THE MODERN METHODS OF TEACHING BASIC LANGUAGE SKILLS Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Qodirova G.T.

Effective language training includes all four language skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing. All of them are important and can not give preference to only certain types when learning a foreign language. But it is an aid in the capture of oral language and reading. It should be borne in mind that when we talk about writing as an independent form of speech activity, then it is about writing.

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UDC: 37.16

Qodirova G.T.

teacher of department of foreign languages faculty of agro engineering and hydro melioration Andijan Institute of Agriculture and Agro technologies

Andijan, Uzbekistan



Abstract: Effective language training includes all four language skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing. All of them are important and can not give preference to only certain types when learning a foreign language. But it is an aid in the capture of oral language and reading. It should be borne in mind that when we talk about writing as an independent form of speech activity, then it is about writing.

Key words: Effective language training, educational process, teacher, classroom work, development, technology.

The main skill of FL learners is writing. A writing system is an organized regular method (typically standardized) of information storage and transfer for the communication of messages (expressing thoughts or ideas) in a language by visually (or possibly tactilely) encoding and decoding (known as writing and reading) with a set of signs or symbols, both known generally as characters (with the set collective referred to as a "script"). These characters, often including letters and numbers, are usually recorded onto a durable medium such as paper or electronic storage/display, although non-durable methods may also be used, such as writing in sand or skywriting [3].

A. Budagov defines a theory of writing - written speech. Written speech includes two types of speech activities: productive (writing) and receptive (reading). Written speech has no means of sound and intonation. Writing and written speech act primarily as a means and a goal of teaching, while learning a foreign language.

Written speech is also a basic form of existence of speech in the scientific, journalistic, formal, business and artistic styles.

2. Listening is the main goal of learning. In accordance with the requirement to base line language skills, work on three types of listening:

a) listening with a full understanding of the text perceived by ear (listening for detail);

b) listening with a total coverage of content, i. e, with only a basic understanding of information (listening for the main idea);

c) listening for becoming desired or information of interest (Listening for specific information);

Listening - a complex process of perception and understanding of speech by ear. Listening may be the aim, and the means of education. This type of speech activity plays an important role in the initial stage in the achievement of practical, developmental, educational and instructional purposes, and serves as an effective means of teaching the English language. For listening does not significantly so immediately understand the foreign-language speech (this is fully practically unlikely) as the ability to achieve understanding, correct verbally responding to emerging interference. Bim created the following objectives of listening: Generate mechanisms listening: the ability to distinguish phonemes; the ability to distinguish intonemy; the ability to discriminate rhythmic patterns; to keep in mind the speech chain of different length; to predict the content of the speech on the grounds of a formal speech. Learning to understand the main content of relying on visual motor visibility, as well as gestures, facial expressions, rhythm, intonation and emotional support.

Listening allows you to implement educational, educational and developmental goals. It allows you to teach people to listen closely to the sounding speech, the ability to anticipate the shape semantic content of an utterance and thus foster a culture of listening not only foreign, but also in their native language. The educational value of formation of ability to understand speech at the hearing, is that it has a positive effect on the development of memory, and most of all auditory memory that is so important for learning a foreign language.

Listening is composed of perceived ability to differentiate sounds, integrate them into meaningful complexes, keep them in mind during the hearing, to carry out a probabilistic forecasting, and based on the situation of communication, understand the perceived sound chain.

The process of perception is in a certain normal rate, characteristic of a normal pace, peculiar to that language, from different sources, with natural disturbances of speech and non-speech character.

The next step of forming learning skills is reading. Reading - motivated, receptive, indirect form of speech activity flowing at the domestic level, aimed at extracting information from the written text of a fixed flowing through the processes of visual perception of any short-term memory and encoding information.

When learning a foreign language, reading is seen as an independent kind of speech activity has a leading position in its importance and availability. It performs the following functions:

> imparts skills of independent work.

> text is often acts as a basis for writing, speaking and listening.

> educational objectives (ethics, philosophy, values).

> expanding horizons.

> Instills a love of books.

To achieve these objectives it is necessary to attach to the reading of fiction, journalistic, scientific and professional literature in a foreign language.

The basis of learning to read the following principles allocated S. K. Folomkina:

learning to read - this is the voice of learning, ie communication, not just a way to screen readers;

learning to read should be constructed as a cognitive process;

reading instruction should include, along with the receptive and reproductive activities of students;

learning to read involves reliance on the mastery of language structure.

Speaking as a kind of speech activity is primarily based on language as a means of communication. Language enables communication between communicating because it is understood as the one who communicates information, encoding it in the meanings of words selected for this purpose, and the one who receives this information by decoding it, ie deciphering these values and changing based on the information their behavior.

According to Lazareva speaking has many characteristics of activity, that means speaking has also the object and the result [3].

Belogrudova (2004) also said that each vocal activity depends on the situation, conditions (circumstances, result), in which acts this saying.

Speaking - is verbal communication, ie verbal communication process with the help of language. Means of verbal communication are the words with assigned to them in the public experience of values [3].

The simplest kind of speech is a dialogue, that is, conversation, the interlocutors supported jointly discuss and decide any questions. Galskova and Getz wrote that dialogical speech is the form of speaking when occurs the exchange of sayings between two or more faces.

The second type of speech - a monologue that says one man, referring to another or to many people who hear it: this is the story of a teacher, a detailed recitation, report, etc. Also Galskova and Getz said: " in comparison with dialogical speech, monological is characterized by it's hugeness, that deals with the content of saying, availability of definite constructions and grammatical framing.

Monologue speech has greater compositional complexity, requires completion of thought, greater respect for the rules of grammar, rigorous logic and consistency in describing what to say uttering a monologue.

Methods which help to develop speaking skills - direct and communicative language teaching. The direct method, sometimes also called natural method, is a method that refrains from using the learners' native language and just uses the target language.

All countries share the right information with each other. English language-language of the world, the international language of communication. Internet also facilitates teaching. Also more and more people learn foreign languages. History of the Internet is very interesting. The Internet is used in teaching, education, learning, educational process, pedagogical process. Internet is very useful in teaching activities and teaching practice. But it is necessary to use the Internet in moderation and wisely. I made analysis of the role of foreign languages and the Internet. We have studied the information about modern methods of teaching the four basic skills in a foreign language: speaking, listening, writing and reading. But we should not forget about grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation. Because teachers of foreign languages have opportunities to teach speaking, reading, writing, listening, grammar, pronunciation and vocabulary. Foreign language teachers must teach students to all aspects of a foreign language. This is a very important and necessary, about this not necessary to forget.

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