6. Volkov N. N. (1950) Perception of subjects and drawing. Moscow. Publishing house of Pedagogic Sciences Academy of RSFSR, 508 P.
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The author analyzes opportunities for the organization of students independent work to study the topic "Holocaust" in the Russian educational organizations.
Holocaust, "final decision" of Jewish problem, World War II, organization of students independent work
AUTHOR Yulia Pershina
PhD in History, Associate Professor Department of Theory and History of State and Law Vyatka state university
Kirov, Russia [email protected]
Holocaust acts as a component of World War II history. Studying this subject gives the chance to comprehend this national Accident as the universal tragedy.
Scientists and methodologists have no uniform point of view about how to include this difficult material in educational process. At the Russian schools, studying the Accident of the European Jewry can be carried out within subjects: "General history" (topics "Increase of Aggression and Fight for Peace. German Nazism", "Growth of International Tension", "World War II"), "History of Russia" (topics "Great Patriotic War"), "Social science" (topics "Good and Evil", "Regulation of People's Behavior in Society", "Political regimes", "Rights and Freedoms of Person and Citizen", etc.), "Right" (topics "Human Rights Violations", "Crime", etc.).
The most optimum option, in our opinion, is studying Holocaust in the general history course.
The purpose of studying the topic is to analyze possibilities of tolerance upbringing, development of historical thinking of trained through judgment the separate aspects of Accident of the European Jewry.
Problems of studying the subject:
1) In educational process to create the system of the students' valuable relations Holocaust in the countries of Western and Eastern Europe, in occupied territories of the USSR.
2) To master the ways of activity, applicable both within educational topic, and at problem solution in real life situations.
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3) To acquire knowledge about Holocaust, gain experience of educational problems solution, experience of creative activity development (Pershina, 2016).
When studying the subject, students would meet difficult theoretical situations and concepts. However, the majority of modern domestic historical textbooks light the actual party of historical process. Only five educational books from 15 textbooks of the Russian publishing houses for 2009-2015 contain various tasks for independent work, allowing to school students to consolidate in a varying degree the gained knowledge (Pershina, 2015(I)). It is possible to state a problem in respect of the organization of students independent work, when studying Holocaust - existence of rather small amount of tasks in modern Russian historical textbooks.
Use of the I.A. Altman and D. I. Poltorak's manual "Holocaust. Memory and the prevention" for 9-11 classes in educational process can make a certain contribution to the solution of this problem. (Altman, Poltorak, 2010(I)). It is based on 32 documents printed on single sheets. On the back each leaf has the historical comments, containing a reference material and questions for discussion.
In selection of documents there testimonials of Holocaust participants: excerpts from diaries, memoirs, newspaper messages, documentary materials, leaflets, posters. These materials open certain aspects of studying Holocaust: the anti-Jewish policy of Nazi Germany; stages of "the final decision of a Jewish problem"; life and fight of Jews in ghetto and extermination camps; activity of Righteous the world peoples; participation of Jews in a resistance movement, crimes and punishments for them (about trials over Nazis); connection of Holocaust lessons and the present.
The documents submitted in each section of the book are picked up to present a picture of the events, to promote formation of students' ideas about the main types of historical sources, development of ability to define degree of their reliability.
Use of documents in educational process can be based in a different way. The organization of students work with documents can take the major place. Such form of work allow analyzing the document as a historical source and a monument of an era, teaching children to work with it (Altman, Poltorak, 2010(H)).
Let us give an example of the organization of students independent work with historical documents on a topic "Increase of aggression and fight for peace. German Nazism".
At the beginning of the topic, the teacher explains the concept "Social Darwinism". There is updating of the concepts "racism", "national discrimination", "anti-semitism", "human rights", "genocide". Earlier a Jew could become "good", having refused Judaism and christened. According to the racial theory, he could not improve what was given by nature, i.e. his "anti-race". It was the novelty of social-Darwinist approach.
Nazis borrowed the following ideas of social Darwinism:
1) "Purity of blood" became in Nazi Germany a subject of scientific development and the center of ideology of the Third Reich. Racial quality was determined by data of biological measurements.
2) Cultural aspect. In Nazi promotion, Jews were represented as harmful insects and creeping reptiles. Their destruction was considered as humankind clarification from filth.
3) Fight for "vital space". A. Hitler planned to make east territories of Europe the main objective for increase "vital space" for Aryan race: "By force of the German sword the New Reich has to present to the German plow the earth necessary for it and the nation ...". (Pershina, 2015(H)).
The most productive form of studying documents is the organization of group work in class. Children are divided into 4 groups to work with documents on sheets No. 1 - 4 of the book. The fifth group (experts) estimate answers of pupils.
The group No. 1 gets a fragment from the program of national socialist party of Germany (Munich, 1920): "We demand the countries and the lands sufficient for moving and livelihood of our people. The citizen of the other country could not be a son of our people. The son of our people is the one, who has the German blood - regardless of his religion. Any Jew cannot be considered as the son of our people. We demand from the government obligatory care about the benefit and employment of citizens. If there is no opportunity to support all population of the country, it is necessary to expel the alien nations (not citizens) from the Reich ...". Teacher's questions are offered to be discussed in a group: "Why Nazis launched campaign of Jews prosecution in Germany?" "What 3 stages were included by Jews prosecution by Nazis in Germany and in the countries of the occupied Europe?". (Altman, Poltorak, 2010(I)).
The group No. 2 receives extract from the Law on protection of the German honor and the German blood (1935): "The marriage unions between Jews and citizens of the state of German blood or blood close to German are forbidden. Illegitimate affairs between Jews and citizens of the state of German blood or blood close to German are prohibited. Jews are not allowed to employ servants from citizens of the state of German blood or blood close to German, who younger than 45. Jews are forbidden to lift flags of the Reich and lands and to use colors of national flag ...". The questions for discussion are given to the document: "How did the Law limited the family rights of Jews?" "What other restrictions of the rights of Jews do you know?". (Altman, Poltorak, 2010(I)).
The group No. 3 studies the composition of a schoolgirl Erna Listing published in the newspaper "Shturmovik" (1938): "A Jew is a hybrid. He inherited signs of Aryans, Asians, Negros and Mongols. Jews have a vicious book of their laws - the Talmud. Besides, Jews consider us as animals and therefore treat us so badly. They take away money and property from us in the dishonest way. Now overseas Jews agitate against us. But we will not allow to carry out ourselves and we will take care of our Fuhrer. Each penny, which we give to Jews, kills any of our relatives ... Heil Hitler!". Teacher offers questions to a group: "As a result of what actions of the Nazi authorities this composition appeared?" "What can you object Erna Listing?". (Altman, Poltorak, 2010(I)).
The group No. 4 discusses the telegram of the chief of the II department of Gestapo of gruppen-fuhrer Müller in local managements of police (on November 8, 1938): "Soon performances against Jews will be undertaken across the whole Germany, in particular against their synagogues. These performances should not be prevented. It is necessary to prepare arrest of 20-30 thousand of Jews across the whole Germany. It is necessary to choose rich Jews first. Special divisions CC, and also "the general CC" can be involved in joint actions". The questions for discussion are given to the document: "Why did Nazis begin to destroy synagogues?" "How did the events of night November 9-10, 1938 in Germany are called?". (Altman, Poltorak, 2010(I)).
The result of the lesson is a common children-teacher conclusion - after the end of World War II, the genocide of Jews by Nazis was officially qualified as a very grave crime against humanity.
Modern historical literature contains various data on the lost Jews; the figure in 6 million people is standard. Perhaps, these data are not final, as some authors disagree: for example, R. Gilberg in the work "Destruction of Jews in Europe" calls 5,1 million; L. Polyakov in "The short encyclopedia of hatred" defines their quantity as 5-7 million; J. Raytlinger speaks about 4,2 million victims (Andreeva, 2006).
1. Altman I. A., Poltorak D. I. (2010(I)) Holocaust. Memory and prevention: Manual for 9-11 grades. Moscow. JSC Russkoye slovo-uchebnik. 32 P.
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2. Altman I. A., Poltorak D. I. (2010(II)) From history of the Holocaust (1933-1945). Methodical recommendations to the manual "The Holocaust. Memory and prevention". 9-11 grades. Moscow. JSC Russkoye slovo-uchebnik. 16 P.
3. Andreeva E. A. (2006) Hitler policy about expansion and genocide (1933-1940). PhD Thesis. Moscow. 20 P.
4. Pershina Yu. V. (2015(I)) "The analysis of coverage of the topic of the Holocaust in modern textbooks of history", Modern additional professional pedagogical education. No. 4. Pp. 136-144.
5. Pershina Yu. V. (2015(II)) "Education of tolerance of teachers in system of additional professional education on the basis of studying of history of the German Nazism". Modern additional professional pedagogical education. No. 2. Pp. 68-75.
6. Pershina Yu. V. (2016) "Place and role of studying the Holocaust in the context of transition to FGOS of the general education". Teaching history and social science at school. No. 2. Pp. 61-63.
The article discusses the issues of improving the cost management system of production with the features of competition and international integration. Highlighted the importance of the preparatory stage in the establishment of a unit of controlling, influencing activ'ty of the enterprise, which allows to determine "weak points" in the work of the economic entity.
cost management, industrial enterprise, controlling
Evgeniya Samohvalova Ellina Melkumova
Kuban State Agrarian University Kuban State Agrarian University
Krasnodar, Russia Krasnodar, Russia
Inna Ivanova
PhD in Economics, Associate Professor
Kuban State Agrarian University
Krasnodar, Russia
In the current time period there is a significant tendency to increase the value of the cost of industrial enterprises. This is due primarily to the increase in the cost of materials, semi-finished products, of electricity and fuel, as well as with the increase in interest rates on short-term and long-term loans. In addition, the observed increase of other expenses. The development of market relations determines the necessity of improving the system of cost management of production with the features of competition and international integration. Thus, proper management of expenditures of an industrial enterprise can improve competitiveness, increase profits, and, consequently, the profitability of the entire financial-economic activities of the economic entity.
It should be pointed out that the concept of "costs" and "expenses" shall have fundamental differences. Category economic "costs" are usually used in management