THE NEW PARADIGM OF MONEY THAT WILL CHANGE OUR WORLD Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Opadchiy Igor Mikhailovich

The modern monetary and fiscal system hinders the development of the economy. Resolution of the fundamental contradictions inherent in modern money combined with modern technology and a new philosophy of money will enable to build a powerful economy that will perform a social function. The author offers a new formula for estimating the value of goods, a new philosophy of money (natural money), as well as a new algorithm for the functioning of the fiscal system, in which there will be no taxes in the modern sense, there will be no modern fiscal and supervisory bodies.

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всегда будет актуальной и иметь основания для дальнейшего исследования.

Список литературы:

1. Новий свгговий економiчний порядок та глобальш виклики для Украши : моногр. / [В. Козюк, А. Крисоватий, £. Савельев та ш.]; за наук. ред. проф. А. Крисоватого i £. Савельева. - Тер-нопiль: ТНЕУ, 2014. - 504 с.

2. Ikenberry G. John. The Future of the Liberal World Order: Internationalism After America / G. John. Ikenberry // Foreign Affairs. - 2011. - Vol. 90, No. 3. -P. 56-62, 63-68.

3. LIM Ho Yeol, KIM Hongwon The Beginning of the China-led New Financial Order and Korea's Countermeasures / Ho Yeol LIM, Hongwon KIM // World Economy Brief. - 2017. - February 1, Vol. 7, No. 3. - 4p.

4. Sokolov A.P., Stone P.H., Forest C.E., Prinn R., Sarofim M.C., Webster M. et al. Pobabilistic Fore-

cast for Twenty-First-Century Climate Based on Uncertainties in Emissions (Without Policy) and Climate Parameters / Sokolov, A.P., P.H. Stone, C.E. Forest, R. Prinn, M.C. Sarofim, M. Webster et al. // Journal of Climate. - 2009. - Vol. 22, no.19. - P. 5175-204.

5. Колодко Г. В. Глобализация, трансформация, кризис - что дальше? / Г.В.Колодко - М.: Магистр, 2015. - С.136.

6. Mundell R. A Decade Later: Asia New Responsibilities in the International Monetary System / Robert Mundell - Presentation given in Seoul, South Korea, 2007, May, 2-3.

7. Mundell R. The case for a world currency / Robert Mundell. //Journal of Policy Modeling. - 2012. - No34. - P.568-578.

8. UAE announces new Saudi alliance that could reshape Gulf relations [Electronic resource] - Access mode: https://www.theguard-ian.com/world/2017/dec/05/uae-saudi-arabia-alliance-gulf-relations-gcc.

Igor Mikhailovich Opadchiy

Candidate of legal sciences, lawyer, scientist.


The modern monetary and fiscal system hinders the development of the economy. Resolution of the fundamental contradictions inherent in modern money combined with modern technology and a new philosophy of money will enable to build a powerful economy that will perform a social function. The author offers a new formula for estimating the value of goods, a new philosophy of money (natural money), as well as a new algorithm for the functioning of the fiscal system, in which there will be no taxes in the modern sense, there will be no modern fiscal and supervisory bodies.

Key words: money, monetary system, fiscal system, banknotes.

Formulation of the problem. Money is the main tool of the economy, its blood and, in fact, its meaning. Modern education somehow quite casually and unjustly studies the institution of money, the philosophy of money and the etymology of the origin of modern money, or more precisely what is commonly called "money" in the modern world. Most of the economic and financial sciences are focused on the issue of multiplying money, although it is perhaps more important to pay attention to the essence of the phenomenon that is due to these sciences. It's also like looking for diamonds without knowing what it is and how they appear in nature. It is commonly believed that the function of money in the history of mankind was performed entirely different items from shells Kauri, pieces of gold and other metals to modern pieces of paper with paint and watermarks.

Analysis of recent researches and publications. Modern periodicals are full of researches and publications in the field of electronic money and crypto-cur-rencies, most of which are more cognitive than scientific. From the scientific point of view this research is based on the conclusions of Silvio Gezel in his work "Natural Economic Order", as well as the monograph "Monetary obligations in private law" under my authorship. In writing the monograph used more than 200 different sources and scientific papers, but the conclusions made in this study are innovative and do not repeat the conclusions of the listed sources.

The task of this research is to overcome the fundamental contradiction inherent in modern money, which is an obstacle to the development of modern economy, the research task is to offer a mechanism and a way to overcome the contradiction. The task of the research is also to propose a new economic order that will ensure the free movement of goods, the absence of taxes and fiscal bodies in the modern sense. Increase of the tax base, improve the conditions for business and human development.

Statement of the main material of the study. It should be noted that historically modern banknotes and treasury tickets have long played the role of money, thus becoming an unconditional association with "money" for most people of our planet. Also, money is certainly associated with the state or states that issue this money and through which they realize their monetary policy. The emergence of new methods of calculation, such as electronic money or bitcoins, certainly made some adjustments to the overall perception of money, but about this a little later. As part of writing my monograph "Monetary obligations in private law", I repeatedly came to the conclusion that the characteristics of monetary obligations in comparison with other obligations are related to the special properties of money as a subject of such obligations. At the same time, after the publication of the monograph, I did not leave the feeling that a serious and fundamental defect was laid in the subject of the monetary obligation,


which makes modern money an evil for humanity and its development, a brake for the development of the economy and the realization of the people potential. The work and views of Silvio Gezel (German businessman, financial theorist and social reformer, author of the theory of "free economy", the year of life of 18621930) helped me organize and systematize the answer to this question [2].

The scientist drew the public's attention to the fundamental contradiction inherent in modern money, or rather in the two main functions which modern money performs: the function of the turnover mode and the accumulation function. In other words, money serves as an intermediary in the exchange of one commodity for another, than they develop the economy. At the same time, as a way of accumulation, mankind is not interested in parting with money, than does the braking of the economy and its dehydration. "I could and wanted to buy something or make an exchange, but it's the accumulation function that forbids me to do this"

Moreover, Silvio Gezel drew the attention of scientists to the fact that money, although it is a commodity, but is in a more privileged position relative to other goods. The seller of biscuits or flowers tries to sell their goods as soon as possible, since the latter loses its properties or simply spoils with time, money does not have such properties, they are easy to store and, moreover, they are able to bear interest if they are lent. Proceeding from this, the scientist suggested that money should also "spoil", they should decrease, similarly to how the goods on the shelves deteriorate. Thus, according to Silvio Gezel, money will begin to fulfill its only function - the mode of circulation, constantly developing and feeding the economy [7].

In his book "The Natural Economic Order", Silvio Gezel quotes Pierre Joseph Proudhon: "Proudhon asked:" Why do we not have enough houses, equipment, ships? "And gave the answer, the correct answer:" Because money limits construction, production of everything in the world. "Or, in his own words:" Because money is a closed gate at the entrance to the markets, made specially not to let anyone in there. You think that money is the key that opens the way for you

to the market (the market means the exchange of goods), but it's not so, money is the key that the gate CLOSES" [7].

Silvio Gezel's teaching might and would have been ignominiously forgotten if it had not been for the launch of Gesell's money, or money for demurrage, as an experiment in one of the cities of Europe. As local, local currency, Gesell's money showed a positive effect on the economy. Wikipedia: "The first practical application of Gesell's views was the experiment in the Austrian town of Worgl with a population of 3,000 people in 1932. As a result of the experiment, a bridge was built in the city, roads were improved, and capital investments in public services were increased. The countries of Europe were forced to deal with growing unemployment, the unemployment rate in Worgl declined by 25% over the year. When more than 300 communities in Austria became interested in this model, the National Bank of Austria saw a danger for it's monopoly in it and abandoned printing of free local money. And despite the fact that the dispute lasted for a very long time and was considered even in the highest courts in Austria, neither Worgl nor other European communities didn't succeeded in replicating this experiment. But the prohibitions concerned direct emission of money by local authorities, not controlled by the National Bank, but not "the principles of the Gesell system" [7].

Undoubtedly, one of the biggest problems with the functioning of these money was their inconvenience, which consisted in the need to print seals or glue stamps for cash, confirming their denominations in a specific period of time. As we see, this, as well as the constant struggle of the state with alternative monetary systems, led to the curtailment of such initiatives, despite their economic progressiveness. The emergence and mass distribution of the Internet, the emergence of crypto-currencies, or more precisely the blockchain technology, on the basis of which they are created, enable me to offer a new paradigm of money for society and a new philosophy of money that will come close to what is called jus naturale in Latin. How does the new paradigm of money work (let's call them "natural money" in contrast to "free money" of Gezel) (fig. 1) [7].






Bus Naturale

Fig. 1. Diagram «Natural money»

The state issues electronic money (natural money) on the basis of blocking technology, money has a negative interest and is constantly decreasing on the account of subjects of monetary relations. On small amounts, the reduction is insignificant and does not cause much discomfort, although it stimulates all participants in monetary relations to get rid of money. This reduction is perceived by participants in monetary relations as a state tax, which is progressive, since it directly depends on the amount of money on the account of each participant. Discontent over the reduction of money on the account is compensated by the fact that there are no barriers to the development of trade and production, as there are no taxes and state bodies that control this area. There is a completely free market with free movement of money and goods. The state's tax system and budget are based on the formula: the state annually releases new money (the state's annual budget) as much as the entire money supply of the country for the given year has decreased due to a negative interest. So, for example, if the entire money of the state consists of 1 billion hryvnia, and the state budget 300 million, then a reduction in the money supply per year by 300 million gives an opportunity for the state to imitate 300 million of new money needed to cover budget programs [6].

There is a rapid and qualitative growth of the economy, the absence of a shadow economy, its innovation and social justice. Undoubtedly, the gap between rich and poor will remain in society, and the accumulation will be made by surrogates of money, including foreign currency, but this does not harm the given monetary system at all. For a while, perhaps even the parallel existence of two monetary and tax systems, the transition from the new to the old one will be associated only with the payment of an appropriate and logical tax, but certainly not produce massively again because of the convenience and profitability of new monetary and fiscal relations. The entrepreneur will be interested in moving into a new system of money relations, since work in it provides complete freedom from taxes and inspection bodies.

Simplicity and convenience of relations in the new monetary system will be the main guarantee that participants will not leave it and prefer it to any other monetary systems. Moreover, it will not have administrative costs. The negative percentage will be "Spread over time" taxes paid by entrepreneurs, but this tax in aggregate will be smaller than the current tax burden on business, including due to the removal of business from the shadows, a large tax base and a lack of costs for administrative taxes. Moreover, the speed and initiative of business processes in new money are likely to offer startups to the market, in which interest for the use of money will cover interest on their depreciation. The reader may require from me specific indicators, figures and algorithms. But to give them in this study will be wrong, since specific figures are tied to the economic indicators of a specific country, as well as to the strategy of entering a new monetary and settlement system on the market [4].

To sum it up, "natural money" is a crypto currency, a government-issued means of exchange

(money) that, over time, reduces its value, thus covering all tax obligations of the user to the state.

But let's back to the most important - the philosophy of money. Perhaps you already felt that with this concept, "natural" money has a different meaning and content, which distinguishes them even from Gesell's money. Practically in all world languages there is an analog of the proverb "Time is money!" Yes, it is with this philosophy of money that time becomes money not in figurative, but in the literal sense [3].

In the system blockchain, the calculation is made by time. Economists should forget the age-old question: "What does this currency provide?" This currency is provided by the commodity for which it is exchanged and is an approximate estimate of the time spent on manufacturing it, multiplied on the "quality" of that time. "Natural money" performs a single function - the exchange function. Therefore, the value of the goods is determined by the formula S = t * n, where S is the cost of the goods, and t is the time required for its production. N is the quality factor of the use of time, benefits of its use, or vice versa, its aimlessness and counter-productivity. If t is an objective value, then n is a subjective quantity that makes the market of goods and services interesting and unpredictable, especially when it concerns objects of culture and art.

Thus, "natural money", although they reduce their value on the principle of "free money" by Silvio Gezel, the decrease has a different basis and idea. If the "demurrage" of Gesell's money was aimed only at accelerating the turnover of money, then in "natural money" the reduction in the nominal value of money replaces the tax system and all state taxes, creating a free business development environment. Moreover, "natural money" is of a different philosophical nature, since "natural money" is essentially a time. Modern oecu-mene does not know the best thing or category to reflect the value of goods or services than "time." Only time spent on the production of goods or services multiplied by a factor N can provide an equivalent, as far as possible in the material world, the exchange of goods while dividing the function of accumulation and turnover.

An important question is how much this tax and monetary system will comply with modern legislation and the tax system. And what is the difference between "Natural Money" and other crypto-currencies, including bitcoin. Let's remind "Bitcoyn or Bitcoin, from bit -" bit "and coin -" coin ") - a peer-to-peer payment system using the same pay unit and the same data transfer protocol.

Conducted transactions are irreversible, electronic payment between the two parties occurs without intermediaries. But there is an opportunity to involve a third party-guarantor with the help of multi-signature [en]. No one can freeze funds, even temporarily, except for the owner himself. These and other smart contracts can be implemented using a special scripting language [6], but it is not available from the GUI and is not complete in Turing, unlike newer blockchain systems (see Ethereum) [3].

Bitcoins can be used to exchange for goods or services from sellers who agree to accept them. Exchange

for ordinary currencies occurs through an online exchange service of digital currencies, other payment systems or exchange offices.

Commission for the conduct of operations is appointed by the sender voluntarily, the size of the commission affects the priority in processing the transaction. Typically, the client program prompts the recommended amount of commission. Transactions without commission are possible and also processed, but are not recommended, since the processing time is unknown and can be quite large.

One of the main features of the system is full decentralization: there is no central administrator or any of its analogues. A necessary and sufficient element of this payment system is the basic client program (it has open source code). Running on multiple computers, client programs connect to each other in a peer-to-peer network, each node of which is equal and self-sufficient. It is impossible to manage the system publicly or privately, including changing the total number of bitcoins. The volume and time of new bitcoyne release are known in advance, but they are distributed relatively randomly among those who use their computing equipment, the results of which are a mechanism for regulating and confirming the eligibility of operations in the system"[1].

The principle of bitcoin operation is that "Bitcoine exists only as records in a distributed database-Block-chain, in which all transactions are publicly opened (unencrypted), indicating the bittorrent addresses of senders/recipients, but without information about the actual owner of these addresses».

As we see by the peculiarity of this system is the absence of any control over the movement of money and full anonymity of payments. That is why some states see in bitcoin the basis for the development of the shadow economy of the country, tax evasion and illegal transactions. Understanding the absence of mechanisms to struggle crypto-currencies forced the most progressive countries to somehow recognize crypto-currencies as payment means.

"Natural money" provides for the use of the best ideas of modern crypto currency and blockchain technology, but at the same time "natural money" works for society and performs a social function. The state instead of fighting against crypto-currencies starts issuing them, using their advantages for the purposes of developing the legal sector of the economy, legalization of economy and solving social problems.

These changes will radically change the existing world in an undoubtedly better way. Money will finally cease to be an end in itself for the economy. Not people will "walk" for money, but money for people. The new monetary paradigm extols new ideals: a human reputation and a new idea.

Conclusions. The modern monetary and fiscal system is the main problem of the modern economy, which hinders its development, hampers the development of human potential and creativity.

In modern money, the contradiction lies in the fact that money simultaneously performs two mutually exclusive functions - the turnover function and the accumulation function. The accumulation function removes

money from circulation, dehydrates the economy and makes it unstable.

In science and history, there have already been attempts to separate these two functions. One of the most interesting is Silvio Gezel's doctrine of money with a "demurrage", money that "spoils" just as other commodities deteriorate over time, thereby excluding accumulation. Very interesting in this regard is the practical application of Gesell's money in the city of Vergle, Austria. Practical experience of the application showed a positive impact of money on the turnover of goods, payment of local taxes, reduction of unemployment.

The scientific and technological revolution, the development of the Internet, the emergence of crypto-currencies, the emergence of blocking technology, enables the author to propose a new approach to solving this problem. The creation of a free market without restrictions and barriers, the absence of taxes and a fiscal system, the lack of costs for the administration of the tax system is seen in the use of "natural money".

"Natural money" is a state-issued crypto currency, a means of exchange that, over time, reduces its value, thus covering all tax liabilities of the user to the state.

Reducing money on the account replaces all taxes. The annual budget of the state is the difference between the entire money supply at the beginning of the year and its balance at the end of the year, due to a decrease in the nominal amount. The reduction allows the State to issue each year a new amount of crypto currency needed to cover budget programs. The reduction in money on users' accounts is "smeared taxes in time," which will be much less due to an increase in the tax base, the legalisation of the economy and the absence of administrative costs. The tax will have a progressive character, as it will be felt for users of large sums of money and insignificant for small users.

The philosophy of "natural money" is that the calculation is made by the Time. The value of the goods is determined by the formula S = t * n, where t is the objective amount of time spent on the production of goods or services, and n is the coefficient, the subjective value by which the market evaluates the "quality" of time spent, its ego efficiency and productivity. The concept of "time-money" gets a concrete practical embodiment.

"Natural money" does not require any security, since they perform only the function of exchange. Natural money reflects the time spent on the production of goods and services multiplied by a factor, this time they are provided with the exchange of goods.

The system of "natural money" does not at all prohibit the parallel functioning of the monetary systems and monetary systems of other states that are customary for us. Just like Bitcoin functions in parallel with the current monetary systems. The state will finally be able not to struggle with crypto-currencies, but to put their advantages on the service of economic development and solving social problems. The way out of the "natural money" and free economy into the model we are familiar with is associated only with the payment of a certain tax and with the resumption of work with a complex, dilapidated and intricate system of taxes and controlling bodies.

The absence of barriers and restrictions, the ease of movement of goods and services in a tax-free space, the lack of accumulation in this money - will solve many economic problems. Blokchain technology provides an incredible degree of trust in money and a tax system that does not have an external administrator. Money will finally cease to be an end in itself of the economy, but become its tool. Not people "go for money, but money for people." The cut-off of the accumulation function in "natural money" will lead to a constant search for their application, a situation in which Reputation and the New Idea become the main criteria of the economy!


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2. Avakov A. B. Vekselnoe obraschenie: teoriya i praktika / A. B. Avakov. - H.,2000. - 382 s.

3. Belov V. A. Denezhnyie obyazatelstva / V. A. Belov. - M.: TsentrYurInfoR, 2001. - 237 s.

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Шабан Катерина Степатвна

астрант кафедри промыслового маркетингу КШ1



У статп проаналiзовано сучасний стан ринку полiгpафiчноi продукцii Украши. Визначено основнi особливостi його формування та перспективи подальшого розвитку. Встановлено основнi структурнi еле-менти динамiчноi' моделi ринку полiграфiчноi' продукцп. Дослщжено виробництво рiзних видiв полiграфiчноi продукцп, розподiл суб'eктiв господарювання за географiчним принципом, за видами дiяль-носп тощо. Проведений аналiз ринку полiграфiчноi продукцп Украши дозволить прогнозувати його по-дальший розвиток та визначити особливосл його трансформацii у майбутньому, що знайде свое ввдобра-ження в подальших дослiдженнях.

Ключовi слова: ринок полiграфiчноi продукцп, обсяги виробництва продукцii, суб'екти видавничо1' дiяльностi, фактори впливу на дослiджуваний ринок


В статье проанализировано современное состояние рынка полиграфической продукции Украины. Определены основные особенности его формирования и перспективы дальнейшего развития. Установлены основные структурные элементы динамической модели рынка полиграфической продукции. Исследована производство различных видов полиграфической продукции, распределение субъектов хозяйствования по географическому принципу, по видам деятельности и прочее. Проведенный анализ рынка полиграфической продукции Украины позволит прогнозировать его дальнейшее развитие и определить особенности его трансформации в будущем, что найдет свое отражение в дальнейших исследованиях.

Ключевые слова: рынок полиграфической продукции, объемы производства продукции, субъекты издательской деятельности, факторы влияния на исследуемый рынок


The article analyzes the current state of the Ukrainian printing market. The main features of its formation and prospects for further development are determined. The basic structural elements of the dynamic model of the market of polygraphic products are established. The production of various types of printing products, distribution of economic entities by geographical principle, types of activities, and others are explored. The conducted analysis of the market of polygraphic products of Ukraine will allow to predict its further development and determine the features of its transformation in the future, which will be reflected in further research.

Key words: market of polygraphic production, volumes of production, subjects of publishing activity, factors of influence on the investigated market

Вступ. Серед рiзних царин нацюнально! еко-TOMira полiграфiчна промисловють е одшею з важ-ливих галузей, яка усшшно функцюнуе й розви-ваеться, хоча й дуже чутлива до коливань на ринку i зобов'язана миттево реагувати на змши в шших га-лузях. Звичайно, в укра!нських умовах на функцюнування ще! галуз^ свш вплив мають рiзнi чинники. Серед макроекономiчних чиннишв слщ звернути особливу увагу на: депресивний стан еко-

номши; недосконалють законодавчо! бази; неза-довшьний стан фундаментально! та прикладно! науки, нездатнiсть до комерцiалiзацii; зменшення мiсткостi внутрiшнього ринку. Важливими також залишаються чинники ринку - жорстка конкурен-цiя з боку шоземних та нацiональних виробникiв видавничо! та полiграфiчноi продукцii, зниження доступносп фiнансово-кредитних ресурсiв, недо-

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