THE NATURE AND ESSENCE OF SCHOLARS’ DISPUTES ABOUT THE CREATIVE HERITAGE OF A. NAVOI Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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O'zbekiston Respublikasi fanlar akademiyasi O'zbek tili, adabiyoti va folklori instituti DOI: 10.24412/2181-1385-2023-1-271-276

Volume 4 | Conference Proceedings 1 | 2023

Alisher Navoiy adabiy va ilmiy merosini



Ibodulla Mirzayev

Doctor of philological sciences, professor, Samarkand state university, Samarkand,


The heritage of Alisher Navoi is still of interest throughout the world, as evidenced by the translations of the works of the great poet into different languages of the world. Many scholars compare the merits of Navoi in raising the status and development of the Turkic (Uzbek) language with the merits of the great enlighteners who made a radical turn in the culture of the nation, such as Du Belli and M. Lomonosov.

The life and work of Navoi was studied by scientists from both the East and the West, for example, Azerbaijani scientists A. Hasanzade, H. Arasli, J. Nagiyev, Turkish scientists Mahmad Fuad Koprulu, Ogoh Sirri Lavender, Afghan scientists Muhammad Yakub Zhuzjoni, Iranian Ali Acgap Hikmat, Russian researchers I.N. Berezin, M. Nikitsky, A. Krymsky, V. V. Bartold, A. A. Semenov, E. Z. Bertels, L. Klimovich, Western European scientists L. M. Eliot, A. Kurella and many others.

It should be noted that the studies of scientists dedicated to the life and work of Alisher Navoi have varying degrees of objectivity. The centuries-old experience of statehood and the spiritual heritage of the Turkic peoples were destroyed after the Tatar-Mongol enslavement. During the reign of the Timurids, the glorious history, language and values of the Turkic peoples were revived with great difficulty. Even in the palace of Amir Timur, they could not bring the status of the state language to the Turkic (Uzbek) language. It was during this period that Alisher Navoi set himself the goal of reviving the status of the Uzbek language.

In 1557, Michael Tramezzino in Venice published the book "Three Princes of Sarandip". In the introduction to it, the author notes that it is written on the basis of an oriental tale heard in Italian from Christopher Tabrizi. In the opinion of orientalists, two plots are intertwined in the story. The first part is based on an episode from the poem "Eight Gardens of Eden" by Khosrow Dehlevi. The second part tells about the adventures of Bakhrom and Dilorom, which are the main content of Alisher Navoi's poem "The Seven Planets". This work has been published more than once in Italian, it was translated into German, French, Dutch, although the names of either Dehlevi or



Navoi are not mentioned anywhere. Later, Western orientalists proved the belonging of one of the plots to Navoi.

The article by the scholar Harry Dick "The Gardener of the Spiritual Garden" was published in the Uzbek language in Canada. He is an admirer of Navoi's creativity and translated into English his poem "Lison-ut-tayr" ("The Language of Birds") in order to convey to the English-speaking readers all the beauty of the work. He calls Navoi "my poet" and compares him to the gardener of a spiritual garden. In the context of a sharp decline in spirituality in the West due to the growing purely consumerist attitude towards life, the call, in the words of Harry Dick, "to clear the garden of weeds and take care of it" is very relevant.

An interesting history of recent years is connected with one of the poems of "The Five" by Navoi. A unique book was published in Ukraine - the translation of the poem "Farhad and Shirin" into Ukrainian. The publication also contains versions of the poem in original Arabic and modern Uzbek. This is not just a modern translation, but an author's work performed by the Ukrainian poet Mykola Bozhan, who visited Tashkent in 1943 during the evacuation.

Scientific research in the field of lyrics, artistic skill and the creative method, satire, the traditions of the poet's innovation, his worldview and philosophy, oral folk art, which was of particular importance for his work, interliterary influence, contributed to the fact that Navoi became an independent scientific direction. It is appropriate to mention here the works of such researchers as P. Shamsiev, N. Mallaev, V. Zogidov, I. Sulton, A. Gayumov, S. Ganiev, Kh. Sulaimon, A. Rustamov, A. Gayitmetov, A. Abdugafurov, B. Valikhyzhaev, Y. Iskogov, I. Kakulov, N. Komilov, R. Vox,idov, M. Kakimov, M. Kamidova, S. Erkinov, Sh.Sharipov, L. Zoidov. The contribution of Tajik researchers A. Mirzoev, R. Musulmonulov A. Afsakhzoda, E. Shodiev, Turkmen scientists B. Darriev, M. Kosayev, K. Borzhakova, K. Ogaliev, Azerbaijani scientists H. Arasli, J. Nagieva, N. Arasli, A. Ulvi, Russian scientists I. V. Stebleva, S. Ivanov and others in Navoi studies was really great.

It is necessary to note the controversy of certain provisions that need to be corrected seriously. In particular, there are many questions concerning the interpretation the national and literary affiliation of Navoi, his official status, social and political activities and financial situation, as well as the bilingual nature of the poet's work and "Khamsa", Navoi's relationship with Hussein Baikaro, where there is still no unified approach and different

DOI: 10.24412/2181-1385-2023-1-271-276

O'zbek tili, adabiyoti va folklori instituti

Alisher Navoiy adabiy va ilmiy merosini o'rganish masalalari

interpretations exist. [ y.№bh A]


Thus, the knowledge about Navoi's life has informational nature, in many cases it was not studied in a comparative aspect. It means that there is a lot of work for the Navoi studies in Russia and abroad. It is important that the main principles that will guide the researchers are objectivity, scientific character and respect for the personality of the genius, the national values of the people. An objective study of the life and work of Alisher Navoi in a scientific-critical analysis certainly contributes to the identification of the reasons for the dual perception, the contradictory interpretation of the poet's work, who enriched the worldview of humanity, raised the artistic world of the Turkic peoples to a high level.

The race between Great Britain and Russia, which began in the second half of the 19th century, over the colonialization of the East, caused an increase in interest in geography, geology, nature, and especially the spiritual potential of the Central Asian region and India. The scientific information "Alisher Navoi" created in 1868 by M. Belen, an employee of the Hungarian Embassy in Turkey, has gained relevance again.

This interest also developed during the period of the "red empire". The article by the French scientist Lucien Bouve "Essays on the civilization of the Timurid period" published in 1926 in the magazine "Asia", the entries of Edgar Blochet in the "Catalog of Turkic manuscripts kept in the National Library", the work of the English scientist Edward Brown about A. Navoi can be recognized as deserving attention by studies of that period.

During that period of history, under the influence of V.I. Lenin on granting autonomy to distant regions, in particular, Central Asia and the Caucasus, the tendency to erect Navoi to the symbol of the nation intensified. The first attempt was an organized under the motto "Alisher Navoi is the great Turkic poet" in Baku in 1926 "The first congress of Turkologists", dedicated to the 500th anniversary of Navoi in Hijri. The reports of famous scientists of that time Ismoil Hikmat "Life and literary situation of Navoi", Mirza Jalal Yusufzade "About Navoi", Bakir Chobanzade "Navoi is a linguist" and Mirza Mukhsin Ibrohimi "Influence of Persian literature on Navoi" attracted the attention of not only participants, but also literary critics of all Turkic peoples, inspired them to study the work of Navoi. In the works published in the same year in Uzbekistan, in particular in the articles of Abdurauf Fitrat and Wadud Mahmudi, published in the journal "Education and Teacher", the influence of that congress was noticeable.

The spirit of the congress could create certain problems for

DOI: 10.24412/2181-1385-2023-1-271-276

O'zbek tili, adabiyoti va folklori instituti

Alisher Navoiy adabiy va ilmiy merosini o'rganish masalalari


the teachers of the colonial system. The interpretation of the life


and work of Navoi in the materials of the congress was found to be contrary to the ideology of the time, and it was practically forbidden to propagate them. All Russian orientalists were mobilized to rectify the situation. Orientalist E.E. Bertels wrote on this occasion that as a feature inherent in Navoi studies of that period, one could note the desire to talk about Navoi only to representatives of the national bourgeoisie, and use his name in their own interests. From this point of view, the published works were useless and even anti-scientific and harmful. The collection "Navoi", published in Baku (1926), was created on the basis of outdated information and consists of articles in which the main issue is covered completely incorrectly. However, the Academy of Sciences of the USSR immediately responded to the results of this congress.

The best manifestation of this research was the work of V.V. Bartold "The World of Alisher Navoi and Political Life". It created the image of Navoi, which became radically different from the previous ones. Navoi became a representative of the people, who hated the exploiting class, opposed the Shah, and suffered greatly for his views.

In the 1940s, the Soviet scientists began to generalize the works of past years in connection with the 500th anniversary of Alisher Navoi. On the eve of the first anniversary, celebrated in 1948, the studies were created on the great genius. There appeared the researches of such authors as E.E. Bertels, O. Sharafiddinov, A.N. Kononov, A. Hasanzade, F. Kocherli, S. Mumtaz, G. Begdeli, S. Vurgun, S. Aini, A. K. Borovkov, A. Semyonov, M. A. Salie, A. Yu. Yakubovsky, A. Sadi, M. Aybek, M. Sheikhzade, I. Sulton, A. Boldyrev. V. Zokhidov, V. Abdullaev, G. Arasli, M. Sultanov, A. Nazim, N. Arasli and others.

In the period when the proletarian cult was the main direction of state policy, the main task of the intelligentsia was to preserve the status of Navoi as a genius creator and personality, thereby ensuring the preservation of national values. Thanks to the works of the Uzbek and some Russian orientalists, new studies have become one of the independent areas of the Uzbek literary criticism.

During the Soviet period, the principle of ideological struggle prevailed in the study of national heritage. In this regard, researchers were forced to bypass the moments when covering the history of literature that did not correspond to the "socialist worldview", to create images of communist poets.

Scientists who directly investigated the historical sources of the 15th century drew attention to their difference from Barthold's

DOI: 10.24412/2181-1385-2023-1-271-276

O'zbek tili, adabiyoti va folklori instituti

Alisher Navoiy adabiy va ilmiy merosini o'rganish masalalari


concept. Many researchers did not agree with the one-sided


O'zbekiston Respublikasi fanlar akademiyasi O'zbek tili, adabiyoti va folklori instituti DOI: 10.24412/2181-1385-2023-1-271-276

Volume 4 | Conference Proceedings 1 | 2023

Alisher Navoiy adabiy va ilmiy merosini

interpretation adapted to the interests of the communist system. For example, E. Bertels in his studies, although he did not openly oppose Barthold's concept, nevertheless questioned its foundations, inflicting a serious blow on them.

A.A. Semyonov in his article "On the relationship between Alisher Navoi and Sultan Hussein Mirzo" opposed the comparison of the relationship between the Sultan and the poet, which took place in the East, with the relationship "The Tsar and Pushkin" in Russia. However, he overlooked some of the differences between Navoi and Boykaro, and made some mistakes in matters of the poet's origin.


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DOI: 10.24412/2181-1385-2023-1-271-276

O'zbek tili, adabiyoti va folklori instituti

Alisher Navoiy adabiy va ilmiy merosini o'rganish masalalari




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