Rakhmonova M.K.
Andijan Institute of Agriculture and Agrotechnologies
Koziboeva S.
Andijan Institute of Agriculture and Agrotechnologies
Annotation. Horticultural areas around the world are expanding, and the volume of their cultivation is increasing year by year. However, pest damage to a certain extent affects the quality and volume of the crop. The expansion of apple orchards indicates the needfor further improvement of agricultural technologies for their cultivation, methods of protection against pests and diseases.
Keywords: Lepidoptera: Tortricidae. Carpocapsa (Cydia) pomonella Cossidae.
Introduction The natural climatic conditions of Uzbekistan are the most favorable for growing fruit trees and vines. Fruit trees such as apples, pears, quinces, cherries, cherries, apricots, and peaches are planted in the republic. However, without effective protection of gardens and vineyards from pests and diseases, it is impossible to get a high-quality and high harvest from them. Some types of pests found in orchards and vineyards are apple, plum and grape bollworms, violets, false shields, fruit spider mites, pear sweetworm, pear aphids, acacia false shields, oriental fruitworm, sheath moth, which reproduces several times throughout the year and season. will cause great damage. Among the diseases of fruit trees, hole spotting (clyasterosporiosis), moniliosis (anthrax disease), powdery mildew, parsha (scab disease), peach leaf swelling, and plum pocket diseases greatly affect the quality and quantity of the crop. Certain quarantine pests - California shields, blood louse, mulberry moth, citrus mite, parasitic plants - ivy and sedges spread a lot every year, causing great concern to our gardeners and owners.
Research results: More than 30 pests are encountered in seed apple orchards, the most important of which are leafhoppers (Lepidoptera; Tortricidae). There are 9,800 species of barnacles worldwide, divided into three subfamilies: Tortricinae, Olethreutinae, and Chlidanotinae.
Apple borer (Carpocapsa (Cydia) pomonella L.) is considered one of the main pests in seed orchards, and it is observed that 65-70% of the apple crop dies in the conditions of our country. Today, the control measures against this pest are mainly used by chemical methods. However, it is urgent to develop coordinated measures against the pest in order to maintain environmental cleanliness and grow ecologically clean fruit products.
For this reason, many countries now use biological agents against agricultural pests and produce biopesticides in order to grow ecologically clean products. North America is the leader in the production of biopesticides, its share in the world market is 240-260 million US dollars. More than 250 biopesticides are registered in Canada and the United States alone. Of these, 60% are bacterial products, 25% are fungal products, and 15% are viral products, and the production of biopesticides worldwide is expected to increase by 8-10% annually. In 2013 alone, more than 200 new types of biopesticides were registered in China. Among them, the most common types are actophyte, planriz, trichodermin, phytofluorine, lepidocide. and their average efficiency is higher than 50% depending on the air temperature. Also, their cost is up to 40% cheaper than chemical means.
According to the morphological characteristics of the apple fruit eater, the back wings are light brown in color. On the outer edge of the wings there is a short, dark bulb. The bulb is 10-12 mm long, brown, on the 2-7 segments of the abdomen, two rows of spines are visible on the back. There are more than one row of long spines on segments 8 and 9 and at the tip of the abdomen. The sponge is enclosed in a soft cocoon, the threads of which are often gnawed by worms. The length of the adult worm reaches 18 mm, the top is pink, the bottom is white or yellowish, the young worm is white. The body of the worm has hairy small light gray spots. The head and nape of the worm are light brown or reddish in color. Eggs are usually 1.5 mm, round, flattened, flowing.
Despite this, systematic scientists began to use the names adopted by Hübner. Kirby and Spence first coined the term Cydia.
Erminea pomonella (Linnaeus) used in the description of the mouth part of the species. Erminea is mentioned as a monotype and its species is pomonella. However, without scientific research, the name of Erminea is Erminea Haglety [113; p. 104]. (Yponomeutidae) was introduced by the idea. Another scientist Treitschke (1830) proposed the name Carpocapsa pomonana L. by combining the above species. While Curtis (1831) says that the word pomonella refers to the species of the genus Carpocapsa, Walsingham. interpreted the word pomonella as the type of the genus Cydia. Busck confirmed in 1903 that pomonana was the first species for the genus Carpocapsa, agreeing with Curtis.
But Brown said Cydia and Carpocapsa will be left as synonyms.
In 1959, Obraztsov emphasized the names Cydia and Carpocapsa as synonyms of Laspeyresia. Kuznetsov and Kezner (1984) appealed to the International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature to accept the term Cydia as the parent genus. But after the discussions, no decision was taken.
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