Научная статья на тему 'The opportunities of mothers of the Arab sector in building a better support system for children with disabilities'

The opportunities of mothers of the Arab sector in building a better support system for children with disabilities Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Rada Sarhan Abd Elhai

During the training, the mothers became more active in caring the child and his education. Mothers learned to appreciate their inner strengths. They learned to understand the nature of the problem and the limits in which the child can be developed towards learning independence. The mothers also learned about their strength facing crises and distress and actively cope with stress, and this was expressed in a more optimistic approach towards the disability. The group was very powerful and provided a unique response. The group provided the mothers an opportunity to meet other mothers who experience similar experiences, sharing their own experiences, reflecting their situation in the stories of other mothers. It is clear that the mothers became more aware to their behavior, to the influences of the disability on the family fabric and to their unique way of coping. In addition, mothers received significant support and created an important social network for their continued coping.

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В статье рассказывается об опыте специального обучения матерей детей инвалидов, проживающих в арабском секторе Израиля. В статье показано, что специальная подготовка матерей способствует созданию более эффективной системы поддержки детей с ограниченными возможностями в обучении. Автор делится своими наблюдениями и рассказывает, что во время обучения матери стали активнее заботиться о ребенке и его воспитании. Матери научились ценить свои внутренние силы. Они научились понимать природу проблемы и пределы, в которых ребёнок может развиваться. Матери также узнали о том, что они способны эффективно противостоять кризисам и активно справляться со стрессом, и это нашло свое выражение в более оптимистичном подходе к проблеме инвалидности. Группа предоставила матерям возможность встретиться с другими матерями, имеющими аналогичный опыт. В процессе обучения матери получили значительную поддержку и создали важную социальную сеть для дальнейшего выживания.

Текст научной работы на тему «The opportunities of mothers of the Arab sector in building a better support system for children with disabilities»

5. Мясищев В.Н. Психология отношений. Под редакцией A.A. Бодалева. Москва, 1995.

6. Кокурина И.Г. «Отношение» как фундаментальная категория социальной психологии в анализе мотивации совместной деятельности. Вестник Московского университета. Сер.14. Психология. 2012; 1: 29 - 40.

7. Яницкий М.С. Ценностные ориентации личности как динамическая система. Кемерово, 2000.

8. Фанталова Е.Б. Диагностика и психотерапия внутреннего конфликта. Самара, 2001.


1. Zobkov V.A. Otnoshenie cheloveka k zhiznedeyatel'nosti. 'Ekonomika obrazovaniya. 2015; 2: 91 - 94.

2. Poznyakov V.P. Psihologicheskie otnosheniya sub'ektov sovmestnoj zhiznedeyatel'nosti. Problemy psihologii i pedagogiki. 2013; 1: 167 - 174.

3. Dzhaner'yan S.T. Professional'naya Ya-koncepciya: sistemnyj analiz. Rostov, 2004.

4. Poznyakov V.P. Psihologicheskie otnosheniya cheloveka: sovremennoe sostoyanie issledovanij i perspektivy razvitiya koncepcii. Institut psihologii Rossijskoj akademii nauk. Social'naya i 'ekonomicheskaya psihologiya. 2017; T. 2, № 2: 6 - 30.

5. Myasischev V.N. Psihologiya otnoshenij. Pod redakciej A.A. Bodaleva. Moskva, 1995.

6. Kokurina I.G. «Otnoshenie» kak fundamental'naya kategoriya social'noj psihologii v analize motivacii sovmestnoj deyatel'nosti. Vestnik Moskovskogo universiteta. Ser.14. Psihologiya. 2012; 1: 29 - 40.

7. Yanickij M.S. Cennostnye orientaciilichnosti kak dinamicheskaya sistema. Kemerovo, 2000.

8. Fantalova E.B. Diagnostika ipsihoterapiya vnutrennego konflikta. Samara, 2001.

Статья поступила в редакцию 06.06.18

УДК 159

Rada Sarhan Abd Elhai, teacher (Israel), postgraduate, Social Psychology Faculty, ULIM University (Chishnau, Moldova),

E-mail: [email protected]

THE OPPORTUNITIES OF MOTHERS OF THE ARAB SECTOR IN BUILDING A BETTER SUPPORT SYSTEM FOR CHILDREN WITH DISABILITIES. During the training, the mothers became more active in caring the child and his education. Mothers learned to appreciate their inner strengths. They learned to understand the nature of the problem and the limits in which the child can be developed towards learning independence. The mothers also learned about their strength facing crises and distress and actively cope with stress, and this was expressed in a more optimistic approach towards the disability. The group was very powerful and provided a unique response. The group provided the mothers an opportunity to meet other mothers who experience similar experiences, sharing their own experiences, reflecting their situation in the stories of other mothers. It is clear that the mothers became more aware to their behavior, to the influences of the disability on the family fabric and to their unique way of coping. In addition, mothers received significant support and created an important social network for their continued coping.

Key words: education among the disabled people, intervention groups, mothers from Arab sector.

Рада Сархан Адед Ельхай, преподаватель средней школы, Израиль; аспирант, Государственный университет

УЛИМ, г. Кишинёв, Молдавия, E-mail:[email protected]


В статье рассказывается об опыте специального обучения матерей детей инвалидов, проживающих в арабском секторе Израиля. В статье показано, что специальная подготовка матерей способствует созданию более эффективной системы поддержки детей с ограниченными возможностями в обучении. Автор делится своими наблюдениями и рассказывает, что во время обучения матери стали активнее заботиться о ребенке и его воспитании. Матери научились ценить свои внутренние силы. Они научились понимать природу проблемы и пределы, в которых ребёнок может развиваться. Матери также узнали о том, что они способны эффективно противостоять кризисам и активно справляться со стрессом, и это нашло свое выражение в более оптимистичном подходе к проблеме инвалидности. Группа предоставила матерям возможность встретиться с другими матерями, имеющими аналогичный опыт. В процессе обучения матери получили значительную поддержку и создали важную социальную сеть для дальнейшего выживания.

Ключевые слова: обучение инвалидов, интервенционные группы, матери из арабского сектора Израиля.

Learning disability is defined as a permanent and objective cognitive neurologic disorder that significantly herms the individual's ability to study, a child or an adult, who has difficulties that are contrary to what is expected of his age, education, intellectual level, and performance in different areas of life. These researches show that the attitudes of Arab society towards people with disabilities are negative. It was also found that in multicultural societies, Arabic speakers have negative attitudes toward people with disabilities more than those who speak other languages. Researches concerning children with disabilities indicated that over-involvement often creates a support system to the children, but sometimes also creates stress. The research question presented in this paper examined whether the impart of knowledge and tools to mothers in the Arab sector helps them cope with children with learning disabilities. The conclusions are detailed in the article.

Learning disability is defined as a permanent and objective cognitive neurologic disorder that significantly herms the individual's ability to study, a child or an adult, who has difficulties that are contrary to what is expected of his age, education, intellectual level, and performance in different areas of life [1]. Learning disability is a general term that refers to a heterogeneous group of disorders, expressed

in significant difficulties in acquiring and using various abilities as attention (ADD), speech, reading (Dyslexia), writing (Dysgraphia), or mathematics (Dyscalculia), it is assumed that these disorders are lifelong. Children with learning disabilities have normal mental abilities, but the deficiencies do not allow them to be realized. Many researches show that learning disability does not disappear with age but can be improved and dealt with positively by improving reading and writing skills. Learning disabilities are the most common disabilities in the education system, a significant percentage of learning disabled drop out of school and / or are unable to meet the end conditions of academic institutions [2].

Some researches have examined social attitudes and parents' attitudes in Arab countries towards children with various disabilities and learning disabilities. These studies indicate that the attitudes of Arab society towards people with disabilities are negative. It was also found that in multicultural societies, Arabic speakers have more negative attitudes towards people with disabilities than those who speak other languages. The social and cultural aspects have a significant impact on the Arab family's attitude towards the child with special needs, which also dictates the style of coping. Crabtree [3] researched families of children with disabilities and special needs

in Arab Emirates found that their attitudes are negative since most of the families of children with disabilities are not accepted by the society. This rejection leads to division of the family and lack of cooperation between its members. The mother is usually blamed for the child's disability. A research performed in Jordan by Young found that in the Jordanian society has a negative stigma towards families with children with disabilities. It was found that only a cohesive family can cope well with social pressure. If the family is not cohesive, they accuse the mother, so she must cope with the social pressure in general and the family pressure in particular, a pressure that sometimes leads to the expulsion of the mother and the expulsion of her married daughters.

In the last decades, social changes have taken place in the structure of Arab society and family, and they are in a transition from traditional society to modern society [4]. The transition to modern society is expressed in a decline of the extended family status in favor of the nuclear family. As a result of the weakening of the extended family, the family ties and the willingness of the members to support and help those in need also weakened. In addition, there is a transition from using informal social support networks to wider use of formal support networks.This process should be related to a rise in the level of parents' knowledge and awareness to their child's disability and possibly also to positive attitudes.

Researches made about children with disabilities indicate that over-involvement of Arab mothers is related to the variables of education, knowledge, income, and status. My research hypothesis is that knowledge and information about the nature of learning disabilities and the ways of coping with them will lead Arab mothers to be a greater source of support for their children with learning disabilities.

Method: I have used several examination methods in my research. In this article, I will focus on the extensive intervention program I performed.

The rationale: since the attitude and behavior towards the child with learning disabilities is influenced by profound emotional perceptions, it is better to work in the program on unconscious perceptions and not only on the cognitive level, i.e., not only provide knowledge.

The program must operate on three levels: 1. Influence on the cognitive and verbal declarative component (mainly providing knowledge), 2. Influence on the sensory and emotional component and 3. Influence the attitudes component - all these will affect attitudes and behavior. To this end, it is necessary to use varied methods and projecting tools to understand and influence the emotional attitude towards the subject and the unconscious perceptions.

The program's super goal - imparting knowledge and tools to parents to cope with children with learning disabilities the goal of the group - was defined as providing tools for coping with children with learning disabilities. This is based on the assumption that increasing awareness and providing tools will help women cope better with their children, which will help the children in their social and educational integration.

Sub-goals for the program - (a) To impart knowledge to mothers about learning disabilities and the challenges of dealing with it; (b) Increasing awareness to the perception of the personal role of the mother in relation to learning disabilities and understanding the importance of the mother's attitude and involvement to the child's success (increased responsibility and active approach by understanding the importance and contribution of the involvement); (c) Increasing the inclusion and acceptance of a child with learning disability; (d) Increasing the sense of parental competence to cope with the child with learning disabilities and a true belief in the ability of children to succeed and achieve despite learning disabilities; (e) Creating internal and external support sources - normalizing feelings and emotions towards mothers of a child with learning disabilities and providing social support.

Method and Setting - The setting was defined in advance for 4 sessions, 3 hours each (in the afternoons), every week on Tuesdays for a month from mid-September to mid-December. The group instructors - the group was co-guided by the researcher with the assistance of an experienced group guide. The meeting structure is an hour and a quarter, a break of half an hour, an hour and a quarter. The meetings were held in a regional school and included refreshments. The control group included mothers from the same schools who did not receive any intervention, only filling out questionnaires (in the month of September and then again in mid-December).

Establishing the group. We have mapped all the women who are mothers of children with learning disabilities and composed a list of more than 30 women who live within 30 km from the regional school in a wide age range. The maximum limit of participants in a group was

15. The dilemma was about focusing the group population according to the goal of the group and the geographical convenience of reaching the meetings. We defined the group for women who are mothers of children with learning disabilities, in order to create a common basis, we focused in women who are mothers of children aged 6 -18.

Findings. Description of the main themes that came up in the group during the intervention program. The group allowed beyond getting tools also understanding the experience of women themselves and the perceptions they brought to the program. I will describe some of the main themes and the main tensions that came up in the group:

• The intensity of necessity in peer group - in the very first meeting we saw a great thirst for a group that share the same struggles and dilemmas of mothers of a child with learning disability. As mentioned in researches, mothers of children with learning disability suffer more than the fathers of their child's behavior problems since their contact with the child is more intensive during most of the day and they cope with his difficulties, as difficulties in making homework, disobedience, inability to get organized and more.

• Shame in front of the environment versus a willingness to seek for help - it was evident that many women felt shame concerning their child's problem, to his difficulties and lack of success. Maybe those feelings are empowered in Arab women comparing to Jewish women due to the characteristics of Muslim culture. As mentioned, the research findings indicate that the attitudes towards exceptional people in Arab society are mostly negative of those in Israeli Jewish society and its explanation is based on differences in cultural orientation. Researches in Israel compared between attitudes in Arab culture and attitudes in Jewish society towards the exceptional adolescent. It was evident that the attitudes and behavior of Jewish parents towards their exceptional child is more positive, however, Arab parents feel more ashamed than guilt, differences that come from cultural differences [5].

• Perceptions towards learning disability as a focused disability or as a comprehensive problem - it was evident that there is a great variance between the participants not only in the children's disability's intensity but also in perceiving the disability as a focused problem that allows the child to express other abilities or as a comprehensive problem. Some of the women did not think a child with learning disability can excel in something or study at the university and it seems that they had no information on the subject. As mentioned, researches found that parents that show faith in their child's ability with his disability make good influence on his self-esteem and it reflects in his academic achievements. In addition, the parents' attitude influences also on how the child cope with his difficulties. It was found that as parent's expectations of his child are positive the more he will succeed in improving his academic achievements. It was also found that parents' attitudes towards their child with various disabilities influences the child's emotional, social and academic functioning. It was evident that the lecture and the information supplied had great value in changing the participants' attitudes. Meeting with mothers that believed in their child's ability had great influence too.

• Providing independence versus excessive concern - after the participants that arrived with mixed attitude understood the importance of intervention, came up a significant question about how much to be involved and how much to take care about the child (with school, teachers and friends) versus how much to trust the child and let him cope independently. As mentioned, mother that shows excessive concern and protection causes their child high dependence, which make his independent functioning difficult. We could see the influence of the dilemma on the parenting style between concerning / anxious versus empowering parenthood that increases child's sense of capability to cope.

• Anger and accusation versus acceptance - many emotions have arisen in the group and it included anger for the child with learning disability because of the load he causes the woman and because this load often interfere with optimal coping with the other children in the family and other home chores. Many times, the anger was about the difficulty and the many conflicts with others. As mentioned, relationships with family members and others may be difficult and dilapidated, what makes home, the place that should be the child's safe place, into another difficult and frustrating place, a fact that adds tension and difficulty to the parents of a child with learning disability. Therefore, an anger circle is formed between the child with learning disability and his parents, when the parents react and express their disappointment on the child that does not meet their expectations, and the child sees the negative emotional reaction when he does not meet his parents' expectations, the dilemmas are formed

in the family and the parents' pressure raises [6; 7]. It was evident that some parents' anger was accompanied by the mother's sense of self accusation for those feelings. Mothers that were angrier had less ability to accept the child. Maybe this tension and feelings are empowered within Arab women due to Islamic culture. As mentioned, in Arab culture the mother's main role is to be a wife and a mother. The mother is responsible for the home conduction and atmosphere and perceived as the responsible for her decisions at home. The mother is responsible for children's education and house chores. The main criteria for an evaluation of the traditional women are related in the

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level of her success to fulfil her duties as a wife and a mother. One of the assumptions in the basis of group work was that self-awareness in context of internal tension helps the person finding his way to freedom. From the cooperation in the group we could learn that many of the women are in constant experience of anger and guilt. The experience of anger and accusation is generalized towards the teachers and make the child's support difficult. The ventilation of emotions in the group, the legitimation, the normalization and emotional support helped to increase the space of child's inclusion and acceptance.

1. Абидин Р., Дженкинс Л., McGaughey М. Отношения в начале семейного переменные childrenws последующей корректировки поведенческих стратегий. Journal of Clinical Child Psychology. 1992, vol. 21: 60 - 69.

2. Anastopulous, Guervermont & Dupaul, 1992.

3. Дж. Грэсс. Босс М.С. Различия среди студентов, получающих специальное образование школьных служб. Детская Психиатрия и человек. 1996, vol. 26: 235 - 246.

4. Гинат Н. Журнал профессиональных школьных учителей 2010.

5. Crabtree S.A. Реакция семьи на социальную интеграцию детей с нарушениями развития в Объединенных Арабских Эмиратах. Инвалидность и общество. 2007, vol. 22 (1): 49 - 62.

6. Хасан Ферн. Политика чести: Патриархия, убийство чести государства и семьи. Пол, гендер и политика. 1999: 267 - 305.

7. Аль Хадж М. Социальные исследования семейного образа жизни арабов в Израиле. Journal of Comparative Family Studies. 1989, vol. 20: 175 - 194.


1. Abidin R., Dzhenkins L., McGaughey M. Otnosheniya v nachale semejnogo peremennye childrenws posleduyuschej korrektirovki povedencheskih strategij. Journal of Clinical Child Psychology. 1992, vol. 21: 60 - 69.

2. Anastopulous, Guervermont & Dupaul, 1992.

3. Dzh. Gr'ess. Boss M.S. Razlichiya sredi studentov, poluchayuschih special'noe obrazovanie shkol'nyh sluzhb. Detskaya Psihiatriya i chelovek. 1996, vol. 26: 235 - 246.

4. Ginat N. Zhurnalprofessional'nyh shkol'nyh uchitelej2010.

5. Crabtree S.A. Reakciya sem'i na social'nuyu integraciyu detej s narusheniyami razvitiya v Ob'edinennyh Arabskih 'Emiratah. Invalidnost' i obschestvo. 2007, vol. 22 (1): 49 - 62.

6. Hasan Fern. Politika chesti: Patriarhiya, ubijstvo chesti gosudarstva i sem'i. Pol, genderipolitika. 1999: 267 - 305.

7. Al' Hadzh M. Social'nye issledovaniya semejnogo obraza zhizni arabov v Izraile. Journal of Comparative Family Studies. 1989, vol. 20: 175 - 194.

Статья поступила в редакцию 05.05.18

УДК 159. 923 + 159.9

Reunova A.Yu., fifth-year student, Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University (Novosibirsk, Russia), E-mail: [email protected]

Zybina L.N., Cand. of Sciences (Psychology), senior lecturer, Department of General Psychology and History of Psychology, Faculty of Psychology, Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University (Novosibirsk, Russia), E-mail: [email protected] Manturova N.M., senior teacher, Department of Practical and Special Psychology, Faculty of Psychology, Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University (Novosibirsk, Russia), E-mail: [email protected]

SATISFACTION WITH THE CHOSEN PROFESSION AND SUBJECTIVE WELL-BEING OF AN INDIVIDUAL. The article reveals the main approaches to determine the subjective well-being of an individual and satisfaction with the chosen profession. The low level of satisfaction with the chosen profession in the process of professional training does not contribute to the formation of a professional and adversely affects the subjective well-being of the individual. The study reveals the relationship between satisfaction with the chosen profession and subjective well-being of an individual, as well as differences in satisfaction with the chosen profession and subjective well-being of an individual between kindergarten teachers in rural and urban areas.

Key words: subjective well-being, psychological well-being, job satisfaction, satisfaction from chosen profession.

А.Ю. Реунова, студентка 5 курса ФП ФГБОУ ВО «НГПУ», E-mail: [email protected]

Л.Н. Зыбина, канд. псих. наук, доц. каф. общей психологии и истории психологии факультета психологии,

Новосибирский государственный педагогический университет, г. Новосибирск, E-mail: [email protected]

Н.М. Мантурова, ст. преп. каф. практической и специальной психологии факультета психологии, Новосибирский

государственный педагогический университет, г. Новосибирск, E-mail: [email protected]


В статье раскрыты основные подходы к определению субъективного благополучия личности и удовлетворённости избранной профессией. Низкий уровень удовлетворённости избранной профессией в процессе профессионального обучения не способствует становлению профессионала и негативно сказывается на субъективном благополучии личности. В качестве испытуемых взяты воспитатели детских садов сельской и городской местности. Проведено исследование, в котором была выявлена взаимосвязь удовлетворённости избранной профессией и субъективного благополучия личности, также были выявлены различия удовлетворённости избранной профессией и субъективного благополучия личности между воспитателями детского сада сельской и городской местности.

Ключевые слова: субъективное благополучие, психологическое благополучие, удовлетворенность профессией, удовлетворенность трудом, удовлетворённость избранной профессией.

Проблема субъективного благополучия личности всё чаще становится интересна для исследования психологов и эта проблема актуальна не конкретно в определённый период жизни человека, а в целом, в разные периоды жизни человека.

Автором термина «психологическое благополучие» является Н. Бредберн, который считал, что система психологического благополучия состоит из двух компонентов: позитивного и негативного аффекта. Э. Динер добавил к данной системе ещё одну

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