Научная статья на тему 'The organization of activities for teaching Physics in high schools towards students’ competency development'

The organization of activities for teaching Physics in high schools towards students’ competency development Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Phu Pham Thi, Duc Nguyen Lam

Secondary education in Vietnam has changed the program from content approach into learner’ ability approach, with means focusing on how students use their knowledge in real life instead of paying attention to what knowledge students can get. Thus, teachers have to change the one-way teaching method into active teaching method in which students’ competency development is the fundamental orientation in the secondary education reforms in Vietnam. In this article, the organisation of activities for teaching Physics towards students’ competency development has been studied.

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Текст научной работы на тему «The organization of activities for teaching Physics in high schools towards students’ competency development»

Фам Тхи Фи1, Нгуен Лам Дык2

'Доцент, кандидат педагогических наук, Винь университет, Вьетнам, 2аспирант, Винь университет, Вьетнам ОРГАНИЗАЦИЯ УРОКОВ ФИЗИКИ В СТАРШИХ КЛАССАХ ДЛЯ РАЗВИТИЯ ПРОФЕССИОНАЛЬНЫХ



Среднее образование во Вьетнаме изменило программу в содержании подхода к обучению, фокусируясь не только на получении знаний, но и на том, как ученики используют эти знания в реальной жизни. Таким образом, учителя должны изменить одностороннюю модель обучения с помощью активных методов обучения, в которых развитие компетенций учеников является фундаментальным в реформах среднего образования реформ во Вьетнаме. В этой статье представлена организация уроков физики в старших классах для развития профессиональных навыков учащихся.

Ключевые слова: компетентность, обучение, физика, магнит, Вьетнам, средняя школа

Dr. Assc.Prof. Phu Pham Thi1, M.A Duc Nguyen Lam2

'PhD in Pedagogy, Vinh University-Vietnam, ^Postgraduate, Huynh Thuc Khang upper secondary school, Vinh City-Nghean Province-





Secondary education in Vietnam has changed the program from content approach into learner’ ability approach, with means focusing on how students use their knowledge in real life instead of paying attention to what knowledge students can get. Thus, teachers have to change the one-way teaching method into active teaching method in which students’ competency development is the fundamental orientation in the secondary education reforms in Vietnam. In this article, the organisation of activities for teaching Physics towards students’ competency development has been studied.

Keywords: competency, teaching, Physics, magnet, Vietnam, high school.

1. The concept “Competency”

The concept “Competency” has different definitions. According to the Vietnamese dictionary, competency is the ability and the subjective. Conditions that are available to carry out an activity or psychological and physiological characteristics which enable a person to fulfill an activity effectively (when mentioning the competency of human) (1). According to psychology, competency is the combinative of special features of a person that are suitable for particular demands of an activity to ensure that the activity will have a good result. According to Xavier Roegiers, competency is the integration of skills which affects the content of a situation naturally to solve the problems of the situation (2).

Thus, we can see that competency is the master and the ability of a person to carry out an activity, a combinative individual features, including skills and necessary skills which are formed due to the combination of knowledge and the motivation and appropriate abilities which help him meet the demands of his work.

In competency development teaching approach, the objective of teaching is shown through the competency that learners have to build up, the orientation for choosing and evaluating how important the level is, as well as structuralizing the contents and teaching activities in the aspect of methodology.

2. Competency groups that are necessary for student to form in teaching Physics

Teaching towards students’ competency development actually is the enlargement of teaching activities by creating an environment and specific situations for student to have chance to make use of their knowledge and skills available to express their ideas. Thus, knowledge and skills are formed and developed. In our opinion, the component groups of competency that are necessary for students in teaching Physics at high school include:

a) Group of competency related to the use of Physics knowledge

Using Physics knowledge is a basic ability that students must have. It is the ability to present phenomena, quantities, Physics principles, measure, Physics constants, the relationships of quantities. It is also the ability to know how to make use of the knowledge in real life situations. This group of competency of students can be evaluated through questions in the textbooks. In the learning process, students are usually asked to find out the consequences from the supposition, infer the target knowledge from what they have known and use the information they have to make a new supposition.

When teaching students to use Physics knowledge in real life situation, teachers should ask students to make questions about the surrounding environment that they can observe and then step by step guide them to be aware of the problems, to discuss the difficulties they may have in solving problem. Besides, teachers also need to teach students the ability to observe Physics phenomena. Students’ competency of collecting, evaluating, choosing and processing the information from different sources is usually formed through the tasks teachers give such as searching information for a lesson that describes a phenomenon, a principle or a technical application of Physics. Students are able to read reference books and summarize the most important knowledge into an intellectual map or a concept map.

b) Group of competency related to methodology related to methodology

In teaching Physics at a basic level, students are able to establish competency of performing experiments and patterning competency. Students can make questions about a Physics event or describe a natural phenomenon and state what the Physics rule is in that phenomenon. Students also know how to apply the knowledge like proposing the supposition, infering the consequences (that can be checked), at the same time, they can propose the solutions, arrange and carry out the experiments and then give the comments to discuss the principles. Through these activities, forming students’ competency of methodology is to help students experience the particular methods of raising the awareness in Physics (experimental methods, patterning methods and similar methods).

c) Group of competency related to information exchange

Exchanging information enables students to integrate with other people and with society. In Physics learning process, students can exchange Physics knowledge, choose to evaluate different sources of information and describe the structure and the operation principles of technical equipments as well as discuss and participate in group activities. Teachers must give situation exercises and organise for students to discuss in order to identify the items in Physics to describe the phenomena and objects exactly as well as pay attention to developing the competency of presenting students’ learning results such as talking and presenting in the forms of writing or video clips. Teachers should encourage students to take part in group activities to discuss the results.

d) Group of individual competency

Individual competency is the ability of each student to learn Physics. Students know very well about their knowledge, skills and attitude to learning. Thus, they can make and carry out the plans or adjust the learning timetable so that it will be suitable for their ability. Moreover, students also know how to use Physics knowledge in evaluating and reporting the safety levels of experiments as well as in solving problems in real life.

3. Example of teaching the concept “magnetic field” in Physics 11 for upper secondary education program in Vietnam towards students’ competency development


The knowledge of “magnetic field” is relatively difficult for students. The popular concepts of “magnetic field” such as orientation of magnetic field, magnetic induction vector, magnetic field lines are extremely abstract and difficult for students to understand. Students must have imagination ability. Especially, it’s very hard for students to survey the magnetic field in the environment surrounding a electric current or determine the force on a current in a magnetic field, affecting conductor wire in uniform magnetic field and draw magnetic field lines, magnetic induction vector and the force on a current in a magnetic field.

When teaching the knowledge of “magnetic field”, teacher must help students know well about two basic concepts: magnetic induction vector and forces in magnetic fields. To teach about magnetic induction vector, teachers must help students understand the contents such as magnetic field of a straight electric current and a circular coil carrying a current; wire tube with electric current, studying magnet and magnetic field of the earth. Provided with the knowledge of force in magnetic fields, students will find it more convenient to study the contents such as the interaction between two parallel straight wire currents; forces on a wire frame in a magnetic field; Lorenxer force. Thus, students can make a presentation about phenomena, principles, measures, Physics constants, the relationship of quantities in the chapter “magnetic field” clearly and systematically. Teachers need help students to understand the application of magnetic field, force on a current in a magnetic field in daily life and step by step help students apply their knowledge of magnetic field in real life, for example, students can understand the phenomenon of “magnetic storm” and even self-make simple tools.

To establish the competency of methodology for students, teachers can use the teaching method of solving problems based on the particular method of raising awareness of physics and diversify teaching forms like project-based teaching, small-group teaching, extracurricular activities. When performing experiments, teachers need to develop student’ competency such as making experimental maps, choosing the equipments, arranging experimental, equipments, measuring, noting down the figures and knowing how to deal with the figures.

Physics is an experimental science, so teaching equipments play a very important part in making students form the competency of methodology. Teachers need to make full use of experiments available and make more necessary teaching equipments. When teaching this section, teacher can prepare the following teaching equipments: experiments surveying the magnetic field of straight electric current, circular coil carrying an electric current and wire tube and experiments surveying the effect of force on a current in a magnetic field in conductor wire and wire frame. Teachers also have to prepare a pattern of wire frames so that students can determine the force affecting the sides of the wire frame. Self-made teaching equipments, together with experiments available help teachers use the teaching methods effectively to organise the activities for students.

Learning the chapter “magnetic field” helps students develop the competency of exchanging information through learning activities, group activities, working corners, proposing experiments to check and carrying out experiments to describe and explain the phenomena in real life wich are related to magnetic field through an overhead projector.

For example, when teaching students how to make an electric motor, teachers should divide students into groups to discuss and assign the tasks on how to operate in each group. Specifically, students need use the knowledge of the principles of force on a current in a magnetic field affecting the conductor wire and the wire frame, moment of magnet force; at the same time, they have to discuss the technical solutions, for example how to create magnetic field, how to arrange the wire frame. Teachers arrange the groups of students to discuss all these problems and ask them to search information in the Internet, books, newspapers, observe the technical equipments and then report and share the results in order to solve the problems.

In this way, teaching towards students’ competency development encourages students participate in learning activities eagerly so that they can broaden their knowledge themselves and form necessary skills. Through making useful teaching equipments, teachers help students develop the competency such as surveying and carrying out experiments, solving problems, improving writing skills (when students present their answers), arranging a text and cooperating to solve problem. They also improve their skills of making decisions. Moreover, students have chance to practice speaking skills, public speaking activities and discussing to maintain their own ideas through activities of presenting the answers.

4. Conclusion

Teaching towards students’ competency development is a necessary element to improve the quality of education in Vietnam. During teaching process, teachers need understand clearly the basis to develop students’ competency to organise teaching activities in an effective way so that the resolutions of the congress on fundamental and comprehensive education innovation can be implemented.


(1) . Phe Hoang (editor-in-chief), Vietnamese dictionary, Danang Publishing House - Dictionary study centre, Danang, 1998.

(2) . Xavier Roegiers, (2000), Une pedagogie de l'integration. Competences et integration des acquis dans l'enseignement. Avec la collaboration de Jean marie De Ketele. Editions De Boeck universite Belgium.


1. Ministry of education and training of Vietnam, the project for self-made teaching equipment development in preschool and secondary education period 2010-2015, Hanoi, 2010.

2. Department of secondary education, Ministry of Education and Training of the evaluation of learning results in the orientation of developing students abilities, secondary education development program, Hanoi, 2014.

3. Department of educators and managers of educatinal institutions, training materials for methods and techniques of active teaching, Vietnam-Belgium Project, April, 2010.

4. Binh Luong Duyen (editor-in-chief), Physics 11, Education Publishing House of Vietam, 2013.

Хомутова К.В.



Медиаобразование автором рассматривается как инновационное открытое образовательное пространство; выявлены педагогические проблемы и условия позитивного его влияния на систему основного и дополнительного образования, личность современного подростка. Обоснована роль детских внеучебных общественных объединений - субъектов проектов медиаобразования как школы овладения современными СМИ.

Ключевые слова: медиаобразование, психологическое влияние СМИ, основное и дополнительное образование обучающихся.

Khomutova K.V.

PhD in Pedagogy, Moscow state technological University"STANKIN"



Media education is seen as an innovative open educational space; pedagogical problems identified and the terms of its positive impact on the system of primary and secondary education, the personality of a modern teenager. The role of children's extra-curricular voluntary associations - the subjects of media education projects as schools of mastering modern media.

Keywords: media education, the psychological impact of the media, self-education, primary and secondary education students.


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