Научная статья на тему 'The peculiarities of work of the European Network of health Promoting Schools (comparative analysis)'

The peculiarities of work of the European Network of health Promoting Schools (comparative analysis) Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Iermakova T. S.

Purpose – to analyze the main peculiarities of European Network of Health Promoting Schools functioning in European Union and Ukraine. Results. Students are a big group of population that demand introduction of health education in modern rhythm of life. A great example of such education is schools of Members States of European Union. Address to experience of forming of students’ health culture in the Health Promoting Schools in countries of European Union, experience of that can become an example for the countries of post-soviet space and Ukraine in particular. In the article is shown main peculiarities and structure of the work of such school network. Single out the main principles and approached of network activity. Conclusions. The ENHPS is intended above all to be of practical help to schools and those working with schools on becoming more effective in health promotion and therefore ultimately more effective in meeting their educational goals.

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Текст научной работы на тему «The peculiarities of work of the European Network of health Promoting Schools (comparative analysis)»




The peculiarities of work of the European Network of Health Promoting Schools (comparative analysis)

Iermakova T.S.

Kharkiv State Academy Design and Art


Purpose - to analyze the main peculiarities of European Network of Health Promoting Schools functioning in European Union and Ukraine. Results. Students are a big group of population that demand introduction of health education in modern rhythm of life. A great example of such education is schools of Members States of European Union. Address to experience of forming of students' health culture in the Health Promoting Schools in countries of European Union, experience of that can become an example for the countries of post-soviet space and Ukraine in particular. In the article is shown main peculiarities and structure of the work of such school network. Single out the main principles and approached of network activity. Conclusions. The ENHPS is intended above all to be of practical help to schools and those working with schools on becoming more effective in health promotion and therefore ultimately more effective in meeting their educational goals.

Key words:

European Network of Health Promoting Schools, health, school, promotion, student, culture.

Єрмакова Т.С. Особливості роботи Європейської Мережі Шкіл Сприяння Здоров’ю (порівняльний аналіз). Мета - проаналізувати головні особливості роботи Європейської Мережі Шкіл Сприяння Здоров'ю, що діють в Європейському Союзі і Україні. Результати. Школярі - велика група населення, що вимагає введення оздоровчої освіти в сучасному ритмі життя. Прикладом такої освіти є школи Країн-учасників Європейського Союзу. Звернення до досвіду формування культури здоров'я школярів в Школах Сприяння Здоров'ю в країнах Євросоюзу може стати прикладом для країн пострадянського простору і України зокрема. Розкрито особливості та структуру роботи даної мережі шкіл. Виявлено основні принципи та підходи діяльності мережі. Висновки. Європейська Мережа Шкіл Сприяння Здоров'ю спрямована на допомогу школі в здійсненні практичних завдань, спрямованих на оздоровче просування і ефективне сприяння освітнім цілям.

Європейська Мережа Шкіл Сприяння Здоров’ю, здоров’я, школа, сприяння, школяр, культура.

Ермакова Т.С. Особенности работы Европейской Сети Школ Содействия Здоровью (сравнительный анализ).

Цель - проанализировать главные особенности работы Европейской Сети Школ Содействия Здоровью, действующих в Европейском Союзе и Украине. Результаты. Школьники - большая группа населения, требующая введения оздоровительного образования в современном ритме жизни. Примером такого образования являются школы Стран-участников Европейского Союза. Обращение к опыту формирования культуры здоровья школьников в Школах Содействия Здоровью в странах Евросоюза, может стать примером для стран постсоветского пространства и Украины в частности. Раскрыто особенности и структуру работы данной сети школ. Выявлены основные принципы и подходы деятельности сети. Выводы. Европейская Сеть Школ Содействия Здоровью направлена на помощь школе в осуществлении практических заданий, направленных на оздоровительное продвижение и эффективное соответствие образовательным целям.

Европейская Сеть Школ Содействия Здоровью, здоровье, школа, содействие, школьник, культура.


Health is a value not always appraised by children and young people; they do not understand that health can be lost and it needs support and caring. Forming of ability to care of own health and health of society, in that a man lives, must be successive and, coming from age of schoolchildren, to be base on educator process of educational establishment. Healthy existence of students is done by systematic attendance of school, effective studies, motivation to the studies. On the state of health of students loading, concentration, memory, rate of capture new skills influence also. Except it, healthy man has more chances to use the potential possibilities to satisfy the own necessities, attain the aims and vital aspirations.

Today the problem of threat to the health is examined by world community after the next marked threats of planetary scale: threat of world war; ecological cataclysms; contrasts in the economically even countries of planet; demographic threat; lack of resources of planet; consequences of scientific and technical revolution. Therefore the health of nation is presently examined as an index of civilized of society and quality of life of her citizens.

One of exits from a critical situation become an introduction of formation of healthy aspiration in most school educational establishments of countries of European Union. In fact, for today, school is only educational establishment, where it is possible to teach students to care of own health, form a setting in support of own health, to

© Iermakova T.S., 2013 doi: 10.6084/m9.figshare.775339

explain the features of inhibition and forming of healthy way of life, and, thus, to form the culture of health.

The European Network of Health Promoting Schools (ENHPS) in 90th overcame over 500 pilot grounds in almost 40 countries of Europe, and also in other countries of the world (Australia, Vietnam, Canada, Philippines and other). In ENHPS, each country has been encouraged to develop the health-promoting school idea in a way that seemed most appropriate for their needs and specific context [17]. The ENHPS has a conscious and planned strategy based on a setting approach to health, developed by the WHO in the 1980s. This also applies to other settings for health promotion for example Healthy Cities.

Delegates from 43 European Countries considered the progress made in the health-promoting schools programme and identified the practical steps essential in building successful national health-promoting schools programmes resulted in the Egmond Agenda (conditions, programming, evaluation).

Including of Ukraine to the European Network of Health Promoting Schools was regulated by the interbranch national programs “Children of Ukraine”, “Physical Education - a health of nation”, ”Health of nation”, by the corresponding orders of ministries of health and education and science (“About attaching to the international project the European Network of Health Promoting Schools”, “About further introduction of international project the European Network of Health Promoting Schools in Ukraine”).

та медико-біологічні проблеми фізичного

виховання і спорту ________________________

Thus, address to experience of forming of students’ health culture in the countries of European Union, experience of that can become an example for the countries of post-soviet space and Ukraine in particular, is actual for today.

Research of various aspects of creation of healthy educational environment at school, and also functioning of Health Promoting Schools in Ukraine examined by M. Bezrukich, L. Boyarska, G. Danilenko, O. Ionova,

O. Lukashenko, L. Morozova-Khmarska, O. Savchenko, S. Sviridova, T Savustiyanenko, Ye. Vainer, etc.; in Europe - E.D. Bialek, N. Cavill, Z. Izdebski, S. Kahlmeier, K. Komosinska, A. Kowalewska, F. Racioppi, T. Williams, B. Woynarowska.

The article corresponds to the scientific-research work of Kharkiv state design and art academy.

Purpose, tasks of work, materials and methods.

Purpose - to analyze the main peculiarities of European Network of Health Promoting Schools functioning in European Union and Ukraine.


The European Union. In Europe, children’s right to health has been extensively elaborated. Both within the European Union and in the Council of Europe, developments have taken place that ground the right to health of all citizens and those of children in particular in different legal documents. Most far-reaching are the Guidelines on Child-Friendly Health Care of the Council of Europe as adopted by the Committee of Health Ministers on 21 September 2011 in Lisbon [12].

Among young people health should be considered in its widest sense. The concept of health in young people covers physical capacity, physiological functioning, social relationships and environmental potentials. Over the last years education has become increasingly important in young people’s lives. Data from a 1995 Eurobarometer survey indicate that this change is still continuing; young people in all Member States attach great importance to their educational goals [11].

Health education is a right of every child. It makes possible for a child to get a competence in health care and perfect own health and health of people around him/her. Health education promotes positive adaptation to developing changes and challenges of everyday life, promotes to “stock” health in childhood, youth and further years and prevent disorders.

So, as mentioned B. Woynarowska, health education is a process, where children learn to take care about their own health and health of surrounding them people; is a didactic-educational process that learn children how to live for preserve and perfection own health, to make contributory environment for health; is a mean of health promotion [16].

According to T. Williams, one of the creators of health education, modern child lives in three worlds: real, media and virtual. School has no influence on media and virtual worlds, but it can use information technologies in realization health education and form skills in cutoff score of information that is getting from different sources, especially from advertisement and Internet [15].

There are such arguments that health and education is interconnected processes [10]. Better health makes better education and vice-versa. Scientists (B. Woynarowska, A. Kowalewska, Z. Izdebski, K. Komosinska, T. Williams, E.D. Bialek) single out the following three phenomena:

1. Education as a reserve for health. The results of many researches specify that than higher level of formation of population, the less indexes of death rate and morbidity, less frequency of protracted illnesses and risky economies (smoking of tobacco, abuse of alcohol, wrong diet et cetera), more long life-span. It is possible to explain - education helps people to get knowledge and acquire necessary habits related to health care and its perfection.

2. Health as a reserve for education. Health assists children in school education, makes possible to visit school systematically and obtain satisfactory results. Good functioning of an organism, psychological and social wellbeing are also an integral part of this phenomenon.

3. Factors that influence on health and education are similar. Among these factors are social-economical factors of family, school, environment, networks, peers.

So, we can say that modern students need to be skilled in health through the educational process. Schools intend to help pupils acquire the knowledge and develop the skills they need to participate fully in adult life, but all too often fall short of this goal.

Students are a big group of population that demand introduction of health education in modern rhythm of life. A great example of such education is schools of Members States of European Union. One of the key features of the Health Promoting School initiative is its acknowledgement that the curriculum does not merely define what is taught but rather comprises the whole school experience - including its organizational structure and ethos - and the kinds of alliance established with the community and other external organizations.

The European Network of Health Promoting Schools was established in the early nineties by Council of Europe, the European Commission and WHO, Regional Office for Europe as an outcome of a series of workshops and conference focusing on the setting approach as a tool to develop health promotion in schools.

In 1992 the European Network of Health Promoting Schools started with pilot schools in four countries: Czech Republic, Poland, Slovac Republic. Today more than 40 countries are members of this network.

According to the World Health Organization these schools are basing on the following principles: democracy; equity; empowerment and action competence; school environment; curriculum; teachers’ training; measuring success; collaboration; communities; sustainability [14].

The aim of health promoting schools is:

• to establish a broad view of health;

• to give students tools that enable them to make healthy choices;

• to provide a healthier environment engaging students, teachers and parents, using interactive learning methods, building better communication and seeking partners and allies in the community;





• to be understood clearly by all members of the school community (students, their parents, teachers and all other people working in this environment), the “real value of health” (physical, psychosocial and environmental) in the present and in the future and how to promote it for the well-being of all;

• to be an effective (perhaps the most effective) longterm workshop for practising and learning humanity and democracy;

• to increase students’ action competence within health, meaning to empower them to take action - individually and collectively - for a healthier life and healthier living conditions locally as well as globally;

• to make healthier choices easier choices for all members of the school community;

• to promote the health and well-being of students and school staff;

• to enable people to deal with themselves and the external environment in a positive way and to facilitate healthy behaviour through policies; and to increase the quality of life [13].

Ukraine. On this time active work of pedagogical collectives is conducted in creation of friendly to the health students’ environment, studies of students to abilities and skills of healthy way of life, elucidative work among parents. Most teachers insist on that, only uniting joint efforts of teachers and parents, it is possible to produce skills of healthy way of life and healthy culture of students [5].

Considerable attention in the problem of forming of healthy way of life and health culture in school educational establishments is pay by O. Voloshin [1]. An author was the first who introduce the concept “school of healthy way of life” in pedagogical science. It is a school in that it is necessary to form healthy educational system. The purpose of such school is conditioning for forming healthy way of life, maintenance and strengthening of health as major factor of development of personality; grant to every child of possibility to get education without the loss of health; to form in all participants of educational process a health culture.

Determination of main tasks in health saving of students in educational establishments, in opinion of O. Voloshin is: association of all pedagogical collective for the decision of tasks of forming education about healthy way of life and health culture of students; leading to of all elements of educational process in accordance with the state of health and psychophysical possibilities of students and teachers; realization of health accompaniment of educational process that envisages such work assignments, as: healthy ground and examination of educational-educator work, diagnostics and correction of health of students, prophylactic measures, help in development of children [1].

Taking into account that integral system of work of pedagogical collectives in relation to maintenance and strengthening of health of students in educational establishments as yet functions mainly only from the point of view of theory, but not practice, the active search of modern model of educational establishment - “Schools Promoting Health” is still exist. These educational establishments appear in Ukraine in connection with tacking of our country (in 1995) to the European Network of Schools Promoting Health [2, 6, 7, 8, 9].

Practically all models of “Schools Promoting Health” are base on principles of the personality oriented approach to studies and education that promotes, from one side, forming of positive motivation in relation to the health culture, to maintenance of own health, and from other -creation in every educational establishment of terms for a self-education and self-realization of students, grant of help to every pupil in realization of itself in life of school collective, in family, in public life [4].

By indisputable advantages of “Schools Promoting Health”, that exist in domestic educational space of Ukraine, are: organization of skilled medicare, psychological accompaniment of educational process, providing of him health saving atmosphere (movable activity, positive emotional climate); realization of allround athletic-health work; active activity in forming of value of health among students, teachers, parents, public, that assists the improvement of health of students - reduction of catarrhal and chronic diseases, decline of level of anxiety, fear, aggressiveness; development of various educational-cognitive interests, psychological readiness to active life [3].

In Ukraine appeared a row of new educational establishments (“School of Understanding”, “School of Development”, “School of Dialogue of Cultures” and other) that work according to the authorial programs of development of child. These programs inherited the ideas of well-known teachers-humanists of the past, and also were based on modern conceptions of developing education, dialogic studies, personality-oriented approach and other. Activity of such educational establishments had positive influence on forming of healthy way of life, health culture of students.

Conclusions. The European Network of Health Promoting Schools are intended above all to be of practical help to schools and those working with schools on becoming more effective in health promotion and therefore ultimately more effective in meeting their educational goals. A health-promoting schools aims to reach everyone in the school, pupils and staff alike, and also to develop good links with the community and families it serves.

Further research will devote to the analysis of forming a health culture of schoolchildren in the European Network of Health Promoting Schools of Poland.

та медико-біологічні проблеми фізичного виховання і спорту


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17. Young I. Health Promotion in Schools - A historical perspective. Promotion and Education XII, IUHPE, Paris, 2005, vol.3-4, pp. 76-80.

Информация об авторе:

Ермакова Татьяна Сергеевна: tatiana-iermakova@rambler.ru; Харьковская государственная академия дизайна и искусств; ул. Краснознаменная, 8, г. Харьков, 61002, Украина.

Цитируйте эту статью как: Ермакова Т.С. Особенности работы Европейской Сети Школ Содействия Здоровью (сравнительный анализ) // Педагогіка, психологія та медико-біологічні проблеми фізичного виховання і спорту. - 2013. - № 10 - С. 87-90. doi:10.6084/m9.figshare.775339

Электронная версия этой статьи является полной и может быть найдена на сайте: http://www.sportpedagogy.org.ua/html/arhive.html

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Дата поступления в редакцию: 02.08.2013 г. Опубликовано: 30.09.2013 г.


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iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.

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9. Health Promoting Schools — an investment in education, health and democracy. Case study. First Conference of the European Network of Health Promoting Schools, Greece 1-5 may 1997. Technical Secretariat WHO Regional Office for Europe. Copenhagen, Denmark. 1997, 17 p.

10. Malgorzata Posluszna. Nursing [Problemy Piel^gniarstwa], 2010, vol.18, pp. 226-231.

11. Report on the state of young people’s health in the European Union. Manuscript completed in February, 2002, 56 p.

12. Sokolowska M. Health education and health promotion in the school [Edukacja Zdrowotna i Promocja Zdrowia w Szkole], 2005, vol.9, pp. 11-34.

13. Sokolowska M., St^pniak K., Garstka K., Skoczek G., Lutze I. Health education and health promotion in the school [Edukacja Zdrowotna i Promocja Zdrowia w Szkole], 2002, vol.5, pp. 5-9.

14. [The World Health Organization. http://www.who.dk/tech/inv/ resolution.htm].

15. Williams T. Physical education and health [Wychowanie Fizyczne i Zdrowotne], 1988, vol.7-8, pp. 193-194.

16. Woynarowska B. Health education [Edukacja zdrowotna], Warszaw, PWN, 2010, p. 103.

17. Young I. Health Promotion in Schools - A historical perspective. Promotion and Education XII, 2005, vol.3-4, pp. 76-80.

Information about the author:

lermakova T.S.: tatiana-iermakova@rambler.ru; Kharkiv State Academy Design and Art; Krasnoznamennaya str., 8, Kharkiv, 61002, Ukraine.

Cite this article as: Iermakova T.S. The peculiarities of work of the European Network of Health Promoting Schools (comparative analysis). Pedagogics, psychology, medical-biological problems of physical training and sports, 2013, vol.10, pp. 87-90. doi:10.6084/ m9.figshare.775339

The electronic version of this article is the complete one and can be found online at: http://www.sportpedagogy.org.ua/html/arhive-e.html

This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited (http:// creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/deed.en).

Received: 02.08.2013 Published: 30.09.2013



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