THE METHODS OF DEVELOPING PUPILS WRITING SKILLS IN ENGLISH CLASSES Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Ключевые слова
general strategies / process approach / writing skills / importance of writing. / общие стратегии / процессный подход / навыки письма / важность письма.

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Rakhimova, Makhliyo, Mamadjanova, Nozima Adhamovna

Listening, speaking, reading and writing are the four skills that make up any language. Having good writing skills may assist you in conveying information in a more comprehensive, informative, clear and direct manner. The ability to write effectively and precisely is an important skills, especially in a professional environment. Writing is an activity with many moving parts. A pupil must bring together vocabulary grammar and mental processing and then rely on the physical aspect of handwriting or typing out the words. Writing is intricately linked to critical thinking. It also has implications for performance across all areas of the school curriculum. Writing is how a pupil demonstrates what has been learned. For students to improve their English writing skills, they need to practice as often as possible, learn how to type so they can write quickly on a computer, and be introduced to strategies that will help them develop their skills. Process approach is learner-centered in which learners’ needs, general strategies, value good writing, brief writing exercises, goals, learning styles are taken into consideration.

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Аудирование, говорение, чтение и письмо — четыре навыка, из которых состоит любой язык. Хорошие навыки письма могут помочь вам в передаче информации в более полной, информативной, ясной и прямой форме. Умение писать эффективно и точно является важным навыком, особенно в профессиональной среде. Письмо — это деятельность, состоящая из многих движущихся частей. Ученик должен объединить словарную грамматику и умственную обработку, а затем полагаться на физический аспект почерка или набора слов. Письмо неразрывно связано с критическим мышлением. Это также влияет на успеваемость во всех областях школьной программы. Письмо — это то, как ученик демонстрирует то, что он выучил. Чтобы учащиеся могли улучшить свои навыки письма на английском языке, им необходимо практиковаться как можно чаще, научиться печатать, чтобы они могли быстро писать на компьютере, и ознакомиться со стратегиями, которые помогут им развить свои навыки. Процессный подход ориентирован на учащегося, в котором учитываются потребности учащихся, общие стратегии, ценность хорошего письма, краткие письменные упражнения, цели, стили обучения.


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Rakhimova Makhliyo Mamadjanova Nozima Adhamovna

Master's student, University of Business and Science


Listening, speaking, reading and writing are the four skills that make up any language. Having good writing skills may assist you in conveying information in a more comprehensive, informative, clear and direct manner. The ability to write effectively and precisely is an important skills, especially in a professional environment.

Writing is an activity with many moving parts. A pupil must bring together vocabulary grammar and mental processing and then rely on the physical aspect of handwriting or typing out the words. Writing is intricately linked to critical thinking. It also has implications for performance across all areas of the school curriculum. Writing is how a pupil demonstrates what has been learned. For students to improve their English writing skills, they need to practice as often as possible, learn how to type so they can write quickly on a computer, and be introduced to strategies that will help them develop their skills. Process approach is learner-centered in which learners' needs, general strategies, value good writing, brief writing exercises, goals, learning styles are taken into consideration.

Key words: general strategies, process approach, writing skills, importance of writing.


Nowadays, pupils are lacking writing skills as they spend most of their time in using their equipped smart phones, and they depend on electronic devices or gadgets. They use their valuable time in searching what others are doing instead of learning the language skills.

Also, teaching writing is not only the job of the English department alone. Writing is an essential tool for learning a discipline and helping pupils improve their writing skills is a responsibility for all classes.

Stress the importance of clear, thoughtful writing. Classes who tell students that good writing will be rewarded and poor writing will be penalized receive better essays than instructors who do not make such demands.

In the syllabus, on the first day, and throughout the term, remind pupils that they must make their best effort in expressing themselves on paper. Back up your

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statements with comments on early assignments that show you really mean it, and your pupils will respond.

Additionally, to vary the pace of a lecture course, ask pupils to write a few minutes during class. Some mixture of in-class writing, outside writing assignments, and exams with open-ended questions will give pupils the practice they need to improve their skills. In this article, we discuss how to teach and develop writing skills the approaches to teaching writing and we provide some tips to help you improve your teaching skills for high and elementary classes.

Nunan says, "Writing is an extremely complex cognitive activity in which the writer is required to demonstrate control of variables simultaneously. At the sentence level, these include control of contents, format, sentence structure, vocabulary, spelling and letter formation. Beyond the sentence, writer must be able to structure and integrate information into cohesive and coherent paragraph and text.

Strong writing skills may enhance students' chances for success(Alexander). In discussing the significance of writing to learning, Suleiman also stresses that writing is an essential factor of language. Any reading and language curriculum must think about the multidimensional nature of writing in instructional practices, evaluation procedures, and language development. "

Generally, writing is very important that communication is transmitted more through writing than any other type of media. So, pupils need effective writing skills to meet their academic needs and workplace requirements.

The importance and need of writing skills Harmer says stress on the essentiality of the writing skill saying "The reasons for teaching writing to pupils of English as a foreign language include reinforcement, language development, learning style, and most importantly, writing as a skill in its own right".

Janet Emig described writing as "a unique made of learning involving the active participation of both the left and right hemispheres of the brain. Researchers have agreed that writing enhances thinking skills: the higher congnitive functions of analysis and synthesis seem to develop most fully with the support of written language ".

The following are some of the ways to help kids develop their writing skill:

• Encourage reading. Good writers tend to be avid readers and there is a reason for this. The more a child reads, the more they will be exposed to new vocabulary in context and the more words they will learn. Once a word is part of their receptive vocabulary, it is a lot easier for it to make the transition into productive use. Reading

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also exposes kids to different ways of using words and variety of sentence structures that they can use their own writing.

• Teach working in drafts. Brainstorming, putting ideas down on paper, ensuring the language and thoughts flow and revising for typos and errors are all different steps in the process of writing. Children need to understand that a perfect sentence does not just come out of nowhere, it develops through a back and forth process as the writer writes, reviews and revises his or her text. This is one reason it is helpful for kids to write on a computer. It saves erasing and allows children to make multiple attempts at getting their thoughts down, until they find the phrasing they want. Writing on the computer also make it more efficient to reorganize longer pieces of writing, to help information flow better.

• Ask parents to help outside of school. Kids learn to write through example. Completing an initial draft alone is sometimes important, particularly if the task requires important, particularly if the task requires sharing personal thoughts and experiences, but it also helps to have someone else there to review it. Parents can make a huge difference in how their children's writing skills improve by agreeing to read early drafts. Use the child's words to suggest optimized phrasing and help them pinpoint what they are trying to say through conversation. This makes it easier for the ideas to be written down.

• Allow the use of spell and grammar checks. It is easy to dismiss technology-use as being lazy, but spelling and grammar feedback can actually be extremely helpful for a child wgo is learning how to write or trying to improve. This is because sometimes there are multiple suggested corrections that force a child not only to notice the awkward phrasing or misspelled word, but to spend some extra cognitive energy thinking about how to correct it. Computers also provide an opportunity to correct errors without the embarrassment or stigma of multiple eraser marks on a hand-written copy.

• Incentivize free writing at home and school. When children learn to write well they are not just cultivating academic skills, they are also opening up a new avenue for self-expression. Creative tasks foster positive associations with writing, so children see it not just as an activity for learning and reporting information at school, but a way of getting their thoughts across. It does not matter who reads what they are writing or even what it is about, it is just good idea if it becomes a regular activity. Parents might suggest keeping a personal diary with a journal entry a day resulting in a special treat at the and of the week. It is also important for teachers to encourage any and every opportunity for writing, as the more kids write, the more they will improve and hone their skills.

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The writing process requires several key skills in high classes. There are methods available to assist struggling writers in developing these writing skills. That is because there is a lot that goes into expressing thoughts in writing or written expression. Here are some basic steps for teaching writing skills that can help establish a strong foundation in the learning process:

• Ensure proper spelling and punctuation usage. The proper usage of spelling and punctuation is one of the most important elements of writing. By distributing worksheets, you can teach spelling and punctuation skills. The worksheets can include a fill in the blank section that prompts candidates to use their vocabulary to fill in missing words and punctuation in sentences and improve their skills.

• Improve reading comprehension. Good reading comprehension is important for good writing skills as it adds meaning to what is read. You may improve your students' reading comprehension by enhancing their vocabulary and encouraging them to read more books and other types of material. Reading comprehension also improves by answering questions and writing a summary about text. Other simple tips, such as reading aloud for extra clarity and reading in a quiet environment, may be effective.

• Building sentence and paragraph structure. Building sentence and paragraph structure ensures that the writing is as clear and understandable as possible. It primarily consist of forming sentences and paragraphs with the appropriate tense and placing modifiers and verbs in the right place. Teaching students the importance of having a beginning, middle and end in their paragraphs is important for their progression to more advanced writing skills, such as essays and articles.

• Explain the different types of writing. A comprehensive understanding of the different types of writing is an important part of learning how to write. The four types of writing are narrative, descriptive, persuasive and expository writing. Besides regular writing assignments, you can provide your students with creativity and solidify their writing skills.

• Educate about editing. The final part of the writing process is editing the draft for grammar and punctuation errors. It is important to revise the draft, catch the errors and rectify them to have an error-free document. You can encourage your students to read the draft aloud or ask a peer to review it to find the mistakes.

Approaches to teaching writing skills. The product approach and the process approach are two methods for teaching writing. English language teachers have recommended these approaches over the last few decades. Here are some writing approaches and how they contribute to the teaching and learning of English writing skills:

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The first is Product approach- the product approach compels the writer to focus on the finished text or the product of writing, rather than the steps and stages necessary to get there. The focus of the product approach to writing is final, polished document. It is usually done in a single sitting, with no revisions or breaks. Product approaches include reports, blogs, newspaper articles, formal letters and emails and memos. The second is Process approach- the Process approach to teaching writing is that if students receive feedback while writing, it may improve the final result. This method is a natural sequence of steps that writes take to complete a piece of writing is on the process rather than finished product. It divides the act of writing into manageable steps for completion, with enough time given for each step. CONCLUSION

In conclusion, it is to realize that writing is an extremely complex congnitive activity in which the writer is required to demonstrate control of variables simultaneously. Good writing skills are needed for all the students in order to accomplish their educational and employable requirements. Strong writing skills may enhance students' chances for success, writing is an essential factor of language.


1. Ashok Sapkota, Developing Students' Writing Skill through Peer and Teacher Correction: An Action Research (Nepal English Language Teachers' Association (NELTA), ISSN: 2091-0487)

2. Chieko Onozawa, A Study of the Process Writing Approach-A Suggestion for an Eclectic Writing Approach, (RESEARCH NOTE: https://gair.media.gunma-u.ac.jp/dspace/bitstream/10087/7218/1/2010onozawa2.pdf)

3. Graham Stanley. (1993). Process Writing, British Council, Barcelona.

4. Galuh Nurrohmah, Improving Students' Writing Skill Using A Process Approach (Https://Www.Researchgate.Net/Publication/)

5. Md. Kamrul Hasan & Mohd. Moniruzzaman Akhand, Approaches to Writing in EFL/ESL Context: Balancing Product and Process in Writing Class at Tertiary Level (Journal of NELTA Vol. 15 No. 1-2 December 2010)

6. Nunan, D. (1991). Language teaching methodology: A textbook for teachers. Edinburgh, Harlow, England: Longman.

7. Richard Badger and Goodith White, A process genre approach to teaching writing (http://eltj.oxfordjournals.org/ at Serial Record on March 5, 2016)

8. Sangamitra A, Sahul Hameed, Developing the writing skills in English of Students at College Level- AProcess Approach, (Volume 11, Number 1, 2016, http://www.ripublication.com)

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