Научная статья на тему 'The peculiarities of the morbidity of the children'

The peculiarities of the morbidity of the children Текст научной статьи по специальности «Фундаментальная медицина»

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Аннотация научной статьи по фундаментальной медицине, автор научной работы — Avezova Guloyim

Thus it is necessary to raise the level of medical culture in the family, which will help improve the health of growing generation and the birth of a healthy generation. Since the birth of the child's family must pay particular attention to his health. Only healthy children as adults will be able to ensure the birth of healthy offspring and healthy children born only from healthy parents.

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Текст научной работы на тему «The peculiarities of the morbidity of the children»

Таким образом, доминантными источниками удовлетворения потребностей в медицинской информации анкетированные признают врачей, затем телевидение и окружающих.

Выводы. Активная информационная работы по коррекции профилактического поведения населения необходима для повышения эффективности прилагаемых усилий по решению проблемы АГ.


1. WHO. Systems and Policies WHO 2005, on behalf of the European. Observatory on Health Systems and Policies. Geneva. - 2005. - 128.

The peculiarities of the morbidity of the children Аvezova G. (Republic of Uzbekistan) Особенности заболеваемости детей Авезова Г. С. (Республика Узбекистан)

Авезова Гулоим Саттаровна /Avezova Guloyim - кандидат медицинских наук, старший преподаватель, Школа общественного здравоохранения, Ташкентская медицинская академия, г. Ташкент, Республика Узбекистан

Abstract: thus it is necessary to raise the level of medical culture in the family, which will help improve the health of growing generation and the birth of a healthy generation. Since the birth of the child's family must pay particular attention to his health. Only healthy children as adults will be able to ensure the birth of healthy offspring and healthy children born only from healthy parents.

Аннотация: необходимо повышать уровень медицинской культуры в семье, что будет способствовать укреплению здоровья подрастающего поколения и рождению здорового поколения. С момента рождения ребенка семья должна уделять особое внимание его здоровью. Только здоровые дети, став взрослыми, смогут обеспечить рождение здорового потомства, а здоровые дети рождаются только от здоровых родителей.

Keywords: family, medical examination, children. Ключевые слова: семья, медицинский осмотр, дети.

The knowledge of the level and characteristic of the population morbidity, the tendencies of its alterations is of great importance when holding preventive measures, which should be a priority in the activities of healthcare institutions [1, с. 575, 2, с. 334].

The purpose of current research is to study age and gender peculiarities of the children of the first three years according to the data of appeal ability and complex medical examinations [2, с. 575].

Materials and methods of research

The study of morbidity was hold on the base of data of appeal ability and annually held medical examinations. For the children of first year these data were supplemented with the statistics from the newborn's history of development.

The indexes of children's morbidity were studied not for a calendar, but the whole year spent.

From the total general totality we selected 1127 children. These children until they were 3 years were observed in a family policlinic of Tashkent. Then each cohort with the help of

stratification method of selection in accordance with the aim and research tasks (by gender, age, diagnosis) devided into different stratas-groups. Overall, the morbidity is investigated in the same children of the first three years, which enabled to estimate the frequency effect of new incidences of the and outcome, because both of these features are naturally spread in the population

The results and discussion

In Tashkent the level of common morbidity of 1 was-2318,6, at the age of 2-2041,9, at the age of 3-1471,4 per 1000 children of the corresponding age group. The morbidity indexes of boys in all the age group are higher in comparison to girls. (p<0,01). The analysis of morbidity by the 1st year of life periods in accordance. With international children's mortality scheme was held by us: 0-2 (with a special emphasis on the 1 st month of life) 3 -5, 6-8 and 9-11 months. The highest morbidity rate was in children of the 1 st months of life and the lowest-in the group of children of 9-11monts.

It is interessiy to note about the esteem of health conolition of breast-feed children by the time of origin of first disease. Accordiry to our data, in 21,1 % of cases the first disease occurred in the children at 1st year of life, 71,8 %-at the first 3 months,83,3 %-at the first 6 months of life.

The morbidity's structure in the certain periods of the life's first year was almost the same, except 0-2 months when a certain conditions of pеrenatal period as well as innate abnormalities played a big role.

The frequency of the certain conditions in a pеrenatal period in newborns aged 0-2 months was 349,0 per 1000 children of given age group. The main conditions occurred in the prenatal periods are prenatal encephalopathy, asplixia and lung atelectasis. The distribution of inborn abnormities among the newborns was 151,0 per 1000 children. According to our data the leadiy pathology cal conditions among the newborn's were the defects of musculoskeletal system. Out of then the dysplasia of coxofemoral joint occurred in 57,9 % and less common inborn coxofemoral jointis dislocation (5,7 %)

The correlation of morbidity's indexes of the 1st , 2nd ,3rd years of life is given in the table 3. It is clear that three is a substantial difference between the morbidity rate and certain forms of diseases in children of the 1st , 2nd and 3rd year of life.

The diseases of respiratory organs were the leading pathology in each age group. And they develop usually because of acute respiratory viral infections ; the proportion of ARVI in the morbidity is structure in region was 81.7 %

The morbidity rate of respiratory bract in children of the first year was 682,4, the 2nd year-960,3, the 3rd year-769,0 per 1000 children of given age group. The acute respiratory infections, flue and pneumonia were the leading diseases among the children at the age of 1. Taking into account that pneumonia is one of the cause of childrens mortality, the figliting it in children at the age of 1 is one of the topical tasks of healthcare.

The certain conditions of perinatal period (529,2 per 1000 children of given age group) stood at the 2nd place, while the endocrine pathology and metabolism disturbance were at the 3rd place-438,3 per 1000 children of given age group. At the fourth place were inborn anomalities -251,5 cases dcr 1000 childrenin the morbidity structure of children at the age of 2 and 3-infectious and parasite diseases stand on the 2nd place (19,2 and 14,1 % of all the registered diseases). In children at the age of 2 the morbidity with infectious and parasite diseases rose dramatically (392,2 %).In this period children were frequently sick with rubella, scarlet fever, epidemic parotitis, smallpox. The raise of infections morbidity can be explained by the fact that children at the age active and widely contact with surrounding people.

The third place occupy the blood, bloodcreative organs diseases and other disturbances, involving immune mechanism (due to anemia ) (11,8 and 13,7 %), the fourth place in children at the age of 2 and 3 are the diseases of alimentary tract (4,8 and 5,5 %)

The fifth place occupy the skin and hypodermic cellular tissues diseases in children at the age of 2. The children at the age of 3 mostly suffer from traumas and accidents.



1. The diseases of respiratory tract, certain conolitions in perinatal period and inborn abnormalities dominate in the morbidity rat in children at the age of 1. The children at the age of 2 and 3 mostly suffer from infections and parasite diseases, blood and broodcreative organs diseases, which involve immune mechanisms, the diseases of alimentary tract, traums and accidents.

2. The study of morbidity of children of the first three years in Tashkent revealed certain regional peculiarities, mostly connected with climate and geographical conditions, cultural level of parents the quality of care for children.

3. The efforts of healthcare's primary chain's medical workers and all the pediatric service must be directed on the prevention of leading pathologies.


1. Mamatkulov B. Public health and health management. T.: Ilm-Ziyo, 2014. 575 р.

2. Mamatkulov B. Medical and social aspects of formation, protection and improvement of health of children during the first 7 years of life: Dis. ... Dr. med. Sciences. - Tashkent, 1997. - 334 p.

Role of predisposition of genetic background in shaping risk of dental anomalies Aliyev Z. (Republic of Azerbaijan) Роль отягощенности генетического фона в формировании риска

аномалии зубов Алиев З. У. (Азербайджанская Республика)

Алиев Заур Узеир оглы /Aliyev Zaur - кандидат медицинских наук, ассистент кафедры, кафедра стоматологии и челюстно-лицевой хирургии, Азербайджанский государственный институт усовершенствования врачей имени А. Алиева, г. Баку, Азербайджанская Республика

Аннотация: информация о размере атрибутивного риска более адекватно характеризует тяжесть проблемы. В отличие от размера относительного риска (соотношение частоты аномалий в сравниваемых группах) размеры атрибутивного риска позволяют количественно определить роль конкретного фактора в формировании ЗЧЛА.

Abstract: information about the size of the attributable risk more adequately characterizes the severity of the problem. In contrast to the size of the relative risk (the ratio of the frequency of anomalies in the compared groups) the size of the attributable risk allows to quantify the role of specific factors in the formation ofSCLA.

Ключевые слова: зубочелюстные лицевые аномалии, распространенность, атрибутивный риск, генетический фон.

Keywords: dentoalveolar facial anomalies, prevalence, attributable risk, genetic background.

Перспективным направлением в стоматологии считается профилактика зубочелюстных лицевых аномалий (ЗЧЛА). Среди вероятных факторов риска ЗЧЛА особое место занимают генетические факторы. Следовательно, первичную профилактику ЗЧЛА необходимо проводить в ранних этапах развития ребенка [1, 2].

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