труп / corpse, тамак / food, уакыт / time, урык улпа / fetal tissue, ушык / herpes, iрiч / pus, инфекция / infection, узак eмiр сYPУ / longevity, шок / shock, ширак / period, тагдырдыч уакыт кумсагаты / the hourglass of destiny, eлiм мен eмiр / death and life, гап жыл eмiр / many more life, таблетка / drug, пеницилин / penicillin, прививка / vaccination, балалык шак / childhood, газ жасы / tears, карантин / quarantine, гашкене сэбилердiч тт / baby's tongue, кысым / pressure, кулак / ear, дэркер к,ателiгi / doctor's error, жYрек согысы / heartbeat, жулын / spinal cord, ет / flesh, ми / brain, морфология / morphology, агза / organism, асказан / stomach, миокард / myocardium, нерв / nerves, омыртка / spine, шарана / pelvis, хирургиялык инструменттер / surgical instruments, манжет / cuffs, колгап / gloves, газ / eye, кeзiлдiрiк / glasses, шкаф / wardrobe, физиотерапия / physiotherapy, йод / iodine, ЭКГ / ECG, бахила / shoe covers, екiншi аяк-кшм / second shoes, зечбт / cannon, куралдар / tools, лейкопластер / adhesive plaster, медициналык куралдар / medical supplies, макта / cotton, новокаин / novocaine, хирургиялык пышак / surgical knife, чепчик / cap, градусник / thermometer, пышак / knife, вакцина / vaccine, амбулатория / outpatient clinic, аурухана тосеги / hospital bed, палата / ward, екпе бeлмесi / vaccination room, кабылдау / reception, кабылдау бeлiмi / admission department, морг / morgue, терапия / therapy, травматология / traumatology, физиология / physiology, хирургия / surgery, перзентхана / maternity hospital, корпус / building, кЫ санитарка / junior nurse, акушер / obstetrician, дэр^ер-хирург / surgeon, кардиолог / cardiologist, кардиохирург / cardiac surgeon, онколог / oncologist, терапевт / therapist, ауыр жумыс i^i / hard work day, бос уакыт жок / no free time, уйкысыздык / insomnia, дежурство / duty, жеке eмiрiне гачт бeлмейдi / inattention to personal life, жумыстан шаршау / fatigue from work, киыншылыктар / difficulties, гап кагаздар / a lot of paperwork, ^ресу / struggle, карбалас / hustle, кажырлы ечбек / hard work, макулатура / waste paper, арман / dreams, болашак / future, сыргыган уакыт / quick time, айлыгы кeп, гап акша / a lot of money, апта сайын халат жуу / weekly washing the gown

Source: authors' elaboration based on the association experiment

By the representatives of Indian ethnos, medical doctors are mostly associated with the following notions: communicative (31.1%), surgery (23.3%), patients' history (19.4%), uncomfortable feeling, prescription (18.5%), treatment (16.5%), diagnosis (14.6%), good nature (12.6%), stethoscope (12.6%), white gown (12.6%), gooJ behaviour (11.7%), kind (10.7%), helper (9.7%), oxygen mask (8.7%), hospital (8.7%).

Features of medical doctors as perceived by the Russian ethnic group are presented in the form of the AF DOCTOR in Table 2.

As perceived by Russians, medical doctors are associated with a white gown (9.3%), hospital (7.4%), help (6.8%), treatment (4.1%), health, illness (3.1%), drugs, save lives (2.7%), physician, injection (2.1%).

Features of medical doctors as perceived by the Kazakh ethnic group are presented in the form of the AF DOCTOR in Table 3.

According to the Kazakhs, medical doctors are associated with hospital (4.4%), white gown (4.1%), patients (2.8%), remedy (2.6%), educated (2.2%), cleanliness (2.02%), noble (1.7%), kind (1.4%).

The comparative core-near periphery structure of the AF DOCTOR in three languages structure is presented in Table 4.

Table 4 / Таблица 4

Centre-and-near periphery structure of AF бТф£Ч/ВРАЧ/Д6Р1ГЕР / Структура АП ¿¡Ф^/ВРАЧ/Д8Р1ГЕР

AF Hindi (N) components Russian (N) Kazakh (N)

Core surgery (24), white gown (48), hospital (22),

communication (21), hospital (38), white gown (21)

patients' history (20) (ambulance) help (35),

treatment (21)

Near prescription, health, illness (16),

periphery uncomfortable feeling (19), drugs, rescuer / saves lives (14), treatment (17), physician, injection (11)

operation tools (16), diagnose (15), white gown (13), stethoscope (13)

Source: authors' elaboration based on the association experiment

The common and specific components identified in the associative meaning to the stimulus doctor (б\Ф£</врач/дэрггер) are due to differences in the structures of languages and the ethnic specificity of Indian, Russian, and Kazakh cultures.

Features of medical doctors obtained as a result of the association experiment in three languages were categorized forming the semantic zones without remainder (Fig. 1).

Person Job peculiarities Human body, organs Respected and trusted upon Smart, highly-educated, qualified Represents medical institution and profession Uses medical facilities Character features Relation to patients and work Carries on medical work

0,0% 10,0% 20,0% 30,0% 40,0%

Fig. 1. Categories in Hindi, Russian and Kazakh languages Рис. 1. Категории на хинди, в русском и казахском языках

medicines (18), cleanness (14), injection (13), phonendoscope, patient (12)

The most voluminous category in the association field DOCTOR as perceived by all three ethnic groups is "Carries on medical work" (in Hindi — 132 (24.9%), in Russian — 170 (33%), in Kazakh — 166 (24.02%).

As perceived by the Hindu linguoculture bearers, medical doctors are further associated according to their relation to patients and work — 99 (18.6%), character features — 79 (14.9%), using of medical facilities — 73 (13.7%).

Russians mostly perceive medical doctors as using medical facilities — 102 (19.8%), having specific job peculiarities — 92 (17.9%), and their relation to patients and work — 33 (6.41%).

Kazakhs' perceptions of medical doctors are mostly associated with the use of medical facilities — 144 (20.8%), work at medical institutions and holding medical profession — 81 (11.7%), character features and relation to patients and work — 66 (9.6%).

The results of the axiological analysis of conceptualizations of medical doctors by the representatives of Indian, Russian and Kazakh nations identified negative perceptions of medical doctors (Fig. 2).

Conceptualizations of Conceptualizations of Conceptualizations of

■ Negative ■ Neutral ■ Negative ■ Neutral ■ Negative ■ Neutral

Fig. 2. Ratio of negative conceptualizations of medical doctors Рис. 2. Соотношение негативных характеристик

Negative perceptions of medical doctors by Indians include the following notions: greedy (3), careless, irresponsible (2). According to Russians, medical doctors are rude, inadvertent, deceitful, detached, negligent, callous, and executioners. Negative features of a doctor according to Kazakhs, are money-loving (2), corruption (2), greedy, rudeness, haughtiness, inattentiveness, malpractice, severity, cruelty, low knowledge, illiteracy, inability to diagnose and treat, death caused by a doctor.

Medical doctors are conceptualized by the representatives of Indian ethnos mostly as communicative, kind helpers with good behaviour and good nature, wearing a white gown with a stethoscope, working in surgery, a hospital with patients' history, prescriptions, diagnosing and treating, sometimes causing an uncomfortable feeling.

As perceived by Russians, medical doctors wear a white gown, work in a hospital, where they help to preserve health, treat illness, prescribe drugs, injections, and save lives.

The significant features of medical doctors for Kazakh language consciousness are hospital, white gown, patients, remedy, educated, cleanliness, noble, kind.

Concluding remarks

iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.

Summing up the conceptualization of medical doctors by the representatives of Indian, Russian and Kazakh nations actualized from the data of the word association experiment, the conducted study proved to be an effective tool in determining the specifics of ethnic language consciousness.

The results of the study define the differences and commonalities in perceptions of medical doctors in Hindu, Russian and Kazakh linguistic mentality according to the constants identified in the ethnic language consciousness.

As a result of the study, it was revealed that the concept under study is of the utmost significance in the consciousness of the studied ethnic groups, and it is especially noticed from the variety of words-associations and cognitive features in those three languages. Informational, communicative and functional features of medical doctors are most actualized in the language consciousness of respondents. Medical doctors are conceptualized by Indians, Russians and Kazakhs as highly qualified specialists with high moral qualities, related to medical activity and respected in society.

The results of the study simplify the perception of medical doctors from the cross-cultural perspective, and may have a positive impact on intercultural communication.


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Библиографический список

1. Morel D.A., Spivak L.N, Shatilina S.I. Stereotypical risks and threats in the youth's opinion (diachronic comparative aspect) // Сетевой журнал «Научный результат». Серия «Вопросы теоретической и прикладной лингвистики». 2015. Вып. 1. № 4 (6). C. 4—7.

2. Galton F. Psychometric experiments // Brain. 1879. № 2. P. 149—162.

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5. Postman L. Norms of Word Association. New York: Academic Press, 1970.

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7. Nelson D.L., McEvoy C.L., Schreiber T.A. The University of South Florida word association, rhyme, and word fragment norms // Behavior Research Methods, Instruments, & Computers. 1998. № 36. С. 402—407.

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10. De Deyne, S., Storms G. Word Associations: Network and semantic properties // Behavior Research Methods. 2008. № 40/1. P. 213—231.

11. Kovacs L., Orosz K., Pollner P. Magyar szoasszociaciok halozata [The network of Hungarian word associations] // Magyar Tudomany. 2012. № 6. P. 699—705.

12. Gravino P., Servedio V.D.P., Barrat A., Loreto V. Complex structures and semantics in free word association // Advances in Complex Systems. 2012. № 15(3—4). Режим доступа: https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-00701709/document (дата обращения: 12.01.2022).

13. Ufimtseva N.V Russian Psycholinguistics: Contribution to the Theory of Intercultural Communication // International Communication Studies. 2014. XXIII:1. pp. 1—13.

14. LenartI., Markovina I., Endrody O. Preschool Children's Verbal Image of the World: A Cross-Cultural Russian-Hungarian Comparison Based on Word Associations // Вестник Томского государственного университета. Серия Филология. 2021. № 72. С. 91—118. https:// doi.org/10.17223/19986645/72/5

15. DmitryukN., Abramova G. Associative Dictionaries as an Ethnic Mental Phenomenon: Basic Values in the Core of Ethnic Group Language Consciousness // Psycholinguistics. 2021. № 30(2). P. 59—84.

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Сведения об авторах:

Кузембаева Гульжана Айтжановна, кандидат филологических наук, доктор философии (PhD), доцент кафедры английского и немецкого языков Актюбинского регионального университета имени К. Жубанова; сфера научных интересов: психолингвистика, сравнительное языкознание, лингвокультурология; e-mail: kuzembayeva@mail.ru ORCID ID: 0000-0001-8964-3683; eLIBRARY SPIN-код: 1510-2232

Майгельдиева Жаннат Мусабековна, кандидат филологических наук, доцент кафедры русского языка и литературы Кызылординского университета имени Коркыт Ата; сфера научных интересов: сопоставительное языкознание, фонетика, морфонология; e-mail: jmussabek@mail.ru

ORCID ID: 0000-0003-1297-274X; eLIBRARY SPIN-код: 5825-1084

Майдангалиева Жумагуль Алдияровна, доктор философии (PhD), доцент кафедры иностранных языков и литературы Баишев Университета; сфера научных интересов: лингвокультурология, методика русского языка; e-mail: maydangalieva@mail.ru ORCID ID: 0000-0003-3189-8880; eLIBRARY SPIN-код: 4996-8927

Information about the authors:

Gulzhana A. Kuzembayeva, Ph.D. in Philology, Associate Professor of the Department of English and German Languages, K. Zhubanov Aktobe Regional University; Research interests: psycholinguistics, comparative linguistics, cultural linguistics; e-mail: kuzembayeva@mail.ru ORCID ID: 0000-0001-8964-3683; eLIBRARY SPIN-code: 1510-2232

Zhannat M. Maigeldiyeva, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Russian Language and Literature, Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda University; Research interests: comparative linguistics, phonetics, morphophonology; e-mail: jmussabek@mail.ru ORCID ID: 0000-0003-1297-274X eLIBRARY SPIN-code: 5825-1084

Zhumagul A. Maydangalieva, Ph.D. in Education, Associate Professor of the Department of Foreign Languages and Literature, Baishev University; Research interests: linguoculturolo-gy, methodology of teaching Russian; e-mail: maydangalieva@mail.ru ORCID ID: 0000-0003-3189-8880; eLIBRARY SPIN-code: 4996-8927

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